Part 5: bilateral treaties, soldiers, UNO and
asylum abuse - "niggers" and "rats" are the new kind
of speaking of Nazi SVP
Negotiations and people's vote about "bilateral
treaties between Switzerland and EU I+II, book
This treaty has a high price, 250 Swiss
In the period between 1999 and 2001 Swiss government had
the task to reach "bilateral treaties" with EU. This
work were performing state's secretaries in Brussels. At
the same time EU hardly had any understanding for EU
critical Switzerland, because the dream of EURO was
prepared at the same time. Mafia was NEVER mentioned and
whole Europe was pretended to have a stable EU and a
stable EURO.
People's vote "Yes to Europe" for a fast access to
the EU
There were left and central streams who had initiated a
people's vote for a fast access to the EU with the
slogan "Yes to Europe" but the population was
intelligent always comparing what was happening with
Austria in the EU and then there was over 70% No. Also
Swiss Government was rejecting any fast procedure.
Socialists and Christ Popular Party CVP were supporting
a fast access to the EU.
Well, indirectly the title of this people's vote meant
that Europe without EU would not be Europe any more. But
Swiss population did see this lie - not like Austrians
who had walked into the EU trap.
Additionally EU was always admitting new states, and
thus the problems were rising without end exceeding the
capacities of EU, and mafia of eastern Europe made also
an easy game robbing funds from Brussels.
What happened with Austria? - threats with sanctions
of EU against Austrian government
National election
results in Austria of 1999 [2]
At the same time Switzerland was watching well what was
happening in Austria, how Brussels was managing the
membership with Austria. And look here: Brussels was
threatening Austria with sanctions because there was a
"Freedom Party of Austria" (FPÖ) there fighting for
freedom without EU dictations. The new government in
Austria was with a partnership with FPÖ now, and EU in
Brussels was "sanctioning" Austria now:
<Government participation of FPÖ was provoking heavy
protests on the diplomatic level and also in parts of
the Austrian population. In Foreign Policy the Federal
Government was sanctioned bilaterally. The 14 EU states
limited their contact to the Austrian government to a
minimum. 8 months later the sanctions were abolished
after an advice of European Court for Human Rights with
an expert team with three experts. Israel was retiring
it's ambassador from Vienna.>
(orig. German:
<Die Regierungsbeteiligung der FPÖ löste starke
Proteste sowohl auf diplomatischer Ebene als auch in
Teilen der österreichischen Bevölkerung aus.
Außenpolitisch wurde die neue Bundesregierung mit bilateralen
Sanktionen belegt. Die 14 EU-Staaten
beschränkten den Kontakt zur österreichischen
Bundesregierung auf das nötigste, acht Monate später
wurden diese Sanktionen auf den Rat eines vom Europäischen
Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte gesandten
dreiköpfigen Expertenteams allerdings wieder
aufgehoben. Israel zog seinen Botschafter aus
Wien ab.>
As is seems, EU wanted to give a trial period how FPÖ
would behave as a government's party and was lifting the
sanctions then. In the same manner a mother is educating
her son limiting pocket money when he committed
something "bad". Well, the situation should be vice
versa 10 years later. But in Switzerland this procedure
had direct effects to the bilateral treaties.
In the meantime of these 8 months with sanctions against
Austria there was a big discussion beginning in
Switzerland. SVP member Schlüer was asking at March 6,
2000 in the National Assembly how one could imagine that
a collaboration with Brussels should be possible. Also
the Bilateral Treaties for Switzerland would be in
danger for being rejected in a people's vote.
<After the democratic elections in Austria EU was
busy with the question how one could elude the
involvement of Freedom Party with the Austrian
government. EU member states had taken the decision to
sanction Austria with the dubious justification that
common values and principles would count more than the
sovereignty of a member's state. Thus it may be asked
what comprehension of democracy has this EU. The events
provoked also many questions within Swiss population
concerning EU. A negative effect considering the
people's vote concerning the Bilateral Treaties cannot
be excluded.>
(orig. in German:
<Nach den demokratischen Wahlen in Österreich hat
sich die EU mit der Frage befasst, wie sie mit einer
allfälligen Beteiligung der Freiheitlichen Partei an
der Regierung Österreichs umgehen will. Die
EU-Mitgliedstaaten haben sich in der Folge zu
Sanktionen entschlossen mit der fragwürdigen
Begründung, erstmals so genannte gemeinschaftliche
Werte und Prinzipien der Souveränität eines
Mitgliedslandes überzuordnen. Dies wirft ein
zweifelhaftes Licht auf das Demokratieverständnis in
der EU. Die Vorkommnisse haben auch in der Schweizer
Bevölkerung zahlreiche Fragen bezüglich der
Zusammenarbeit mit der EU aufkommen lassen. Ein
negativer Einfluss auf den Urnenentscheid zu den
bilateralen Verträgen ist nicht auszuschliessen.>
Member of National Parliament of Switzerland, Maximilian
Reimann, was also mentioning that sanctions of EU
against the new Austrian government had shaked the
confidence of Swiss population into the Bilateral
<Dubious "measures with sanctions and disciplining"
of EU against a democratic elected and democratic
composed government in our neighboring country of
Austria have provoked a great mistrust in large parts of
Swiss population against this institution called "EU",
so the people's vote about the Bilateral Treaties with
EU can be affected - whereas these treated have passed
the Federal Parliament and Council without any problem
with huge majorities.>
(orig. in German:
<Die fragwürdigen "Sanktions- und
Disziplinierungsmassnahmen" der EU gegenüber der
demokratisch zustande gekommenen neuen Regierung in
unserem Nachbarland Österreich haben in breiten
Kreisen des Schweizervolkes aber ein derart grosses
Misstrauen gegen die Institution EU heraufbeschworen,
dass das von den eidgenössischen Räten mit
überwältigendem Mehr ratifizierte Vertragswerk in
Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden könnte.>
It's even possible that these doubts from Switzerland
had a certain influence to Brussels to lift the
sanctions after 8 months.
May 21, 2000: Bilateral Treaties 67.2% Yes
AUNS of propagandist Christoph Blocher was collecting
signatures against these Bilateral Treaties which had
been worked out with Brussels in a troublesome way. Why
there was not simply one more vote about EEA is not at
all logic - because Liechtenstein had two votes for EEA
and in 1995 the second vote about the conditions had
also be a Yes. But racist Blocher and his "brothers" and
"sisters" in his AUNS [for an independent Switzerland]
wanted Switzerland without treaty with it's neighbors,
an impossibility. Considering this one can see that
Blocher's policy is not for Switzerland and he is not at
all a supportive person of the state, but he and his
"friends" only want to provoke and to win not important
what it costs. His political foresight did not even
reach to his tip of his nose. Of course the poster for
the collection of signatures was again in the Nazi
colors black and red.
Collection of signatures of AUNS against Bilateral
Treaties in the year 2000 [3], again in the provoking
Nazi colors red and black
Well, AUNS was working in vain this time because one
could not leave Switzerland without treaties with it's
<Bilateral Treaties I are a package of treaties
between European Community and Switzerland which
describes primarily the opening of the market. After a
No to EEA in 1992 Switzerland decided to begin bilateral
negotiations with EU. The goal was to arrange the
collaboration between Switzerland and EU. In a people's
vote against this package of treaties in the year 2000
67.2% were voting yes for the treaties of Bilateral
Treaties I. And in June1, 2002 these treaties became
Bilateral treaties had the following 7 topics:
- traffic on the land (opening of markets for road
traffic and rail traffic step by step)
- air traffic (permitting access to the air traffic
markets for air lines step by step)
- liberty for persons to settle everywhere (opening
of the job markets step by step)
- agriculture (simplification of commerce with
agrarian products reducing customs and mutual
recognition of equality of prescriptions)
- technical obstacles of commerce (simplification of
authorization of products)
- public procurement (amplification of the duty of
public procurement for investments or buildings of
the state and of public companies)
- science (sharing for Swiss scientists with EU
science programs)>äge+1.html
March 4, 2001: The vote "Yes to Europe" with
76.6% No
Fast access to the EU was rejected. The slogan of
Socialist Party "Yes to Europe" was combined with
posters with European stars on it, but these stars
represent also mafia in Europe. The poster of the
Socialists presented the vote aside of other national
votes pretending that this "Yes to Europe" would not be
so important - as important as speed 30 km/h or lower
prices for medicaments...
Poster of Socialists (SP) "Yes to Europe" with
European stars [4]. This is really an
impertinence for Swiss voter's population
Map of EU of 1995 [5]
Map of EU in 2004 [6]
After the accepted Bilateral Treaties it had been
possible to retire the initiative for a fast access to
the EU, but it seemed that nobody wanted this.
Additionally the eastern European countries were waiting
for an access to the EU. These were former Communist
states, and EU would be even more difficult to manage
and even less efficient as it was already. East European
mafia was spreading since 1990 about in Central Europe
and was sharing Europe with Italian mafia and Russian
mafia. I saw this mafia war with my own eyes in Freiburg
im Breisgau from 1999 to 2001 when I lived there.
Extortions for protection money and mafia borders within
German towns were normal already. And when the
development of EU would go on like this then also
Balkans mafia would be involved...
Swiss statistics always warned from this EU monster that
never will work
-- because Germany was the main net contributor
-- because there were over 20 languages to coordinate
-- because mafia from Italy was not the only one
undermining the administration in Brussels but east
European and Russian mafia were also working there
-- and because EU was always bigger and bigger.
Swiss web site "" by Martin Herzog in
Basel (September 3, 2010) presented the crucial "point":
<The south is tearing down the system with it's
Catholic economy of debts - and the north is paying
thanks of it's Protestant saving economy. here is the
big construction fault of EU, because different economic
areas need a different monetary policy (see also money
(orig. in German:
<Der Süden ist dabei - und bringt das System in die
Bredouille mit seiner katholischen
Schuldwirtschaft - der Norden bezahlt, dank protestantischer
Sparwirtschaft. Hier liegt einer
der grössten Konstruktionsfehler der EU, denn
unterschiedliche Wirtschaftsräume brauchen eine
unterschiedliche Geldpolitik (s. Geldökologie).
A national
Swiss sticker with the EU stars around
[7] - and the same sticker with EU stars
around Switzerland in form of a barbed
wire [8]
But it's even much worse. Catholic countries do not
only have a debts economy, but they have a mafia
economy systematically sucking transfer funds from
Brussels letting them discover somewhere. I said in
my video of June 2011 "Dollar and Euro will go
both": With the EURO something has merged which does
not belong together. But nobody wanted to hear it,
also Mrs. Merkel either.
Here is the video speech of 12 minutes with the
There was enough propaganda for EU in Switzerland,
for example stickers on cars with a CH surrounded by
EU stars. But looking to Austria how the authorities
in Brussels were managing the membership with
Austria then Swiss population saw rapidly that these
stars could convert into a barbed wire fast. There
is also a saying: "You only see stars", and such a
k.o. the big majority of Switzerland did simply not
want to have.
That means that EU states will become a big
concentration camp which is disguised as an "EU".
With so many different languages and cultures and
mafia organizations in it etc. etc. there is no
efficiency possible in this EU monster. No majority
of Swiss voters wants to support an access to this
monster, never in life! But persons who said
something against this EU were rated just as
Correspondingly the people's vote
was a 76.7% No.
News in Swiss TV of March 4, 2001 showing the vote's
result against fast access to the EU with 76.7% No [9]
- and Swiss map showing the vote of the cantons: all
cantons rejected this idea [10]
The initiative for fast negotiations for an access to
the EU was rejected with 76.7% with a voter's turnout of
Switzerland had also become net contributor and this had
served only to the mafia. And thus the decision was
right. In this way also the Germans had voted when
Germany had made a people's vote possible about this EU
Propagandist Blocher
commenting the No to "Yes to Europe", 2001
[11]: In Swiss constitution must not be
written anything about an accession to the
EU. And in this case he was right. With a
mafia empire one cannot close contracts.
There is a general law about big estates and empires: an
empire will fail because of overexpansion of it's border
lines. And just this fault this EU is committing until
today (2013), and Swiss population knows this again and
again and rather likes the saying: "small but beautiful"
- to the contrary EU is with the saying "big and on
horseback..." until falls.
Mr. Blocher is competent in financial matters and gave
his comment: "Swiss population does not want that in
it's constitution is written that the aim wold be an
accession to the EU. There is doubt about this will."
(orig. in German:
"Die schweizer Stimmbevölkerung will nicht, dass in der
Verfassung steht, das Ziel ist ein EU-Beitritt. Da kann
man nicht rütteln.")
Now, Nazi SVP claims for a drawback of the membership
application of 1992
On March 20, 2001, Toni Brunner was claiming in the name
of the fraction of SVP the following text at Swiss
<SVP fraction is claiming that Swiss Government - as
a consequence of the people's vote against "Yes to
Europe" - will draw the membership application back.
There was a huge majority against this membership with
EU rejecting the initiative "Yes to Europe" which
rejected the integration policy of the government. The
population has the cognition that the consequences of an
access to the EU would be negative. This is the result
of all the discussions which were held before this
people's vote. It's up to the Federal Government now to
tear the necessary consequences. When the government is
leaving the membership application working in Brussels
the credibility of Swiss democracy is damaged abroad and
is endangering further bilateral negotiations even more
as they were in danger until today.>
(orig. in German:
<Die SVP-Fraktion fordert den Bundesrat auf, als
Konsequenz aus dem Abstimmungsresultat zur
Volksinitiative "Ja zu Europa!" das
EU-Beitrittsgesuch zurückzuziehen.
Mit der überwältigenden Ablehnung der Volksinitiative
"Ja zu Europa!" hat das Schweizer Stimmvolk der
bundesrätlichen Integrationspolitik eine Absage
erteilt und mehr als deutlich einen neuen Auftrag
erteilt. Dies erfolgte in Erkenntnis der negativen
Folgen eines EU-Beitrittes, die durch die
ausführlichen Diskussionen um die Vor- und Nachteile
eines solchen Integrationsschrittes offenbar wurden.
Es ist nun am Bundesrat, die notwendigen Konsequenzen
zu ziehen. Ein Beharren auf dem Beitrittsgesuch lässt
die Schweizer Demokratie im Ausland als wenig
glaubwürdig erscheinen und erschwert die künftigen
bilateralen Verhandlungen noch mehr, als dies bis
anhin sowieso schon der Fall war.>
These clear claims are NOT fulfilled by Swiss
government until today (2013). It seems that a
separate people's vote is needed so the Swiss
Government receives the order to draw back the
membership application...
People's vote about Swiss soldiers in peace
missions abroad: 51% Yes
A next signature collection was procedures by AUNS in
the same year against Swiss soldiers in peace missions
abroad. The project of Government Member Schmid (from
the Berne part of SVP) was to make an active
contribution in peace on the Balkans presenting
Switzerland not only as a "cherry picker". This urged a
partly revision of Swiss military law. "Supporting
peace" by sending little Swiss troop units was too much
for the No-voters of Zurich part of SVP and they wanted
a people's vote with the slogan "Military adventure and
war adventure no - civilian humanitarian help yes", and
"No Swiss Soldier Abroad - No Foreign Soldiers In
unit at the airport of Pristina 1999 [12]
Concretely Swiss soldiers should get their position in
former Yugoslavia so the different groups of Albanians
and Serbs - both with knife culture - would not fight
each other any more. Respectively in this case the facts
were present before the law was changed because Swiss
soldiers were already present there since 1999 as a
"Swisscoy" brigade in Kosovo separating the groups
<Since October 1999 Swiss army unit called SWISSCOY
was a part of the peace forces within the international
peace missions for Kosovo (Mission Kosovo Force, KFOR).
SWISSCOY was composed of up to 220 Swiss soldiers doing
their service deliberately armed with pistol, automatic
gun and an irritating spray .>
What had happened in Kosovo? Kosovo Albanians had many
children and were the majority now, and Serbs said
before Serbs were the majority there and the land were
to them - and thus the eternal quarrel never ended.
Swiss troops abroad the Blocher No Sayers of AUNS did
not want to accept and the arguments were of a very low
intellectual level - in the style of beer alcoholics,
against Government Member Schmid. When Swiss soldiers
were abroad, then also foreign soldiers could dominate
Switzerland. Signatures were deposed at the Federal
Building in 2001.,
photo 13
Signatures of AUNS against operations of Swiss
soldiers abroad, January 2001 [13]
Poster of Nazi SVP
pretending that many Swiss soldiers will
have to die abroad presenting a world war
cemetery [14]
This was Mörgeli's propaganda for sure!
Nazi SVP had it's
purpose: reinforcing the group feeling,
reinforcing racism against foreigners and
against foreign countries - this was one
more initiative against Europe. SVP never
understood what is a soul, what is mental
energy, who important is compassion for a
foreigner. They made just the contrary with
a destructive hatred policy against
foreigners which never stopped but went on
and on and on.
In the newspaper of SVP secondary school teacher Hans
Fehr - one of the worst propagandists of SVP - uttered
his meaning
-- there could be a fight at any time and also deaths
-- a 200 years old peace tradition of Switzerland would
be given away.
But this rebellion against Europe against reasonable
peace work was failing.The engagement of Swiss soldiers
in Kosovo for peace was supported with a majority of 51%
trusting to Government Member Schmid.
The time after September 11, 2001 - even more
refugees - even more foreigners
The blast of the WTC towers in New York with mass murder
of over 2,700 persons and a mass robbery of the gold in
the cellar stores of the WTC banks in connection with
the propaganda against the whole Muslim world with the
wrong claim that Muslims had attacked the WTC provoked
more Muslims marching to Europe as refugees. Also
Switzerland should be affected. And thus the topic of
"foreigners" was always actual in Switzerland and is a
never ending story until today (2013). Nazi SVP without
brain is urging and urging for sharpening laws without
common sense and can pretend to be the "protector" of
Switzerland - with a voters share of over 30% now - but
with an intellectual average potential of perhaps IQ78,
and many members are under 70 and never read a book.
Since 2001 with the wars of criminal "U.S.A." in Iraq
and in Afghanistan Islam is spreading all over the world
which is just the vision of Saudi Arabia. And where the
family members of Bin Laden were brought on September
11, 2001? Right, to Saudi Arabia.
January 1, 2002: EURO
At the beginning of the next year EURO currency was
introduced in many EU countries without any people's
vote, just enforced to the populations there. With this
EURO a big currency game began. Mafia of southern Europe
got "helps for infrastructures" without end, but the
funds were "disappearing" regularly somewhere - perhaps
at Parade Square (Paradeplatz) in Zurich or somewhere in
a bank in Lugano in southern Switzerland, mafia center
Nº1, or the funds were invested in the bourse and then
houses were bought in Germany for a joke so the prices
were rising.
SVP could always indicate at the currency exchange
between Swiss Franc and EURO for a propaganda against
foreign countries. In the first two years of 2003 and
2004 EURO was constantly rising, but then was constantly
falling and since 2008 there is only a big "EURO crisis"
and bankrupt discussions and depressing saving actions.
In 2011 Swiss Franc was "fixed" with EURO with a
correlation of 1.20 Swiss Francs so Swiss economy would
not suffer with a free EURO correlation because the real
correlation in 2011 was already like this: 1 EURO was
only 85 Swiss Cents worth. That means, this fixation of
Swiss Franc with EURO is a step to Communism.
March 3, 2002: accession to UNO: 54.6% Yes
In 2002 there was one more vote for an accession to UNO
and this was supported by the voters with a majority of
54.6%. The argument of the No-sayers that Switzerland
had to give blue berets risking neutrality was not
actual any more because there were already Swiss
soldiers in Kosovo in a peace mission.
But there was something strange with it: The majority of
the cantons was only a relationship of 12 to 11. Thus
Swiss Government got the order not to develop too big
activities within UNO. Chronology of AUNS describes it
like this:
<The people's vote about UNO had a people's majority
of 54.6% YES against 45.4% NO. The majority of the
cantons was very little with 12 to 11. Now the Foreign
Policy of Switzerland is damaged with this UNO
membership and our aim has to be the best possible
damage control. The little majority concerning the
cantons is forcing the Federal Government not to develop
to much activism in New York.>
UNO - world wide center of criminality
Let's see the facts about UNO: In reality UNO is only a
coffee house of world wide mafia groups and of the world
wide governments arranging and storing their funds in
Geneva under the protection of Swiss bank secret keeping
the whole world in poverty. UNO is really not more.
There is NO prevention of wars, there is NO prevention
of poverty, there is NO prevention of violence, but UNO
is even informed about the volume of the International
Crime. Thus UNO knows all what is going on not doing
anything about it...
2002: Solidarity foundation: 51.8% NO
By the pressure of "USA" in 1997 a "Solidarity
Foundation" had been formed in Switzerland with banking
money for "good deeds" in the world. But then just these
Jews who had urged Swiss banks forming a solidarity
foundation had failed. The Jewish representatives of WJC
and above all lawyer Ed Fagan were betraying the
Holocaust victims. Thus Blocher's SVP achieved to block
this solidarity foundation. See here the description of
AUNS chronology:
<The so called "solidarity foundation" is rejected by
the majority of the population as also by the majority
of the cantons, with a majority of No votes of 51.8%,
and with a huge majority of the cantons with 16 1/2 No
to 6 1/2 Yes. Thus the 5 years lasting fight against
this extorted foundation ends. AUNS did a great
contribution to this success. The clear vote is showing
and securing Swiss sovereignty at least in this
(orig. in German:
<Die sogenannte "Solidaritätsstiftung" wird von Volk
und Ständen abgelehnt und zwar mit einem
Neinstimmen-Anteil von 51,8 % und einem Ständemehr
von 16 ½ zu 6 ½ Standesstimmen. Damit war der über
5-jährige Kampf gegen die erpresste Stiftung beendet.
Die AUNS trägt massgeblich zu diesem Erfolg bei. Das
deutliche Votum sichert die schweizerische Souveränität
wenigstens in dieser Beziehung.>)
November 30, 2002: initiative against asylum
abuse and sharpening asylum law: 50.1% No
Collection of signatures by Nazi SVP for the
initiative about asylum abuse
Criminal and Fascist poster of SVP "Stop
asylum abuse" 1998/1999 [15]
A greeting from Fascist Switzerland.
In 1999 already SVP had collected the signatures
for this initiative. The poster was a classical Nazi
poster in Nazi colors. A black foreigner in a black coat
with black glasses and with black gloves was opening the
Swiss cross.
Such propaganda posters were accompanying the collection
of the 100,000 signatures. Such posters should
"accelerate" the collection of the signatures, and this
procedure has become "normal". That means: criminal and
Fascist agitating SVP under billionaire Blocher has so
much money for it's propaganda that the country of
Switzerland is basically bothered with it's propaganda
practically 6 months per year.
Thus Switzerland is dominated by SVP and the population
cannot find any calm any more by this extremist right
wing SVP, and not at all foreigners.
The message is simple: An intruder in black with black
gloves and black glasses with a mafia beard and with
black hairs is opening Swiss Cross in form of a linen,
and the hole is in form of a vagina. Thus this poster is
appealing to the lowest feelings in a society: a
violator is entering a sleeping room. Instead of solving
the problem of globalization with a global financial
balance evading wars and minimizing asylum seekers or to
begin an education of the asylum seekers with a Bravo or
Girl in Arabic there is simply a propaganda that all
foreigners would be violators.
One can say it also in this way: Switzerland is a war
country as long as this criminal and Fascist SVP is
agitating with it's propaganda, because the patterns are
clear Nazi patterns with the aggressive combination of
colors in black, red and white and foreigners are always
presented in black.
But asylum abuse will be never stopped with such
posters, but as long as all governments of the world can
open bank accounts just next to the UNO in Geneva under
the protection of the Swiss bank secret storing all
their funds there leaving all world in poverty or
provoking even more poverty the asylum streams will go
on. But saying this is FORBIDDEN to day in Switzerland
because otherwise one would violate Swiss law of
criminal bank secret...
Criminality of asylum seekers is welcome for
the propaganda of SVP propagandists - and the covered
criminality with drug commerce
Data material for this asylum initiative is in the
police computer, this is logic. But one could also just
walk around in Switzerland a little bit and then the
dilemma was shown automatically to everybody:
-- asylum seekers were forbidden to work and an "asylum
procedure" was about 4 or 5 years long
-- asylum seekers were neglected and were vulnerable for
criminal action offered by certain "mediators"
-- works as a low worker or room mate up to illegal drug
dealing rings - all was possible
-- asylum drug dealers were instructed by Swiss selling
drugs storing their drugs in the front gardens and in
the court yards, and thus these drug dealers were
walking passing the districts without sense, 100 times
around the same house block etc. often these were black
persons from Africa (drug niggers, today a normal
expression for Africans in criminal drug activities
selling their poisons as one can see in the Internet on
100s of web sites).
The situation with these eternal drugs was worsening
from month to month and police did a little bit but this
was only the facade but the big police bosses were
probably managing the big drug deals in Switzerland.
Additionally there were always more Turks and former
Yugoslavs with racing cars in the streets not only
endangering bikers but also indicating that foreigners
had more money than Swiss people and this money had to
have come from somewhere: in many cases from drug
There were empty promises of Swiss government? Yes,
precisely this. Swiss government NEVER had taken earnest
this drug problem. They lived like in a glass house and
were only in a fear saving the reputation of
Switzerland. The "beautiful facade" of Switzerland was
the most precious thing for them and they did not have
the courage to take big measures. Nazi SVP did not have
to make much propaganda in this case of asylum abuse
because the facts were clear. Swiss population was
always more occupied by foreigners getting money within
an asylum procedure not being allowed for work. This
practice meant that they were hanging around without any
further education, could not speak the language but
mostly had the power with a knife in their pockets and
with many "friends" and with aggressions.
A leaflet with aching truths
about how Swiss Government is failing
concerning asylum seekers
Leaflet of SVP with arguments for a sharpened
asylum law 2002 [16]
Leaflet of SVP with statistics of asylum
seekers showing the years of 1994 to 2001 [17]
Well, Nazi SVP is
operating also here with the classical Nazi
colors black and red. But there were no
drawings and there were no criminal reasons
for the game. The enemies in this case were
the government members Koller and Metzler.
They wanted to save the facade of
And SVP was absolutely right presenting this
misery: Switzerland was more and more
inhabitable with this wave of asylum seekers
who spoke languages which nobody understood
and who were developing criminal activities
We read
the leaflet (translation by Michael Palomino):
<Federal Council, our Swiss Government, was
promising until today:
-- "Immigration should be limited" (report of
Swiss Government according to Foreign and
Refugee Policy in 1992)
-- Government Member Koller said in the TV
broadcast "Arena" that he had all under
control, this was within the discussions
before the last asylum initiative in 1996
-- after the rejection of the first asylum
initiative of SVP Mr. Government Member Koller
said in 1996: "I consider the result of the
vote as an order to reduce further rise of
foreign resident population" (orig. German:
"Ich werte das Abstimmungsergebnis als
Aufforderung, den Zuwachs der ausländischen
Wohnbevölkerung weiter zu reduzieren.")
Every time when asylum abuse should be stopped
with effective measures, Swiss Government and
other political parties are only pretending to
do so throwing dust into the eyes of the
population. Therefore the government is
hindering any betterment of the asylum law and
is even supporting asylum abuse.
And the situation of today is like this:
-- asylum abuse has risen (only 10%
acknowledged refugees)
-- the numbers of asylum seekers are rising
(actually over 20,000 per year)
-- in the last 10 years the Federal
Authorities spent 10 billion Swiss Francs for
asylum sector, additionally there are the
costs for the cantons and for the communities
-- and all criminality is rising with them:
drug dealing, criminality, violent crimes.
And now Government Member Mrs. Metzler is
promising again that she had all under control
thanks to a new asylum law revision. But it
cannot go on like this!
Finish with empty promises. Now the population
has to take action. Therefore vote YES on
November 24 to the popular initiative against
asylum abuse. SVP>
<Let's see the statistics of asylum seekers
from 1994 to 2001 per 10,000 inhabitants
(population of mid of 2001)
-- Switzerland: 279
- Holland: 188
-- Belgium: 170
-- Austria: 132
-- Sweden: 120
-- Norway: 118
-- Denmark: 106
-- Germany: 102 (wives and children in the
same folder)
-- Great Britain: 84 (wives and children in
the same folder)
-- France: 38 (wives and children in the same
-- Finland: 24.>
And this leaflet really provoked questions:
Why Switzerland has almost 3 times as many
asylum seekers like Germany and over 6 times
more asylum seekers like France?
Why Swiss Government was sleeping all the time
for Goodness Sake? Swiss government with
government members Koller and Metzler had have
sharpened the laws since a long time because
then criminality had sunk and Switzerland had
had a better reputation in another sector than
before. But it seems that the government
members did not have this courage - and don't
have until today either (2013) by some reasons
which cannot be found.
Perhaps there is an education to be kind.
Perhaps there is too much kindness working.
But another possibility could be that there
are threatening letters from people from the
Balkans, from Turkey or from Iraq threatening
Swiss government members and thus the laws
could not be sharpened - and the government
members did not say anything. All is possible.
The claim against the government alone is not
enough to solve the situation. And as long as
wars are organized refugees will come.
Criminal "U.S.A." installing wars all over the
world are also a contributory cause of this
The effect of too many asylum seekers not working
anything: thefts, assaults - negligence and
prohibition of work is not solved
It was not acceptable any more that the asylum seekers
developed their criminality without end with thefts and
assaults. There were not only beggars, but there was
theft by deception when they begged for some money and
then took big banknotes out of the moneybag and the good
person did not be aware of it etc. They were stabbing
each other in the asylum centers, they were committing
criminalities against the local population and and and.
But the main problem, negligence and prohibition of
work, were hardly ever mentioned and were never solved.
Asylum seekers came from a "proud country" like Iraq or
Serbia or Kosovo and their energies were out of control
when they could not feel "good", when they could not
work during years and when they were only allowed to
dwell with other asylum seekers without hardly any
money. How an asylum seeker should keep good energies in
such a situation when he couldn't see any wife for years
or was forbidden to have a relationship?
Grievances in Switzerland with foreigners from the
Balkans and with blacks: schools, trains, brand-name
The web site describes some conditions in
Switzerland - classical conditions. Refugees have money
but are mentally totally neglected and must not work,
and therefore they are committing always more criminal
things. Quotation:
<Young Swiss pampered by their welfare are not
considering about the future of their country at all. To
the contrary. To be a Swiss today this becomes a problem
for many youths and for their identity.
are dominated and controlled by immigrants from the
Balkans. Swiss children are foreigners in
the own country? This is really the impression. Swiss
youths not adapting to this new surrounding with
language and expression are isolated and discriminated.
To be a Swiss in such a situation means a shame which is
better hidden so one has to pretend to be a foreigner
Elder generation is discussing loudly at their regulars'
tables about all these foreign influences which are
always more threatening. There are jokes about Yugoslavs
and other groups of foreigners. But Swiss kind of living
is just to clench one's hand instead of confronting
directly with the problem.
And the result is that
we are more and more undermined from abroad.
At any street corner are new Kebab shops, and when a
Swiss bakery is closing a Doener Market is opened there.
Where a village shop was before, you can get today
Lamacun and Balkava. Swiss media are not reporting the
problem either but when somebody wants to report the
problem Swiss media are changing the topic as fast as
they can. Suggestions to the print media are made not to
mention the nationality of the culprits and of the
criminals any more for hindering the rise of hostility
to foreigners. But why? Because it could be possible
that the truth could show a wrong policy to asylum
seekers and foreigners in the last few years?
With an active solution of these problems and with a
betterment of the life circumstances
also well
payed jobs of social workers, street workers, help
organizations, assistant offices and other
beneficiaries would loose their job and had to look
for a new orientation.
In former times immigrants came from Spain and Italy for
a honest work supporting their families. Today everybody
only wants to have a big peace of the fat cake which
Swiss people have worked with all their strength. The
today's motto is to use the social system just for the
own purposes. This wisdom is transmitted to the future
benefit cheats [by the draggers]. Or is it only a
coincidence that above all young men from Balkans are
immigrating, and also more and more young men from
eastern Europe, or are even illegally in our country?
Many only have one goal: an illegal activity.
There are networks of these people in all Switzerland
informing the newcomers with all the necessary things.
People who never payed into the social system nor were
useful in any form for our welfare system or did any
service are here in clover. As soon as they installed
themselves in the social paradise the whole family can
come and can make demands. Cases like for example from
the canton of Thurgovia (Thurgau) whenre an Albanian can
live comfortably with his family for over 6,900 Swiss
Francs exclusive the rent etc. payed all by the public
purse are often concealed, but are normal today. Or
there is a gypsy family living in a nice one family
house from which a normal Swiss family father only can
dream. The youngest daughter of tis gypsy family is
terrorizing Swiss youths in her class again and again
and is committing criminalities regularly provoking much
work for the local police. But this daughter addicted to
criminality cannot be banished?
Where will go all this? We are blocking always
ourselves. Our laws are made by Swiss people for Swiss
people because the precondition was that Swiss people
would be honest people in general. But now our law is
not working against these ruthless criminals flooding
our country.
Time is running out fast in our country. Everybody with
only one gram of love for our country should put the
question what we want for ours sons and daughters in our
M.S. from Zurich
(orig. in German:
< Die jungen
Schweizer, durch Wohlstand verwöhnt, scheren sich
nicht im Geringsten um die Zukunft unseres
Landes. Im Gegenteil. Heute ein Schweizer zu
sein, dass wird bei vielen Jugendlichen zum Problem
ihrer eigenen Identität. Die Schulhöfe
werden von balkanischen Einwanderern dominiert und
kontrolliert. Fremd im eigenen Land?
Dieser Eindruck entsteht durch und durch.
Schweizer Jugendliche, die sich nicht mit Sprache
und Ausdruck ihrer neuen Umgebung
anpassen, werden ausgegrenzt und diskriminiert.
Schweizer zu sein ist gleichbedeutend mit
einer Schande, die man besser verschweigt und
stattdessen selber den Ausländer
Die ältere Generation, regt sich an
Stammtischen lautstark über all diese fremden und
immer bedrohlicher werdenden Einflüsse
auf. Man macht Witze über Jugoslawen und andere
heute in der Schweiz dominierende Ausländergruppen. Doch wie es halt die
Schweizer Eigenart ist, es ist einfacher die Faust
im Sack zu machen anstatt sich den
Problemen direkt zu stellen. Mit dem
Ergebnis, dass wir zunehmend von aussen
unterwandert werden. An jeder
Strassenecke entstehen immer neue Kebabstände und in
jeder zugehenden Schweizer Bäckerei wird
sofort ein Döner Market eröffnet. Wo man
früher ins Dorflädeli ging, erhält man heute Lamacun
und Baklava. Die Schweizer
Medien weichen bei jeder Andeutung über
Probleme dieser Art, so schnell wie möglich auf ein
anderes Thema aus. Es werden Empfehlungen an
die Printmedien gemacht, die Nationalität der
Straftäter und Kriminellen nicht mehr zu
erwähnen, um keine Ausländerfeindlichkeit zu
fördern. Warum wohl? Könnte die Wahrheit über die
völlig verfehlte
Asyl und Ausländerpolitik der letzten Jahre
immer mehr ans Tageslicht rücken?
Mit der aktiven Lösung dieser Probleme und
einer Verbesserung der heutigen Zustände würden
natürlich auch viele gute bezahlte
Sozialarbeiter, Streetworker, Hilfsorganisationen,
Beratungsstellen und anderen Nutzniesser dieses Systems,
ihrer Existenz beraubt.
Früher kamen Einwanderer aus Spanien und
Italien um eine ehrliche Arbeit zu suchen und Ihre
Familien zu ernähren. Heute will sich
jeder nur noch ein grosses Stück des fetten Kuchens
abschneiden, das sich die Schweizer im
Schweisse ihres Angesichts mühsam erarbeiteten. Das
Sozialsystem gezielt für eigene Zwecke auszunutzen
das heutige Motto. Das wird schon lange vor
unseren Grenzen allen zukünftigen Sozialschmarotzern
bis ins Detail vermittelt. Oder ist es Zufall,
dass vor allem junge Männer aus den ehemaligen
Balkanstaaten und immer mehr auch den
Ostblockländern in Massen emigrieren oder sich
illegal in unserem Land aufhalten? Viele mit dem
Ziel einer illegalen Aktivität.
Netzwerke von Landsleuten werden über die ganze
Schweiz gespannt, um die Nachrückenden mit
allem notwendigen zu versorgen. Leute die
weder in unsere Sozialsysteme einbezahlt, noch sonst
in irgendeiner Form für unsere Wohlfahrt
einen Dienst geleistet haben, leben wie die Maden im
Speck. Sobald man sich fest im hiesigen
Sozialparadies eingenistet hat, erfolgt der
Familiennachzug und die Ansprüche für jene
postwendend. Fälle wie z.B. aus dem Kanton
Thurgau, wo sich ein Albaner samt Familie, auf
unsere Kosten ein gemütliches Leben macht und
über 6'900.- CHF exkl. Miete etc. durch die
öffentliche Hand erhält, werden häufig verschwiegen,
sind aber an der Tagesordnung. Oder eine
Zigeunerfamilie die in einem hübschen
Einfamilienhaus wohnt, von dem ein
durchschnittlicher Schweizer Familienvater nur
träumen kann. Die jüngste Tochter, die Schweizer
Mitschülerinnen immer wieder tätlich
tyrannisierte und von der Polizei regelmässig bei
Straftaten erwischt wurde, kann man nicht aus
Land verweisen?
Wo führt das ganze hin? Wir werfen uns dauernd
selber Knebel zwischen die Beine. Unsere Gesetze
sind von Schweizern für Schweizer gemacht,
weil man grundsätzlich davon ausgegangen ist, dass
der Schweizer ein anständiger Mensch ist. Aber
greifen diese Gesetze auch bei all den skrupellosen
Kriminellen die unser Land überschwemmen?
Es steht fünf vor zwölf in unserem Land.
Jeder, der nur noch einen Funken Vaterlandsliebe in
sich trägt, sollte sich die Frage stellen,
was wollen wir unseren Söhnen und Töchtern für
eine Schweiz hinterlassen?
M.S. aus Zürich
190 How Mother
Helvetia is raped, robbed and poisoned!
The fairy tale about the poor refugee;
Hello dear public! Has anybody taken the regional train
from Ziegelbrücke to Sargans? I was taking this trip and
during this short trip I was offered 3(!) times the
possibility to buy drugs (And I don't speak only about
cannabis in this case)!!! Additionally I had to hear two
times how black people were chatting me up with the fake
"You are so beautiful". I did not want any trouble so I
was concealing any English knowledge. Then the guy got
angry and intrusive. I said: No thanks, I have a
boyfriend. Then I had to hear I would be a racist. I did
not say any word and wanted to change the seat in the
train. But now this asshole was beating me. Fortunately
there were two men helping in the train throwing the
bully boy out of the train the next station. When I was
a child, I was educated that every human being has the
same rights, not depending any nationality or skin
color. This I also believed. But look around please.
There are people attacking you when you don't speak
English in the own country. Does anybody believe the
fairy tale about the poor refugee? How much costs a
dragger bringing the people here from abroad? Who much
costs a mobile phone that the type at the other side has
around his neck? His precious brand-made clothes? With
what they pay all this? Perhaps with the sold of your
children poisoning with their cocaine... Every day we
see children starving hunger in Africa. This really
hurts. But we have to think that NOT these children come
AFFORD IT TO COME HERE!!! But we have only the criminal
pack here. Drug crimes are punished in most African
countries with very heavy penalties. In our country an
asylum seeker can afford anything during his asylum
procedure. In the worst case he is visiting a prison.
(compared with foreign jails a Swiss prison is like a
Hilton hotel). It hurts a lot to see how Mother Helvetia
is raped, robbed and poisoned. I know this is a
sensitive topic, but black people are not untouchable
only because they are black. But they want to make us
believe that!! They are laughing about us! Because we
don't want to be considered as racists, even not when
the matter is with people with other skin colors. That
they know and they are exploiting this situation in a
brutal way. We have to stand up, sons and daughters of
Claim harder penalties for drug
delicts. Don't only watch when there are violent
actions. And above all do anything which
is in your power for reaching a good and fair asylum
law. Don't go only for elections and
votes, but speak with everybody in a
decisive way who is passive yet leaving his right to
Hold up your flags and hearts!!! Then also a trip in a
train will be more comfortable again...
M. from Glarus
(orig. in German:
Mutter Helvetia vergewaltigt, ausgeraubt und
vergiftet wird!
Das Märchen vom armen Flüchtling;
Hallo ihr lieben Leute! Ist jemand von euch
schon mal mit dem Regionalzug Ziegelbrücke-Sargans
gefahren? Ich hätte während der Fahrt in dem
Zug 3(!) mal die Möglichkeit gehabt, Drogen zu
kaufen (Und ich rede hier erschreckender weise
nicht von Cannabis)!!! Ausserdem musste ich mir 2
mal von Schwarzen die
you-are-so-beautiful-Masche anhören. Ich wollte
keinen Ärger haben und tat einfach so als könne
ich kein Englisch. Da wurde der Typ
aufdringlich. Ich sagte: Nein danke, ich hab schon
einen Freund. Da musste ich mir anhören ich
sei ein Rassist. Ich stand wortlos auf und wollte
das Abteil wechseln, da knallt mir dieser Typ
eine. Zum Glück waren da zwei hilfsbereite Männer im
Zug, die den Schläger bei der nächsten Station
rauswarfen. Mir würde von klein auf beigebracht, das
jeder Mensch die gleichen Rechte hat,
unabhängig von Nationalität und Hautfarbe. Daran
habe ich auch geglaubt. Aber schaut euch um, liebe
Leute. Da sind Leute, die dich anpöbeln wenn
du im eigenen Land kein Englisch redest. Glaubt noch
jemand von euch das Märchen vom armen
Flüchtling? Wie viel kostet ein Schlepper, der Leute
aus dem Ausland her bringt? Wie viel
kostet das Natel, dass der Typ gegenüber um den Hals
hat? Seine teuren Markenkleider? Womit
bezahlen sie das alles? Vielleicht mit den Seelen
eurer Kinder, die sie mit ihrem Kokain vergiften...
Tagtäglich sehen wir Bilder von halb
verhungerten Kindern aus Afrika. Die tun mir
wirklich Leid. Aber wir müssen einsehen, dass
es NICHT diese Kinder sind, die in die Schweiz
das kriminelle Pack hier. Drogenvergehen werden in
den meisten Afrikanischen Gebieten drakonisch
bestraft. Hat man hierzulande aber ein Asylgesuch am
laufen kann man sich alles erlauben.
Schlimmstenfalls kommt man in einen Knast. (Im
Vergleich zu ausländischen Gefängnissen ist
ein Schweizerknast das Hilton) Es tut mir sehr weh
mit ansehen zu müssen, wie Mutter Helvetia
vergewaltigt, ausgeraubt und vergiftet wird.
Ich weiss, es ist ein heikles Thema, aber Schwarze
sind nicht unantastbar, nur weil sie schwarz
sind. Aber das wollen sie uns glauben machen!! Die
lachen sich krumm über uns! Denn wir wollen
nicht als Rassisten gelten, schon gar nicht wenn es
um Leute mit anderen Hautfarben geht. Das
wissen die, und nützen es knallhart aus. Steht
auf, Söhne und Töchter Helvetias!!! Fordert härtere
Strafen für Drogendelikte.
Seht bitte nicht zu wenn es zu Gewaltakten kommt.
Und vor allem tut alles in eurer Macht
stehende um
ein anständiges und faires Asylgesetz zu
erreichen. Geht nicht einfach nur selber Wählen
und Stimmen, sondern redet jedem ins
Gewissen, der von seinem Stimmrecht keinen
Gebrauch macht.
Haltet eure Fahnen und eure Herzen hoch!!!
Dann wird vielleicht auch das Zug fahren
M aus Glarus
A foreigner in the own country
I can see it every day in my domicile in Zurich
where I hardly can hear any local dialect in
the street, in the public transport or in
the shops. And this is more and more
provoking a big anxiety.
Wilhelm Eugster, Zurich
(orig. in German:
189 Fremd im eigenen Land
Da erlebe ich Tage an meinem Wohnort in
Zürich, wo ich auf der Strasse, in öffentlichen
Verkehrsmitteln und Geschäften kaum oder gar
kein Mundart höre, was mich zunehmend befremdet und
Angst macht.
Wilhelm Eugster, Zürich
188 New propaganda slogan
for Swiss Tourism: Go for robbing
next time with us...
... You don't want do be in prison? You
don't want to be banned or punished? Then
you can possibly make
your thief's trips in beautiful
Switzerland. Here you get home, food
and a mobile phone for free. And
when you show a very bad behavior
then you have even the possibility
to become a Swiss citizen. Come to
rob in our country the
next time... Your Federal
(orig. in
188 Neuer Werbeslogan für Tourismus
Schweiz: Klauen Sie doch demnächst bei uns...
...Keine Lust auf Gefängnis? Keine Lust auf
Ausschaffung oder andere Bestrafung? Dann verbringen
Sie Ihre Diebes touren doch in der schönen Schweiz.
Hier bekommen Sie Unterkunft, Essen und ein Handy
gratis dazu. Und wenn sie sich besonders
schlecht benehmen, haben sie sogar die Möglichkeit
Schweizer Bürger zu werden. Klauen Sie
doch demnächst bei uns... Ihr
Well, why did asylum seekers get a mobile phone? So they
are under control of SVP police because mobile phones
all give a local signal. But not one problem was solved
by this because the basic problem was poverty in Asia
and Africa and rich Europe and the profits of the
draggers. Without a financial adjustment between the
continents and without good governments in Asia and in
Africa there is no hope that the asylum wave will come
down. Additionally criminal bank secret in Switzerland
with it's UNO seat in Geneva is just undermining any
moral of the world wide governments - and Swiss policy
does NOT want to see this big sin undermining the moral
of the governments but is protecting this sin until
today. The poors in Asia and Africa say "thank you", and
who can afford the draggers will go to Europe in a way
it's not important how...
Poster making propaganda
for a No considering asylum initiative:
because of costs and would not be
impracticable [18]
Asylum initiative of November 30 2002: The
poster of SVP making propaganda for a Yes
stating "Population has to take action" [19]
The project sharpening the asylum law
SVP did NOT see the main problem of negligence and of
missing occupation for asylum seekers. They discussed
only about limitations how they are partly realized
today. The web site multimania is giving the following
<When Christoph Blocher SVP had the lead, he would
reject asylum seekers at the Swiss border already, and
they had to apply an asylum also in the country from
where they come. Federal Government should fix a list of
"safe third countries" - of course all neighboring
countries of Switzerland would be in this list.
Air lines of concessioned air traffic coming to
Switzerland not fulfilling the prescriptions of
"collaboration for the control of the immigration
prescriptions" should be "sanctioned". Additionally
social welfare for asylum seekers should be the same in
whole Switzerland and should not fulfill every norm, and
normally should not be money but only non-cash benefits.
SVP is always before a split between right liberal and
right extremist wing groups. Now the extremist group
with Christoph Blocher got new upwind again which can be
detected by many "bad words" on SVP festivities making
propaganda for this "asylum law initiative". According
to the foundation "Association against Racism and
anti-Semitism" (orig. German: Gesellschaft gegen
Rassismus und Antisemitismus, GRA, which can be compared
with DÖW in Austria) politicians of SVP were even
mentioning the word "to intern" and hard measures
against "faked" and renitent and refractory refugees.
Prisons should not be like hotels. "Water and bread and
a roof over the head would be enough" SVP national
deputy Bruno Zuppiger called at a festivity in Basel and
the public was yelling.>
(orig. German:
es nach Christoph Blochers SVP, sollen AsylwerberInnen
in Zukunft bereits an der Schweizer Grenze abgewiesen
werden, bestünde Möglichkeit, dass sie auch in dem
Land aus dem sie in die Schweiz einreisen, einen
Asylantrag stellen können. Der Bundesrat soll eine
Liste dieser "sicheren Drittstaaten" festlegen -
natürlich wären aller Nachbarländer der Schweiz in der
Liste enthalten.
Fluggesellschaften des konzessionierten
Linienverkehrs, welche die Schweiz anfliegen und die
geltenden Vorschriften der "Mitwirkung bei der
Kontrolle der Einreisevorschriften" nicht einhalten,
sollen "Sanktionen" ergriffen werden. Des weiteren
sollen Fürsorgeleistungen an Asylsuchende
einheitlich für die ganze Schweiz und abweichend von
den allgemeinen Normen angesetzt und in der Regel
durch Sachleistungen erbracht werden.
in der permanent kurz vor der Spaltung zwischen
rechtsliberalen und rechtsextremen Flügel stehende
SVP der rechtsextreme Teil um Christoph Blocher
wieder starken Aufwind bekommen hat, ist auch durch
zahlreiche "verbalen Entgleisungen" auf
SVP-Veranstaltungen zur Bewerbung der
"Asylrechts-Initiative" erkennbar. Laut der Stiftung
GRA (vergleichbar mit dem DÖW in Österreich) war von
Seiten hochrangiger SVP-Politiker sogar von
"internieren" und der Notwendigkeit "falsche" und
"renitente" Flüchtlinge hart anzufassen, die Rede.
dürften nicht wie Hotelbetriebe sein. "Wasser und
Brot reicht und ein Dach über den Kopf", ruft
SVP-Nationalrat Bruno Zuppiger bei einer
Veranstaltung in Basel dem johlenden Publikum
Well, nobody was asking for the real reason of this
asylum wave: poor Asia, poor Africa, rich Europe, rich
rich Switzerland, and the bank secret destroying the
moral of the Asian and African governments leaving
their populations in poverty. The same happens also in
South "America" storing their funds in Geneva leaving
the population in poverty. But the population of all
the world can see the real world in Europe by TV and
by Internet and they are informed by their draggers
and then they also want to have this quality of life.
They just don't know that they will loose their moral
during the asylum procedure because they are forbidden
to work during 4 or 5 years. Ah, and who is the
strongest fighter for the criminal bank secret? Nazi
Swinging of the mood of the population
After an unilateral information wave there was a big
majority for a Yes. Then government member Mrs. Ruth
Metzler from Christian Popular Party CVP was fighting
strongly against a sharpening of the law and
practically the whole CVP group was heading against
this sharpening of the law. Surveys in October and in
November 2002 indicated a reduction of the Yes-voters
from 60 to 40%. But within the Nazi SVP voters the
approval was rising from 72 to 78%. Within Socialist
Party the rejection was rising from 56 to 64%. From
November 14, 2002 on CVP and Free Democrats (FDP) were
making propaganda for a No together. Main enemy of SVP
was not Socialist Party this time but was Mrs.
Metzler. Why Mrs. Metzler and FDP were not capable to
see the simple statistics and facts considering the
big social problems remains an enigma.
Well, what would you do when asylum seekers do not
know anything about sexuality, about sociology, are
forbidden to work and become criminal because they
want to have a self-affirmation and then is violating
a local woman in a park? Who is guilty and how much
punishment will receive the rapist? And how a relapse
will be prevented in this situation? Under the
conditions of asylum without work and without
education nothing will change or there will not change
much, also when the penalty is rising from 3 to 6
years. The cases will only repeat because the asylum
conditions with permanent negligence without further
education and without work of the affected are simply
impossible also when the jail will be on a ship on the
Mediterranean Sea...
Rejection of the sharpened asylum law by 50.1% No
Map of
Switzerland showing the result of asylum
initiative of November 30, 2002 with 50.1% No
This people's vote for a sharpened asylum law was
rejected with a very little majority of only 50.1% as no
initiative before.
Of course Nazi SVP never considering the basic problems
was furious against Government Member Mrs. Metzler. But
Swiss Government could not be calm any more. AUNS was
writing this:
<The people's vote "against asylum abuse" was lost
with a very narrow majority (people's majority: 50.1% No
to 49.9% Yes, majority of the cantons: 12 1/2 Yes to 10
1/2 No), but this narrow result was a political
earthquake for Swiss Government and it's authorities.
There is no big majority any more following the Federal
Government and of Political lass concerning asylum
policy. AUNS helped with their initiative to perform a
(orig. in German:
<Die Abstimmung über die Volksinitiative "gegen
Asylrechtsmissbrauch" geht zwar knapp verloren
(Volksmehr: 50,1 % Nein zu 49,9 % Ja /
Ständemehr: 12 ½ Ja gegen 10 ½ Nein), löst aber in
Bundesbern ein politisches Erdbeben aus: Die Mehrheit
der Kantone und die Hälfte der Stimmbürgerinnen und
Stimmbürger folgen dem Bundesrat und der classe
politique in der Asylpolitik nicht mehr. Die AUNS hat
mit ihrem Engagement mitgeholfen, dass endlich
Korrekturen vorgenommen werden.>
The web site multimania writes with a victory
megalomania of SVP:
<SVP calls the "Initiative Against Asylum Abuse" of
November 24 which was narrowly lost as a clear "victory
for SVP and it's asylum policy". The big part of
Yes-votes of almost 50% shows that it's time for a
change to accept and to realize the claims of SVP in the
asylum sector. "Stop the abuse of our system, stop the
immigration of economic migrants by using the asylum
path, stop the tolerated violence and criminality."
(orig. in German:
SVP bezeichnet die am 24. November von den
SchweizerInnen knapp abgelehnte "Initiative gegen
Asylmissbrauch" indes als einen klaren "Sieg für die
SVP und ihre Asylpolitik". Der Ja- Anteil von fast 50%
zeige, dass es Zeit sei, die Forderungen der SVP im
Asylbereich endlich zur Kenntnis zu nehmen und
umzusetzen. "Schluss mit dem Missbrauch unseres
Systems, Schluss mit der Einwanderung von
Wirtschaftsmigrierenden auf dem Asylweg, Schluss mit
der tolerierten Gewalt und Kriminalität."
This initiative was waking the Swiss Government up to
sharpen the asylum law. The fact that the government
members did not know about all this criminality in the
country is the proof that the government members in
Switzerland were mentally living in a "greenhouse". But
was this the right way to solve the problem? NO, because
the reason that people were coming by poverty in the
whole world which was rising and not falling during
globalization was not eliminated at all. And the reasons
that asylum seekers in Switzerland were always more and
more criminal were
-- the long duration of the asylum procedure, and
-- the prohibition of work.
That means: a global financial adjustment and the global
education of the upper class concerning governing would
have been asked. Left groups were simply calling the
slogan "No Human Is Illegal". But SVP was only limiting
to some Swiss laws and this had no chance for a change
in the country. That means: SVP was on an absolute
impossible way, and against negligence and against the
prohibition of work there was NEVER done anything.
I repeat again what I said in chapter 3 already:
Newcomers from Muslim countries with a knife tradition
often don't know
-- what is a children's song balancing energies with all
their contents
-- what are fairy tales showing how stories are ending
with a happy end, some also showing how a deescalation
is working or how is a punishment
-- what is youth literature and wisdom literature
-- most of them never have seen a library before
-- they don't know how a deescalation is working in
-- they don't know how emotional peace is working
because they simply never had this emotional peace
before and because they don't take earnest Swiss people
-- they don't know what is sex education
-- they don't know what is a Bravo or a Girl (has to be
edited in Turkish and in Balkans languages)
-- they don't know the variations of sexuality
-- they don't know about creative activities aside of
the profession, they don't know about hobbies, clubs, or
voluntary work etc.
In this way a soul has to be filled thus the people are
not driving for any criminality but they are just not
wanting any. There has to be a balance between
acknowledgment and work performance. When an asylum
seeker is forbidden to work, then all will be
indifferent for them at the end and any means will be
right for them and they are easily the victim of
criminal "jobs". But Nazi SVP does not see this. Despite
of the tight defeat this party was a "winner" because
nobody recognized that negligence and prohibition of
work are the main causes for this criminality.
Even better would be to EVADE ANY WAR not provoking any
refugee wave. But criminal "U.S.A." always provoking
wars were NEVER mentioned in this fight for vote. This
is a forbidden topic until today. Ha, on what side
Switzerland is staying politically since September 11,
2001? The truth was NEVER published in Switzerland!
Even better would be to place social centers and
foundations in the foreign countries where the poor
really live filling the souls of the humans with
reasonable content of life instead of only reading Koran
or watching brutal killer movies in TV. But what
On the beer's regulars' tables there were only slogans
against foreigners. But something reasonable was never
made. After this tight defeat the real fight in Swiss
domestic policy began instead of beginning an education
about the affected foreigners. Nazi SVP showed their
real racist regulars' table face. These were their
fantasies - coming directly from Hitler: "hosing"
2003: Nazi SVP claiming that Swiss people
would be "niggers" more and more being exploited -
without mentioning the global reasons
One has to see the reality: The lie of September 11,
2001, provoked new wars and refugee waves and was
overcharging all the world at the same time. "U.S.A."
were making war with uranium bombs deforming generations
of Iraqi children (see on google: uranium in Fallujah).
But this was never mentioned, but only the propaganda
against foreigners was enforced and sharpened laws were
wanted. All this was without any sense of course. As a
propaganda element of SVP before the national elections
in 2003 propaganda SVP was presenting the following
advertising and poster:
Advertising of SVP in Saint Gallen, Swiss
would be more and more a nigger (popular
saying when they feel betrayed) [21]
Nazi SVP was protesting
against criminal foreigners exploiting Swiss
people with the claim that Swiss would be
the "stupids" in the own country, so they
would be the "niggers" (German: "Neger"):
-- billions are given for asylum tourists
-- criminals are indulged
-- billions are given for EU dreamers
-- and anybody is nationalized without any
Racist SVP regulars' table is claiming a
saying that "niggers" are the "stupids", and
this was also presented in this advertising.
The depiction is showing a white with a
nosering as if it would be enslaved being a
slave in the "USA" of 18th or 19th century.
In this case Swiss justice wanted that the
full idiots of SVP would eliminate the word
"nigger" from the advertising.
Adapted advertising of SVP of Saint Gallen for
the elections of 2003, Swiss are more and more
the ... [22]
The adapted poster
of SVP was modeled without the word
"nigger" and without the nosering, but
with a person with an exploding head
showing a person with a tattered soccer
shirt of Swiss national team with a Swiss
cross, and with a position as if a Swiss
had worked three days without break and
had no time for shaving. Someway the
person was similar to a certain Köbi
saying: Now it's enough.
<SVP election poster of SVP Saint
Gallen List 3 for the elections with the
slogan: "We Swiss are always more and more
the... now it's enough." With this appeal
SVP was heating the election campaign.>
(orig. German: <Das SVP-Wahlplakat der
SVP St. Gallen, Liste 3, für die Wahlen
2003 mit dem Slogan «Wir Schweizer sind
immer mehr die... jetzt ist genug.» Mit
diesem Appell hat die SVP den Wahlkampf
Foto 4
What happened in reality? The world in Europe was always
more hostile against foreigners, also in the media:
-- since Yugoslavia war since 1992 Yugoslavs were coming
to Switzerland covering the country with criminality
partly without limits, and Swiss police and prosecution
services had to hire traducers the first time in their
life for pursuing these criminals and nobody knew how
such partisan gangs of Tito could be stopped
-- by Yugoslavs new criminal connections between
Switzerland, Italy and the Balkans were installed
-- and these Yugoslavs came with the official invitation
of the blind Swiss Economy Board!!!
-- at the same time always more Yugoslavs received after
a certain time a Swiss passport without any test, also
-- since September 11, 2001 all Muslims were rated by
criminal "U.S.A." as enemies and western countries
should copy this criminal behavior of "U.S.A." although
the WTC had been blast by an inside job by the
"American" government itself - but with the wars of
"U.S.A." in Muslim countries new refugee waves came from
Iraq and Afghanistan, and the truth about September 11,
2001, with mass murder of over 2,700 persons and with a
mass robbery of the gold deposits of the WTC banks in
the underground stores is concealed until today (2013)
-- also asylum abuse by Muslims from Middle East and by
Africans began to be normal because the asylum procedure
in Switzerland is lasting just too long and asylum
seekers are given the possibility to see TV and to make
party for years because an asylum seeker is not allowed
to work
-- many asylum seekers were making a real tour through
Europe applying their asylum in any country after they
were rejected, and Switzerland was like a magnet
attracting rejected asylum seekers from EU: Switzerland
was the last option but a good one...
-- at the same time rich states of the world were
organizing a globalization, but they never installed a
world wide balanced financial system with foundations
where the poors in Africa and in the Middle East were
really living mitigating the poverty and educating the
people in juridical principles and health measures at
working stations and so on, and the local governments
were only developing their funds instead of developing
social standards. African governments were storing their
fortunes near the UNO in Geneva instead of developing
their populations and they are organizing wars yet
instead of celebrating peace.
-- and at the same time nationalizations could be
performed after a certain "waiting time" without any
language test
-- and at the same time EU fantasies were going on
within the Socialist Party which meant that Switzerland
would have a good job in mafia EU with it's undermined
EURO and an accession to the EU would be good for the
-- and at the same time were more and more black asylum
seekers from war regions from Africa doing their jobs in
drug traffic making money easily - and this provoked the
envy of Swiss population of course - and that's also why
the nigger advertising was drawn and prepared. Of course
the drawing was illegal. But also with the modified
advertising NOT ONE SINGLE problem was solved. The
problem was simply this: Wars on a global level began:
IN Africa there were guerrilla wars about mines and new
border lines. There were ethnic cleansing actions.
Children were chopping hands off of other children etc.
And in the Middle East refugees came from Iraq and from
Afghanistan without end, without social knowledge,
without sex education, without knowledge of the
language, partly traumatized, and in Switzerland they
were in a "deposit" in an asylum procedure where they
had nothing to do and some were mentally weak accepting
the work they were offered: criminal work.
That means: Since 12 years Switzerland was feeling the
consequences of globalization and since 2 years the
consequences of the lies of September 11, 2001, as all
other states in Europe too, and nobody was speaking
about the main topic: criminal "U.S.A." and their fraud
of 9/11 2001. Masses of poor people came to Europe from
the war regions from Middle East and from Africa. They
wanted to "be successful reaching Europe". Draggers and
instructors were doing their "good services". Sometimes
the trip was only up to the African coast line and the
boat was sinking then. Africans hardly could swim, even
when they had grown up at the beach. The drama of
globalization was going on, and EU was not doing
anything, Switzerland was not doing anything. Middle
East will be a disaster more and more. EU is only
reinforcing the control of it's border lines, and is
penetrating into African markets where EU really should
NOT DO ANYTHING. But EU is making much trouble in
Africa. Global companies of the whites and of China
began to part Africa in a new way. African leaders began
to install their own troops educating also children
soldiers organizing civil wars. Mandela let go on his
weapon industry in South Africa spreading weapons in
half of Africa. And the not ending claims of the Swiss
Socialists that Switzerland should be a member of EU
were especially nerving in this situation.
What did SVP? They did not say ANYTHING bout these
connections of globalization and of world wide poverty
which were favored by criminal bank secret yet. They did
not say anything about foundations at the location of
the poors. or about education of African government, The
governments in former Yugoslavia were not steady yet.
And this situation was nerving additionally. SVP was
only making propaganda against foreigners claiming that
sharpened laws would help against the asylum flood and
against abuse of asylum right. They never said anything
about the faked September 11, 2001, nothing about the
falsely blamed Muslims, but Muslims from Yugoslavia were
becoming an enemy for Nazi SVP like later the Germans
will be. Nazi SVP was only suggesting that harder
measures would work. All is a lie. No little country can
manage the poor of the world which are victims of the
rich having their secret bank accounts in Switzerland.
SVP policy was stuck completely concerning world policy
and the manipulation of Swiss population became a new
dimension now. Nazism of SVP began to spread in whole
Switzerland and SVP meant that the more Swiss population
would be manipulated the more success would be and the
"better" it's policy would be. But it's WRONG: The
success only was on the base of manipulation - and only
one topic is well managed with SVP: the money.
Nazi SVP is even defending the use of the word of
In a neutral way the word "nigger" means simply "black"
coming from Latin word "niger" which means "black". But
by slave policy during centuries the word has got a
negative aftertaste thus the word is generally degrading
the blacks.
What is doing SVP people? They state that there is
"nothing with it" when the word "nigger" is politically
In a forum before the national election of autumn 2003 a
Swiss woman is defending the word "nigger".
<Why the word "nigger" is racist? Then the words
"Zurich people" or "Apple Juice India" [eastern part of
Switzerland with many apple trees] wold also be
(orig. German: <Warum ist der Ausdruck "Neger"
rassistisch? Dann müsste "Zürcher" oder "Mostindien"
[Ostschweiz, wo viele Apfelbäume stehen] auch
rassistisch sein.>)
Meaning of an SVP voice in July 2003 in the Internet
defending the use of the word "nigger" [23]
Well, this is NOT right, because Zurich and Apple Juice
India are not depicting a skin color but are geographic
expressions. With the expression "Zurich people" is
often connected stupid behavior but also richness and
bank secret, and with the word "Apple Juice India" good
apples and good apple juice is connected having a good
brain development and health of humans. To the contrary
black suffered slavery for centuries and always the best
people was taken from Africa to "America" leaving Africa
without it's best people and genetic heritage. Thus the
political use of the word "nigger" is not appropriated
respecting the fate of the continent of Africa.
Thus we see that SVP people are simply not informed.
They mean that a propaganda word would be "normal"
defending their racism, and only intellectuals can
detect their lies then. But intellectuals hardly have
any chance in Switzerland for speaking because SVP is
dominating everything in Switzerland with media, police,
justice and secret service.
Journalists and writers simply mean then that SVP would
make "right wing populism". Well, also this is wrong
unfortunately because SVP is performing real Nazism and
nothing else. Even a book was published with an analysis
of Nazi SVP's strategy, just with the same degrading
title "We Swiss people are the niggers more and more!".
The price for this book is much, 59 Euros...
What will be the purpose of a book of 59 Euros which
is minimizing a radical right wing Nazi party as a
"right populism performing" one? NOTHING. One has to
call a spade a spade: SVP is consequently using Nazi
tactics and is a Nazi party. And no effort is too less
for them.
Book "We Swiss
are more and more the niggers!" (orig. German:
"Wir Schweizer sind immer mehr die Neger!")
for 59 EUROS [24]
Swiss Popular Party (SVP) and its propensity
to right wing populism (orig. in German: Die
Schweizerische Volkspartei (SVP) und ihr Hang
zum Rechtspopulismus).
Racist facts were never called precisely that
these SVP tactics were pure Nazi tactics, and
the law protecting groups of persons in
Switzerland is NOT realized until today
2003: Propagandist Blocher becomes a
"government member"
Propagandist and racist Christoph Blocher knowing
precisely how Swiss law has to be applies so one can
"always win" so all others and above all any foreigner
will always loose, he is elected a government member in
2003 with a very tight victory. And government member
Mrs. Metzler from "Christ" Popular Party is eliminated
from the government. She had failed in the asylum sector
completely. But now women in Switzerland were annoyed
and they did not want to have the old racist redneck
Blocher in the government. But there was no question
that SVP had a right for this seat in the government
because they had been the strongest party in the
parliament since 1999 already and CVP did not give their
seat by their own will...
Ruth Metzler is voted out as a government
member in 2003 [25]
There was big
women's protest when racist old redneck
Blocher was her successor in 2003 [26]
"We are women.
We are many.
We are sick of these manners."
(orig. in German:
"Wir sind Frauen.
Wir sind viele.
Wir haben die Schnauze voll."
There are 7 government members. There were two
women, now remains only one, Mrs. Dreyfus. And racist
Blocher is not so adaptive but he makes many problems
in the government, not respecting collegiality at all.
He cannot keep his mouth!,
photo 36
What means this? Blocher is inventing his own "rules" to
behave as a "government member" and is giving his
comments to all and to everything whereas according to
the tradition of a Swiss Member of Government he is not
allowed to do this. Precisely the highest rule to behave
in a neutral (!) way Blocher is not fulfilling at all as
a government member meaning that this guideline can be
broken on and on. Here Blocher's psychological illness
is coming out, an excessive egotism and racist arrogance
against all others. Rules as a government member are
simply - NOT IMPORTANT for him!
And principally this counts for all Nazi SVP since 1992
since the vote against EEA and since the beginning of
the fighting advertising and the fighting poster wave!
One has only to see the next poster of this racist
political party of SVP!
2004: Nazi SVP with "government member"
Blocher presenting the political enemy as "rats" -
in this way also Hitler was operating
Hitler had definitively arrived in Switzerland now. With
this poster Nazi SVP with it's new "government member"
Blocher introduced it's definite Nazi tactics in
The poster of Nazi SVP against rise of VAT in
2004 - Socialists are compared with red rats
The rat poster of Nazi SVP against rise of VAT
for the old age and invalidity insurance with
the president of SVP, Ueli Maurer [28]
What are Nazi SVP members when Socialists are
The project of a rise of value added tax (VAT)
financing old age insurance (AHV) and insurance of
invalidity (IV)
Insurance systems in Switzerland have - as in most of
other European states - a big problem that there are
always more elder people having rents for always a
longer time but at the same time the number of children
and the number of persons who are paying into this
system is reducing more and more. For filling this gap
Swiss government had the idea to rise VAT tax and taking
cost cuts. Changing the financial system for these
insurances of old age insurance and insurance of
invalidity needed a change of the constitution and thus
there was a people's vote.
Voter's booklet was describing the project like this:
<11th revision of old age insurance (AHV)
The government and the parliament want to guarantee the
performance of AHV instead of the demographic
development. Reaching this goal 11th revision of AHV is
prescribing well defined savings. In combination with a
rise of VAT financing of old age insurance (AVH) will be
safe presumably to 2015.
AHV and IV will get the essential means being financed
in the midterm. This initiative is a complement to the
saving measures with AHV (11th revision) and with IV. A
change of the constitution is needed and therefore a
compulsory people's vote will be.>
(orig. in German:
<11. AHV-Revision
Bundesrat und Parlament wollen die Leistungen der AHV
trotz der demografischen Entwicklung gewährleisten.
Damit dies erreicht werden kann, sieht die 11.
AHV-Revision gezielte Einsparungen vor. Zusammen mit
zusätzlichen Mehrwertsteuer-Einnahmen wird die
Finanzierung der AHV voraussichtlich bis 2015
Die AHV und die Invalidenversicherung (IV) erhalten
über zusätzliche Mehrwertsteuern die erforderlichen
Mittel, um ihre Finanzierung mittelfristig zu sichern.
Diese Vorlage
ergänzt die gezielten Einsparungen bei der AHV (11.
Revision) und der IV. Da sie eine Verfassungsänderung
bedingt, wird darüber obligatorisch abgestimmt.>
Rise of VAT was only one part, and two more votes were
for sinking taxes and for a change of the laws about old
age insurance (AHV).
SVP claimed the following:
<With always more taxes and with a stubborn block of
any AHV reform the left are leading our country into the
ruin. Socialist SP and workers unions are hindering
economical growth by this and are destroying working
places. SVP are fighting the horrifying Socialist policy
and are against this rise of VAT, at the same time SVP
is for sinking taxes and for 11th AHV revision.
The vote of May 16 is of enormous significance for
economy and work place of Switzerland. With a No to this
rise of VAT for the insurances of AHV and IV (amounting
to over 4 billion Swiss Francs per year), with a Yes to
sinking taxes relieving three important sectors with
family tax, home ownership tax and stamp tax (a relief
of over 2 billion Swiss Francs per year) and with a Yes
to the 11th revision of AHV (a relief of about 800
million Swiss Francs per year) Swiss population has the
opportunity to correct the high tax policy and social
extension policy of the last 15 years.
In the coming people's vote there will be a classical
left right fight. Left want to grab more and more money
from the pockets of the tax payer. IN this manner jobs
are eliminated and financing of the social insurances
are put in danger. SVP is rejecting new taxes so the
civilian has more for living. This means: more money for
private consumption. In this way economy will flourish.
Because only with a flouring economy will be a growth
and will be a full employment, and in this way we can
save the social insurances. This is really social and is
real Swiss quality.>
(orig. in German:
<Mit immer höheren Steuern und der
störrischen Blockierung jeder AHV-Reform führen die
Linken unser Land in den Ruin. SP und Gewerkschaften
verhindern so Wirtschaftswachstum und vernichten
Arbeitsplätze. Die SVP bekämpft die unselige
sozialistische Politik und setzt sich gegen die
Mehrwertsteuererhöhung, für das Steuersenkungspaket
und für die 11. AHV-Revision ein.
Die Abstimmung vom 16. Mai ist für den Wirtschafts-
und Werkplatz Schweiz von enormer Bedeutung. Mit
einem Nein zur Mehrwertsteuererhöhung für die IV und
die AHV (weit über 4 Milliarden pro Jahr), einem Ja
zum Steuersenkungspaket mit Entlastungen in den drei
wichtigen Bereichen Familienbesteuerung,
Wohneigentumsbesteuerung und Stempelsteuer
(Entlastung von über 2 Milliarden jährlich) und
einem Ja zur 11. AHV-Revision (Entlastung der AHV um
800 Millionen jährlich) hat das Schweizer Volk die
Gelegenheit, die Hochsteuer- und Sozialausbaupolitik
der letzten 15 Jahre zu korrigieren.
In der kommenden Abstimmung kommt es zu einer
klassischen Links-Rechts-Auseinandersetzung. Die
Linken wollen den Steuerzahlern noch mehr Geld aus der
Tasche ziehen. So vernichten sie Arbeitsplätze und
gefährden die Finanzierung der Sozialwerke. Die SVP
lehnt dagegen neue Steuern ab, damit den Bürgern mehr
zum Leben bleibt. Dies heisst: mehr Geld für den
Konsum. So kann die Wirtschaft wieder florieren. Denn
nur mit einer florierenden Wirtschaft, mit Wachstum
und mit Vollbeschäftigung sichern wir die Sozialwerke.
Das ist echt sozial und wahre schweizerische
Fraud of disability
Well, Nazi SVP with it's racist billionaire Blocher and
with it's Nazi propagandist Alexander Segert from
Andelfingen did not wait a long time. There was no
obligation for collecting signatures provoking a
people's vote, but they initiated their dual work just
"strong ahead" with a rat poster. SVP meant with it:
Socialist and Green would eat money out of the money bag
of the normal civilian financing betrayers in the
disability insurance. With "Left" was pointed on
government member Mrs. Dreyfus of the Socialists who
always wanted a rise of VAT for these insurances of AVH
and IV.
Additionally the whole situation was more and more hot
by certain frauds in this disability insurance. What hat
happened? Swiss government and middle class Swiss
Economy Commission had decided in the 1990s in the
beginning of Yugoslavia War that Yugoslav can come as
they wanted also when they did NOT come from war
affected regions. Yugoslavian partisan mentality against
Germans was about the same as Swiss Nazi SVP mentality
against Germans and would not make any problem, as it
was the case in the 1970s when also some Yugoslavs had
come - the Swiss upper class thought. But they thought
in a wrong way: With the new techniques with mobile
phone and with Internet the some 100 Yugoslavs of the
newcomers formed new Yugoslav gangs in Switzerland
committing systematic burglaries and drug traffic.
Balkan route was born. Swiss police and prosecution
services had to adapt that they were dependent on Balkan
translators. And as a peak of all the frauds there were
some 100 Yugoslavs having the idea to pretend some
illnesses getting a rent of disability from Swiss
insurance of disability. Well, as we know this is just a
normal trick of life abusing a rent of disability. In
bankrupt Italy and in bankrupt Greece such cases of
faked disability were also detected thanks to monitoring
cameras at post office counters, for example a "faked
blindness" etc.
October 14, 2011: Faked blindness in bankrupt Italy:
<An allegedly blind woman was getting a rent of
disability for many years although working as a
hairdresser. Now the state was controlling her and was
filming her cutting hair.>
(orig. in German:
<Eine angeblich blinde Frau kassierte viele Jahren
Invalidenrente, obwohl sie als Frisörin arbeitete. Jetzt
legte sich der Staat auf die Lauer und filmte sie beim
Haare schneiden.>)
February 27, 2012: Faked blindness in bankrupt Italy:
<Not at all blind: A man of Rome got funds from the
assurance of disability for 25 years - 100,000s of
EUROs. But now a monitoring camera was detecting the
(orig. in German:
<Von wegen blind: Ein Mann aus Rom hat wegen einer
angeblichen Augenerkrankung 25 Jahre Invalidenrente
erhalten – Hunderttausende Euro. Überwachungskameras bei
der Post überführten nun den Übeltäter.>)
August 21, 2012: Wrong blindness in bankrupt Greece:
<Especially loved on some Greek islands were rents
for "blinds" but in the real life the affected persons
were taxi drivers or hunters.>
(orig. in German:
<Besonders beliebt auf manchen griechischen Inseln
waren "Blinden"-Renten, deren Bezieher sich nun als
hauptberufliche Taxifahrer oder Jäger entpuppten.>)
Yugoslav betrayers of disability and their collective
depression in Switzerland - no treatment - some 100
These some 100 cases of betrayal in the low salary
sector in Switzerland referred above all to faked
paralyzations, fakes accidents and alleged whiplash.
Yugoslavian betrayers - not important if Serb, Croatian,
Albanian or Macedonian etc. - had lost their Tito state
by Yugoslav war and had such psychical problems that any
psychological base was lost and they did not find any
help. For certain times they even did not have any
diplomatic representation of their country because Tito
manipulation had been so strong and nobody wanted to
have any responsibility for the own people. In this big
depression which was not treated some 100 affected
invented the social betrayal with insurance of
disability - but by their depression they really were
invalid - but there was no treatment. Nobody in
Switzerland knew Yugoslavia precisely. Historically
Yugoslavia was considered to be "without problems"
because in 1948 it had solved from Stalin already. And
the affected did not say anything. The press presented
some analysis, but people who don't like to read - just
the Nazi party of SVP - for them those articles did not
have any value. For Nazi SVP was only one thing
important: police statistics and that's it. More this
stupid SVP could not read and corresponding to this was
also it's policy - a catastrophe, much propaganda about
nothing, spending millions of Swiss Francs, NEVER
reaching a solution of the problem.
Police statistics of Switzerland indicated that former
Yugoslavs were one of the main criminal groups in
Switzerland and nobody wanted to tell why this is like
this. SVP only had a helpless reaction of defense, just
a sharpening of laws. But this had hardly any effect but
only fuller jails. Yugoslavs in their depression of
passing Tito Yugoslavia, in their situation of being
presented as criminals by ShitVP, in their desperate
position with their language and missing language
knowledge, they got only more into depression, and then
they partly organized that what they had: mobile phones
and cars. Intelligence (IQ) partly was at the same level
of SVP, but language was missing, and thus these
Yugoslav low intelligence human beings had all possible
ideas to "attract attention". Sociology and psychology
did not know them, otherwise the first priority had been
a language course. But no, those groups of low
intelligence human beings from former Yugoslavia were
joking "changing" their new residence country a little
bit. Among other things they invented the copper theft.
They were "intelligent" spying Swiss families and when
the Swiss family was in holidays then the house and the
garage was emptied out. They smuggled cigarettes and
drugs and women and they created the new "Balkans Route"
smuggling drugs from Asia passing the Balkans as a
distribution center to Central Europe. From one day to
the other daily life in Switzerland was not safe any
more but one had to pay attention that nothing was
stolen - at any time: bikes, money bags, hand bags,
cars, devices and machines from building sites and so
on. Collective depression of these former Yugoslavs
after the breakdown of their Tito Empire was expressed
by a scandalous criminality against Swiss population.
Additionally they were killing each other also mutually
and were terrorizing discotheques because they had no
sex education, no Bravo, no Girl, or no other
educational literature.
In some way one could have the impression they were
executing a revenge to all Europe claiming that Europe
would be the culprit for the breakdown of their Tito
Empire. Well, dreamer Milosevic wanted to have a Great
Serbia down to Istanbul, but other groups on the Balkans
did not want that. This Great Serbia was hindered to
exist by Europe in fact, but for the breakdown of the
Tito state Europe was NOT responsible for sure, but this
was political failure to implement clear political
pluralist structures and to organize good successors.
And what did SVP? They did not see ANYTHING of all
these problems with the big depression. NO assistance
programs were created channeling these energies of
former Yugoslavs into positive lines, but SVP was
fighting these traumatized people in general with it's
propaganda sharpening laws. And SVP was lying that the
"Left" would contribute to empty coffers - although
middle class had decided to admit so many Yugoslavs in
Switzerland, even when they were NOT affected by
Yugoslavian war! This time the guilt was just NOT with
the Socialists that they would want to have more votes
by more foreigners in the country nationalizing them
later. But SVP did not stop this propaganda. This was
one unique lie against Socialists and Green.
The "Left" had to be a rat enemy
"Red rats" were this time not only representing "Left"
parties but also the depressive betrayers of insurance
of disability from former Yugoslavia. Of course the
problem was hardly solved. The thing is that SVP needs
an "enemy" for the provocation, nothing more. The "Left"
were presented as looters. With such methods also NSDAP
and Hitler won their elections: presenting an enemy as a
rat - spending much money - printing many posters.
Classical Nazi method.
Considering the international connections of criminal
Swiss secret service so it really can also be that this
Nazi SVP also receives money from abroad from right
radicals, from certain lodges or from certain oil
circles, for example from "U.S.A.". I think that it
really can be for example that billionaire Rockefeller
could be a sponsor of this party who wants to hinder any
success of any Socialist in any place of the world and
therefore he could clandestinely support this SVP. This
is just a possibility...
May 16, 2004: rejected rise of VAT for insurances of
AHV and IV (11th revision) with 67.9% No
Nazi-SVP had manipulated Swiss voter's population
massively thus the rise of VAT was rejected by 1.634,572
No to 772,773 Yes votes.
Nazi SVP had won with 67.9% with a rat poster. AHV and
IV had to find other ways solving their financial
problems. But the CAUSE of Yugoslav betrayals in the
insurance of disability was NOT solved, but Yugoslav
groups were installing themselves partly in drug
dealing, which was partly more and more organized by
Swiss justice itself, and later African guys should
follow with more betrayer cliques. The chaos in Nazi
Switzerland is going on until today (2013). These
criminal groups of foreigners and their eternal
propaganda of Nazi SVP not provoking any betterment are
only provoking depressions with some Swiss civilians up
to many emigrations.
Main problem in Switzerland: health insurance
And one has to know: the main problem in Switzerland is
not value added tax (VAT), but is health insurance
premium. SVP is not doing ANYTHING supporting cheap
natural medicine and herbal medicine, but SVP is
believing until today (2013) that pharma and pills would
be good, because SVP is "connected" with the big
chemistry companies. But only when natural medicine will
get first priority, when homeopathy will get second
priority, and when damaging pharma pills and technical
devices will get last priority, only then the numbers of
ill people will come down and premiums will also go
down. But Nazi Switzerland with Nazi SVP is far away
from this development like sun from earth, and thus
always rising insurance premium is burning into the
moneybag of Swiss population without end, also when
Swiss people means that they hardly would be ill. Health
insurances have treaties with the pill pharma companies.
SVP does not want to change anything with this, but they
are making policy always against the "Left" or against
"foreigners". And Swiss population is "collaborating".
Today (2013) Nazi SVP has got stable 30%. Hitler also
never had more than 37%... - and blood group nutrition
healing almost everything for nothing is never
mentioned. This is really not such an efficient health
April 25, 2004: Nazi justice in Zurich (Blocher's
Town) is protecting the rat poster - a "collective"
can be insulted with rats in Switzerland
even when it's the wrong enemy! We read:
Huonker, portrait [29]
Also he was failing with a complaint at Swiss
justice against this Nazi propaganda, because
Swiss justice said that a humiliating
presentation of a "collective group" would be
allowed in Switzerland thus any propaganda
against any group is possible. Until today
there is no change in this juridical practice
and nobody shut this juridical gap stopping
this Nazi practice and stopping this Nazi
propaganda against groups in Switzerland. And
thus whole Switzerland is going on with Racist
regulars' tables of Nazi SVP. Switzerland has
turned into a Nazi state.
<Regional court of Zurich rejected a complaint
against the controversial "rat poster" of SVP. The
complainant said this poster was a violation of personal
rights. Teh poster is making propaganda for a rejection
of rise of VAT in the coming people's vote of May 16. As
an illustration a picture of red rats eating a moneybag
was used. Add to this is declared that "the Left" want
to "ruin the country".
The claimant, historian Thomas Huonker, is a long year
Socialist member. He felt is rights of personality
violated by this poster. He was suing political party of
SVP and several of their representatives. [And Swiss
justice decides for the Swiss Nazis]: According to the
court this attack is not against a singular person and
the claimant had no right for any complaint. The
rejected claimant has to pay a compensation to the Nazi
party of SVP and has to pay the costs for the lawsuit.
Huonker himself declared to sda that this poster "in
fact contains an insulting content" but this insult was
headed against a collective group and not against a
singular person. Huonker would have no right for any
(orig. in German:
<Das Bezirksgericht Zürich hat eine Strafanzeige
gegen das umstrittene «Ratten-Plakat» der SVP
abgewiesen. Der Kläger hatte Persönlichkeitsverletzung
geltend gemacht. Das Plakat wirbt für eine Ablehnung
der Mehrwertsteuer-Erhöhung in der eidgenössischen
Abstimmung am 16. Mai. Als Illustration verwendet wird
ein Bild von drei roten Ratten, welche ein
Portemonnaie anfressen. Dazu wird erklärt, dass «die
Linken» das «Land ruinieren» wollten.
Der Kläger, der Historiker Thomas Huonker, selbst
langjähriges SP-Mitglied, hatte sich durch die
Darstellung in seiner Persönlichkeit verletzt gefühlt.
Er verklagte die Partei sowie mehrere ihrer
Exponenten. Laut Gericht ist der Angriff nicht auf
einzelne Personen gemünzt, der Kläger habe deshalb
keine Klageberechtigung. Der Abgeblitzte muss den
Beklagten eine Entschädigung zahlen und die
Prozesskosten tragen. Huonker erklärte der sda, der
Einzelrichter habe festgestellt, dass das Plakat zwar
«zweifelsohne beleidigende Äusserungen» beinhalte,
diese seien aber gegen ein Kollektiv und nicht gegen
Einzelpersonen gerichtet. Huonker habe deshalb keine
Klageberechtigung. >
Switzerland allowing rats on posters has converted
into a Nazi state
The presentation of the political enemy in form of rats
is corresponding to the policy of NSDAP under Hitler by
100%. Thus Swiss justice in Switzerland confirmed one
more time that Switzerland is a Nazi state. This Nazi
Switzerland dies NOT want to confess this until today
(2013) but Swiss media are simply speaking of
"successes" of SVP. Also Swiss media have adapted to
these Nazi methods of SVP. When Swiss justice is against
SVP, then he is loosing his job. As a foreigner there is
no peaceful life in Nazi Switzerland, as a German not at
all. SVP with it's rat poster has converted into a right
radical criminal association. And the members and fans
of SVP mean that they would make a "good" policy. Well,
under Hitler the feeling was JUST THE SAME...
The real logo of SVP with a gray meadow, with a brown
sun and with a flag in brown and white:
"The political party of Swiss Nazism (against all
foreigners moving around)."
But foreigners never will be Swiss when they are fought
but when they are also receiving a praise for their good
deeds. Nazi SVP does not want to know this until today.
Nazi SVP representatives are only watching the police
Where comes the money of SVP from?
As a secondary issue there is also rising the question
where the money of SVP comes from because Mr. Blocher is
NOT on the list of the 10 richest persons in
Switzerland. He has a considerable company in the canton
of Grisons, Ems Chemical (Ems Chemie), but he is not on
the list of the richest persons of Switzerland. Here is
the list of 2009:
The 10 richest persons in Switzerland (with
foreigners) (2009) - no Blocher on the list
Name |
fortune (in billions of
Swiss Francs) |
sector |
canton |
Ingvar Kamprad |
35-36 |
furniture, financial
VD |
family Hoffmann and Oeri |
15-16 |
pharma |
BS |
family Bertarelli |
10-11 |
sharing [speculations]
BE |
family Brenninkmeijer |
10-11 |
commerce in textiles,
properties, energy |
ZG |
Viktor Vekselberg |
8-9 |
sharing [speculations]
ZH |
Hansjörg Wyss |
7-8 |
medical techniques |
BE |
Walter Haefner |
6-7 |
car commerce, software |
ZH |
Klaus-Michael Kühne |
6-7 |
logistics |
SZ |
family Latsis |
6-7 |
banks, sharing,
GE |
Prince Hans-Adam von and
zu Liechtenstein |
6-7 |
banks, sharing,
properties |
FL |
Racist Christoph Blocher and his company in Domat-Ems is
not on the list. Therefore there is the question where
the money is from when he was financing his mega war
with advertisings and posters? Can Blocher finance all
this alone? For sure not...
Here is another list, this time the richest Swiss
persons at fi-news: <"Forbes": These are the richest
Swiss persons> (orig. in German: "Forbes": Das sind
die reichsten Schweizer"), from March 10, 2011:
The list of the richest Swiss persons (2011) - no
Blocher on the list
1. Ernesto Bertarelli (heritage, Ares Serono is sold):
10 billion Dollars
2. Hansjörg Wyss: 6,4 billion Dollars
3. Thomas Schmidheiny (Holcim): 4,8 billion Dollars
4. Walter Haefner (manager): 4 billion Dollars
5. Stephan Schmidheiny (financier and investor): 2,9
billion Dollars
6. Sergio Mantegazza (construction company, travel
company): 2,9 billion Dollars
7: Jean-Claude Gandur (oil merchant): 2 billion Dollars
8. Esther Grether with family: 2 billion Dollars
9. Thomas Straumann (dental implants): 1,3 billion
And also in articles about the 300 richest Swiss
Blocher is never mentioned, for example in the article
of 20 minutes "The 300 richest Swiss persons. See the
winners and the loosers" (orig. German: "Die 300
reichsten Schweizer. Das sind die Auf- und Absteiger")
from December 3, 2010:
But there was an article with the indication that
Blocher had 2 to 3 billion Swiss Francs private fortune
won by his business with Ems Chemical (Ems-Chemie):,
photo 15
But Mr. Blocher is nowhere on any list. But where
is he? Where comes his money from?
Or he has so much that he is hiding all and all
newspaper managers are following him?
Hitler also never said where his money for his
propaganda was coming from: tsarists from Russia,
royalists from France, oil bosses from Holland and
"America" and so on. Here is a summary:
Why Blocher is not telling where his money comes
from either? This is the same tactic like Hitler had...
As long
as this Nazi party SVP is existing Switzerland
should be consequently excluded and boycotted
because one cannot live in peace in this Nazi
state of Switzerland.
There is no advertising with
Photo sources
[1] Bilaterale Verträge zwischen der Schweiz und der
EU I+II, Buch:
[2] Wahlresultat der nationalen Wahlen in Österreich
von 1999:
[3] AUNS Unterschriftensammlung gegen die
Bilateralen Verträge 2000:,
Foto 12
[4] SP-Plakat "Ja zu Europa" mit EU-Sternchen:
[5] EU, Karte von 1995:
[6] EU 2004, Karte:
[7] Landeskleber Schweiz-EU am Auto mit
[8] Landeskleber Schweiz-EU am Auto mit
Variation von Michael Palomino 2013
[9] Abstimmungsresultat "Ja zu Europa" mit 76,7%
[10] Karte mit dem Abstimmungsresultat 76,7% Nein zu
"Ja zu Europa" 4.3.2001:
[11] Blocher kommentiert das Nein zu "Ja zu Europa",
[12] Swisscoy-Einheit am Flughafen Pristina 1999:
[13] Abgabe von Unterschriften der AUNS gegen
Auslandseinsätze von schweizer Soldaten, Januar 2001
[14] SVP gegen schweizer Soldaten im Ausland mit
einem Kriegsfriedhof:
[15] SVP-Plakat für die Verschärfung des Asylrechts
mit Einbrecher, der die schweizer Fahne aufschlitzt,
[16] Flugblatt mit der Argumentation der SVP zur
Asylinitiative 2002:
[17] Flugblatt, der Asylantenstrom 1991-2001,
Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Ländern:
[18] Plakat Nein zur Asylinitiative 2002 teuer und
[19] Asylinitiative 30. November 2002 Plakat der SVP
"Volk muss handeln":
[20] Schweizer Karte zur Asylinitiative 30. November
2002 mit 50,1% Nein:
[21] geplantes Plakat der SVP St. Gallen 2003,
Schweizer sind Neger:
[22] Inserate der SVP St. Gallen, Schweizer sind
immer mehr die ...:,
Foto Nr. 4
[23] Interneteintrag, der das Wort "Neger"
[24] Buch "Wir Schweizer sind immer mehr die Neger!"
für 59 Euro:
[25] Ruth Metzler abgewählt, 2007:
[26] 2003, Protest von Frauen gegen den
Rassisten-Knochen Blocher nach der Abwahl von Ruth
Foto 30
[27] Plakat der SVP 2004: Ratten-Plakat gegen
[28] Plakat 2004 Rattenplakat gegen
Mehrwertsteuererhöhung:, Foto 5
[29] Thomas Huonker, Portrait: