Part 4b: propaganda against Kosovo Albanians,
against school children, defamation of foreigners is
no crime, asylum abuse of Yugoslav partisans, and
national elections of 1999
1998: SVP making propaganda against Albanian
refugees from Kosovo being victims of Milosevic
Poster of SVP in 1998
against a contact net for Kosovo Albanians,
mega poster of 4 posters [1]. Such a poster
can also be called terrorism... graphic artist
was probably the Nazi Hans-Ruedi Abächerli...
Poster "contact net for Kosovo
Albanians no" ("Kontaktnetz für
Kosovo-Albaner nein") in a vertical form [2]

Advertisement "contact net
for Kosovo Albanians no" ("Kontaktnetz für
Kosovo-Albaner Nein") with the general
propaganda against Kosovo Albanians and all
former Yugoslavs [3]
New enemy stereotype - gold mines in Kosovo and
elimination of the population
All years criminal Nazi SVP finds a new enemy stereotype.
In 1980 it was autonomous youth center,in 1982 it was
squatting of the house of Badenerstrasse no.2, since 1992
it was Europe in general, since 1993 "Left and Nice
people" and since 1994 the project "Karthago", since 1997
"U.S.A." and Jewish organizations. In 1998 this constant
propaganda against foreigners was continued with huge
posters against Albanian refugees from Kosovo from the
Balkans, and with advertisements against Kosovo Albanians
and former Yugoslavs in general. The matter was a support
for a contact net for Albanian refugees from Kosovo which
had immigrated from Yugoslavia War to Switzerland. This
was a project from help organization of Caritas, and the
town of Zurich wanted to give a contribution of 50,000
Swiss Franks, and the following year again 50,000.-.
Kosovo was a disputed territory between Albanians and
Serbs. And according to rumors there were gold mines
there. And Kosovo population was systematically driven out
by Serbian war mass murderer Milosevic. For the war
parties the fate of them was not important and the
draggers - or even Swiss government - were leading the
refugees to Switzerland.
Contact net as a prevention against depression
The contact net should serve solidarity of the Kosovo
Albanians thus they would not be depressive after the
traumatic events, and the net should also be a help for
integration without problems. The conveyor contribution
should be of 50,000.- Swiss Francs and one year later the
same sum again. When this project should be a success,
more such cheap integration projects would follow. The
network should not only be a net between the scattered
Kosovo Albanian refugees, but should also facilitate Swiss
organizations to reach the Kosovo Albanians without
problems rapidly organizing problems and educating them in
Swiss traditions and Swiss law etc. Because partly these
Kosovo Albanians lived like Serbs and Croats in archaic
life conditions with blood revenge like in Sicily,
children were sold, conflicts were solved with murders or
babies were given, there was forced marriage yet, a big
car like Mercedes or BMW was a status symbol, women's
rights were granted only partly or not at all etc.
And at the same time Kosovo Albanians had to learn about
the structures in Switzerland. Kosovo Albanians had hardly
any sex education, children suffered often forced
marriages yet. What was missing? Bravo and Girl youth
magazines in Albanian language, books about Switzerland in
Albanian language, books also about other European
countries in Albanian languages, philosophy and teaching
life for solving conflicts in Albanian language. Nothing
was there - but there but a poster action of criminal SVP
against these Albanians. With this poster action one could
recognize again who was the "troublemaker" in the country:
racist Blocher and his propagandist friends Mörgeli, Fehr,
Maurer and all the others.
Blind SVP making propaganda against the integration
project with Nazi posters
SVP was making propaganda against this little support
instead of doing good things. They started a poster action
with huge posters. Of course this poster action cost the
multiple of the support for the integration project. That
means: One more time Nazi SVP was the most inefficient
political party of the world. Costs and money sources are
kept secret systematically, and SVP even means that this
would be a "democratic" and "Swiss" behavior. Not at all:
SVP was pretending being the protector of Switzerland one
more time without doing only one good deed concerning the
Kosovo Albanians.
Propaganda posters of Nazi graphic artist Hans Rudolf
Abächerli against Kosovo Albanians and former Yugoslavs
in Switzerland
Now Mr. Abächerli was really a 0 concerning sociology, an
idiot, and it seems that he does not know why somebody
becomes a criminal. This happens mostly by negligence, by
lack of the language and by frustration by degradation.
And what was doing this propaganda poster of this criminal
SVP of Nazi Abächerli? Just right: Former Yugoslavs were
even more degraded. Mr. Nazi Abächerli was uttering in his
advertising his racist theories. And probably these racist
theories were given from Baron of the Lies Mr. Mörgeli:
<Stop this project which is a dramatic signal. Please
-- that always more people from foreign cultures come into
our town
-- that criminality is rising without end (foot note 1:
"33 percent of the youth condemned because of a violent
crime are from former Yugoslavia"; see Daily News
(Tagesanzeiger) of March 13, 1998)
-- that always more funds are given to new marginal groups
-- that red Socialists always spending money are driving
[the town of] Zurich always more into it's ruin (foot note
2: "Debts of town of Zurich at December 31, 1998: over
1,300 million Swiss Francs).
[Here is] Swiss People's Party of Town of Zurich (SVP),
the party of the middle class. Safe future in freedom.>
(orig. in German:
<Stoppen Sie das Projekt mit verhängnisvoller
Signalwirkung. Verhindern Sie,
-- dass immer mehr Leute aus fremden Kulturen in unsere
Stadt kommen
-- dass die Kriminalität immer mehr um sich greift
(Fussnote 1: "33 Prozent der wegen eines Gewaltdeliktes
verzeigten Jugendlichen stammen aus dem ehemaligen
Jugoslawien." Tagesanzeiger, 13. März 1998)
-- dass immer mehr Geld an immer neue Randgruppen
verschleudert wird
-- dass die roten Ausgabensozialisten [die Stadt] Zürich
immer weiter in den finanziellen Ruin treiben (Fussnote
2: Schulden der Stadt Zürich am 31. Dezember 1998: über
1300 Millionen Franken)
Schweizerische Volkspartei der Stadt Zürich (SVP), die
Partei des Mittelstandes. Sichere Zukunft in
In the colloquial speech there was a rumor spread that one
should not give 50,000.- Swiss Francs to a foreign
minority. Well, this was not at all a "gift" but it was a
measure for a faster integration of the war refugees. And
the advertising of Nazi graphic artist Abächerli -
probably in collaboration with Baron of the Lies Mörgeli -
was a total lie because the real purpose of the "contact
net" was NEVER mentioned but was CONCEALED, on the poster
AND in the advertisement.
The people's vote about the contact net for Kosovo
Albanians was lost - private donations
The people's vote for the contact net was lost then - and
Kosovo Albanians in Switzerland were going on being
without any literature about Central Europe in Albanian
language. As a reaction to the lost people's vote
donations were coming in. And now the party of ShitVP
stated that the propaganda against Kosovo Albanians only
had had the purpose not to give tax payer's money for
foreigners. This lying party of SVP wanted to have a
political advantage by any political position...
Kosovo Albanians themselves were partly spreading in
organized criminality smuggling things and humans. Swiss
policy was not strong enough leading the Albanians to a
positive direction by translating and assisting, and the
political party of SVP had wasted 100,000s of Swiss Francs
with posters and advertisements and was provoking even
more isolation. Just the people's vote itself cost the tax
payer of Zurich 100,000 Swiss Francs. These maneuvers of
SVP can also be called terrorism what this Nazi SVP was
performing here in 1998 in the town of Zurich. Nazi
graphic artist Hans-Ruedi Abächerli was "making" the
poster - but it was defined as "anonymous". I was in
Zurich myself during this time.
Foreigners begin to hate this criminal SVP and to hate
Switzerland like a poison - and criminality was rising
By these posters and advertisements against Kosovo
Albanians and against former Yugoslavs in general the
former Yugoslavs themselves were creating the term
Considering this waste of money committed by ShitVP with
lies and half truths with advertisements and posters this
term is just right I think.
Foreigners began to hate this SVP like a poison. Donations
for the contact net were not published much. Above all
Balkans foreigners hardly got any news about the donations
after the vote. And when foreigners who were not from the
Balkans were seeing all this how this criminal SVP was
making propaganda against former Yugoslavs then they could
conclude how any foreigner's group is in danger in this
Switzerland and could become the next victim of this
criminal propagandist political party. And therefore more
and more foreigners are hating this Nazi party of SVP -
and analyzing the system also a hatred against Swiss
justice and all other Swiss political parties of
Switzerland is coming up because they just don't do
anything about this criminal SVP.
After 1998 after this dreadful and discriminating poster
action criminality in Switzerland was not going down but
was rising on instead of all propaganda against the
Balkans. Criminal SVP just reached the contrary of that
what they wanted to reach - pretending being the protector
of Switzerland offering itself to the voters of other
extremist right wing parties as an alternative. More
criminal a political party cannot act principally...
SVP concealing money sources for propaganda
advertisements and propaganda posters - painting posters
of SVP is principally legal in this case
Until today (2013) this ShitVP is rejecting any indication
from where this big money for it's advertising and posters
is coming. This concealment is principally not at all
democratic, and it's principally not at all Swiss. Thus
SVP is a party of foreigners. And as long as this SVP is
not publishing it's money sources everybody has
principally the right to paint and eliminate the indecent
and discriminating posters of SVP which all are offending
good manners.
Criminal and coward Swiss justice is not intervening
The group of "Democrat layers of Zurich" (orig. German:
Demokratische Juristinnen und Juristen in Zürich, DJZ)
were filing a charge against the propaganda poster and the
propaganda advertisement against Kosovo Albanians. A
certain Mr. Dr. Niggli was making an analysis. And what
happened? - Criminal Zurich justice was protecting this
criminal SVP and was protecting this criminal propaganda
advertisement and propaganda poster. The judges of the
inferior court said that the world of "Contact Net" had
been clearly visible and the poster had been recognizable
as a "people's vote poster".
(from: SVP poster: acquittal (SVP-Plakat: Freispruch);
(orig. in German:
SVP-Plakat: Freispruch
Wegen Verstosses gegen die
Anti-Rassismus-Strafnorm fand im November der
Prozess gegen den Auftrag gebenden
SVP-Parteisekretär Karl Schroeder, den
Auftragnehmer des Werbebüros und den Grafiker
der Plakate statt. Angeklagt waren auch die
Verantwortlichen der Druckerei und der
Plakatgesellschaft sowie die Inserate-Chefs
diverser Quartierzeitungen und des
Nicht zu Hass gegen
Kosovo-Albaner aufgerufen
Die zehn Angeklagten wurden vom Einzelrichter
am Bezirksgericht Zürich freigesprochen und
erhalten Prozess-Entschädigungen. Die
Genugtuungs-Forderung des Kosovo-Albaners, der
mit der Strafanzeige den Prozess angestrengt
hatte, wurde abgelehnt. Die Plakate und
Inserate hätte nicht zu Hass oder
Diskriminierung gegen Kosovo-Albaner
aufgerufen, erklärte der Einzelrichter an der
Urteilseröffnung am Freitag. Ebenso wenig
bewirkten sie eine Herabsetzung der
Kosovo-Albaner, die laut Richter als Ethnie im
Sinne des Gesetzes zu betrachten seien. Dass
die Plakate Betroffenheit auslösen können und
dies auch getan haben, räumte er ein. Während
"Kosovo-Albaner" und "Nein" in Grossbuchstaben
von den Plakaten prangte, war "Kontaktnetz
für" nur klein gedruckt. Die primäre
Botschaft, so der Bezirksanwalt, hiess
"Kosovo-Albaner Nein".
Als Abstimmungs-Plakat
Diese Meinung teilte der Richter nicht: Der
erste Blick falle zwar auf das grosse "Nein"
und die Wortgruppe "Kontaktnetz für" sei
kleiner geschrieben - aber sie sei klar
erkennbar und lesbar. Das Plakat dürfe nicht -
wie dies ein Gutachter getan habe - die drei
Wortgruppen "Nein", "Kosovo-Albaner" und
"Kontaktnetz für" einander gegenüberstellen,
sondern den Text als ganzes und das SVP-Logo.
"Und dann ist es klar als Abstimmungs-Plakat
erkennbar", hielt der Richter fest.>
SVP poster: acquittal
<In November there was a trial because of
violation of anti racism law against party
secretary of SVP Karl Schroeder who had given
the order, and against the boss of the
advertising agency and against the graphic
artist. Also charged were the responsibles of
the printing company and of the poster's company
and the advertisement bosses of several local
newspapers and of Tagesanzeiger.
Not invoked for hatred against Kosovo
The ten charged persons were discharged
completely and get a compensation for the
process. The Kosovo Albanian who had filed the
charge got no compensation. The judges said that
the posters and advertisements had not invoked
any hatred or discrimination against Kosovo
Albanians presenting the verdict on Friday. Also
was no effect degrading Kosovo Albanians in the
connection of rights of an ethnic group
described in the law. The judge said that the
poster could provoke consternation. The words
"Kosovo Albanians" and "No" were written in big
letters and the words "contact net for" were
written only in little letters. Thus the primary
message of the poster and of the advertisement
was "Kosovo Albanians No".
The poster could be recognized as a poster
for a people's vote
This meaning did not share the judge.
Considering that the first view was reading "No"
and only the second view was "Contact net for"
which was in little letters, - but is was
clearly recognizable and readable. The
poster should not - as the reviewer had
done - be parted into three separate groups of
words with "No", "Kosovo Albanians" and "contact
net", but the text should be considered as a
whole considering also the logo of SVP. "And
then this poster can be recognized as a poster
for a people's vote clearly" the judge said.> |
Also the superior court of Zurich (Obergericht) was
protecting the discriminating advertisements and
posters. The Zurich judges of superior court were just
claiming that posters for a people's vote had to
"reduce" a certain matter otherwise the message would
not really reach the population. Well, more cruel a
justice system cannot act against foreigners.
(Verdict of superior court of Zurich (Urteil der I.
Strafkammer des Obergerichtes des Kantons Zürich),
December 18, 2002 (SB020315);
With this verdict protecting the propaganda posters and
the propaganda advertisements against Kosovo Albanians
Zurich justice was outing itself as a Nazi justice not
considering any effect: more criminality, more hatred of
foreigners against Swiss people, more hatred of Swiss
people against foreigners, and more right wing extremism
in the country.
These propaganda advertisements were spread in whole
German speaking Switzerland because they were also
printed in Daily News (Tagesanzeiger) provoking a racist
pogrom mood. Also this was just not important for
criminal Swiss justice getting daily wages of four
And Swiss psychology? Just don't say anything either:
They are not protecting Switzerland from this psycho
terrorism of criminal SVP
One could have the idea that also Swiss psychologist
would show their affection by these propaganda campaigns
of SVP claiming political measures for peace and order
in the country. But they showed another behavior: Coward
psychologist and psychiatrists of Switzerland officially
did not utter ANY word and they did not feel obliged to
indicate that such propaganda posters and propaganda
advertisements spreading proven lies can also provoke
depressions in Switzerland. Why psychologist and
psychiatrists were being mute? Because they meant that
their education would be "complete" after university and
politics would not be a matter of them. This is the
general strategy of Swiss psychologists and
psychiatrists, and they mean that their special
knowledge should be limited to psychiatry with their
mentally ill clients.
That means: In this Swiss psychological system with
psychologists and psychiatrists - also female members
inclusive - there is a complete irresponsibility
concerning the country considering the damaging
propaganda campaigns of this criminal SVP. One could
expect more drive for political correctness and truth by
these Swiss psychologists ans psychiatrists. But these
coward people rather like to drink a coffee or booze
celebrating their high salaries after home time when the
night watch was beginning to work. And they are afraid
to intervene into politics because then they would be
dismissed. More coward the institution of Swiss
psychologists and psychiatrists cannot act...
No protection of minorities in Switzerland - also in
2013 not
At the same time the other political parties of
Switzerland are NOT working for any protection of
minorities of groups of humans and nationalities
installing a law thus no propaganda against them is
possible any more in public. Why the other political
parties are not installing any protection of minorities
enlarging the anti racism law also to any group of
humans or nationality - I don't know. But until today
only religions and ethnic groups are protected. There is
NO declaration for this cowardice of WHOLE SWITZERLAND.
And thus Switzerland is becoming always browner and
browner converting itself into a Nazi state step by
step. Foreigners being born in Switzerland with the will
to install themselves in Switzerland with this country
as a homeland had no chance: SVP was robbing them the
homeland. This fact the stupid political parties of
Switzerland do not see until today (2013)...
SVP is the
perfect system for waste of
1998-1999: Propaganda of SVP against school
children of foreign parent
Solving an important problem against apartheid between
locals and foreigners
In 1998 Mr. criminal SVP was driving for one more
propaganda campaign against foreigners blaming school
children of foreign parents. With this campaign the term
"immigration background" was invented. What had happened
In some cantons criminal SVP had such a big power that
Swiss parents did not leave to play their children with
children of foreigners. Additionally Muslim parents wanted
to have Muslim children and did not leave to play their
children with Swiss children. Additionally by the eternal
propaganda of SVP against foreigners foreign parents also
were in a certain fear installing contact with Swiss
parents or to speak with each other on the play ground.
This concerned above all racist orientated cantons of
Lucerne and above all the canton of Schwyz. And it was not
German speaking Swiss press presenting this problem to the
public, but it was the French part of Switzerland opening
this taboo topic warning from a new apartheid in German
part of Switzerland when foreign and Swiss children were
going into different classes as there were some school
classes already in the canton of Lucerne.
But it just had been racist SVP always spreading hatred
against foreigners isolating foreigners from Swiss
population thus the children hardly had any contact with
Swiss children. SVP was just claiming a problem now which
was provoked by SVP itself. More stupid a political party
cannot be. Instead of confessing the big fault rejecting
any propaganda against foreigners in future this brute and
criminal SVP was installing one propaganda advertisement
after the other, for example in Zurich, against foreign
school children who could not speak Swiss German right.
Zurich SVP was fighting children. This racist action was
prescribed on my web site about "Blocher Town" already
("Blocherhausen") and it can be read here once more:
(from: Hostility against foreigners in Zurich: "Blocher
Town" in the 1990s (German: Zürichs
Ausländerfeindlichkeit: "Blocherhausen" in den 1990er
Kriminelle SVP-Propaganda gegen ausländische
Schulkinder in Zürich
<Der Gipfel der Ausländerfeindlichkeit war
die SVP-Hetze gegen Ausländerkinder mit der
Inserate-Schlagzeile "Weniger Ausländer an den
Zürcher Schulen!"
der SVP Zürich: Weniger Ausländer an den
Zürcher Schulen! In: Tagblatt der Stadt
Zürich, 21.4.1998, S.14)
Der Fehler, dass 7-jährige Kinder die
Landessprache nicht gut beherrschen, ist mit
getrennten Schulen nicht wettzumachen, sondern
mit Integration der Ausländerkinder in Abläufe
der ansässigen Bevölkerung. Nach der Ablehnung
des "Kontaktnetzes für Kosovo-Albaner" durch die
Zürcher Stimmbevölkerung hetzte die SVP in
halbseitigen Inseraten "SVP: Nein zu weiteren
Steuergeldern für Ausländer!"
der SVP Zürich: "Arroganz der roten Macht!"
In: ZüriWoche, 18.6.1998, S.12)
Da kostete doch ein solches Inserat schon
mindestens 15.000 Franken, womit man in Afrika
ganze Welten hätte versetzen können.
Statt zwischen Einheimischen und zugezogenen
Ausländern Ängste abzubauen, hetzte die SVP
Zürich gegen Ausländerkindern, die den
Schulunterricht allein durch ihre Anwesenheit
verunmöglichen würden.
der SVP Zürich: SVP Ausländerkonzept.
Ausländerkinder dürfen die Volksschule erst
bei genügend Deutschkenntnissen besuchen!
In: Tagblatt der Stadt Zürich, 15.6.1999,
Damit sei die "Chancengleichheit" für schweizer
Schüler gefährdet, so die SVP.
der SVP Zürich: SVP: Chancengleichheit für
alle, auch für Schweizer-Schüler; In:
Tages-Anzeiger 25.6.1999, S.18; Tagblatt der
Stadt Zürich 25.6.1999, S.29)
Die "linke Politik" sei deswegen "unsozial!"
der SVP Zürich: Mehr Gerechtigkeit in der
Politik! Linke Politik ist unsozial. SVP:
Bildungschance für Schweizer! In: Tagblatt
der Stadt Zürich, 7.7.1999, S.21)
Die SVP Zürich spiegelt sogar vor, dass die
Ausländer die Renten gefährden würden, um die
Stimmung gegen Ausländer anzuheizen.
der SVP Zürich: Mehr Gerechtigkeit in der
Politik. Linke Politik ist unsozial! SVP:
zuerst die Senioren - für sichere Renten;
In: Tagblatt der Stadt Zürich 5.7.1999,
Die SVP propagierte sogar, dass Ausländern ein
Verbot auferlegt werden könnte, in Zürich zu
wohnen, ohne die Problematik des Ausländerrechts
mit in die Diskussion einzubeziehen, das
gegenüber Frankreich oder den "USA" sehr
restriktiv gehandhabt wurde und zwischen im Land
geborenen und von aussen zugezogenen Ausländern
zu unterscheiden.
der SVP: SVP-Ausländerkonzept. Linke Politik
bringt immer mehr Ausländer: Stadt Zürich =
28,8 %. SVP: Reduzierung des
Ausländeranteils in Zürich auf 25 %; In:
Tages-Anzeiger 22.6.1999, S.63)
Schliesslich versuchten kluge Journalisten die
Hetze der rassistischen SVP zu kontern, indem
z.B. die getrennten Klassen der 1970er Jahre in
Bayern angesprochen wurden. Die Integration der
türkischen Menschen, die separierte Klassen
besucht hatten, vollzog sich viel schwerer als
bei türkischen Menschen, die normale Klassen
besuchen konnten. Kostspielige
"Eingliederungsprogramme" für diese türkischen,
nicht integrierten Menschen, waren die Folge.
Zudem seien die Leistungen der Schüler sehr von
der Lehrperson abhängig. Das Problem sei anders
anzupacken, mit nach Fächern aufgeteilten
verschiedenen Begabtenstufen in derselben Stufe.
Somm, Markus: Die Volkspartei stört den
Unterricht. Die SVP will getrennte
Schulklassen. In: Tages-Anzeiger 24.8.1998
Zudem musste die SVP den Einwand akzeptieren,
dass auch schweizerische Kinder aus anderen
Sprachregionen diskriminiert werden sollten.
Zudem zeige ein erster Versuch von separierten
Klassen im Kanton Luzern, dass auch Ausländer
mit guten Deutschkenntnissen in die
"Ausländerklasse" eingeteilt worden seien. Somit
sei die Apartheid nicht mehr weit.
(Zeitungsbericht: Hug, Peter: Getrennte
Schule führt zur Apartheid-Gesellschaft. Die
Kommission gegen Rassismus lehnt getrennte
Klassen für einheimische und fremdsprachige
Kinder strikt ab; In: Tages-Anzeiger
<>) |
Criminal SVP propaganda against foreign
school children in Zurich
<The top of hostility against foreigners was
the propaganda of SVP against children of
foreigners with the headline of the
advertisement "Less Foreigners In Zurich
(ad of Zurich SVP: Weniger Ausländer an
den Zürcher Schulen! In: Tagblatt der Stadt
Zürich, April 21, 1998, p.14)
The fault that 7 years old children could not
speak Swiss German well cannot be balanced with
separate classes but integration of foreign
children has to be within the daily rhythm of
the local population. After the denial of the
"contact net for Kosovo Albanians" by Zurich
voter's population SVP was making propaganda in
half page sized advertisements with the headline
"SVP: No to further tax money for foreigners!"
(ad of Zurich SVP: "Arrogance of Red
Power" ("Arroganz der roten Macht!") In:
ZüriWoche, June 18, 1998, p.12)
But just such an advertisement cost at least
15,000 Swiss Francs which had been much money
for good projects in Africa.
Instead of eliminating fears between locals and
immigrant foreigners SVP of Zurich was making
even more propaganda, now against foreign
children, and school education would be blocked
just by their presence, stated criminal SVP.
(ad of Zurich SVP: Foreigner's concept of
SVP: foreign children only may go to general
school with enough German language! (SVP
Ausländerkonzept. Ausländerkinder dürfen die
Volksschule erst bei genügend
Deutschkenntnissen besuchen!) In: Tagblatt der
Stadt Zürich, June 15, 1999, p.12)
Thus equal opportunities for Swiss pupils were
endangered, SVP stated.
(ad of Zurich: Zurich: SVP: equal
opportunities for all, also for Swiss people
(Zürich: SVP: Chancengleichheit für alle, auch
für Schweizer-Schüler); In: Tages-Anzeiger
June 25, 1999, p.18; Tagblatt der Stadt
Zürich, June 25, 1999, p.29)
"Left policy" would be "antisocial!" because of
(ad of Zurich SVP: More justice in
policy! Left policy is antisocial. SVP:
educational opportunity for Swiss! (Mehr
Gerechtigkeit in der Politik! Linke Politik
ist unsozial. SVP: Bildungschance für
Schweizer!); In: Tagblatt der Stadt Zürich,
July 7, 1999, p.21)
Zurich SVP was even pretending that foreigners
would endanger rents provoking even more pogrom
mood against foreigners.
(ad of Zurich SVP: More justice in
policy. Left policy is antisocial! SVP: first
the seniors - for safe rents (Inserat der SVP
Zürich: Mehr Gerechtigkeit in der Politik.
Linke Politik ist unsozial! SVP: zuerst die
Senioren - für sichere Renten); In: Tagblatt
der Stadt Zürich July 5, 1999, p.15)
SVP was even propagating that foreigners should
be forbidden to live in Zurich without
considering the law of foreigners which was
applied very strictly according to France or to
the "U.S.A." making a difference between
foreigners born in the country and immigrated
(ad of SVP: concept of foreigners of SVP.
Left policy only provokes more foreigners:
town of Zurich = 28.8%. SVP: reduction of the
share of foreigners in Zurich to 25%
(SVP-Ausländerkonzept. Linke Politik bringt
immer mehr Ausländer: Stadt Zürich = 28,8 %.
SVP: Reduzierung des Ausländeranteils in
Zürich auf 25 %); In: Tages-Anzeiger, June 22,
1999, p.63)
At the end intelligenct journalists tried to
counter this racist SVP mentioning that
separated schooling in Bavaria in the 1970s for
German and Turkish pupils had provoked that the
integration of Turks was very hard for those who
had passed separated classes provoking
"expensive integration programs" for them. And
the performance of the pupils are principally
dependent from the teacher's person. The problem
should be solved in another way considering the
intelligence according to the subjects.
(report of Markus Somm: People's Party
making troubles concerning school education.
SVP wants separated school classes (Die
Volkspartei stört den Unterricht. Die SVP will
getrennte Schulklassen). In: Tages-Anzeiger,
August 24,1998;
Additionally SVP had to accept the objection
that installing separated classes would also
mean that also Swiss children of other languages
would be discriminated. Additionally a first
trial of separated classes in the canton of
Lucerne showed that also foreigners with good
German knowledge were given to the "foreigners'
class". thus apartheid would not be far any
(report of Peter Hug: Separated school
classes will provoke an apartheid society.
Commission against Racism rejecting strictly
separate school classes for locals and foreign
children (Getrennte Schule führt zur
Apartheid-Gesellschaft. Die Kommission gegen
Rassismus lehnt getrennte Klassen für
einheimische und fremdsprachige Kinder strikt
ab); In: Tages-Anzeiger, August 24, 1999;
The solution of the language problem in the school:
early Kindergarten from 3 years on
The solution of the language problem with school children
was the installation of an early Kindergarten for children
from 3 years on and contact and work with the foreign and
the Swiss parents permitting a free play between the
children. Propaganda of criminal SVP and propaganda of
Nazi graphic artist Abächerli just were not working at
all, because there was NEVER mentioned anything about an
early Kindergarten otherwise this had been stated in big
letters in advertisements.
SVP has
much money but remains with beer and without
1999: Propaganda against foreigners is no
defamation - criminal Swiss justice protecting any
propaganda of criminal SVP - the brown shit is
My charge against Zurich SVP because of defamation against
my person as a foreigner was made on July 23, 1999
(referring to the advertisement "Too many foreigners in
Swiss schools" ("Zu viele Ausländer an schweizer
Schulen"). When I had children, could I send them to Swiss
schools? How should my children manage the constant
defamation campaigns? But criminal justice of Zurich did
not consider any defamation but this racist game against
foreigners in this bank secret town of Zurich was a joy
for this Zurich justice with ridiculous justifications in
juridical language thus any propaganda against foreigners
would be allowed - like the following ones:
Kriminelle Justiz in Zürich billigt jede
Ausländerhetze damit, es sei keine "einzelne
Person" betroffen
"Es ist nicht ersichtlich, inwiefern jemand in
seiner Geltung als ehrbarer Mensch verletzt sein
soll, wenn von ihm gewisse Voraussetzungen für
den Besuch einer bestimmten Schule oder auch
z.B. für das Bestehen einer Prüfung verlangt
werden." oder: "Wenn der Ankläger dem Inserat
vorwirft, es sei zu pauschal oder stimme
überhaupt nicht, so ist das, selbst wenn der
Vorwurf zutreffen würde, keine Rufschädigung,
ist es doch gerade der Sinn von
Auseinandersetzungen, dass gegensätzliche
Meinungen diskutiert werden. Dabei ist es auch
nichts Aussergewöhnliches, wenn sich einmal eine
Meinung als nicht richtig erweist. Darin liegt
keine Ehrverletzung gegenüber dem von der
falschen Behauptung Betroffenen."
Schlussfolgerung des Bezirksgerichts Zürich:
"Zusammengefasst kann damit gesagt werden, dass
die Inserate betr. die Schulverhältnisse
niemanden in seinem Ruf schädigen bzw. nicht
ehrverletzend sind. Die Anklage wirft daher in
diesen Punkten der Angeklagten gar keine
Ehrverletzungen vor und ist damit nicht
des Bezirksgerichts Zürich 5.8.1999, S.4-5)
Über Ausländer darf in der Schweiz immer in
negativer und anschuldigender Weise diskutiert
werden: "Wenn davon ausgegangen würde, die
Inserate hätten rufschädigenden bzw.
ehrverletzenden Inhalt, so würde eine
Ehrverletzung gegenüber einer Personengruppe,
eine Kollektivbeleidigung vorliegen [...]. In
einem solchen Fall ist entscheidend, ob
erkennbar Einzelne betroffen sind. Der gegen
eine grössere Anzahl von Personen gerichtete
allgemeine Angriff ist nicht geeignet, den Ruf
des Einzelnen zu schädigen, wenn keine
Abgrenzung es erlaubt, einen engeren
Personenkreis festzustellen, der sich von der
Gesamtheit unterscheidet."
des Bezirksgerichts Zürich 5.8.1999, S.7)
Die Justiz bestätigt hiermit, dass es sich bei
den SVP-Inseraten um einen "allgemeinen Angriff"
gegen Ausländer handelt, billigt diese Hetze
jedoch, ob diese zutrifft oder nicht.
Die Menschenrechte bzw. die Menschenwürde
sind dieser Justiz jedoch nachweislich egal.
Auch ein Rekurs vom 5.8.1999 hatte keine Chance,
räumte aber im Beschluss vom 3.11.1999
ein: "Dass sich der Rekurrent als
Ausländer mit Wohnsitz in der Stadt Zürich durch
die Inserate der SVP betroffen fühlt, ist
nachfühlbar. Ein Ehrverletzungstatbestand ist
aber gleichwohl nicht erfüllt."
(Beschluss vom 3.11.1999 des Obergerichts
des Kantons Zürich, S.5) |
Criminal justice in Zurich approving any
propaganda against foreigners stating that
no "singular person" would be affected
"It's not clear how a person should be hurt in
it's honor when some preconditions are wanted
for visiting a certain school or for example for
a certain test." or: "When the denouncer is
blaming the advertisement to be goo general or
it would not be right at all what is described
then this is no defamation - even when the
reproach would be right - because it is just the
sense of quarrel that different meanings have to
be discussed. There is nothing abnormal with
this when a meaning is not resulting as the
right one. There is no defamation with this to
the person who is affected by this wrong
Conclusion of the inferior local court of
Zurich: "Summarizing it can be concluded that
these advertisements concerning school classes
are not defaming anybody and are not damaging
the reputation of anybody. Thus the accusation
cannot reproach any defamation and the charge
will not be followed.>
(Presiding decision of inferior court of
Zurich (Bezirksgericht) of August 5, 1999,
About foreigners there can be discussed always
in a negative and in a defaming way: "When it
would be a precondition that the advertisements
had a reputation damaging and a defaming
content, then this would be a defamation of a
group of persons, a collective insult [...]. In
such a case it is decisive if a special person
is affected. A general attack against a group of
persons is not appropriate to damage the
reputation of a special person when there is no
limitation permitting to evaluate a special
little group being different from the general
(Presiding decision of inferior court of
Zurich (Bezirksgericht) of August 5, 1999,
With this the Swiss justice system is confirming
that all SVP advertisements are a "general
attack" against foreigners, and is even
permitting this propaganda if it's right or not.
And this is the proof that human rights
respectively human dignity are not important for
this justice system.
Also an appeal from august 5, 1999 had no
chance, but was considering the following in the
answer of November 3, 1999: "It can be
empathized that the appellant as a foreigner
with it's domicile in the town of Zurich is
feeling affected by these advertisements of SVP.
But there is no violation of Swiss law by
defamation with it."
(Court order of November 3, 1999 of
superior court of canton of Zurich, p.5)
This Switzerland is a Nazi state
Thus as a foreigner one can only say: Switzerland with
such a justice system permitting any propaganda against
groups of humans and against foreigners in public, this
Switzerland is a piece of brown shit, this Switzerland is
a Nazi state. And there was no change until today (2013).
Swiss people mean this would be "normal"...
Now another topic against foreigners follows - in a typical
manner for Nazi SVP:
1998 / 1999: collection of signatures for an
initiative against asylum abuse
![Criminal and Fascist poster of SVP during
the collection of signatures for the people's
vote against asylum abuse 1998/1999 [4] stating
all foreigners would be violators Criminal and Fascist poster of SVP during
the collection of signatures for the people's
vote against asylum abuse 1998/1999 [4] stating
all foreigners would be violators](d/04b-contact-net-children-etc-d/004-poster-stop-asylum-abuse1998.jpg)
Criminal and Fascist
poster of SVP during the collection of
signatures for the people's vote against asylum
abuse 1998/1999 [4] stating all foreigners would
be violators
In 1979 Swiss government had created an asylum law for
refugees according to Geneva Convention about the rights for
refugees of 1951. The asylum law was always abused and Swiss
government had to confess this abuse and had to work out
laws "to reduce the attraction of Switzerland as an asylum
country". Mid of 1990s there was a first culmination point,
and then in 1998 the asylum figures were rising again.
The case was like this: European governments had decided to
admit war on the Balkans. Well, then asylum seekers will
come who are not asylum seekers, above all when the war is
in a region where a partisan mentality is dominating which
had been created by Tito. Since 1992 Europe suffered this
"Yugoslav war", and these Yugoslavs were trained for it's
partisandom because in this manner they had resisted the
German army Wehrmacht during WWII and had provoked many
difficulties to them with tricks and tracks. And now these
Yugoslav partisans were fighting underneath settling
outstanding scores. Swiss economy decided that Yugoslav
refugees would be "welcome", even when they came from
regions which were not affected by this Yugoslav war. And
persons with a partisan mentality also found out soon that
there was money to have in Switzerland without working:
pretending to be an asylum seeker pretending that there
would be a "persecution".
SVP stated that 90% of all asylum seekers would be bogus
asylum seekers (World Socialist Web Site: Swing to the right
in Switzerland (Rechtsruck in der Schweiz), October 30,
Asylum seekers are forbidden to work. This is the main fault
in the law. They are not allowed to work. They are placing
oneself occupying the most beautiful and most romantic
locations in the towns and they don't know what they should
do. Furthermore they are generally neglected and they have
no positive events in their life with work and they only
have friends who also are living in the asylum home. Thus
the step to work in criminal structures is not far away any
more. Asylum homes converted into centers of drug dealing
and asylum seekers became drug dealers. And when any
education about sexuality and sociology was missing, then
also violations were not excluded when there was no social
worker speaking about this topic. All this was making a very
bad impression to the Swiss population, above all a group of
Albanians who had no sociological education at all. And
partisan Yugoslavs did not shrink back from destroying their
passports before their application for asylum giving a
trustworthy impression that they had been really persecuted
(they were listed as "persons without documents" then). It
seems that this maneuver was instructed by the smugglers and
draggers. And a late asylum application was also considered.
War of Nazi SVP against asylum seekers and Yugoslav
partisans of bogus asylum seekers
Well, how one can evade streams of asylum seekers? It's very
simple: Evade any war and educate the people in sociology
and give them sex education. But the political party Nazi
SVP did not have these ideas of course, but this party
simply spent some millions of Swiss Francs initiating one
more war: the war against asylum seekers for a sharpening of
the asylum law. But this Nazi SVP did not see that the
Yugoslavs had a partisan mentality which had - as it was
mentioned - defended against Nazis very well in another
period of history. Now the partisans of former Yugoslavia
were defending themselves against Swiss Nazis, Nazi SVP. And
this political party of Nazi SVP had tomatoes on their
The poster of Nazi graphic artist Hans-Rudolf Abächerli from
Nazi SVP showed an intruder in black parting a curtain or a
bed linen with a Swiss flag shredding the Swiss flag
so a form of a vagina can be seen. It seems that Mr.
Abächerli was not controlling his sexual complexes, or he
liked playing with sadism with the voter's population. More
perverse a poster cannot be shaped - and Swiss justice was
not protesting...
The German newspaper "The Times" ("Die Zeit") reported that
there would be in Switzerland from one moment to the other
<advertisings with a dark type with sun glass shredding
and penetrating the virgin white of the Swiss cross - "Stop
asylum abuse".>
(orig. German: <Anzeigen, auf denen sich ein finsterer
Typ mit Sonnenbrille durchs zerrissene Jungfrau-Weiß des
Schweizer Kreuzes drängt – „Stopp dem Asyl-Missbrauch“.>)
This ShitVP was agitating against foreigners as if all
foreigners would be violators without describing any reason,
and without describing any positive fact about foreigners.
And there were also the slogans "bogus asylum seeker" and
"asylum sponger" which were spread among others by the Swiss
Freedom Party (Schweizerische Freiheitspartei), also called
Car Party. This can even be read on Wikipedia.
In summer 1998 Swiss government was confessing in public
that there was an "emergency situation" and there had to be
a sharpening of Swiss asylum law. Asylum application without
passport and late asylum apply should not be respected any
more. Now protests came from UNO High Commission for
refugees and the law got a new formulation.,
Swiss government was not mentioning anything about smugglers
and partisans from the Balkans but meant that a sharpening
of the law would have an effect. In this new sharpened law
the Swiss government meant
-- that asylum seekers could be rejected simply to EU
countries where they came from
-- that asylum seekers could suffer 5 years without problems
"adjourning" a suit
-- personal emergency situations could be given to the
-- money for integration measures was cut and criminality
would be supported by this
-- asylum seekers could decide at the beginning of their
suit if they want to go back to their country with a
financial help or want to let verified their asylum reasons.,
There was a priority federal declaration so the two most
important prescriptions counted instantly: no asylum
procedure without passport, and late asylum applications
were not respected any more. But also in this declaration
was an evading clause: "with the exception that the asylum
applicants can present their causes of threat and
persecution in a plausible way (in a fast procedure)" (orig.
German: "es sei denn, es gelingt den Asylsuchenden, ihre
Bedrohung und Verfolgung (in einem Schnellverfahren)
glaubhaft darzulegen."),
Well, one has to see the real conditions on the Balkans:
There was not much education there. Humans on the
countryside did not know what is a fork, and they did not
know either how to fight fleas. Mobility in Yugoslavia was
not very high but was rather limited. Many had no passport
and in war times there often was no time to get a passport
or it needed to much time. Nobody can see then if an asylum
seeker is "real" or a "fake". Traumatized victims could
hardly speak at the beginning. The time for a complaint was
shortened from 30 days to 24 hours which was not much time
looking for a lawyer and for a juridical formulation of the
reasons of the persecution, this was rather unreal.,
Thus humanitarian organizations were appealing to reject
this sharpening of asylum law. In 2002 should be the
people's vote.
Well, asylum abuse only will be stopped when wars in the
world will stop. As long as there is the criminal bank
secret in Switzerland protecting the funds of all possible
dictators and mafia organizations getting always richer and
richer and the whole world around Switzerland is always
poorer, the wish of Switzerland that there would not be any
streams of asylum seekers any more it is not credible.
But the mood against foreigners was very welcome at Nazi
party of SVP for the national elections.
October 24, 1999: The answer to the attacks
against Switzerland and the bogus asylum applicants:
victory of Nazi SVP in national elections from 29 to 44
In the national elections of 1999 Nazi SVP was the big
winner in whole Switzerland and could rise their seats from
29 to 44. With this election Swiss parliament was filled
with even more low intellectual human beings of SVP. The
potential for this election victory of SVP mainly came from
the little extreme right wing parties "Swiss Democrats"
("Schweizer Demokraten"), "Freedom Party"
("Freiheitspartei", also "Car Party") and from "other
parties" ("sonstige Parteien").

Nazi propagandist Blocher
and Mr. Maurer after the election victory of
1999 with a rise from 29 to 44 seats winning
almost all voters from radical right wing
parties [5]
Both propagandists were right
in factual issues, but they could not have
political effect. The situation did not change
at all because they did not see the real reason
for the mess in Europe, and the foreigners
developed counter strategies against these

National elections from 1999
with a rise of 7.7% for Nazi SVP and little
right radical parties SD (brown) and FPS (black)
and others (gray) are loosing their voters [6].
October 24, 1999: right extremist voters from little
extremist parties changing to Nazi SVP
The attacks of the Jewish organizations against Switzerland
with their claims of billions of Swiss Francs and the big
fraud by lawyer Ed Fagan against Holocaust victims at the
end was provoking that a big part of the little extreme
right wing parties were changing to the party of SVP with
the feeling, now all forces should be "unified". Therefore
big parts of the voters of Swiss Democrats (SD) and Freedom
Party of Switzerland (FPS) were changing to the Blocher SVP
which was promising salvation by it's dominance with Nazi
tactics with posters in Nazi colors against all other
This rise from 29 to 44 seats had consequences. SVP was the
strongest party now, but was also a real Nazi party now with
almost all Nazi voters of Switzerland included. This Nazi
SVP claimed for a second seat in the Swiss government which
had to give the Christian Popular Party (CVP) which were the
weakest government party now. But CVP did not want to give
this seat - because they hoped that this rise of SVP would
be a temporary matter as it seems.
From now on racist Swiss farmer boors, pseudo intellectuals
only with the drive for "victories", and lorry drivers of
Nazi SVP were the strongest political party of Switzerland,
above all because other extreme right wing voters were
heading to the liar duo Blocher and Mörgeli...
Some more factors and manipulations leading to the great
election victory of Nazi SVP of 1999: colors, and the
criminality of asylum seekers - SVP Nazis against asylum
seeker partisans
And of course there were also manipulations with colors,
because already this green color in the logo of SVP is an
absolute lie. This green is a big fraud, because this SVP
-- Switzerland without any alliance
-- racing with cars
-- motorways down to the last corner
-- atomic plants with atomic waste where one does not know
where to put it
-- any kind of poisons in chemistry and pesticides
-- any censorship in the media and prohibition of "stupid
-- lies and frauds in history books painting a beautiful
picture of the past and of the present
-- propaganda against foreigners without end only presenting
negative points from the police computer system and never
mentioning positive actions of foreigners etc.
That means that the color of SVP should really be brown and
not green. Naive voters voting for SVP were catched by this
green on the logo which is rather a "brown castle", and this
"brown castle" was driving dominating whole Switzerland now
also in French speaking parts of Switzerland spreading it's
racism. But for criminal kings of Saudi Arabia there are
always bank accounts and freedom to travel in Switzerland,
thus Islam in Switzerland receives always its funds and is
well supported. That means: policy of SVP with it's bank
secret was supporting the own enemy, Islam.
Switzerland was changing to be a more and more brown Nazi
state now, because the propaganda against foreigners was
always worse, and because asylum seekers from the Balkans
and from Turkey and from the Middle East were committing
more and more criminalities in Switzerland, respectively
because Muslim extremist cultures with their knives were not
capable to put their knives away. And propaganda
advertisings and propaganda posters were always worse, too.
And nobody mentioned that all these Yugoslavs came from a
partisan mentality. Thus Nazi SVP and partisans were making
a big mental fight in Switzerland as had been the practice
during Second World War on the Balkans but nobody knew that
one was Nazi and the others were partisans. Swiss justice?
was also in big parts in the hands of SVP and let go the
change in Switzerland to be a propagandist Nazi state.
of SVP for being a Nazi SVP

Logo of Nazi SVP with it's green meadow, a yellow
sun and a Swiss flag in red and white [7]

Realistic logo of Nazi SVP
with gray meadow, brown sun and a Swiss flag in
brown and white [8], "SVP, party of Swiss Nazism
(against all foreigners who are moving around)"
The gray meadow represents
the dead life concerning questions of vital
importance. The brown sun is representing the
Nazi spirit against foreigners and against all
other things. And the brown flag is the symbol
for Nazi advertisings and for Nazi posters
claiming only bad things about foreigners and
depicting foreigners only in black colors NEVER
saying any positive thing about foreigners.
SVP had suck the splitter
parties at the right margin and had become the
absolute Nazi party: with much money, with much
propaganda, with posters in Nazi colors, but
without solutions...
The factor of the soccer hooligans in Switzerland: SVP
soccer fans confronting with SVP police - may be this was
a put-up job
One more factor was that soccer fans of SVP with their beer
glass in the hand were always stronger and stronger in the
soccer stadiums, and they did not limit their activities to
the stadium. The young generation was replacing the beer
glass by firework and stones, and the fan groups were even
organizing more battles and fights and the police, mostly
also from SVP, thought they had the task to separate these
"fan groups". SVP police died not want to investigate what
was the cause, but they were arming like troops with shields
and sticks and helmets and shinguards becoming real
Martians. That means: SVP and it's police could have any
Saturday and Sunday new sceneries in the streets in
Switzerland pretending that SVP would stand for law and
order which provoked new voters for SVP. If all these fights
between soccer fans and police were a big manipulation
organized from above organizing street fights can be or not.
At any case there was more and more the fact that fear was
determinating politics. According to me the whole affair
with these Swiss fan fights and hooligans is manipulated and
organized in a certain way showing that SVP with it's police
is the "force for order" in Switzerland. Criminal soccer
fans are SVP - and police Martians (Nazis in blue or in
black) are mostly also SVP. Something is really wrong with
it it seems. For me all this is an inside job.
But masses without brain who don't read books and don't want
to think but only are with beer and TV will believe
everything what SVP is presenting.
As long as this Nazi party SVP is
existing Switzerland should be consequently excluded
and boycotted because one cannot live in peace in this
Nazi state of Switzerland.
is no advertising with criminals.
Photo sources
[1] poster of SVP of 1998 against a
contact net for Kosovo Albanians:,
photo no. 2
[2] poster of SVP of 1998 against a contact net for
Kosovo Albanians in a vertical way:
[3] propaganda advertisement of SVP in 1998 "contact net
for Kosovo Albanians no":
[4] SVP poster for a sharpened asylum law showing an
intruder slitting a Swiss flag tissue, 1998:
[5] 1999, propagandists Blocher and Maurer with the
election victory rising their seats from 29 to 44:,
Foto 18
[6] scheme of the national elections of Switzerland in
[7] logo of Nazi SVP with the green meadow, yellow sun
and red white Swiss flag:
[8] real logo of Nazi SVP with a gray meadow, brown sun
and with a Swiss flag in brown and white: changed colors
by Michael Palomino 2013