There is no advertisement with criminals.

As long as this Nazi party SVP is existing Switzerland should be consequently excluded and boycotted because one cannot live in peace in this Nazi state of Switzerland.

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Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 03a: advertisements with knives 1993

Obstinates with a billionaire - a sect with lies, half truths, manipulations, bribes, propaganda against foreigners without end, propaganda against Germans without end, criminal damage, threats, megalomania - a criminal Nazi Swiss popular party - or better party of complete idiots

Part 3a: advertisements with knives not indicating any solution of the problem 1993

Advertisements with knives of SVP in 1993 against
              "Left and nice people"
Advertisements with knives of SVP in 1993 against "Left and nice people" [1]

Switzerland was NOT denazified in 1945. SVP is not denazified until today.

Wise members of SVP can change to the party of BDP reducing this eternal SVP racism.


by Michael Palomino (2013)



Part 3: advertisements with knives not indicating any solution of the problem

Children and adults from Turkey and former Yugoslavia with knives in their pockets

After the people's vote of December 6, 1992 which SVP won with 50.3% (rejecting EEA) the propagandists of Swiss Popular Party SVP were looking for new enemies. And they were easy to find: foreigners with knives in their hands. They came above all from Turkey and from Yugoland from Yugoslavian War. There children did not learn fairy tales and children's songs but they learnt to handle knives. Therefore Turkish children and Yugoslav children hat no fairy tales and children's songs in Switzerland but were continuing the old traditions of Turkey and Yugoland with clasp knives threatening and extorting Swiss children - for example at the entrance of an underpass on the way to school. Turkish and Yugoslav children were playing "customs". There are also Yugoslav families where a knife is in the flat somewhere as an "educational support" and wife and children are always in a fear from the father. And some foreigners are also threatening Swiss people with a knife - and there are some cases of violation.

Now this propagandists from SVP simply stated that there would be more criminality, more drugs and more fear in the country and all this would be the result of the left political parties which would be too "nice" to them.

Advertising with knives of
                  SVP from 1993 against "Left and nice
advertisement with knives of SVP from 1993 against "Left and nice people" [1]

The real reasons have to be searched much more deeper - but SVP was no interested in the real reasons, but she was converting Switzerland into a permanent arena of election campaign.

The situation with former Yugoslavs in Switzerland: the partisan of Tito

Let's say it shortly and clearly:
-- pride is broken by the dependence from authorities
-- pride is broken by not speaking the local language
-- pride is broken by vegetating in asylum homes and in poverty
-- and Yugoslavs all are in a partisan mentality from Tito and this mentality is not civilized within 5 years when there is no therapy
and then there will be some affected people who will lose the nerves and nothing is important any more.

When there are no balancing meetings and when there is cultural work with the affected people, the affected will loose control and then some killing actions can happen - because of envy. Thus Nazi SVP is just doing the wrong thing: SVP is making propaganda against foreigners instead of installing a cultural work. And then will happen what we have in the following reports:

Yugoslav knife energies are not concealed by Tito any more and are without any control in Switzerland

Switzerland is one of the last states where all former Yugoslavs are living in a narrow space together. All meant that Switzerland is an "ideal world", but when Serbs meant this, also Croats and Albanians meant this, and thus the tensions between the different groups were not eliminated but were coming out in Switzerland right now because the facade of Tito and the enemy stereotype against Germany did not exist any more. Therefore knife energies of former Yugoslavs in Switzerland without "Tito" was coming out without limits and Swiss policy of Nazi SVP wanted to "limit" this violence with an advertisement with knives. Did it have any effect? No. For Turks and former Yugoslavs sexual education and wisdom about deescalation was missing. When we see cases of 2006, this manner of advertisement was absolutely useless:

Situation: Yugoslav father is extorting his family with a knife

In the case of doubt the husband is putting the knife at the neck of the bride, for example forcing her to go to work:

or daughters are forbidden to have a boyfriend etc.

Turkish and Kurdish men as also men from former Yugoslavia were and are until today stuck in their knife culture so they stabbed each other also in Switzerland - and this "culture" was spread in whole Europe and did not stop until today.

Situation: some Turks or Yugos are stabbing each other

For example there can be a quarrel with three Yugos - for example when there is a quarrel about a woman - and then they are stabbing each other as it is prescribed in the report in Daily News (Tagesanzeiger) of Zurich from July 3, 2006 (stabbing in Freiburg with two heavily injured, orig. German: Messerstecherei in Freiburg mit zwei Schwerverletzten).

or there were 3 Yugoslavs from Macedonia stabbing a fourth one from Macedonia injuring also a woman during their flight
from: stabbing in Zurich with two injured (orig. German: Messerstecherei in Zürich: zwei Verletzte, September 20, 2006);

or in Sargans in Switzerland on September 28, 2006 four Macedonian Yugos were hitting a Serb Yugo so he had to go to hospital
from: Blick online: 43 man hit to hospital (orig. German: 43-jähriger Mann spitalreif geprügelt,
September 9, 2006);

or in Dietikon in canton of Zurich on October 15, 2006, Serbs and Montenegro Yugos were stabbing and hitting each other so they needed hospital treatment
from: Blick online: 18 years old hurt by stabbing (orig. German: 18-Jähriger bei Messerstecherei verletzt; October 15, 2006);

or in Winterthur on November 11, 2006 a Yugo stabbed a Yugo
from: Basler Zeitung: 22 years old stabbed in Winterthur - man detained (orig. German: 22-Jähriger in Winterthur erstochen - Mann verhaftet)

or in Wohlen in canton of Aargau on July 19, 2007 a Yugo hit a Yugo so he needed hospital treatment
from: Blick: 21 years old hit so he needed hospital treatment (orig. German: 21-jähriger Mann spitalreif geprügelt);

or in Oberdorf in canton Basel Country on September 8, 2009: Three men from Kosovo and one from Montenegro were hitting each other with iron poles and with beer bottles; from: 20 minutes online: Oberdorf BL: hits with iron poles (orig. German: Oberdorf BL: Mit Eisenstangen aufeinander losgegangen);

or in Rümlang in canton of Zurich on May 30, 2010: Albanians hit each other with 8 hurt men
from: 20 minutes online: 8 injured in big fight in an Albanian club (orig. German: Acht Verletzte: Massenkeilerei im Albanerclub);

Situation: Yugoslav stabbing former girlfriend

An ex Yugoslav was reported on April 25, 2008 having stabbed his former girlfriend and then commits suicide  with an automatic rifle
from: 20 minuten online: murder in the train: stabbing in a clasp knife;

Situation: Yugo cannot handle the relation with his girlfriend

In Oberweningen in canton of Zurich a Macedonian Yugoslav was reported on October 24, 2009 hitting, violating and torturing his girlfriend with a flat iron
from: 20 minutes online: Oberweningen ZH: hit, violated, tortured with a flat iron (orig. German: Oberweningen ZH: Geschlagen, vergewaltigt, mit Bügeleisen gefoltert);

Situation: social authority wants to take the child away from the mother because of negligence

Also Yugoslav women can handle a knife when social authorities mean that children have to be taken away to another place for a better education. A Serb woman hit a Swiss social worker with four stabs; report of Blick online from July 3, 2006 with the title: attack with knife against Zurich social worker (orig. German: Messerattacke auf Zürcher Sozialarbeiter)

Situation: a Yugoslav is envious to a Swiss blondie

Zurich September 1, 2009: Yugoslav woman with Swiss passport hurting Swiss blondie with a cognac glass provoking the loss of one eye
from: 20 minutes online: Eye was shut. Quarrel about blond hair had a bad end (orig. German: Auge raus. Streit um blondes Haar ging bös ins Auge);

Reading these news Swiss people got the feeling that Yugoslav people will destroy Switzerland. Yugos themselves had just another feeling. For them Switzerland simply is not important because they are in a complete depression because they lost their Tito state and because "USA" are installing new military bases in former Yugoslavia as a Zionist strategy against Muslims.

Situation: Yugoslavs are attacking Swiss people

Zurich, September 7, 2009: Croatian bully boy and Serbian bully boy are attacking people without defense so they can pay whores;
from: 20 minutes online: Zurich: With attacks they financed the brothel (orig. German: Mit Überfällen Puffgänge finanziert);

or in Horgen in canton of Zurich on October 10, 2009: Kosovo bully boy was hitting somebody provoking two broken nose bones
from: 20 minutes online: Horgen ZH: In 20 minutes he broke two nose bones (orig. German: In 20 Minuten zwei Nasenbeine gebrochen);

or in Niederhasli in canton of Zurich on November 3, 2009: Serbian bully boy was hitting a father because the father had indicated that there is a pedestrian zone
from: 20 minutes online: Detained motor bike bully boy is only 15 years old;

or Basel on November 7, 2009: Albanian bully boys hitting a Swiss at the train station so hospital treatment is needed
from: 20 minutes online: Albanians hitting Swiss in Basel so hospital treatment is needed (orig. German: Albaner prügeln Schweizer in Basel spitalreif);

Situation: Yugos blocking traffic in Switzerland

Basel September 20, 2006: An Albanian provoking a free-for-all on a crossing in Basel
in: Blick online: Mega noise on a crossing (orig. German: Mega-Krach auf Kreuzung);

Aarau, July 8, 2009: Two Kosovo bully boys are blocking the traffic with two cars and a fighting
from: 20 minutes online: Wild West in Aarau: fighting drivers blocking the traffic (orig. German: Wildwest in Aarau: Prügel-Automobilisten halten Verkehr auf);

A German copied the knife culture and was applying a knife against Yugoslav people

The most famous knife attack is the one of April 1993 against Yugoslav tennis star Monica Seles in Hamburg in 1993. A German fan of Steffi Graf was stabbing Seles into her back which is absolutely unnatural for German cultures because normally Germans kill with rifles. Seles came back to tennis business in 1995 but only when she had the "US" passport.

It seems she had to solve herself first mentally from the knife culture from Yugoslavia first.

Turks with knives and with other objects in Switzerland

With Turks in Switzerland the situation is another one. They came as foreign workers or today they are also coming like "occupants" with all their family members. 20 Turks in one 4 room flat is not rare. And they also play with knives like the Yugoslavs, applying them against women, and against each other Turks against Kurds. sometimes Turks also want to go to a discotheque and are not accepted because Swiss people know that Turkish culture has no sexual education and there is no Bravo, no Girl, and no sexual literature with them. When a ward is blocking Turks at the entrance of a discotheque then fights can be created. Swiss education system is simply not detecting that sexual education is needed with them. Thus Bravo in Turkish language would be good and an education with wisdom about deescalation.

Turks in a middle European discotheque can urge and threat women without end. I saw this personally in Basel and at the end half of the turks were sitting on the floor looking the dancing girls under their skirt and that's it. They need Bravo in Turkish language, Girl and books about sexual education in Turkish language, and then they can handle also women well.

Turks hurting and killing Turks in Switzerland

September 30, 2006, in Basel: Turkish bully boys with "nice clothes" stabbing each other;
from: Daily News (Tagesanzeiger): stabbing in Basel: 17 years old fellow injured in a life-endangering way;

or in Basel, October 2, 2006: stabbing with Turks: Three men detained after stabbing (orig. German: Drei Männer nach Messerstecherei verhaftet)

or in Pratteln in canton of Basel Country: October 21, 2007: six Turkish bully boys in one stroke
from: Daily News (Tagesanzeiger): Injured people by fight in Pratteln (orig. German: Verletzte bei Schlägerei in Pratteln);

or in Bülach in canton of Zurich on December 21, 2010: There was an old 20 years old rumor - and then a Turkish family is knocked down - there are knives, beer bottles, and umbrellas - and this was a Turkish wedding festivity

The capacity for thinking is a high capacity for evading conflicts or for arranging conflicts or for initiating an investigation with an authority office. But in Bülach in 2007 it was the other way round: Some Turks were applying arbitrary law against another Turkish family. It seems that they had no capacity of thinking.
from: 20 minutes online: Turkish bully boy duo: bully boys at wedding are punished (orig. German: Türkisches Schlägerduo: Hochzeits-Prügler bestraft);

Turks assaulting Swiss people

There are Turkish bully boy gangs:

Basel, March 20, 2006: Turkish bully boy tearing a policeman to the ground - Turkish bully boy biting the policeman into his face - Turkish bully boy biting a finger of the policeman - and massive threats;
from: Blick online: "Swedish kiss" [punch into the face] for the policeman (orig. in German: "Schwedenkuss" für Polizisten;

Basel, May 22, 2006: One more gang of Turkish bully boys with knives, this time an Iraqi was heavily injured
from: local Basel television TeleBasel, teletext, plate Nº 110: Injured by a stabbing (Verletzte binere Mässerstächerei);

Liestal, July 31, 2006: Turkish bully boy hitting against an unknown person with an axe
from: local Basel television Telebasel, teletext, plate Nº103: crazed action in Liestal (orig. German: Amoklauf in Liestal)

canton of Basel Country, October 22, 2006: Turkish assistant and 5 Turkish soccer players from FC Türkgücü are threatening the referee - they make so much trouble so the match has to be abandoned and police has to come
from: Blick online: Hell was in Basel (orig. German: In Basel war die Hölle los),

whole Switzerland, November 9, 2006: FC Türkgücü was excluded - and FC Türkgücü is not a single case: 80% of culprits attacking the referees are foreigners in junior soccer systems
from: Blick online: Referee Mario: I was afraid for my life (orig. German: Schiedsrichter Mario: Ich hatte Angst um mein Leben);

or in Bubikon in canton of Zurich on February 2, 2008: The Turk had stabbed only by accident
from: 20 minutes online: Stab is reported to be an accident (orig. German: Messerstich soll Versehen gewesen sein);

or in Zurich Oerlikon on June 28, 2011: Turkish baker assistant massacring his boss with 16 stabs after a dismissal - 14 years jail
This Turk never had learnt to search for help when he needs help.
from: 20 minutes online: 14 years for 16 stabs (orig. German: 14 Jahre für 16 Messerstiche);

Also Turks often cannot accept that women have rights

Pratteln in canton of Basel Country on July 4, 2003:
Three murders by a Turkish bully boy murdering his former girlfriend, her daughter and the new boyfriend without reason

Then the sentence was "jail for life for the threefold murderer of Pratteln" (orig. German: Lebenslänglich: Zuchthaus für Dreifachmörder von Pratteln)
in: Basler Zeitung in the Internet, August 18, 2006; 170C468-1422-0CEF-700CAD71A487FA4F

Canton of Berne 2004: double honor murder committed by a Turkish brother because his sister rejected a forced wedding
from: World Weed (Weltwoche) Nº. 27, 2004;

Au in canton of Zurich July 17, 2006: Turkish Swiss knife boy hitting his wife is ejected from the flat and is stabbing his wife deadly then
from: Blick: knife murder on a bench in a park during the day: man killing his wife (orig. German: Messer-Mord auf der Parkbank. Am helllichten Tag: Mann tötet Ehefrau);

Between 2000 and 2006 in Turkey with it's bully boys there were 91 honor killings - and 62% of women are hit
from: German television ARD from August 19, 2006, plate Nº 162: Turkey: 91 honor killings since 2000 (orig. German: 91 Ehrenmorde seit 2000)

Kurd with a knife assaulting a woman in Thun in canton of Berne

from 20 minutes online;
<Women hit by their husbands can hit back according to the Turkish religion office. Turkish women had a right for self defense."
But the second part is not written in the report: When the husband is hit, then he will organize some "friends".

Turkey, April 10, 2009: 50% of the women are abused, partly also shot
from: n-tv online, news on the portal without special internet address: Domestic violence in Turkey (orig. German: Häusliche Gewalt in der Türkei)

Turkish terrorism was reported on March 16, 2010: bashing for pregnant wife, and after the juridical sentence and after 3 months he cuts her nose and ears
from: 20 minutes online: Turk cutting his wife her nose and her ears;

Turks also fight against Yugoslavs

in Basel was a report on April 14, 2006: Turkish bully boy hurt Serbian ward with a knife heavily
from local television of Basel "TeleBasel" in teletext, plate Nº 110

in Basel was one more report on August 1, 2006: Turkish bully boy hitting a Yugo during the festivities for August 1, so he suffered coma
from: Basler Zeitung: heavily injured by a fight - the suspicious is found (orig. German: Schwerverletzter bei Schlägerei - Verdächtiger ermittelt);

Turks are also hitting and killing in Germany and in Austria

Wiesbaden (Germany), September 30, 2006: Life sentence for Turkish bully boys because of murdering sister. A Turkish bully boy murdered her because of her German boyfriend;
from: Daily News (Tagesanzeiger): Life sentence for 25 years old Turk in "honor murder" process (orig. German: Lebenslange Haft für 25-jährigen Türken im "Ehrenmord"-Prozess)

Berlin, October 29, 2007: <With machetes passing Kreuzberg District: Turks hunting Kurds> (orig. German: <Mit Macheten durch Kreuzberg: Türken jagen Kurden)
from: n-tv online;

<Mass fight between Turks and Kurds> (orig. German: Massenprügelei zwischen Türken und Kurden)
from: 20 minutes online, November 4, 2007;

Munich, January 29. 2008: a criminal kebab is shooting his former wife and himself
from: 20 minutes online: Former wife shot in Munich in the street (orig. German: Exfrau in München auf offener Strasse erschossen);

Hamburg, April 2, 2009: Honor killing against Gülsüm S. "because she was not a virgin any more"
from: Mirror (Spiegel) online: Case of Gülsüm S.: humiliated, strangled, bashed to death (orig. German: Fall Gülsüm S.: Gedemütigt, gewürgt, totgeprügelt);,1518,617105,00.html

Glinde near Hamburg, April 10, 2011: Mass fight at Turkish wedding with 800 guests (orig. German: Massenschlägerei bei türkischer Hochzeit unter 800 Gästen);
from: gmx news;

Berlin, Kreuzberg District, June 4, 2012: Turkish pig murdering his pig cutting her into peaces and throwing peaces and her head from the roofgarden to the street
from: Welt online: Berlin-Kreuzberg: Orhan S. was beheading his wife on a roofgarden (orig. German: Berlin-Kreuzberg: Auf der Dachterrasse enthauptete Orhan S. seine Frau)

By envy and jealousy social workers are attacked or even killed: in Germany, in Switzerland etc.

Factors for this development of violence are:
-- the affected people don't understand or speak the local language often after years, so there is no communication possible and any self esteem is broken
-- the affected are dependent from social workers and social woman workers and this is breaking their self esteem even more.

This bad position is provoking a continuous subtle anger. When there are even more problems with the authorities then this anger is becoming a wish for revenge which is headed against social workers. Translators can help to minimize this anger. When the state has no translators, then this violence is coming automatically.

Sometimes Muslim men from Turkey and from former Yugoslavia also have the idea that a social worker should help them more getting more money but they never say anything. And then the concealed wish is also provoking a revenge energy and murdering social workers.

Another case is when an asylum applicant is rejected by the authorities and then is just looking for a victim. This is just a wrong projection.

Evading "accidents" in an office of a social worker a translator should always be available. And unfortunately there are no metal detectors taking all knives and weapons away before entering the office..

Germany in 1985: murder of a social woman worker because she refused a wife for the asylum applicant
<In summer 1985 an applicant for asylum from Pakistan was sentenced to seven years of jail because he had stabbed a social woman worker - she had refused his wedding with a woman under disability.>
(orig. German: <Im Sommer 1985 wurde ein Asylbewerber aus Pakistan zu sieben Jahren Haft verurteilt, weil er eine Sozialarbeiterin erstochen hatte - sie hatte ihm verwehrt, eine entmündigte Frau zu heiraten.>)

Steinbach (Germany) 1996: During Monday afternoon a 40 years old rejected applicant for asylum from Algeria stabbed a 44 years old social woman worker in the communal accommodation in Steinbach in Hesse in Hochtaunus County (from: Süddeutsche Zeitung 1996)

Duisburg (Germany) May 16, 2008: Indian and alcoholic applicant for asylum stabbing social woman worker in a temporary communal accommodation for applicants for asylum;

Switzerland has similar cases:

Also Iraqi people and people from Afghanistan cannot manage their energies

The situation is filled with inferiority, lacking language competence and dependence from authorities. This is a humiliation for these men provoking energies that are exploding in a crisis with incalculable energies:

Stuttgart, August 14, 1989: Afghani man taking a flight after a ticket control in a train stabbing German policeman after the flight
from: Asylum: From the Cup (orig. German: Asyl. Aus der Schnabeltasse)

<There were 2.10 DM to pay for a trip in Stuttgart tram of line 9, but this money Albert Ament, 46 years old, wanted to safe. He was controlled and catched by two controllers. Then Ament was reacting in a bad way hitting both, one of them lost some teeth. At the next tram stop the fare dodger took his flight. Three hours later the black skinned Ament who was published for manhunt was detected not far from the location of the crime in Gaisburg District. When the officials wanted to fix him, he was stabbing with a 35 cm long bayonet killing policeman Harald Poppe, 27 years, and Peter Quast, 28 years. The other three policemen were heavily injured. Five police bullets were killing the spree killer on the location.>
(orig. German:
<Die 2,10 Mark für eine Fahrt in der Stuttgarter Straßenbahn-Linie 9 wollte Albert Ament, 46, sparen. Von zwei Kontrolleuren erwischt, reagierte Ament rabiat: Er schlug auf die beiden ein, der eine verlor mehrere Zähne. An der nächsten Haltestelle ergriff der Schwarzfahrer die Flucht. Drei Stunden später wurde der schwarze Ament, eilends zur Fahndung ausgeschrieben, unweit des Tatorts im Stadtteil Gaisburg von fünf Streifenpolizisten entdeckt. Als ihn die Beamten stellen wollten, stach er wild mit einem 35 Zentimeter langen Bajonett um sich: Die Polizisten Harald Poppe, 27, und Peter Quast, 28, wurden getötet, die anderen drei verletzt. Fünf Polizeikugeln streckten den Amokläufer nieder, der noch am Tatort starb.>

Zurich July 15, 2012: An Iraqi (21) was stabbing a man (23) before a discotheque after a quarrel in the discotheque (news title: stabber confessing deed near Kaufleuten, orig. German: Messerstecher gesteht Tat vor Kaufleuten)


<The precise background of the deed of July 15, 2012 are not known until today. 23 years old victim was celebrating with brothers and with friends in the Club "Kaufleuten" [in Zurich] his birthday. Already in the club he and one of his brothers were in quarrels with the latter culprit. The three were kicked out of the club because of this.

Outdoors the situation was escalating. According to Mr. Landmann the suspicious was bashed up by the two brothers. Security alarmed the police. Police was separating the fighters and had left the location, the lawyer said.

Later the three met one more time - "the suspicious had a knife now", Mr. Landmann said. There was another quarrel and the 23 years old was stabbed to death and the 20 years old brother was heavily injured.>

(orig. German:
<Die genauen Hintergründe der Tat vom 15. Juli 2012 sind bis heute nicht bekannt. Das 23-jährige Opfer feierte mit seinen Brüdern und Freunden im Club Kaufleuten seinen Geburtstag. Bereits im Club gerieten er und einer seiner Brüder mit dem späteren Täter aneinander. Die drei wurden deswegen aus dem Club geworfen.

Draussen eskalierte die Situation. Gemäss Landmann wurde der Tatverdächtige von den beiden Brüdern zusammengeschlagen. Die Sicherheitsleute des Clubs hätten deswegen die Polizei alarmiert. Diese habe die Kontrahenten daraufhin getrennt und sei wieder gegangen, sagte der Anwalt.

Später seien die drei wieder aneinandergeraten – «der Tatverdächtige hatte jetzt ein Messer dabei», sagte Landmann. Im anschliessenden Streit wurden der 23-Jährige erstochen und sein 20-jähriger Bruder schwer verletzt.>

It can be admitted that the complete knife shit happened because of a woman with whom the Iraqi wanted to dance but she had danced with the Swiss before.

Good Muslims in Europe can mediate and can give data about social focuses - political parties and Nazi SVP do not see the good Muslims

This list of bad deeds is just unilateral. Criminal SVP is making politics with such lists and is provoking fear in the population. But all "good deeds" of Muslims are NEVER mentioned,
-- how Muslim parents are integrating their children in Switzerland and in Germany
-- how Muslim parents are permitting their children to visit even grammar schools
-- how these Muslim children are also finishing grammar schools and are even studying, above all in Germany.

That means: political parties (above all SVP) do not see that there are good Muslim families for contacts forming an interlink to problematic Muslim families! This also can be payed because work is connected with it, or certain Muslims of intellectual families can be encouraged to become social workers or woman social workers just assisting those Muslims where is a focus, BEFORE there will be a crime. Because the good Muslim families know many Muslims and know where focuses are, where families are destroyed, where a crisis is working badly, where is a case of envy since years, where are children with knives in their pockets, where children are hit, where women are hit, where children were kidnapped etc.

Nazi-SVP: spending millions for NOTHING

Therefore with the unilateral propaganda against Muslims with data from the police computer there is NO effect but spreading black energy in the country. When we see the balance in the year of 2013, what was the "effect" of the Nazi tactic with the fighting advertisements in Switzerland, then one has to say it clearly: NOTHING AT ALL. Fighting advertisements with knives and fighting advertisements against foreigners and presenting criminality of foreigners were an absolute failure, an absolute misinvestment and waste of funds of millions of Swiss Francs and all this brought only some more voters - but it did not provoke peace between Swiss and foreigners at all, and not at all integration of extremist Muslims accepting Human Rights. Human Rights are rejected by extreme Muslims because they come from former colonialist states.

Measures: communication - offices for information - new rules of life - education: an advertisement with knives has no effect at all

In Switzerland there is also a knife tradition but with pocket knives, and at least 10 seconds are needed opening a pocket knife and the blade is not longer than 8 cm. But a jack knife is opened in just one short moment and is up to 15 cm long.

It's just striking that the violence of former Yugoslavs and Turks in Switzerland is concentrated in two cantons: Zurich and Basel, but above all Zurich. This canton is just the center of Nazi SVP, and is the canton where most of propaganda advertisements of SVP are printed in the newspapers - and where - as a consequence - the foreigners have to live in the strongest isolation because Swiss population is manipulated against them.

Propagandist Hans-Rudolf Abächerli, he
                        created the aggressive style of advertising with
                        SVP aggressions in the Swiss newspapers
Propagandist Hans-Rudolf Abächerli [2], he created the aggressive style of advertisement with SVP aggressions in the Swiss newspapers, for example with advertisements with knives.

But there is no sense with it, and there is no efficiency. Playing with knives is not reduced by advertisement but by direct talks changing the brains.

SVP was right stating that knives are a big problem in Switzerland. This is also the case in other states in Germany and in other states of Europe. Intimidated children do not say anything, and men with knives from Turkey and from former Yugoslavia began playing with knives already when they were children. They begin forming of mafia groups when they are children already. But how one should educate them to speak about this habit, to analyze and to find solutions? How should Turkish and Yugoslav families brought to the common sense to give up their knife traditions and to live peacefully? Nazi propagandist Abächerli from Zurich SVP meant with an "advertisement with knives" where a knife attack is directly painted. The responsible Abächerli and all members of the Zurich section of SVP were authorizing this advertisement. But they were criminals showing direct aggression in a newspaper and they did not solve one single problem with it.

<In 1993 Abächerli was creating the advertisement with knives publishing in the world, and later his creations against the "Left and Nice people" followed.>

(orig. in German:
<Abächerli hatte 1993 das Messerstecher-Inserat in die Welt gesetzt, später folgen Kreationen gegen die „Linken und Netten“>

It should be shown what the experience of the victim itself had been: a threat, an extortion with a knife. But would this have a useful effect when violence is printed in a picture in a newspaper when the big part of the affected Turks and former Yugoslavs cannot even read German? NO, there is NO sense with such an advertisement with knives, but it was only a provocation for winning more voters. Why is this like this?

-- because criminality is not reduced by laws,
-- because one has to speak with the culprit or the potential culprit groups directly so their brain is "switching" and changing,
-- because the reasons for aggressions can be very personal and can be found out only in personal talks
-- because an advertisement has to be put into the newspaper which also the group of culprit will read, in this case in little magazines in Turkish and in the languages of former Yugoslavia.

But SVP is shy and never speaks directly with them because SVP would be dependent on translators which is humiliating for SVP leaders. And one can see clearly once again that this SVP has NO idea of sociology and should educate with courses in sociology urgently.

SVP means that sharpening laws would scare the knife users off from crimes - but the culprits hardly or cannot read at all!

Racist Mrs. Rickli meant in 2009 that this advertisement with the knives had been a successful advertisement and before this publication it had been impossible to discuss about penalties and penal system.

Nathalie Rickli, good smile
Nathalie Rickli, good smile [3] but against foreigners she means that only sharpened law would work or she even means that foreigners should "go" and she never speaks with them...


<Thus Zurich SVP groups was publishing the "advertisement with knives" which was discussed a lot. Newspapers were presenting very harsh titles, and the advertisements against "Left and Nice people" were provoking many protests. After months and years after publication yet this advertisement is mentioned and discussed. When we read the short text which the "advertisement with knives" contains then it's clear why this is one of the best political advertisements of the last years: in short words the problem is brought to the point. SVP was indicating where the weak points in safety policy of Socialist Party (SP), Free Democrats (FDP) and Christian Democrats (CVP) are:

-- rise of criminality
-- rise of drug problems
-- rise of fear in the population.>

(orig. in German:
<So veröffentlichte die Zürcher SVP 1993 das vieldiskutierte „Messerstecher-Inserat". Die Zeitungen überboten sich daraufhin mit deftigen Schlagzeilen, und die im Inserat angeprangerten „Linken und Netten" empörten sich lautstark. Noch Monate und Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung wird das Inserat erwähnt und diskutiert. Wenn wir den kurzen Text lesen, welchen das „Messerstecher-Inserat" beinhaltet, ist klar, warum dies eines der besten politischen Inserate der vergangenen Jahrzehnte ist: Kurz und knapp wird das Problem auf den Punkt gebracht. Die SVP wies darauf hin, welches die Schwachpunkte in der Sicherheitspolitik von SP, FDP und CVP sind:
  • Die Zunahme der Kriminalität
  • Die Zunahme der Drogenprobleme
  • zunehmende Angst in der Bevölkerung>

Additionally Mrs. racist Rickli was claiming that the judges are giving only low penalties.

Thus this SVP meant that with sharpened laws and sharpened conditions in jails and with threats of a deportation of Turks and former Yugoslavs just these groups of foreigners would be educated to leave their jack knives at home not having them in their pockets any more. Will this work? NO, this is a dead end, much fuss about nothing. Because:

1st point: Turks and former Yugoslavs mean that their culture would be "good" and they mean that Swiss people is the problem. Additionally
2d point: Turks and former Yugoslavs carrying jack knives in their pockets around are not good readers and mostly hardly can understand German or cannot understand any German at all
3d point: They cannot read at all Swiss law. A sharpened Swiss law is the same text for them and is not important.

1993: SVP begins with fighting style of advertisement from the times from 1920s to 1945 - the big lie in the advertisements in German speaking newspapers

In the year 1993 SVP took a resolution to become a Nazi SVP. She decided to agitate with fighting advertisements like Stalin and Hitler had created them "hosing" each other. That means that SVP is acting like Hitler deliberately declaring foreigners as the main enemy who cannot defend themselves in Switzerland because Swiss law is not protecting them. That means that this Nazi SVP has elected an enemy without defense winning and duffing voters with this propaganda. We read a text from this Nazi SVP itself how this terrorism with advertisement and posters was decided deliberately since 1993. Political scientist Marc Balsiger means clearly:

<Shocking posters and advertisements are not a new invention of SVP concerning Swiss political advertisement. Between the two world wars and especially in the 1930s Communists and Fascists were attacking each other often in a harsh way. Language of pictures of these times shows for example frightening face of Stalin having a knife between the teeth. This style SVP was re-initiating in 1993. A part of the success of SVP is thanks to Hans-Rudolf Abächerli.>

(orig. in German:

<Schockierende Plakate und Inserate sind in der Schweizer Politwerbung keine Erfindung der SVP. Zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen, insbesondere in den 30er-Jahren, griffen sich die Kommunisten und Faschisten oftmals heftig an. Die Bildsprache der damaligen Sujets zeigte beispielsweise die furchterregende Fratze von Stalin, der ein Messer zwischen den Zähnen hat. Diesen Stil hat die SVP 1993 wieder aufgenommen. Einen Teil ihres Erfolgs verdankt sie Hans-Rudolf Abächerli.>
It's just really like this: SVP was beginning the fight deliberately with it's "fighting advertisements". SVP meant that this war in German speaking newspapers (which cannot be read by Turks or former Yugoslavs at all) she could stop knife cultures in Switzerland and she could stop the knife culprits. What a lie! The change has to happen in the head! Turks and former Yugoslavs with their jack knives in their pockets hardly can read, and they cannot read German at all. They trust their big circle of friends and they have their little magazines. An advertisement in a German speaking newspaper has no sense with them. This inefficiency is coming out absolutely clearly, and also the purpose of such advertisements is absolutely clear: SVP wants to spread fear for winning more votes with an intimidated population.

The population mostly does not get aware of this fraud, and thus SVP was growing in the canton of Zurich from 12 to 33% within 20 years, only provoking fear. The laws and the realization have to do "others"...

Since then with this "fighting style" of hostility to foreigners in advertisements and posters SVP is actively supporting right wing extremism in Switzerland. We read for example in the degree dissertation of Annie Ortelli / Brigitte Rindlisbacher "Social Work With Extremist Right Wig Skinheads" (orig. German: "Soziale Arbeit mit rechtsextremen Skinheads" from 2004:

<Extremist right wing scenery is partly supported by the partly xenophobic government party Swiss Popular Party (Schweizerische Volkspartei, SVP) and is supported also by little political parties like Swiss Democrats (Schweizer Demokraten) and Swiss Liberty Party (Schweizer Freiheitspartei), Lega of Southern Swiss (Lega dei Ticinesi) and so on. Discriminating and xenophobic and propagandist campaigns are delivering the food for the extremist right wing groups and perceived legitimation for it's propaganda, actions and violent attacks.>
(orig. in German:
<Die rechtsextreme Szene wird von der zum Teil fremdenfeindlichen Regierungspartei Schweizerische Volkspartei (SVP) und Kleinparteien wie den Schweizer Demokraten, der Schweizer Freiheitspartei, der Lega dei Ticinesi usw. in ihrer Ideologie teilweise bestärkt. Diskriminierende, fremdenfeindliche und hetzerische  Kampagnen liefern den rechtsextremen Gruppen Nährstoff und vermeidliche Legitimation für ihre Propaganda, Aktionen und gewalttätige Übergriffe.>

SVP is making war against foreigners instead of making politics with foreigners and converted itself into a Nazi party:

The counter war of SVP against newcomers - the judge and the culprit

1st point: SVP is spreading a psychological terrorism and mental violence against foreigners, thus this is a counter war
2d point: SVP is educating policemen how they are applying more violence against humans, thus this is more physical violence
3d point: SVP claims that sharpened laws could bring more peace, thus this is another war.

Now there are judges giving only short penalties. Why? Because they will not be attacked by the stabbers themselves. When Mrs. Rickli would be a judge, then she also would think two times if she would give hard penalties because when there are hard penalties then Balkans mafia will organize a counter reaction against the judge. It's not important who will be the judge, if Blocher, Maurer, Bertoluzzi or Mörgeli - the judge also is in a certain danger declaring high penalties. Then will be a revision and there will be mitigating circumstances and discussions without end and finger-pointing etc. etc. All this a judge wants to evade with a low penalty.

This Balkans mafia comes from Tito times when all Yugoslavs were drilled to be "partisans". And therefore Yugoslavs are behaving in whole Europe a little bit like partisans and they think it's "funny" playing with knives or commit burglaries or stealing copper. They just learnt this in their childhood and their vision was this again and again and now they are realizing their brain structures which have grown like this. They did not "switch" and change their life yet.

Tactics of deescalation - education, enlightenment and basics - the book "Mirjam"

The newcomers from Turkey and former Yugoslavia have to "switch" to a life without violence - without knives, threats, violence, with deescalation and with enlightenment

In whole Europe this knife problem exists. One can solve this problem only speaking with them with translators PERSONALLY passing by speaking about life so their brains will "switch"
-- a life without knife
-- a life without threat
-- a life without violence.

Newcomers from Turkey and former Yugoslavia simply did not "switch" yet when they passed the border of the country. The switch for a life without violence is IN THE BRAIN, not in the legal code. And mostly they cannot read and cannot read at all any German text.

These newcomers from Muslim regions with a knife tradition often don't know either

-- what is a children's song balancing energies with all their contents
-- what are fairy tales showing how stories are ending with a happy end, some also showing how a deescalation is working or how is a punishment
-- what is youth literature and wisdom literature
-- most of them never have seen a library before
-- they don't know how a deescalation is working in reality,
-- they don't know how emotional peace is working because they simply never had this emotional peace before and because they don't take earnest Swiss people
-- they don't know what is sex education
-- they don't know what is a Bravo or a Girl (has to be edited in Turkish and in Balkans languages)
-- they don't know the variations of sexuality
-- they don't know about creative activities aside of the profession, they don't know about hobbies, clubs, or voluntary work etc.

When all this would be known then their soul would be filled with so much good energy that there would not come out any negative energy any more. When this style of life is not presented by the parents ad an example then the affected have to work out all this by themselves. Children of the parents can often do this step then alone visiting and using libraries. But when Yugoslavs and Turks remain without any mental inspiration and will remain without stable contact person then they will stay in their culture of knives, in mafia structures, with drugs and with "fast cars".

                        Rinser, portrait with typewriter
Luise Rinser, portrait with typewriter [5]
The book
                        "Mirjam" by Luise Rinser [4] with the
                        tactics of deescalation
The book "Mirjam" by Luise Rinser [4] with the tactics of deescalation

The tactics of deescalation are described for example in the Gospel called "Mirjam" by Luise Rinser from 1983:
The divine is measured with other measure and all comes to a goal (p.161)
(orig. German: Göttliches wird mit anderem Mass gemessen, und alles kommt zum Ziel (S.161)

What you did to a living being or have rejected to it you have also done to me or rejected to me.
(orig. German: Was ihr einem lebenden Wesen getan oder verweigert habt, das habt ihr mir getan oder verweigert (S.167).

There are victories which are defeats - and there defeats which are victories.
(orig. German: Es gibt Siege, die Niederlagen sind - es gibt Niederlagen, die Siege sind (S.178).

Where is love there is peace. Where is peace there is kingdom of heaven. Go and bring about peace.
(orig. German: Wo Liebe ist, da ist Frieden. Wo Friede ist, da ist das Himmelreich. Geh und stifte Frieden! (S.186)

Victory or defeat, is both not permitted.
(orig. German: Siege und Niederlagen, gleich unerlaubt (S.199).

You should not kill, not defending and not attacking.
(orig. German: Du sollst nicht töten, nicht in der Verteidigung, nicht im Angriff (S.199).

There is no other enemy than oneself.
(orig. German: Man hat nie einen andern Gegner als sich selbst (S.203).

Don't attack and don't repel. This is the real force.
(orig. German: Nicht angreifen und nicht zurückschlagen, das ist die wahre Stärke (S.211).

Not to use weapons means to unarm the enemy.
(orig. German: Keine Waffe gebrauchen heisst den Gegner entwaffnen (S.211).

Kingdom of peace is in ourselves, here and now.
(orig. German: Das Friedensreich ist in uns, hier und jetzt (S.213).

People loving is living already here and now in the kingdom of peace. This is the solution of all questions.
(orig. German: Wer liebt, lebt schon hier und jetzt im Friedensreich. Das ist die Lösung aller Fragen (S.213).

Who is constructing an enemy picture will be attacked by the enemy.
(orig. German: Wer sich ein Feindbild macht, wird vom Feind angegriffen (S.213).

Not fear is holding a culprit away from killing life and soul. Only the cognition of being a unity of all living beings is installing the kingdom of peace.

(orig. German: Nicht Furcht vor Strafe hält ab vom Töten des Lebens und der Seele. Nur die Erkenntnis vom Einssein alles Lebendigen schafft das Friedensreich (S.215).

That means all in all that foreigners which are attacked by SVP by their campaigns and posters will create even more energy to counter this aggressivity against Swiss people and therefore criminality of Yugoslavs and Turks is the highest in the canton of Zurich.

Solving the problem with the knives one has to speak personally with the Turkish and former Yugoslav families and giving them advice with translators having talks with them, spreading basics of life, spreading address lists for contact persons, asking who has a jack knife in the pocket, because parents mostly know this. Some people from these cultures never lived without a knife before...

But what is doing SVP?

Foreigners becoming depressive and aggressive - and SVP is mad with Nazi methods

"Switching" to a peaceful life: SVP and stabbers should have a therapy both

As long as SVP is posting Nazi posters in Switzerland there will never be possible any life in peace in this Switzerland. Even as long as Nazi SVP exists a life in peace will not be possible because SVP is only making propaganda watching the police computer and has no peace in the heart itself.

One can send SVP and stabbers just to the same therapist. Because what SVP is doing with the Swiss population since 1992 has the same meaning with a "stab into the heart". Psychological terrorism of SVP is provoking a cruel mental pain and is NOT provoking any solution. Solutions have to be found in the education - also with people from SVP.

Stabbers and SVP are both mentally ill and mad.

Both sides, stabbers AND SVP are not reading and are both not passing courses for further education. And when SVP is making propaganda against foreigners then foreigners are manipulated against Swiss people. But principally Nazi SVP is incurable because they have so much money and are claiming at the same time that they would stay for "Christian" basics. Therefore SVP can be eliminated without doubt and the situation will be only better...

At the same time migration will hardly be better not because SVP will not be there but because wars of criminal "USA" are going on in the Middle East and in Afghanistan, and criminal "USA" are always continuing with propaganda against Islam. And in a clandestine way the occupation and the destruction of Iran is prepared (Estate 2013). Switzerland and it's "friend" "U.S.A." is rated as an enemy state by the Muslims and is - when politics in Europe will not come to a neutral policy - be end with Islamification.

1998: advertisement with knives is shown one more time - now against a treatment against relapse of culprits with sexual crimes and crimes of violence - with the same Nazi tactic

In 1998 the advertisement with knives was used once more, this time in a referendum in the canton of Zurich against a therapy project against relapses of culprits with sexual crimes and crimes of violence. In the advertisement was pretended that two men in black would attack a woman with a knife committing sexual crimes like violation. One part of the funds for the new manner of treatment should be given from the canton of Zurich, and this money for people ill of violence was fought by Nazi SVP.

Advertising with knives of
                  Nazi SVP against a treatment program of sexual
                  criminals and criminals of violence in 1998
advertisement with knives of Nazi SVP against a treatment program of sexual criminals and criminals of violence in 1998 [6]

This advertisement did not fail with it's effect and the Swiss voters of the canton of Zurich were rejecting the little sum for the new kind of therapy with 52%. Zurich justice did NOT doing anything preventing the publication of this violent advertisement in the press, and the press was making a great profit printing this advertisement - claiming that there is "freedom of speech". More Nazism is not possible as in Zurich (Blocher Town).

It can be admitted that the representatives of SVP did NEVER speak with any culprit finding the reasons for violence. With SVP it's just like this: reasons are NEVER important, but only the distribution of fear is important winning votes. This SVP tragedy  with wrong victories is going on since 20 years now in this manner.

Evade Muslim quarters in big towns - the parents have to be educated not allowing a ghetto

Since about 2010 there are clear news saying that police in Europe's mega cities cannot visit certain districts any more because a Muslim gang criminality is dominating there which is stronger than police.

Such isolated ghettos are coming up by consequent negligence concerning intellectual work, psychological work, and social work. Muslim men did not "switch" at the border but they are continuing suppressing their wives as it was in Turkey or on the Balkans, and thus no intellectuality or no managing of energies was created. Press did hardly mention this and the mayors also don't have any or hardly help. Most human beings in such Muslim ghettos never heard any fairy tale, never heard any children's song, or never have seen any library or never played any music instrument.

Evading such ghettos a consequent schooling of the PARENTS is needed so their children will have a development which is not keeping them back in the ghetto. But when parents are deciding that they feel well in this ghetto because "this is like a little Turkey" then it will be difficult. But one can install a library with it's assisting staff, this will not be so difficult, at least in the "border area" of the ghetto.

At the end of this web site I repeat against what is missing in the souls of Muslims in Europe:

These newcomers from Muslim regions with a knife tradition often don't know either

-- what is a children's song balancing energies with all their contents
-- what are fairy tales showing how stories are ending with a happy end, some also showing how a deescalation is working or how is a punishment
-- what is youth literature and wisdom literature
-- most of them never have seen a library before
-- they don't know how a deescalation is working in reality,
-- they don't know how emotional peace is working because they simply never had this emotional peace before and because they don't take earnest Swiss people
-- they don't know what is sex education
-- they don't know what is a Bravo or a Girl (has to be edited in Turkish and in Balkans languages)
-- they don't know the variations of sexuality
-- they don't know about creative activities aside of the profession, they don't know about hobbies, clubs, or voluntary work etc.

When the soul is not full of these variations of life, then the human being cannot form his life in variations either.

Nazi SVP is only making propaganda and is making just the contrary of this what is necessary - forbid SVP

And what is doing Nazi SVP with Blocher, Fehr, Mörgeli, Bertoluzzi, Maurer, Brunner, Rickli, Schlüer etc.? They only see the police computer and are paying fighting advertisements in Swiss newspapers against foreigners enlarging the ditch between Swiss and foreigners, and all impulses for the foreigners are blocked. More criminal one cannot handle a society. It cannot get worse. And therefore this inhuman Nazi SVP has to be forbidden and eliminated like this party is doing it with the foreigners.

As long as this Nazi party SVP is existing Switzerland should be consequently excluded and boycotted because one cannot live in peace in this Nazi state of Switzerland.

There is no advertisement with criminals.

<<     >>

Photo sources

[1] advertisement with knives of 1993 against "Left and Nice people":
[2] Hans-Rudolf (Hansruedi) Abächerli:
[3] Nathalie Rickli, portrait with a smile:
[4] the book "Mirjam" by Luise Rinser:
[5] Luise Rinser, portrait with typewriter:
[6] advertisement with knives against sexual culprits and culprits of violence 1998:
