Criminal Shitzerland (Switzerland - CH) - Rothschild's money island in Continental Europe with the highest percentage of criminality worldwide
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Criminal Shitzerland (Switzerland): note 2

Shitzerland is one of the bases for the crime of the drug Queen of England - mentally mad -- Shitzerland's and English mentality: enjoying wars and propaganda against Germans are in common -- Shitzerland=mentally mad

Gold bar 500g of Credit Suisse
Gold bar 500g of Credit Suisse [1]

by Michael Palomino (2015)



Shitzerland is one of the bases for the crime of the drug Queen of England - mentally mad

(Data are from: John Coleman: The Committee of 300)

Shitzerland is not "neutral" but is a member state of the Committee of 300 with the drug Queen of England, and there are some striking communalities between the Royals and Shitzerland:

-- the war mongers in the Committee of 300 are enjoying every new war for making profits selling armaments, making profits with war loans, and making profits for transportations to overseas countries - and Shitzerland is also enjohying every war because the world is more unsafe and money flows to Shitzelrand then - these two mentalities to enjoy wars are really striking (!)

-- officially the laws of Shitzerland are against drugs, but Swiss highstreet banks are producing the 400g gold bars for the world wide drug trade of the Queen of England; with these little gold bars the drug lords of Asia are payed; the payement is performed in Dubai

-- thus as it seems since 1945 (or since 1850 already?) criminal Shitzerland installed itself in the Committee of 300 of the drug Queen of England for damaging mankind even more and for making even more profits at the same time with this (before 1945 Shitzerland was giving the Third Reich any help, and since 1945 they cashed the nameless Jewish bank accounts, and since 1950 apr. Shitzerland has installed with the Royals in their drug trade...)

-- criminal Shitzerland has 6 member sin the Committee of 300, these are 2%, Hong Kong has only one member more, 7 members, where the big opium stocks are piled in the port

-- with all this Shitzerland is principally a member of Commonwealth and in the system of the Royals in London and is a member in the system of MI6, the direct secret service of the drug Queen of England

-- but now Shitzerland is even much more criminal because this "business" with drug gold is only a little part because there is also robbery of bank accounts, there is weapon trafficking, woman trafficking, child trafficking, child murders in the "Basel Animal Circle" and there is toxic pharma with syntetic drugs (up to 10,000% profits), toxic pills, vaccines and lethal pesticides and so on (!)

-- and at the same time Swiss policy is making propaganda against Germans again and again without knowing anything about the real history of Germany - but the propaganda against Germans in Shitzerland is again in common with the English mentality where also propaganda against Germans exists (!)

Mentalities of Shitzelrand and English mentlity: enjoying wars and propaganda against Germans are in common

With all this criminal Shitzerland has two big factor sin common with the Committee of 300 with the drug Queen of England:

1st Shitzerland's policy and the "300" with the drug Queen of England enjoy both every war because ruins and mass murder brings profits for them

2nd The second factor in common between Shitzerland and the 300 (Roiyals etc.) is the propaganda against Germans without having any real idea about German history.

3d Shitzerland and the 300 (Royals etc.) are managing together the drug trade in Asia

And 4th The criminal Royals like to make holidays in Shitzerland... - well, now one knows why!

Communalities between Shitzerland, the
                          Committee of 300 and the criminal Royals
Communalities between Shitzerland, the Committee of 300 and the criminal Royals

Censorship without end in Shitzerland - concealing the truth
It is striking that since Sep. 11, 2001 the Swiss media are totally censored. Alternative information is only ot have in Germany principally. It may be that this complete censorship in Shitzerland is performed to keep the drug secret and to keep the connection to the Queen of England secret "saving" it.

Propaganda against foreigners without end in Shitzerland - propaganda tactics probably come from Tavistock Institute
By the direct connection between the criminal "elite" of Shitzerland and the drug Queen of England it is even probable that Shitzerland also copies the propaganda methods of the Tavistock Institute applying them against the own population diverting the population from logic thinking:
-- with "conditioned thinking"
-- demonstrating wrong enemies
-- long term propaganda
-- destabilization by shocks and confusion
-- manhunt as a diversion from important topics
-- concealement of criminality in the "elite" etc.

Propaganda against Germans in Swiss media could even be orderd from London from the drug Queen of England
By this direct connection between the criminal "elite" of Shitzerland with the drug Queen of England it is even probable that the queen is even ORDERING to the Swiss government to make propaganda against Germans so no friendship is coming up between Swiss and Germans so this Shitzerland is kept and will not be lost as a spying island for MI6 and CIA. It seems absolutely probable that this drug Queen of England who is also thinking in black and white stereotypes without further educaiton is even extorting the Swiss government: When Swiss policy is too German friendly then Shitzerland will loose the gold production for the royal drug trade with Asia.

Shitzerland=mentally mad - chocolate and high percentage of illnesses

I NEVER had thought that this Shitzerland is part of the highest criminality in the world being one of the principal bases for the drug Queen of England. Therefore Swiss people is also so unhappy and can never behave well with Germand, and therefore Swiss people are consuming so much chocolate, but they have a high cancer rate, a high allergy rate, a high suicide rate, and they don't know where all this comes from. Swiss mental madness just has it's price.

And it's even much worse: Shitzerland with all it's criminality (bank secret, drug trade, weapon trafficking, woman trafficking, child trafficking, ritual child murders, toxic pills, toxic vaccines, lethal pesticides etc.) is the most criminal country considered the proportion between criminal products and the size of the population.

Shitzerland is directly and heavily involved in the mass killing genocide process which is managed by the criminal Committee of 300!

Helpless criminal Swiss mean that their criminal country would be "normal" and they are not reading
Many Swiss don't know until now why this Shitzerland and why criminal Swiss policy is "like this", and why there is never harmony with Germany. And Swiss even claim that their behavior with all this criminality would be "normal" and then they even claim that others could also "do it like this" - just becoming also so criminal!

"Schweinz" and "Shitzerland" are good terms - Shitzerland is a "package" with the drug Queen of England and criminal MI6+CIA
Until 2008 I had to bear all this when I was persecuted as a German in this criminal Shitzerland over decades with political persecution and I can only warn that this Shitzerland is an absolutely toxic country - and it's striking that not only other foreigners in Shitzerland are also confirming this but even Coleman is also confirming this. In my case my Swiss web site was attacked and blocked 5 times in 9 years, and the end was an attack by criminal garbage trader and Free Mason bankster Tettamanti who is also performing drug money laundering with his Fidinam in Lugano. The web site was split and renamed then so the criminal Swiss are kicked out of the big web site (!). Only now the attacks against the truth web sites stopped. But political persecution is going on in the whole world by the secrets services of this Shitzerland without any reason because there is no delict at all to persue - they are INVENTING delicts and by this they have just their joy to persue a German who is born in their Shitzerland.

MI6, CIA and Shitzerland are forming a "package" - I could see this in Thailand during my stay 2012 to 2014 when Swiss spies entered my hotel with MI6 spies "encircling" my room for 4 times the price for each room, "encircling" my flat paying 4 times the price for each flat, "encircling" my house manpulating the neighbors without end etc. etc. I could observe how spies from Shitzerland were pretending to be Norwegians or Russiand inscribing themselves with faked passports but they were speaking Swiss German in their rooms and this could be detected clearly. I could see this again from 2014 to 2015 in Germany with never ending propaganda against my person embarrassing all neighbors. They are even manpulating the mass media with their manhunt against the pioneer historian. They never give up wasting millions for their manhunt and calumny actions when they are "in love" with a victim. MI6 is even spreading it's propaganda to Interpol world wide misleading all other local secret services like German Zionist BND or German Zionist "Verfassungsschutz" or German Zionist left extremist "Antifa" or the right extremist NATO etc. forming new "spying groups" against the victim - but all this is diversion from the big problems of the world! Not only Strauss-Kahn is one mor victim of such calumnies. The spying techniques of today are providing possibilities for calumnies without end, and the big problems of the world are never solved any more.

The big problems of today are never managed - and Shitzerland is collaborating in this diversion game!
Shitzerland and MI6+CIA are a "package" always diverting from the big problems of the world like
-- sinking Bangkok,
-- sinking Shanghai,
-- 50 towns sinking in China,
-- sinking Jacarta,
-- pesticides are eliminating bees and insects,
-- fracking is destroying ground water resources and is provoking earth quakes
-- vaccines are provoking more illnesses and are not protecting from the illness as the doctors are pretending etc. etc.

In the book "The Committee of 300" the connection between Shitzerland and Royals is mentioned several times with terror tactics of the Tavistock Institute inclusive. In the book about Tavistock Institute the psychological warfare of the Queen of England is described in detail:

The trilogy by Coleman with
                  the books about the Committee of 300, Tavistock
                  Institute for psychological warfare, and genocide Club
                  of Rome
The trilogy by Coleman with the books about the Committee of 300, Tavistock Institute for psychological warfare, and genocide  Club of Rome [3]

The system of the drug Queen of England and the sysatematic genocides - eliminate the system of the criminal Royals
All this shows: Shitzerland and the drug Queen of England with the criminal Royals and with their criminal secret services MI6 and it's "cousin" CIA are a "toxic package", they are mentally mad and retarded and never learn - they NEVER WANT TO LEARN what is important in life for saving lives. All my warnings from sinking Bangkok snice April 2013 with many web sites e.g. are not respected and Shitzerland's secret service SND and MI6 and CIA let Bangkok sink never informing the commanders in Thailand what they should do! Banks are solved in the world but millions are starving hunger or even dying in the cold in winter in tents in the "USA"! This system is NOT WORKING! The drug Queen of England has trillions on her bank accounts - all drug money from China and Asia, diamond money from South Africa or also gold mine money from South Africa - but even in Europe 100,000s are left without shelter since 2008 since Euro crisis, even poverty in England is not rare any more.

The "package" is comprising not only Shitzerland, but the drug Queen of England is also dominating the state departments of Canada, "USA" and Hong Kong where are the big opium deposits in the port. At the same time this drug Queen of England lets the poor in Europe poor keeping trillions on her own bank accounts. THIS is like this Queen of England likes her life in black and white killing humans without mercy by the "system". Drug Queen of England has no problems letting sinking Bangkok, Shanghai, Jacarta and so on whereas MI6 knows about it! And Shitzerland is one important base of this system! The "package" is only working with the censorship orders from the drug Queen...

All in all And again it comes out that the world of "Shitzerland" is really matching to this Switzerland.

Shit - shitter - Shitzerland.

And this matchs together with the drug Queen of England - a dreadful destructive pair - a pair of horror.

Suggestion for the commanders of the world: humble the criminal Royals for peace in the world
It would be a relief for the world when the commanders of the world would eliminate this system of the drug Queen of England so all could live in peace.

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Criminal Shitzerland (Switzerland - CH) - Rothschild's money island in Continental Europe with the highest percentage of criminality worldwide
This is top! - More criminal it's not possible!

Photo sources
[1] Gold bar 500g of Credit Suisse:
[3] The trilogy by Coleman with the books about the Committee of 300, Tavistock Institute for psychological warfare, and genocide  Club of Rome: Amazon
