There is no advertising with criminals.
As long as this Nazi party SVP is existing Switzerland should be consequently excluded and boycotted because one cannot live in peace in this Nazi state of Switzerland.
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Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 06: soccer fans - Schengen-Dublin - a "speech" in 2006 - one billion
Obstinates with a billionaire - a sect with lies, half truths, manipulations, bribes, propaganda against foreigners without end, propaganda against Germans without end, criminal damage, threats, megalomania - a criminal Nazi Swiss popular party - or better party of complete idiots
Part 6: soccer fans - agreements of Schengen and Dublin - a "speech" for AUNS jubilee from 2006 - and one billion Swiss Francs with a blank law in 2006 - Blocher cannot behave
FCB soccer fan chained by bully police (Nazis in blue) with cable ties, Zurich, December 5, 2004 [4]
Propaganda posters of propagandist party SVP against Schengen agreement in Switzerland, 2005, in Nazi colors black, red, and white [12]
Poster of SVP against "billion for eastern Europe" in November 2006, one more time in black, red, and white [20]
Swiss Foreign Minister Mrs. Calmy-Rey gives one billion Swiss Francs of Swiss tax money away to mafia EU in Brussels, cartoon of SVP in April 2006 [21]. She wanted to play a "fairy godmother" polishing the reputation of Switzerland.
Switzerland was NOT denazified in 1945. SVP is not denazified until today.
Wise members of SVP can change to the party of BDP reducing this eternal SVP racism.
by Michael Palomino (2013)
Part 6: soccer fans - agreements of Schengen and Dublin - a "speech" for AUNS jubilee from 2006 - and one billion Swiss Francs with a blank law in 2006 - Blocher cannot behave
Less asylum seekers under Justice Minister Blocher
Propaganda against foreigners was consequently widened by Nazi SVP now. The party was hacking against always the same people. And at the same time government member Blocher did what nobody had done before: He did not consider the "facade" of "foreign affairs" but he sharpened the legislation in the asylum sector and in fact less asylum seekers came to Switzerland. Or this gouge was a coincidence?
Applications for asylum in Switzerland
Applications for asylum under Justice Minister Blocher (2003-2007), graphics [1]
"Occasionally" there was a gauge with asylum applications between 2003 and 2007 when Blocher was a Justice Minister with only about 10,000 applications per year. But remain over 30 people per day...
applications remark
1999 47,513 Kosovo
2000 19,750
2001 21,854
2002 26,987
2003 21,759 Iraq war
2004 15,061 "
2005 10,795 "
2006 11,173 "
2007 10,844 "
2008 16,611 Afghanistan war
2009 16,005 "
2010 15,567 "
2011 22,551 Arab spring
The basic problem to hinder wars and the non occupation and the negligence of asylum seekers was NOT solved. Also against drug dealing in Switzerland there was NO progress.
As an "introduction" to his term of office propagandist Blocher made just another thing in 2004. He made something to intimidate whole Switzerland: He organized an action against soccer fans in the meaning that this would have a "positive effect"...
December 5, 2004: action of Justice Minister Nazi Blocher against 400 innocent soccer fans from Basel: detention, kidnapping and torture in the Zurich police center with under 0 degrees Celsius with cable ties - also children
Analyzing the following action the name "Nazi Blocher" is justified. Worse is not possible what happened here:
2005: SVP propaganda against foreigners in their fight against Schengen Dublin agreement with lies and Nazi colors
During the preparations to the people's vote about the agreements of Schengen (free border crossing with controls in a border area) and of Dublin (asylum seekers were allowed only to apply for asylum one time in Europe) the propagandists of SVP were presenting a poster presenting a sorcerer at a cooking pot with the title "Attention: troublemaker in the government building" (orig. German: "Achtung: Giftmischer im Bundeshaus").
Well, Mr. Fehr presenting the poster here has passed grammar school and is a secondary school teacher.
Troublemaker poster of Nazi SVP against the agreements of Schengen and Dublin in October 2004 [11]
In this case Nazi colors black and red were limited to the cooking pot. But the black color is dominating almost half of the poster. The black person is representing a not known group in the Swiss government building handling a signpost of wood in the hand making a soap with it. On the signpost is written "integration office". This scenery should be an allusion that an integration was not working with many foreigners because Muslims will remain Muslims at the end. The poster is also allusion to the comic of Asterix and Obelix where a "magic potion" is regularly prepared for wars against Roman soldiers. But in this case the magic potion gets a negative sense endangering Swiss independence.
With this poster Nazi SVP was fighting "against manipulation of people's votes" (see the article: Ueli and the red rats, orig. in German: Ueli und die roten Ratten)., Foto Nr. 7
And we will find out who is manipulating here:
University he did not see much and sociology and history he does not understand much at all as he does not understand communicating with the enemy with the foreigners - not at all. Otherwise he would not be in the AUNS association at the same time. Unfortunately he does not want to know either why always more and more Muslims come to Europe. But it's simple to understand this:
1st point: criminal "U.S.A." are destroying more and more Muslim countries with a lie of September 11, 2001, as their wrong "justification" Muslims had attacked the "U.S.A."
2nd point: western countries are purchasing oil of Saudi Arabia on and on without stopping this behavior
3d point: Swiss banks are providing Saudi Arabian dictators with bank accounts with bank secret
4th point: Saudi Arabia is giving a little support to the Muslims when a new mosque is needed - and then all works.
In other words: As long as the Western world is going on with it's big lie of September 11, 2001, and is provoking one war after the other in Muslim countries, this western world is NOT attractive for Muslims, and Muslims rather prefer the confrontation with this lying western world as long as this lie of September 11, 2001, is existing.
Thus Saudi dictator families are not only under the richest families of the world, but they are easily financing mosques in Europe without any human rights for women. And when Muslims know that they have the richness of Saudi families in their back, then they will never want to be "Christians" operating with a "Jesus" who did not produce or inherit any original written papyrus or monument, and where drinking alcohol is normal and loosing the head is also normal.
People of SVP simply meant that Schengen Dublin agreements would be a "poison" for the state and the population should be poisoned by this poison coming from the government building. This was the language of Justice Minister Blocher. This was absolute Nazi vocabulary. Mr. Blocher was Justice Minister, and Mr. Fehr and Mr. Mörgeli and some more racists were in the parliament for SVP. They were showing their true face. They meant that they would be the "mighties" now. They were often the ones "initiating" initiatives but let the "others" realizing the practice. That means: SVP propagandists were the real anarchists and poison mixer in Switzerland NEVER speaking with foreigners and NEVER thinking about world wide poverty stopping this poverty, NEVER considering the real reasons of the problems. SVP people, lorry drivers, basic school teachers, pseudo intellectuals, they only wanted to "win". These people were the real poison makers in whole Switzerland. Because this poster with the poison cooking pot was only the beginning.
How were the posters the population was manipulated before the people's vote? EU citizens were presented indirectly as devils and wolves. Racist Blocher and his brothers and sisters and Nazi propagandist Alexander Segert were troubling the population presenting a phantom of an invasion of carnivores.
Schengen police computer - Nazi regulars' table of SVP comparing foreigners with a "bag of fleas"
Posters about Schengen and Dublin agreements in Switzerland, 2005
Frightening posters against Schengen agreement of propagandist party of SVP in Switzerland in 2005 [12]. We see again the classical Nazi tactic with the Nazi colors of black, red and white spreading a fear. The position of the Swiss person in white should indicate that foreigners in form of wolves would come.
Poster with lies of SVP against Schengen agreement with the claim that the EU commission would have competences to change laws in Switzerland by Schengen agreement [13].
But Schengen is only a border treaty.
The foreign name of the EU commission member should provoke more fear. The color of yellow (symbol of the sun) and blue (symbol of the sky) should show a wrong heaven of peace in the EU, and the person is in black as a "bad" one. And the indication "No to over 1,000 EU steered articles and law orders" is referring to Swiss law which had to be adabted when economy between Switzerland and Europe should go on and has nothing to do with this border treaty either...
There are even other feelings: Propagandist SVP was spreading so much negative energy with the posters that the posters were violating the public.
Nazi SVP was building up a "Trojan Horse" - here at the customs inspection at Bargen at the German Swiss border of canton of Schaffhausen - lying to the Swiss population that by the Schengen agreement jobs would be in danger [14].
Principally the horse should be in black, but SVP did not have the courage for presenting a black horse as it seems because the horse had hardly been visible then.
Propaganda advertising with the claim that the Schengen agreement would be useful for the criminals [15]
Mafia would be supported by the Schengen agreement, Nazi SVP claimed. Well, mafia will also have a "free way" with a border control with forged passports or documents etc. and the government members and the first attorneys of Switzerland are partly also mafia members. Just a Hug is member of two mafias at the same time.
"M" on the license plate stands for "Milan", the pass forgery center of Europe. These people will never have black glasses passing the custom inspection not attracting attention... We see, all is wrong with this advertising.
An article of the German review "Spiegel" ("Mirror") is describing the lies of Nazi SVP how SVP is connecting the Schengen agreement with jobs and even with the bank secret (which had to be omitted since a long time already spreading the funds in a more balanced way reducing poverty and asylum waves):
<This popular party SVP was creating even a Trojan Horse moving it through Switzerland, 5 tons heavy and 8 meters high. This horse should represent Schengen and it's open borders as a faked testimonial - and was describing an invasion of illegal immigrants. "Without border control more cheap workers will come" it was written in the advertisings although Schengen has nothing to do with the right of living in Switzerland.
A Yes in the people's vote [for the Schengen agreement] would even put the bank secret into danger, SVP claimed. With Schengen the bank secret would be limited - but there would be no limits when Schengen would be rejected. In Swiss banks 3 trillion Swiss Francs are stored from foreigners.>
(orig. in German:
<Die Volkspartei beförderte sogar ein Trojanisches Pferd durch die Schweiz, fünf Tonnen schwer und acht Meter hoch. Das Pferd sollte Schengen und die offenen Grenzen als tückische Ehrengabe der EU darstellen - und unausgesprochen eine Invasion von illegalen Einwanderern. "Ohne Grenzkontrollen kommen noch mehr billige Arbeiter", hieß es dazu in Anzeigen, obwohl Schengen mit dem Recht, in der Schweiz zu leben und zu jobben, nichts zu tun hat.
Ein Ja bei der Volksabstimmung [die Zustimmung zum Schengen-Abkommen] würde sogar den Gral der Schweiz gefährden: das Bankgeheimnis. Das würde mit Schengen erstmals vertraglich festgezurrt - nicht aber, wenn der Beitritt zu dem Abkommen platzt. Bei den Banken aber lagern Auslandsguthaben in Höhe von drei Billionen Franken.>
Nazi SVP was not capable to say that also toll inspectors of the neighboring countries have to stop to "analyze" Swiss passengers at the border. This stated for example "Christian" People's Party CVP with the following poster depicting a little suitcase with meat and a bottle of wine:
Poster of CVP in favor of Schengen agreement "No blocks at the customs. Yes to Schengen": German custom inspectors analyzing a Swiss man [16]
Schengen agreement should provide Swiss police authorities an access to Schengen police computer, a central EU data base. But many right wing Swiss people did not have confidence in this Schengen computer but they meant that there would not be much to have there and thus this Schengen agreement should be rejected. Foreigners are compared with a "bag of fleas" and Germany only had detained 156 criminals by this Schengen police computer in the last year computer compared with 6.6 million crimes.
<Schengen means that everybody can pass the border without control everywhere not important from which country resp. continent he comes from. Remember now what that means in practice!
As a counter measure controls and searching actions should be in the inner of the country at motor ways and streets against (mainly) innocent civilians. Thus a bag of flea is liberated in the hope that they will be catched somewhere sometimes thanks to the modern police computer of EU!
Big Germany had 156 cases of criminals (!) catched by this Schengen search facility (but the annual base of crimes is 6.6 million). Over 100,000 thieves of cars, burglars in sleeping rooms and other burglar tourists and drug couriers from eastern Europe could not be catched instead of comprehensive Schengen computers.
Would YOU let in all criminal first into an open house and not shut the doors any more and then hope that the criminal will be registered in the Brussels data base of crimes? What would be the sense of this when it would be like this? Nothing. Really nothing.>
(orig. in German:
<Schengen bedeutet, dass jedermann überall unkontrolliert in die Schweiz ohne Personenkontrollen einreisen kann, egal aus welchem Land bzw. Kontinent er/sie stammt. Überlegen Sie nun selbständig, was das heisst in der Praxis!
Im Gegenzug sollen dann später im Landesinnern und auf Hauptverkehrs Adern und Autobahnen gezielte Kontroll- und Suchaktionen gegen (mehrheitlich) unbescholtene BürgerInnen durchgeführt werden. Es wird ein Sack Flöhe freigelassen, in der Hoffnung diese dann irgendwann und irgendwo schon wieder fassen zu können dank der EU und ihren modernen Fahndungs-Computern!
Dem grossen Deutschland gingen so letztes Jahr 156 (!) Verbrecher ins Netz, dank diesem Schengen-Fahndungssystem. (Basis 6.6 Mio. Straftaten) . Über 100.000 Autodiebe, Schlafzimmer-Räuber und andere Einbruchstouristen sowie Drogenkuriere aus Osteuropa konnten nicht angehalten werden, trotz flächendeckenden Schengen-Computern.
Würden SIE zuerst alle Verbrecher in Ihr offenstehendes Haus hereinlassen, die Türen nicht mehr abschliessen und darauf hoffen, dass die Verbrecher dann schon registriert sind in der Brüsseler-Verbrecherdatenbank? Was würde Ihnen das nützen, wenn es denn so wäre? Nichts. Gar Nichts.>
But now Nazi SVP is brilliant with criminal poetry
Criminal propagandist SVP was making a propaganda of lies in the complete Nazi stile claiming that with the Schengen agreement jobs would be in danger, but the Schengen agreement only is an agreement for crossing the border and frontier soldiers are sent to the outer frontiers of EU and the search in the frontier area is intensified and the access to the central Schengen search computer is given. That means, SVP is again a ShitVP (just brown) spreading criminal poetry to Swiss population spreading fear. Also the claim that Schengen would be a partial accession to the EU is absolutely WRONG.
In this case extremist right wing Swiss people like on the web site came to conclusions which were simply lies without end:
Point 1: about the European search system SIS: <The system is not damaging anybody, but it's contribution to perform detentions of internationally searched criminals is so little that the difference with or without SIS is not making any difference in any criminal statistic.> (
This is the only argument of the Schengen enemies which is right. European central computer is just not brining much, but in Germany there were at least 156 detentions in one year, thus every third day one. Making an extrapolation this would not be so bad for the EU.
Point 2: Tourism is also working well with visa, and for rich foreigners holidays in Switzerland would be no problem. Additionally there are special countries which have already the right to visit Switzerland when they have a Schengen visa (and now this: these preferred countries are: Bahrain, Katar, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Emirate, Thailand), and additionally rich people from South Africa could come to Switzerland without visa but for EU they need a Schengen visa.
And now there is the big question why Switzerland is giving privileges to people from Arab and Muslim states even before 2005 traveling to Switzerland with a Schengen visa. With Thailand it may be the shifting of Thai women from brothel to brothel.
Point 3: Schengen agreement will permit that any foreigner can pass the border at any location without control. (
But this was normal until this time today when the person did not use the main traffic routs. Green line always existed already.
Point 4: illegal work will rise (
But this will also be with border controls.
Point 5: German politicians were manipulating indecisive Swiss voters (
It seems that certain Swiss politicians did something wrong.
Point 6: Schengen agreement is only useful for the criminals (
But the criminals also come without Schengen agreement and they know how they pass the border or how a ward is bribed or a passport is forged.
One can see, all is a lie.
And now Dublin agreement was connected with Schengen: Dublin agreement said: asylum seekers can apply for asylum only one time in Europe
Dublin agreement contained that a rejected asylum seeker in Europe could only apply asylum one time in Europa and could not go from country to country applying again for asylum.
Well, when the poor are sent to poverty again, then the resistance of the poor in the world against rich Europe will be rise on and on and they will organize "another maneuver" for not being left in poverty. But SVP policy is only containing intelligence of a beer glass...
The vote in 2005: Schengen-Dublin was accepted with 54.6% Yes
On June 5, 2005, the news indicated that Schengen-Dublin was accepted with 54.6%:
<On June 5, 2005, Swiss population voted for Schengen/Dublin with a rate of 54.6% of the votes. The turnout was 56%.>
from: Abstimmung Schengen/Dublin:
What is missing with Schengen agreement: foundations for poors where the poors are living
What does that mean? Swiss have abrogated customs inspections as also other EU states before. But
-- Switzerland receives access to the Schengen search computer (EUROPOL)
-- the search is not at the border line but within a border area of about 50 km
-- Switzerland is providing border wards for the EU external border protecting EU space as a whole.
With the voter's result there are surprises for example that the canton of Zurich, Blocher's canton, supported Schengen agreement with 58%, and the canton of Berne with 56%. All in all 54.6% of Swiss voters supported Schengen / Dublin. Many little cantons of German speaking Switzerland were manipulated by Blocher's propaganda and voted with a No, surprisingly also the cantons of Lucerne, Grisons and Ticino, three traditional tourism cantons being dependent from abroad. Ticino also could have said that "mafia" will come. But this mafia is present since a long time already with forged passports...
Schengen agreement is not complete of course because all the world OUTSIDE of EU is not considered. Without a reconstruction and an enlightening work in Africa and in the Middle East the asylum seeker's waves and the manipulations by dragger gangs will not stop. Without reconstruction work and enlightenment the poor will be always vulnerable for promises bringing somebody "to Europe". When Europe is not installing foundations where the poor really live in the world mitigating poverty in Africa and in the Middle East, when there are no official contact persons for the poor, when there is no education possibility, when the bags with used clothes are the only contact to Europe, then the asylum seeker's waves will always break out again and again not important if there are border controls or not.
When EU claims that it's "external borders" would be reinforced so no poor will come any more, then this is pure fantasy which has nothing to do with any reality. But such a logic fact one cannot say in Europe otherwise one is considered as a "conspirator". And considering financial policy of EU since 2008 then some persons should be in the search computer who principally are not awaited there...
2006: EU is an illness without clear structures - a "speech" of Mr. Blocher at jubilee of AUNS
June 19, 2006: jubilee of AUNS
At June 19, 2006, there was the 20 years jubilee of AUNS. There was a "Europe Report" which stated clearly that Switzerland had clear structures, but EU had not clear structures, and thus both structures wold be so different that no EU membership could be awaited for Switzerland. AUNS was above all claiming that "nobody knows where this EU will go". Therefore bilateral way was the only possible one for AUNS. Other possibilities like EEA or an access to the EU "light" would always provoke a full access later.
<This intellectual construction of EU with which nobody knows where it's way will go, and the well grown structures of direct democratic Switzerland are absolutely different. There are five "European political options" - bilateral way, EEA, an access "light", bilateral framework agreement, and an access to the EU - and for AUNS only the bilateral way is the option because all other ways are an illusion or will cause a full access later.>
(orig. in German:
<Die intellektuelle Konstruktion EU, bei der niemand weiss, wohin der Weg gehen soll, und die gewachsenen Strukturen der direktdemokratischen Schweiz sind einander völlig wesensfremd. Von den fünf detailliert aufgezeigten "europapolitischen Optionen" – bilateraler Weg, EWR, "Beitritt light", bilaterale Rahmenabkommen, EU-Beitritt – kommt gemäss AUNS-Bilanz nur der bilaterale Weg in Frage, weil alle andern Wege eine Illusion seien oder zwangsläufig zum Vollbeitritt führten.>)
Well, this is the well known lie by propaganda of SVP that EEA and EU would be at the same level. Why Swiss justice is not acting against this lie stopping this calumny of EU seems to be very strange. Liechtenstein, Norway and Island are well in EEA. But at this time Mr. Blocher was Justice Minister of Switzerland..
October 28, 2006: AUNS jubilee festival
The principle jubilee festival of AUNS was organized at October 28, 2006, and propagandist Blocher should hold a "speech" of course, now as a Justice Minister.
Jubilee festival "20 years AUNS" in Tell stadium in Matten near Interlaken (canton of Berne) [18]
October 28, 2006: The lies of propagandist Blocher in his jubilee speech for the jubilee "20 years of AUNS": one concealment following the other
1,500 "Blocher friends" were celebrating the jubilee and were stuck in their prejudices and in their schemes of judgment and prejudices as before and ever. Swiss policy with it's bank secret is always "innocent" and the foreigners on the posters are always painted in black.
Christoph Blocher at the jubilee festival of AUNS at Matten near Interlaken in 2006 [22] - and "maids of honor" for Christoph Blocher at AUNS jubilee festivity in 2006 [23]
Swiss newspaper "Virgin News" ("Jungfrauzeitung") is reporting:
<After the official ceremony the AUNS members and their friends began to develop their festivity properly with speeches hold by President of AUNS Pirmin Schwander, of the local President of Matten, Andres Grossniklaus, and of Government Member Christoph Blocher. In a huge party tent 1,500 people were enjoying the festival after the official part which had lasted 2 hours, with good meals with meat, vegetables and mashed potatoes. And there was diversion with singer Sarah Jane and with SVP poet Oskar Freysinger, and there was much time for political discussions.>
(orig. in German:
<Richtig zum Feiern kamen die zahlreichen AUNS-Mitglieder und Freunde schliesslich nach der offiziellen Zeremonie mit Reden von AUNS-Präsident Pirmin Schwander, Mattens Gemeindepräsident Andres Grossniklaus und Bundesrat Christoph Blocher. In einem riesigen Festzelt gab es für die 1500 Teilnehmer des offiziellen Unterhaltungsteils nach der gut zweistündigen offiziellen Feier einen hübsch angerichteten Teller voll Fleisch, Gemüse und Kartoffelstock, Unterhaltung mit der Sängerin Sarah Jane und SVP-Dichter Oskar Freysinger und viel Zeit für politische Diskussionen.>)
Wonderful, But what was coming out? Let's see the speech of Mr. Justice Minister Blocher "20 Years of AUNS" which can be found in the Internet. It seems really a surprise that Mr. Blocher is just repeating all his lies from 1992 and it seems he made NO intellectual progress at all. The truth is just like this: EEA is NO EU, and an access to EEA is NO an access to EU and two different people's votes are needed. But Mr. Blocher is not making any difference in his speech in 2006 and presents the claim that without AUNS Switzerland had become a member of EU since a long time already. Quotation (translation by Michael Palomino):
<Man kann die Bedeutung und Mission der AUNS in einem Satz zusammenfassen: Ohne AUNS hätten wir unsere Unabhängigkeit verloren. (Lüge! Der EWR hätte ebenso die Unabhängigkeit garantiert).
Ohne AUNS wären wir heute Mitglied der Europäischen Union. (Lüge! Für eine EU-Mitgliedschaft hätte es eine eigene Abstimmung gegeben, und die wurde ja abgelehnt).
Ohne AUNS wäre das Schweizer Volk entmündigt worden. (Lüge! Der EWR hätte die Schweiz NICHT entmündigt).
Denn eine EU-Mitgliedschaft wäre auch das Ende der direkten Demokratie und damit das Ende unserer einzigartigen Volksrechte.(Lüge! Eine EU-Mitgliedschaft hätte es NIE gegeben!)
Ohne AUNS hätte die Schweiz ihre Neutralität aufgegeben. (Lüge! Die Neutralität kann im EWR weiterbestehen!)
Darum gilt es festzuhalten:
Jene aussenpolitische Maxime also, die unser Land 150 Jahre lang erfolgreich vor allen Kriegshandlungen bewahrt hat.(Lüge! Die Neutralität war gar keine sondern eine volle Kollaboration mit dem Nazi-Reich bis nach 1945, und die Schweiz wurde NIE entnazifiziert).
Die AUNS ist der Stosstrupp der Unabhängigkeit. (Lüge! Der EWR garantiert auch die politische Unabhängigkeit).
Die AUNS ist die Verteidigerin der direkten Demokratie. (Lüge! Genau die Nazi-SVP manipuliert die Demokratie mit ihren rassistischen Inseraten und Plakaten und streut dauernd Angst und bewirkt so falsche Mehrheiten, ohne dass sich wirklich etwas ändert).
Die AUNS ist das Bollwerk der Neutralität.> (Lüge! Die Schweiz ist das Bollwerk des Bankgeheimnisses für alle kriminellen Diktatoren und ist der Geldwäscher für das Internationale Verbrechen mit der UBS AG, vor allem in der Basler Abteilung, die früher Bankverein hiess).
Herr Blocher beschwört eine Schweiz ohne EWR:
<Die Schweiz hat ohne EWR überlebt. Gerade deswegen sogar sehr gut überlebt! Die Schweiz konnte ihren Wohlstand gerade ausserhalb vom EWR – und nicht zuletzt deswegen – behaupten.>
<One can really make a summary in just one sentence about the significance and the mission of AUNS:
Without AUNS we had lost our independence. (Lie! EEA had bewared independence!)
Without AUNS we were member of European Union now. (Lie! For a membership in the EU an own people's vote had been necessary, and this had been rejected).
Without AUNS Swiss population had been placed under disability. (Lie! EEA had never put Swiss population under disability).
Because a EU membership would have been the end of direct democracy and would be the end of our special people's rights. (Lie! EU membership had never been!)
Without AUNS Switzerland had given up it's neutrality. (Lie! Neutrality can be also within EEA).
This is the guideline which was a pure success in the last 150 years bewaring our country from any war action. (Lie! Neutrality was no neutrality but was a full collaboration with the Nazi Empire up to 1945 and even after 1945, and Switzerland was never denazified).
That's why we have to state:
This AUNS is a combat patrol for independence. (Lie! EEA is also a guarantee of political independence).
This AUNS is the defense of direct democracy. (Lie! Just this Nazi SVP is manipulating democracy with racist and discriminating advertisings and posters spreading fear everywhere provoking wrong majorities, and nothing is really changing).
This AUNS is the fortress for neutrality.> (Lie! Switzerland is a fortress for the bank secret for any criminal dictator and for the money launderer of International Crime in the high street bank of UBS AG, above all in the Basel section which was called "Bankverein" before).
And then Blocher is invoking Switzerland without EEA:
<Switzerland has survived without EEA. Just because of this Switzerland survived very well. Switzerland could confirm it's wealth outside of EEA - and not only because of this.>
Well, Blocher can claim this, but all the work was done by others, and the reproach of being a cherry picker other had to accept. Switzerland has the most little offices in Brussels or in certain positions there is no office at all. This is the will of this propagandist Blocher. He put Switzerland in Brussels at the last place. Liechtenstein, Norway, and Island are going very well with EEA and are not at the last place...
Herr Blocher beschwört eine effiziente Schweiz ohne EWR. Da sei eine Studie des WEF:
<Vor circa zwei Monaten ist eine Zeitungsmeldung erschienen, die es in sich hatte. Das World Economic Forum (WEF) hat die Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Studie veröffentlicht. Es wurde weltweit die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Industrieländer untersucht. Und siehe da: Die Schweiz belegte den ersten Rang. >
Nun, diese Effizienz in der Schweiz ist auch mit EWR möglich, ohne in Brüssel an letzter Stelle zu stehen. Aber das unterschlägt Herr Blocher.
Und weiter sagte Herr Blocher, da sei eine Untersuchung des Weltwirtschaftsforums (das World Economic Forum, das sich einmal jährlich in Davos trifft, kurz WEF):
<Die WEF-Untersuchung zeigte, dass die Schweiz über besondere Qualitäten verfügt: einen robusten Finanzplatz, eine hervorragende Forschung, politische Stabilität, vergleichsweise tiefe Steuern und gute Infrastrukturen.>
Mr. Blocher invokes an efficient Switzerland without EEA. There is a study by World Economic Forum (WEF):
<Just about two months ago there was a report in a newspaper showing striking details. World Economic Forum (WEF) had published the results of a broad investigating study. Efficiency of the industrial countries was investigated. And Switzerland was Number 1.>
Well, this efficiency is also possible when Switzerland is in EEA, without being at the last place in Brussels. But this is concealed by Mr. Blocher.
Further on Mr. Blocher is presenting more details about this study:
<The investigation of WEF is showing that Switzerland has special qualities: a tough financial center, very well developed science sector, political stability, low taxes, good infrastructure.>
Well, what means a "tough financial center"? These innocent words contain just the criminal bank secret that is used by all governments of the world concealing their funds under the cover of the bank secret in Switzerland thus world wide poverty is continuing or is even growing. Criminal strategy of bank secret is working also for any criminal dictator and for Muslim Saudi families discriminating any women totally and being responsible for the support of Islamization in Europe and in "America". But all this is concealed by Mr. Blocher.
Herr Blocher erwähnt, dass viele ausländische Firmen sich in der Schweiz niedergelassen haben:
<Im letzten Jahr haben sich rund 510 ausländische Unternehmen in der Schweiz niedergelassen. Ausgerechnet im Nicht-EU-Land Schweiz. Oder ist es gerade deswegen? Grosse Firmen haben ihren europäischen Hauptsitz in die Schweiz verlegt. Ist das Zufall? Die Summe der Direktinvestitionen in der Schweiz (also die Summe Geld, die ausländische Firmen in der Schweiz investieren) hat einen Höchstwert erreicht. Alles Zufall?>
Then Mr. Blocher means that many foreign companies have come to Switzerland founding their seat here:
<In the last year more than 510 foreign companies have found their seat in Switzerland. Just in the non EU country of Switzerland. Or just because of this? Big companies shifted their European head offices to Switzerland. Is this just a coincidence? The total sum of direct investment in Switzerland (all the money which was invested by foreign companies in Switzerland) reached a new peak. Is this just a coincidence?>
Well, Blocher is concealing
-- which companies
-- where they came from
-- how the conditions are in other countries
-- and which companies have left Switzerland.
Thus the number of "510" remains mentioned without any comparison and this seems to be a deliberate manipulation.
One can ask why this propaganda party of SVP is elected yet. It seems that many Swiss have simply the same habit to give their brain to the beer glass. All this should be caused by EEA, or by an EU membership, in the same manner? This cannot be. Add to this the introduction of EURO is one more separate treaty affording one more separate people's vote! And the most important point of EU Mr. Blocher did not mention: mafia and robbery mentality of the southern EU states soaking funds from Brussels. Additionally also mafia from eastern Europe and from Russia is working in the EU. The fact is that Blocher is not mentioning this mafia which is constantly sucking funds from Brussels, and the fact that Mr. Blocher is not mentioning this provokes a certain suspicion that Mr. Blocher could also be a certain mafia member - as other government members and chief public prosecutors also are.
Herr Blocher lügt dem Publikum auch vor, dass ein EWR-Vertrag wie ein EU-Vertrag wäre! Der Alkohol-Stammtisch-Kopf Blocher ist nicht fähig, diese Verträge zu unterscheiden! Und diese Manipulation verdient nun wirklich die Qualifikation, die Goethe auch in gewissen Situationen gebrauchte: ein "Arschloch":
<Ein EWR-Vertrag oder eine EU-Mitgliedschaft würde die Grundlagen unserer erfolgreichen Schweiz zerstören:
- Eurokratie statt direkte Demokratie mit Volksinitiative und Referendum
- Fremdbestimmung statt wachsame Selbstbestimmung
- Zentralismus statt föderalistische Vielfalt
- Verlust der Direkten Demokratie
- Einschränkung statt Handlungsfreiheit
- höhere Arbeitslosigkeit
- Verlust der Währung und damit der Inflation ausgeliefert.
- höhere Schuld- und Hypothekarzinsen
- entsprechend höhere Wohnungsmieten
- zusätzliche Steuern, Prämien und Abgaben
- Attraktivitätsverlust des schweizerischen Wirtschaftsstandortes>
<Mr. Blocher is going on with his lies that an EEA treaty would be an EU treaty! Mr. Blocher seems to be an alcoholic at the regulars' table when he cannot see the difference between these two contracts! And this manipulation is really deserving the qualification that also Goethe was using in certain situations: an "ass hole":
<An EEA treaty or a EU membership had destroyed the base of our successful Switzerland:
- there would be eurocracy instead of direct democracy with people's votes and referendums
- there would be heteronomy instead of vigilant self determination
- direct democracy had lost
- liberty of action had been limited
- unemployment had been higher
- our currency had been lost and the country would be at the mercy of inflation
- interests would be higher for debts and properties
- rents for flats would be higher correspondingly
- there would be additional taxes, premiums and fees
- Switzerland would loose attraction for economy.>
Und dann kommt Herr Blocher zum Thema "Meinungsfreiheit":
<Die direkte Demokratie ist aber nie bloss ein formelles Abstimmungsverfahren gewesen. Die direkte Demokratie setzt Gedanken-, Rede- und Meinungsfreiheit voraus. Ohne diese gibt es keine Demokratie. Jeder Bürger muss frei seine Meinung äussern können.In undemokratischer Weise wird zunehmend von denen, die etwas zu sagen haben, versucht, Meinungen zu verbieten, zu unterdrücken oder gar zu verfälschen, statt dass man andere Meinungen zulässt und – wenn nötig – widerlegt. Ich staune, wie in vielen Fragen nur eine einzige Meinung zugelassen wird. Eine Demokratie muss jedoch in Alternativen denken, handeln und regieren, sonst macht sie keinen Sinn!
Die Meinungsfreiheit darf darum nicht durch Gesinnungsgesetze eingeschränkt werden.
Die Meinungsfreiheit darf nicht durch eine Gesinnungsjustiz verfolgt werden.
Die Meinungsfreiheit darf nicht einer vorherrschenden Gesinnungspolitik geopfert werden.>
And then Mr. Blocher is speaking about the topic of "freedom of speech":
<Direct democracy has never only been just a vote. Direct democracy has it's precondition with freedom of thinking, of speech and of meaning. Without these there is no democracy. Any civilian has to have the right to utter it's free meaning.
Other persons treat more and more in an undemocratic way to forbid or to suppress or even to falsify meanings instead of accepting other meanings, and - when it's necessary - they are refuted. I am only astonished how in many affairs only one single meaning is permitted. A democracy has to consider all alternatives and has also to act and to govern with all alternatives, otherwise this makes no sense!
Freedom of meaning must not be limited by laws of sympathy.
Freedom of meaning must not be pursued by a justice of sympathy.
Freedom of meaning must not be sacrificed by a dominating policy of sympathy.>
Unfortunately this is not just so right because just SVP is violating this freedom of meaning when there is a constant manipulation of whole Switzerland in a Nazi manner with advertisings and posters in a frightening way manipulating the meanings enforcing the meaning with faked and inefficient tactics against foreigners and often criminalizing them.
All in all Mr. Blocher's propaganda in this speech was only continued. Intellectually Mr. Blocher has made NO progress since 1992, and this seems really very poor. And Mr. Blocher was in these times Justice Minister of Switzerland...
Some changes of laws concerning foreigners in Switzerland
September 24, 2006: new foreigner's law with 68% Yes
Integration measures should make life easier for foreigners,
above all because some foreigners did not grant integration of their wives and forbade the wives learning the local Swiss language. Certain Muslims had to be educated by law to accept that women in Switzerland have rights.
September 24, 2006: sharpened asylum law: 67.8% Yes
The new asylum law should detect "real" and "not real" refugees better and was in the sense of SVP.
But the problem of world wide poverty and refugee and asylum seeker waves was NOT sold with this at all because these waves will only stop when the wars in the world and poverty will stop.
And now comes a story as it had been with the fools of Gotham:
November 26, 2006: law about "billion for the east" 53.4% Yes - a blank law and treason by government member Calmy-Rey
This is a comedy about money. Swiss government (Federal Council) was handling as if Switzerland had been an EU member already, and SVP - which was rebelling in this case against Swiss government and this was absolutely right - was making many speeches but forgets the essential points of EU: mafia and missing control about donations. And in this case NO foreigners was in the case. It's not possible! They did not think any more all of them! Really impossible! Robber Hotzenplotz was even more intelligent! They gave to mafia EU one billion Swiss Francs without any control mechanism...
Swiss Francs in bank notes of 1,000 Swiss Francs [19]
This is really a "Comédie tragique", a tragic comedy. One could make a play of it. This is a play about money and bum steer! Really!!!
What had happened?
Switzerland had it's reputation as a "cherry picker" and morally had an obligation to provide because Switzerland was always claiming but was never collaborating neither in EEA nor in EU nor in a connection of EU light or elsewhere. At the same time there were more and more voices in the EU that Switzerland should give up at last the protection of European tax defrauders thus EU could have the full amount of taxes for their works.
EU parliament in Brussels for example in 2012 [24]. Every European deputy receives 12,000 EUROs per MONTH, additionally charges, and as one can see they are often not present thus the parliament is only filled by about 10% (news from June 11, 2013) because lobbying and corruption is more important than the wages of being a deputy of European parliament...[24]
Every European deputy is fighting with 4 or 5 lobbyists. That means that in this parliament there is an uncontrollable bribe mentality from all sides.
Quotation of a report of Swiss TV from 2004:
<About 10,000 lobbyists try to manipulate the deputies of EU parliament. These representatives come from companies, associations, organizations, and they deliver special knowledge and information. Sometimes they offer also complete law texts.>
(orig. in German:
<Rund 10'000 Lobbyisten versuchen die Abgeordneten im EU-Parlament zu beeinflussen. Diese Interessenvertreter von Firmen, Verbänden und Organisationen liefern Fachwissen und Informationen, manchmal bieten sie aber auch ausformulierte Gesetzestexte an.>
These representatives try to bribe everybody as mentioned here by Dr. Hans-Peter Martin:
<There are offers for free luxury trips, gala dinners, car tests or dark night trips - almost daily the lobbyists want to seduce the independent EU deputy H.P. Martin. At the same time there is real pressure for presenting or supporting amendments concerning EU guidelines.>
(orig. in German:
<Angebote zu Gratis-Luxusreisen, Galadiners, Autotests und Gruselwandern - fast täglich wollen Lobbyisten den unabhängigen EU-Abgeordneten H.P. Martin verführen. Gleichzeitig wird gezielt Druck gemacht, bestimmte Änderungsanträge zu EU-Richtlinien einzubringen oder zu unterstützen.>
And concerning Switzerland there is a Swiss lobby in Brussels which is very strong thus some people say that Switzerland would be a "member of EU" since a long time ago, Swiss newspaper WOZ (weekly) reported in 2012:
<"Switzerland is part of European Union" Olivier Hoedeman said. "They are not sitting in the political institutions, but they are in the back rooms of the power - there where the law forming process is performed." The tall Danish person with a simple glasses is sitting in a café at the border of the EU district in Brussels holding an actual study in his hands. This study is analyzing the range of economic lobbyism in Brussels.>
(orig. in German:
<«Die Schweiz ist längst Teil der Europäischen Union», sagt Olivier Hoedeman. «Sie sitzt zwar nicht in den politischen Institutionen, aber in den Hinterzimmern der Macht – dort, wo die Gesetzgebungsprozesse stattfinden.» Der gross gewachsene Däne mit der randlosen Brille sitzt in einem Café am Rande des Brüsseler EU-Viertels und hält eine aktuelle Studie hoch. Sie beleuchtet das Ausmass des Wirtschaftslobbyismus in Brüssel.>
What means this concretely? In Brussles no policy is made for all, but there is bribe and lie everywhere.
Also mafia is in Brussels, for example in Italy in this manner:
<Mafia and other groups of organized crime are damaging European Union with billions of EUROs. Most funds are sucked from different EU fonds. Thus Italian mafia could get EU agriculture help by a missing law. Italian authorities never screened the criminal background and past of the applicants. Thus the criminals got up to 153,000 EUROs from a feeder bowl of common European agriculture policy.>
(orig. in German:
<Dabei fügen die Mafia und andere Gruppen des organisierten Verbrechens der Europäischen Union jedes Jahr einen Schaden in Milliardenhöhe zu. Die meisten Gelder werden aus den verschiedenen EU-Fonds abgezweigt. So konnte die italienische Mafia aufgrund einer Gesetzeslücke etwa jahrelang EU-Agrarbeihilfen erhalten. Da die italienischen Behörden die kriminelle Vergangenheit der Antragssteller nicht überprüfte, konnten verurteilte Verbrecher bis zu 153.000 Euro aus dem Fördertopf der Gemeinsamen Europäischen Agrarpolitik bekommen.>
A little bit Italian mafia in the EU, here is some news (EU financing mafia in Italy, orig. German: Die EU finanziert die Mafia in Italien), March 13, 2013. Quotation:
<There is a motorway in southern Italy A3 which should have completed since a long time ago connecting Calabrian province capital Reggio Calabria with 450 km distant town of Salerno, but this motorway is always under repair again and again. This construction is under control of mafia group "Ndrangheta", Calabrian mafia group. Yvonne Staat is commenting this in FAS [Frankfort General Sunday]: "Since 1997 A3 is a huge building site with life-endangering obstacles for any driver. This motorway is built of cement organized by mafia diluted / stretched with sand from the sea thus the construction is just collapsing everywhere when it's just built up. This A3 is consisting of crumbling tunnels and cracked columns. It's surface is bumpy and has even waves. Nobody knows when and if this motorway will be completed."
Similar things count also for the container port of Gioia Tauro financed with EU funds which is also completely under control of Calabrian Mafia, and has converted into the main entrance gate for cocaine from Columbia smuggled to Europe. According to indications of the police 80% of the cocaine are reported to pass Gioia Tauro. Yvonne Staat is coming to the frustrating conclusion in her article: "The control over the EU subsidies is more or less under the authority of mafia.">
(orig. in German:
<„Der gesamte Bau und die immer aufs Neue nötig werdende Sanierung der italienischen A3, die die kalabrische Provinzhauptstadt Reggio Calabria an der äußersten Stiefelspitze mit der 450 Kilometer weiter nördlich gelegenen Stadt Salerno verbindet, steht seit Jahrzehnten unter der Kontrolle der ‘Ndrangheta, also der kalabrischen Mafia. Yvonne Staat, schreibt dazu in der FAS: „Seit 1997 ist die A3 eine einzige riesige Baustelle, ein lebensgefährlicher Hindernisparcours für jeden Autofahrer. Sie ist gebaut aus Zement, der von der Mafia kommt und den die Mafia mit Sand aus dem Meer gesteckt hat, so daß die Konstruktion auseinanderfällt, kaum daß sie steht. Die A3 säumen bröckelnde Tunnels und rissige Pfeiler, ihr Belag ist holprig und wirft Wellen. Keiner weiß, wann und ob sie fertig wird.‘Ähnlich verhält es sich mit dem aus EU-Geldern finanzierten Containerhafen von Gioia Tauro, der ebenfalls komplett unter der Kontrolle der kalabrischen Mafia steht, und der mittlerweile zum Haupteinfallstor für kolumbianisches Kokain geworden ist, das nach Europa geschmuggelt wird. 80 Prozent dieses Kokains sollen nach Polizeiangaben über Gioia Tauro laufen. Yvonne Staat kommt in ihrem FAS-Artikel zu dem niederschmetternden Ergebnis „Die Kontrolle über die EU-Subventionen ist mehr oder weniger Sache der Mafia.‘“>
Well, laws are one thing, reliability of the partner is the other thing, and the third thing are taboos. The fact that mafia is undermining EU was well known since EU exists, but politically mafia is a taboo in Switzerland. And now this taboo will have a very destructive effect in the main story of the billion for eastern Europe:
May 1, 2004: EU is broadened by east European states - claims of Brussels that Switzerland has to contribute one billion - government member Calmy-Rey is giving it's signature without consulting the parliament
After "EU eastward expansion" on May 1, 2004, Switzerland should made a contribution thus EU could strengthen the structures of these former Communist countries. The argument of Brussels was that Switzerland also would profit from the extension of this market (see the "Argumentarium" of September 25, 2006, against this eastern billion)., p.6-7
Mrs. Foreign Minister of Switzerland, Calmy-Rey, had confirmed this billion Swiss Francs without any authorization of the parliament, and had even given a signature for this without asking neither the parliament nor the population (see the "argumentarium")., p.8
No, it was even worse! The complete Federal Government with it's Federal Council (with Blocher?!) had decided with Mrs. Calmy-Rey this treaty supporting the extension of EU with one billion Swiss Francs WITHOUT asking or even informing the parliament (can be read in the little newsletter of SVP of Gretzenbach of April 2006 in the article "Law for Support of EU Expansion With One Billion" ("Osthilfegesetz: Milliarden für die EU-Osterweiterung") on page 4:
<To the contrary the population had to take note of the fact that the Federal Council had given it's authorization at February 22 already about the agreement and it's modalities of payment which were signed by Mrs. Government Member Calmy-Rey in Brussels on February 27, [2004], just before the parliament was handling the matter at all.>
(orig. in German:
<Demgegenüber musste die Bevölkerung zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass der Bundesrat bereits am 22. Februar eine Abmachung über die Zahlungsmodalitäten genehmigt hatte, welche am 27. Februar [2004] von Frau Bundesrätin Calmy-Rey in Brüssel unterzeichnet wurde, also bevor es überhaupt im Parlament behandelt wurde.> (misprints are corrected)
Now the propagandists of SVP found all possible arguments against this billion for eastern Europe. In this case the Nazi propagandist Alexander Segert was presenting a big fake one more time. He presented Switzerland in form of a piggy bank which is broken in the middle and also the Swiss flag is broken in it's middle. In the inner of this piggy bank is should be only a black hole and no money should be in it any more. Additionally this broken piggy bank should see "stars" and these are stars of the EU. But then there is also a text: "Pay without limit?" ("Bezahlen ohne Ende?") But until this day Switzerland had not payed much to EU.
Nazi SVP was considering the situation just in a completely other way presenting a calculation in it's "argumentarium" on page 6 stating that there were payments of 3.4 billion Swiss Francs within 15 years without stating what for the funds had been used for:, p.6
What for the funds were used is not prescribed by SVP. Normally such "aid money" is confiscated by the governments without using it for anything storing it in Switzerland on Swiss bank accounts with Swiss bank secret for the luxury of the government's families. SVP is claiming in their "argumentarium" not giving another billion for eastern Europe on page 8, because there had been 3.4 billion Swiss Francs before for eastern Europe:
<Übersicht: Rahmen und Zusatzkredite der Schweizerischen Osthilfe
1. Rahmenkredit über 250 Millionen Franken: Finanzierung von Sofortmassnahmen in Polen, Ungarn und der Tschechoslowakei.
(gerade nach der Perestroika nach Gorbatschow)
2. Rahmenkredit über 800 Millionen Franken: Weiterführung der 1990 begonnen Zusammenarbeit, Ausweitung der Kooperation auf die baltischen Staaten und Südosteuropa.
(Russland war unter Yeltsin)
Zusatzkredit über 600 Millionen Franken: Ausweitung der Zusammenarbeit auf die Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten (GUS) sowie Georgien.
3. Rahmenkredit über 900 Millionen Franken: Verlagerung des geografischen Schwerpunkts auf Südosteuropa und Zentralasien.
(die osteuropäischen Staaten erhielten nichts mehr, sondern die Schweiz förderte lieber das Jugotum)
Zusatzkredit über 500 Millionen Franken: Verlängerung und Aufstockung des 3. Rahmenkredits.
(ohne Angabe, wohin das Geld geflossen ist)
Zusatzkredit über 400 Millionen Franken: Verlängerung des 3. Rahmenkredits bis das Verhältnis zwischen Ostzusammenarbeit und Kohäsionsleistungen der Schweiz geklärt ist.
(ohne Angabe, wohin das Geld geflossen ist)
<Overview: frame and additional credits of Swiss relief for the east
First global credit of 250 million Swiss Francs: financing of emergency measures in Poland, in Hungary and in CSSR
(just after Perestroika after Gorbachev)
Second global credit of 800 million Swiss Francs: continuing of the collaboration which had started in 1990, extension of cooperation to the Baltic states and south eastern Europe
(Russia was under Yeltsin)
Additional credit of 600 million Swiss Francs: extension of collaboration to the community of independent states (GUS) and to Georgia.
Third global credit of 900 million Swiss Francs: Shift of the focus to south eastern Europe and Central Asia.
(east European states did not get anything any more, but Switzerland was supporting Yugoslavism now)
Additional credit of 500 million Swiss Francs with an addition to the third global credit
(without indication where the money was going)
Additional credit of 400 million Swiss Francs: extension of the third global credit until the relation between collaboration with eastern Europe and cohesion performances of Switzerland are clear.
(without indication where the money was going)
<Since 1990 Swiss parliament has given several global credits of totally 3.4 billion Swiss Francs for political, economical and social purposes for the developing countries in eastern Europe and in GUS.>
(orig. in German:
<Seit 1990 hat das Parlament mit verschiedenen Rahmenkrediten 3,4 Mrd. Franken für den politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Wandel in Osteuropa und der GUS bereitgestellt.>, S.8
Mm? Let's control this: 250+800+600+900+500+400 = 3,45. But from these 3.45 billion 900 million were for Yugoslav countries, and 500 million from 2002 and 400 million from 2004 were without any indication where the money had gone. Thus eastern Europe only received perhaps 1.8 billion Swiss Francs less than claimed. Such a calculation fault could also be from the big Nazis of Third Reich. But now this is a calculation fault of Nazi SVP of Switzerland...
Not only this: SVP is claiming for this "cohesion billion" a compensation from EU in favor of Switzerland. SVP is claiming in detail the following:
<Ein weiterer Antrag der SVP verlangte die Rückweisung der Vorlage an den Bundesrat mit der Auflage, von der EU als Gegenleistung zu dieser freiwilligen Solidaritätszahlung der Schweiz in der Höhe von 1 Milliarde Franken eine Erklärung zu verlangen, in der die EU verbindlich zum Ausdruck bringt,
1. dass sie jegliche Diskriminierung des Flughafens Zürich-Kloten gegenüber anderen Interkontinental-Flughäfen unterlässt;
2. dass sie das Schweizer Bankkundengeheimnis auf Dauer respektiert;
3. dass sie die Souveränität der Schweiz in Steuerfragen vorbehaltlos respektiert.>
Und die Nazi-SVP fuhr in der folgenden Weise fort:
<Die Schweiz ist der Europäischen Union nichts schuldig. Soll die Schweiz dennoch –freiwillig – eine „Goodwill-Milliarde“ an die EU überweisen, darf vom Bundesrat mindestens erwartet werden, dass er dafür Gegenleistungen aushandelt. Die SVP unterlag deutlich.>, S.9
<One more application of SVP is claiming the rejection of the initiative of the Federal Government when there is o compensation given to Switzerland for this deliberate payment of Switzerland of 1 billion Swiss Francs. EU should declare precisely
Point 1: stopping the discrimination of Zurich-Kloten Airport in comparison to other hubs
Point 2: that the Swiss bank secret will be respected without limits
Point 3: that sovereignty of Switzerland is respected without limits concerning tax questions.>
And Nazi SVP was going on like this:
<Switzerland has no debts concerning EU. When Switzerland is giving - deliberately - a "goodwill billion" to EU, then the Federal Government can at least expect that there will be a return service for this. SVP was defeating in considerably.>, p.9
The propagandists of SVP who always want to win and are giving the guilt always to "others", mean
-- Germany should take over all starts and arrivals of Zurich Airport so the region of Zurich would be without aviation noise and Germany would have all the aviation noise (but there is only one thing: one has to construct airplanes with engines without noise and is initiating all science for this. That means also two additional electric engines at least for the landing. But such a logic thing one is not allowed to think...)
-- bank secret which is provoking all the poverty in the world but is called a "good thing" by SVP and should be protected
-- and tax fraud which is committed by Europeans of EU in Switzerland is also called a "good thing" by SVP and should be protected claiming that such clients would be good clients.
Well, the bank secret is just one more Nazi tactic storing money in a foreign country and the money is missing in the own country. And when the owner is not coming again the fortune is falling to Switzerland. Also in this case SVP only has the intelligence of a beer glass and did NOT learn anything until today (2013).
The poster of SVP with the broken piggy bank which of course is in Nazi colors black-red-white is also not describing the following things:
Point 1: These east European countries were abused by Communism since 1945 (Stalin, KGB, spies, underdevelopment) and only "clever" governments could "take a distant" from Stalin's communism step by step and could install little liberties as for example Hungary. Who was not "clever" was drowning at the end in cracked houses as for example Romania. Insofar one billion Swiss Francs as a contribution for the reconstruction and for the stabilization of the countries of eastern Europe was not a bad idea.
But now other points are following:
Point 2: What for had been used the funds which had been given before? Were there projects realized at all?
Point 3: Who is spreading this billion? Will really be projects financed for the stabilization of the countries? How corrupt are these people of EU in Brussels? Wow long the east European states until they get these funds? Are the offices in Brussels not hopelessly overcharged thus the funds simply will be in Brussels for years? Or east European mafia will take these funds shifting them back to Switzerland simply to Swiss banks with bank accounts with Swiss bank secret?
In Germany there was a "solidarity tax"
The model for "aid for eastern Europe" was the "solidarity tax" in Germany which was taxed on all Germans for eastern Germany, and the Germans were moaning a lot about this special tax with is never stopping. And despite of this special tax the East Germans were always coming to West Germany, above all because Germany fixed a wage difference between the western and the eastern part of Germany - something more crazy cannot be. But the people in Brussels will be less crazy?
But AUNS of propagandist Blocher was mentioning even more, because the Federal Government had fixed in the new las an aid for eastern Europe without fixing an amount, so this was a blank law:
<2006: On November 26, 2006, Swiss population was voting with 53.4% Yes for the so called "east Europe billion" ("Ostmilliarde"). AUNS was fighting against the project. With this consent the dikes are opened for billions of payments without limits to the East European countries and Swiss population cannot vote against any payment any more. It seems that future eastward expansion of EU can provoke a rising pressure of extortion and payment for our country.>
(orig. in German:
<2006: Das Schweizer Stimmvolk stimmt am 26. November 2006 mit 53,4 % Ja knapp der sogenannten "Ostmilliarde" zu. Die AUNS hat die Vorlage bekämpft. Mit der Zustimmung werden die Schleusen für unbegrenzte Milliardenzahlungen an die Staaten Osteuropas geöffnet und das Schweizer Volk hat zukünftig dazu nichts mehr zu sagen. Bei künftigen EU-Osterweiterungen droht unser Land zunehmend unter Zahlungs- und Erpressungsdruck zu geraten.>
Because the federal law was not prescribing one billion, but left the amount for aid for eastern Europe open (see the argumentarium)., p.10
With such actions the Federal Government was provoking something in the conservative circles what this government wanted to evade: a fury against foreigner, in this case against EU.
SVP was claiming yet that Switzerland was also on a base of debts:
This billion should be distributed in just about in this way:
<Partition of Swiss cohesion billion per country (in millions of Swiss Francs):
Poland 489.020
Latvia 59.880
Hungary 130.738
Czechia 109.780
Slovakia 66.866
Lithuania 70.858
Estonia 39.920
Slovenia 21.956
Cyprus 5.988
Malta 2.994>, p.10
Further details can be seen on Wikipedia under the keywordKohäsionsmilliarde":äsionsmilliarde
But who was controlling this money in this mafia EU? Mafia was always more and not less. There had been Italian mafia, and then East European mafia and Russian mafia came since the1990s. There was no word about control or inspection. And the law was leaving open any precise sum.
Wikipedia has got this partition:äsionsmilliarde
Distribution key of the donation for the EU extension to eastern Europe
in % in m. SFr. Poland 48,9 % 489 Hungary 13,1 % 131 Czechia 11,0 % 110 Slovakia 6,7 % 67 Lithuania 7,1 % 71 Latvia 6,0 % 60 Estonia 4,0 % 40 Slovenia 2,2 % 22 Cyprus 0,6 % 6 Malta 0,3 % 3 Reserve 2,0 % 20 Total 100.0 % 1,000
(Bulgaria and Romania
appr. 300)(Total
appr. 1.300)
<Switzerland has a statal debts of over 126 billion Swiss Francs. Our state is daily spending 13 million Francs more that is coming in. This debts economy is undermining our competitive ability.>
(orig. in German:
<Die Schweiz hat über 126 Milliarden Franken Schulden. Unser Staat gibt immer noch täglich 13 Millionen Franken mehr aus, als er einnimmt. Diese Schuldenwirtschaft untergräbt unsere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.>), p.12
And the doubtful thing was that it was not only one "billion" but this new law left open the total amount:
<When this law for aid for eastern Europe is working neither the parliament nor the population can control any further payment after an access tu the EU. With this law for an aid for eastern Europe the Federal Government is free to present such payments to the parliament just within the budget list and the population has nothing to say any more.>
(orig. in German:
<Tritt das Osthilfegesetz in Kraft, haben Parlament und Volk zu weiteren Zahlungen nach dem EU-Beitritt nichts mehr zu sagen. Mit dem Osthilfegesetz steht es dem Bundesrat frei, solche Zahlungen im Parlament lediglich als Budgetposten vorzulegen. Das Volk hat dazu nichts mehr zu sagen.>), p.12
Nazi SVP forgets the secret bank accounts of EU representatives in Switzerland - and also forgets to mention mafia in EU
With an empty piggy bank SVP wanted to transmit the vision that at the end there could really an empty state. But SVP was concealing the "good services" for corrupt EU representatives having their secret bank accounts in Switzerland of course. Then EU representatives cannot permit oneself a raid in Switzerland for "Aid". And therefore all was a lie what Nazi SVP was telling - and at the same time SVP forgot to mention mafia structures in EU. Well, why they "forgot" this important point can only be suggested: Blocher and Maurer probably are also mafia members somewhere, as also Government Member Mr. L. was or a chief state prosecutor Hug is and many others are.
In short words: When SVP had mentioned mafia structures in EU (Italian, East European and Russian mafia) then the people's vote about this billion for mafia EU had been 70% NO for sure...
Who says "thank you" for this billion?
And as a last point there is the question if the population of eastern Europe just know about that Switzerland has given money for projects there. Will the eastern countries say "thank you"? Will the governments hand on the funds? Or will the funds land on Swiss accounts protected by the Swiss bank secret so it is normal with other "underdeveloped countries"? Well, this is just the criminal bank secret blocking any answer to this question...
And who is controlling the projects with this billion?
Which projects will be concretely supported with this billion? Wikipedia says:äsionsmilliarde
Die Finanzierung soll Ende 2007 anlaufen, dabei sehen DEZA / SECO den folgenden Ablauf vor (Quelle: „Grundsätze der Zusammenarbeit“, DEZA / SECO, März 2007):
- Projekt- und Programmvorschläge nehmen DEZA / SECO nur von der National Coordination Unit (NCU) entgegen
- DEZA / SECO bewilligen die Finanzierung von Projekten / Programmen
- Ungebundenheit des Schweizer Beitrags an die erweiterte EU
- Vergabe von Aufträgen entsprechend WTO / EU Regeln durch die Partnerinstitutionen [wo die Mafia sitzt!]
- Delegation der Zahlungsabwicklung an die Partnerstaaten [wo die Mafia sitzt!]
- Monitoring / Steuerung / Evaluation sind von zentraler Bedeutung
Erwartete Probleme
Umstritten ist die teilweise Delegation von Aufgaben an Partnerstaaten (ihre NCUs), da sie bei weitem noch nicht frei von Korruption sind.
Thematische Felder
(Quelle: „Grundsätze der Zusammenarbeit“, DEZA / SECO, März 2007)
Sicherheit, Stabilität und Unterstützung der Reformen
- Ausbau der Verwaltungskapazitäten auf regionaler und kommunaler Ebene
- Massnahmen zur Sicherung der Grenzen
- Verbesserung der Bearbeitung von Einwanderungs- und Asylangelegenheiten
- Zugang zu Informationssystemen im Bereich des Sicherheitsrechts und Verbesserung der Sicherheit auf rechtlicher Ebene
- Modernisierung des Justizwesens
- Ausbau der Institutionen und der Kapazitäten für die Bekämpfung der Korruption und des organisierten Verbrechens [aber die Schweiz ist genau das Zentrum für die Geldwäsche des Internationalen Verbrechens]
- nukleare Sicherheit [aber Sicherheit vor der Nuklearenergie gibt es nur dann, wenn sich im Land kein Atomkraftwerk befindet]
- Verhütung und Bewältigung von Naturkatastrophen
- regionale Entwicklungsinitiativen in Randgebieten oder benachteiligten Regionen
Umwelt und Infrastruktur
- Sanierung und Modernisierung der Basisinfrastruktur (Energieeffizienz, Trinkwasser, Abwasser, Abfallbeseitigung, öffentlicher Verkehr)
- Verbesserung der Umweltbedingungen, Verringerung des Schadstoffausstosses, Entwicklung und Durchsetzung von Standards und Normen im Bereich der Umweltüberwachung
- Entsorgung giftiger Abfälle und Sanierung verseuchter Industriegelände
- regionale, städtische und ländliche Raumordnung und Flächennutzungsplanung, Infrastruktur, Umwelt usw.
- grenzübergreifende Umweltinitiativen, z. B. „Umwelt für Europa“
- biologische Vielfalt und Naturschutz
Förderung der Privatwirtschaft
- Entwicklung der Privatwirtschaft und Förderung der Ausfuhr unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU)
- Erleichterung des Zugangs zu Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, Unterstützung der KMU im Bereich Unternehmensführung
- Förderung zertifizierter Erzeugnisse des biologischen Landbaus
- Förderung von Standards, Normen und Konformitätsbewertung im Bereich der industriellen und landwirtschaftlichen Produktion; Förderung einer industriellen Produktion, die unter sozialen und ökologischen Gesichtspunkten sowie unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Ökoeffizienz dem Grundsatz der nachhaltigen Entwicklung entspricht
- Verbesserung der Regulierung des Finanzsektors und Ausbau der Finanzmärkte und -institutionen
- Schutz des geistigen Eigentums
Menschliche und soziale Entwicklung
- Ausbau der Kapazitäten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung auf zentraler, regionaler und kommunaler Ebene im Hinblick auf das Erreichen von EU-Standards
- fachliche und berufliche Ausbildung
- Forschung und Entwicklung (wissenschaftliche Austauschprogramme, Stipendien, Partnerschaften, Zusammenarbeit in der angewandten Forschung usw.)
- Gesundheit (Modernisierung von Krankenhäusern, Reform der Krankenversicherungssysteme, vorbeugende Massnahmen usw.)
- Partnerschaften zwischen Städten und Gemeinden
- Unterstützung internationaler Entwicklungsinitiativen>
Financing should begin at the end of 2007, and the organizations of DEZA / SECO mean that it will be like this (source: "Basics about collaboration", DEZA / SECO, March 2007):
- projects and ideas for projects are given to DEZA / SECO only by the National Coordination Unit (NCU)
- DEZA / SECO are granting the financing of projects / programs
- the Swiss contribution is not bound to other EU countries
- orders are given according to the rules of WTO / EU by partner institutions [where mafia is sitting!]
- payment procedure is delegated to the partner states [where mafia is sitting!]
- monitoring / steering / evaluation are of central significance.
Expected Problems
Controversial is the partly delegation of tasks to partner states (their NCUs) because they are not free of corruption yet.
Thematic fields
(Source: "Basics of collaboration", DEZA / SECO, March 2007)
Safety, stability and support of reforms
- expansion of administration capacities on a regional and communal base
- measures for the safety of the borders
- betterment of the procedures of immigration and asylum matters
- access to information systems corresponding safety law and betterment of safety on juridical level
- modernizing of justice
- expansion of institutions and capacities fighting corruption and organized crime [but Switzerland is the center of money laundering for just this International Crime!!!]
- nuclear safety [but there is only safety from nuclear power when there is NO atomic plant in the country]
- prevention and mastering of natural catastrophes
- regional development initiatives in border regions or in discriminated regions.
Environment and infrastructure
- sanitation and modernizing of basic infrastructure (efficiency of energy, drinking water, waste water, waste service, public transport)
- betterment of environment conditions, reducing pollutants in the air, development and control of standards and norms with monitoring of environment
- dumping of toxic waste and sanitation of contaminated industrial territories
- install a regional, urban and rural regional planning and planning of use of territories, infrastructure, environment and so on
- cross-border environment initiatives for example "environment for Europe"
- biological plurality and nature protection
Promotion of private economy
- development of private economy and support of exportation under special consideration of little and medium size companies
- easy access to financing projects, support of medium size companies concerning the management
- support of certified products of biological agriculture
- promotion of standard, norms, rating of conformation in the sector of industrial and agricultural products; promotion of industrial production which corresponds to social and ecological points of views as to ecological efficiency of sustainable development
- improvement of regulation of financial sectors and expansion of financial markets and financial institutions
- protection of mental property.
Human and social development
- extension of capacities of public administration on a central, regional and communal base concerning reaching EU standards
- support of specialized professional education
- development of science and development (scientific exchange programs, scholarships, partnerships, collaboration in applied science and so on)
- health (modernizing of hospitals, reforms of health insurance systems, prevention measures and so on)
- partnerships between towns and communities
- support of international development initiatives.>
No control about cohesion billion within the mafia EU - this billion had been rejected by 80%
There is nothing written about any control or inspection of the projects what will happen with this billion donation, NOWHERE.
This counts for ALL aid donations. EU also - as it is written in the report of 2013 - given one billion EUROs to Egypt and NOBODY knows how the money was used and which projects were financed with it (EU lost one billion in Egypt, orig. German: EU versenkt eine Milliarde Euro in Ägypten, June 18, 2013).
Every in some way educated politician in Switzerland knows that development funds from the World Bank in Geneva are not given to other continents but are stored just in Switzerland itself in other banks by the government families of Africa, Asia or South "America" using them for private purposes.
In short words: When SVP had mentioned mafia system in the EU (Italian, East European and Russian mafia) and had mentioned the missing of any control and inspection then the result of the people's vote concerning this billion for mafia EU without control had been 80% NO for sure.
In short words: Such a law indicating donations without limits to a mafia state like EU and not indicating any control by the state who is donating is absolutely illegal. This law has to be abolished immediately or one can add a supplement to this law prescribing that only Swiss foundations will handle the donated money. But this counts only for future donations because this one billion has already given to Brussels...
The mood in 2006: totally split Switzerland - and Mr. Blocher cannot behave
Switzerland in 2006 was totally split. Mafia EU could pretend a "beautiful", "peaceful" and "harmonic" economic area yet.
Swiss government had become unpredictable concerning foreign policy.
Foreigners in Switzerland did their best, but asylum seekers stayed without work and without assistance and were neglected and often turned to criminal activities.
Nazi SVP was going on watching only the police computer making propaganda against criminal foreigners NEVER mentioning any good deeds of foreigners. Thus SVP created a feeling in Swiss population that all foreigners would be criminal.
If mafia in EU had been a topic how Italian, East European and Russian mafia are parting Germany for example, and if SVP had also only one day per month watched the foreigners how they are also doing good and productive actions honoring this, then the situation never had been split like this.
Blocher cannot behave: government member Blocher principally never was a government member
And Justice Minister Blocher in the frame of Swiss Government was behaving not like a government member but he was violating the customs of neutrality on and on!
Thus he proved that he wanted to educate everybody for neutrality, but personally he did not keep this guideline at all.
One time he violated the collegial principle putting decisions of the government into question presenting himself as a single person.
Another time he presented foreigners in a negative light without saying the whole truth just making the classical fault only watching the police computer leaving out other information about the affected persons.
A reader's letter's writer was pointing it out in a comment concerning the article "Has Blocher lied?" ("Hat Blocher gelogen?"):
<Blocher was playing the piano very good which in his case is full of half truths, demagogy, hypocrisy, and lie. He is the leader of SVP and within his party he has many imitators. Poor is Switzerland where such a political party is existing. And it's a shame that there are people yet voting for this party.>
(orig. in German:
<Blocher beherrscht die Klaviatur von Halbwahrheiten, Demagogie, Heuchelei, Lüge bestens, er als Leithammel der SVP hat innerhalb der Partei viele Nachahmer. Arme Schweiz das es eine solche Partei gibt. Beschämend das es immer noch Leute gibt die diese Partei wählen.>
Mr. Blocher knows exactly how he can present the enemy in a bad light, and he is using his means always without pity presenting only negative facts, and he also has only negative facts in his head and therefore he is not capable to see the reason of problems really. Therefore Mr. Christoph Blocher is a heavily mentally damaged person and is not at all appropriate for policy. Mr. Blocher is a capitalist, but he is not capable for policy.
And the other SVP members being members of this Nazi party are not better unfortunately. They are copying Blocher and cannot solve complex problems.
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Photo sources
[1] asylum statistics under Blocher:
[2] Swiss bully police (Nazis in Blue in the train station of Altstetten District, December 5, 2004:
[3] Swiss bully police (Nazis in Blue) detaining over 400 soccer fans in the train station of Altstetten District, December 5, 2004:
[4] FCB fan being chained with cable ties lead by bully police (Nazis in Blue), December 5, 2004:
[5] Swiss bully police (Nazis in Blue) transporting soccer fans in barred vans, December 5, 2004:
[6] police center "Barracks" in Zurich, a concentration camp on December 5, 2004:
[7] Swiss bully police (Nazis in Blue) blocking Basel soccer fans on Duttweiler Bridge, Altstetten District in Zurich, December 5, 2004:
[8] operations manager (Nazi in Blue) Jürg Zingg from Zurich bully police "organizing" the pockets of Altstetten on December 5, 2004:
[9] Christoph Blocher, innocent profile:
[10] demonstrators against NATO meeting in Strasbourg 2009 chained in cable ties:
[11] poison poster of SVP against Schengen Dublin agreements in October 2004:
[12] frightening Schegen posters of SVP, 2004:,1518,grossbild-476588-358761,00.html
[13] lie poster against Schengen with EU commission:
[14] lie with Trojan Horse indicating that jobs would be in danger by Schengen agreement:
[15] advertising with the lie, Schengen is only good for the criminals:
[16] poster of CVP for Schengen agreement against custom inspections by EU custom inspectors, example Germany:
[17] result of the people's vote about Schengen Dublin agreements, 2005:
[18] jubilee 20 years AUNS in Tell stadium in Matten, near Interlaken:, Foto 21
[19] Swiss Francs, bank notes of 1,000 Francs:
[20] poster against "billion for eastern Europe" in November 2006:
[21] cartoon of SVP: Mrs. Calmy-Rey donating money:
[22] Christoph Blocher at a jubilee festivity of AUNS in Matten near Interlaken, 2006:
[23] honor ladies at AUNS jubilee festivity in Matten near Interlaken 2006:
[24] EU parliament in Brussels 2012:
[25] EU parliament "working" without deputies:
[26] EU extentions from 1952 to 2007, map:
[x001] Map of Switzerland with the vote about Schengen Dublin agreement in 2004, cantons:'Schwiiz/