There is no advertising with criminals.
As long as this Nazi party SVP is existing Switzerland should be consequently excluded and boycotted because one cannot live in peace in this Nazi state of Switzerland.
<< >>
Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 03b: autonomous youth center (AJZ), Red Factory, Baden Street Nº 2, Carthage poster of 1994
Obstinates with a billionaire - a sect with lies, half truths, manipulations, bribes, propaganda against foreigners without end, propaganda against Germans without end, criminal damage, threats, megalomania - a criminal Nazi Swiss popular party - or better party of complete idiots
Part 3b: destroyed living space in Zurich since 1970 - AJZ and Red Factory 1980 - Baden Street Nº2 in 1982 - dwelling project "Carthage" 1985 - and criminal SVP with a dyslexian poster 1994
Red Factory (Rote Fabrik" in Zurich Wollishofen District [3]
Autonomous Youth Center (AJZ), first house at Limmat Street [36]
Squatting of the house at Baden Street Nº2 with banners against "U.S." Fascism in Grenada and in Central "America", October 1982 [103]
Squatting at Baden Street Nº2 with bird masks in a window [98]
Poster of SVP from 1994 stating "anarchy promotion project" "Carthage" No [1] from SVP Nazi graphic artist Hans-Ruedi Abächerli
Nazi graphic artist Hans-Ruedi Abächerli was presenting the people from the "Carthage" project in a way as if they had the education of first-graders and the project would not have any future - presented with the black cross as a "t". More criminal one cannot defame adult humans. Criminal Swiss justice was not intervening...
Switzerland was NOT denazified in 1945. SVP is not denazified until today.
Wise members of SVP can change to the party of BDP reducing this eternal SVP racism.
by Michael Palomino (2013)
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Part 3b: destroyed living space in Zurich since 1970 - AJZ and Red Factory 1980 - Baden Street Nº2 in 1982 - dwelling project "Carthage" 1985 - and criminal SVP with a dyslexian poster 1994
Who a thinking human being of SVP can produce such a poster? Middle class parties are systematically confusing victims and culprits and are protecting bully police until today (2013)...
Poster of SVP from 1994 stating "anarchy promotion project" "Carthage" No [1] from SVP Nazi graphic artist Hans-Ruedi Abächerli
We are analyzing: Nazi tactics of the town government of Zurich under Nazi Sigmund Widmer 1970-1982
Since 1970 a big solidarity was growing in Zurich in the lower classes because Nazi town government with it's president Sigmund Widmer was systematically putting 1,000s of people in the street permitting that big "companies" were purchasing houses destroying them installing their big business buildings there. There were big protests against this killing action against beautiful old houses and the Nazi government of Zurich was applying Nazi maneuvers with it's police regularly against the own population under the leadership of Nazi police executive Hans Frick. Also national government member Kurt Furgler seems having supported these maneuvers and NEVER interrupted these Nazi maneuvers.
Details about Nazi working methods in Zurich between 1970 and 1982
-- 1,000s of tenants are kicked out from their cheap houses and flats landing in the street: Nazi town government and mayor Sigmund Widmer is supporting that 1,000s of people are kicked out or their old houses eliminating these houses building new business centers
-- failing fulfilling contracts: Nazi town government and mayor Sigmund Widmer are not fulfilling contracts (illegal use of Red Factory as a requisite deposit and as a rehearsal stage since 1979 appr., and more abuse of Red Factory was detected as a store for commercial companies with clothing store in the night from 8 to 9 May 1980)
-- failing fulfilling people's votes results: Nazi town government with mayor Sigmund Widmer is not fulfilling the people's vote's result about the use of Red Factory (people's vote of September 27, 1977 for the use of Red Factory as a music meeting point)
-- any big hall is rejected (Nazi mayor Sigmund Widmer states that there is no big hall in whole Zurich, March 26, 1980)
-- agenda items about youth policy are eliminated from the agenda of the town government (June 18, 1980)
-- victims and culprits are confused: Nazi Sigmund Widmer claims no riots of autonomous people any more (June 4, 1980), but bully police of Zurich is regularly beginning the riots systematically and not the autonomous people
-- definition of "leader figures" when somebody is signing a project on a document
-- definition of "ringleaders" when somebody says what could be done (June 20, 1980)
-- protection for criminal bully policemen: district public prosecution service is protecting all criminal policemen, Zurich bully policemen are NEVER condemned, also when there are many testimonies, and national Federal Justice and Police Department (government member Furgler) is protecting this procedure in whole Switzerland
-- the goal is detention and psychiatry: the goal of Nazi government Widmer is to bring the autonomous people behind prison walls and into psychiatry (see the video "Zurich is burning" (Züri brännt), 1h, 37min, 35sec.)
-- invention of reasons for arrest and for punishments: district public prosecution service is systematically inventing reasons for arrests and punishments (e.g. "trial of killing", October 15, 1980)
-- criminal district attorneys and public prosecutors are NEVER punished although they are inventing so many reasons for arrests later, and government member Kurt Furgler is accepting everything
-- police riots: Nazi police executive of Zurich, Hans Frick, is organizing his criminal bully police (Nazis in blue) with sticks, biting tear gas, biting tear gas water, rubber bullets (with loss of eyes) and wood projectiles and also acting with strokes of fists
-- house searches without search order and without uniforms: criminal Zurich bully police is entering arbitrarily flats without any search order and without uniforms
-- arbitrary detentions: criminal Zurich bully police is arbitrarily detaining people without detention order and without uniforms
-- "preventive" detentions: during demonstrations and during police riots criminal Zurich bully police is executing preventive detentions without any illegal action of the detained (e.g. on June 20, 1980)
-- kin liability: criminal Zurich bully police introduced also kin liability (closing the complete youth center after a razzia because they found weapons, drugs and powders on September 4, 1980)
-- solitary confinement: criminal Zurich justice introduced solitary confinement
-- waste of money and funds for police instead for social projects: from 1970 to 1982 criminal Zurich Nazi town government under Nazi mayer Sigmund Widmer and his police under leadership of Nazi police executive Hans Frick are spending millions of Swiss Francs for police actions and police riots which had been better invested in social projects and cultural projects but Nazi town government under Mr. Widmer has NOT got this idea for 12 years!
Thus since 1970 the complete government of the town of Zurich was absolutely mad and executing Nazism against the own population. And the national government with its Justice and Police Department, Kurt Furgler, was approving all these illegal and brute maneuvers of bully police and Nazi justice in Switzerland. And there is not one single warning for any member of Zurich Nazi government nor from Swiss Nazi justice nor from Zurich bully police (Nazis in blue). Thus with all these Nazi maneuvers Switzerland was converting into a Nazi state.
Age distribution of the alternative movement: adults about 85%, youths only about 15% (news from August 5, 1980); thus the description "youth riots" is absolutely wrong when 85% of the members are adults.
Zurich bully police committing heaviest bodily injuries up to losses of eyes and burns of skin
-- women are hit with the stick on their head, a woman is trapped behind a bus shelter and hit without reason, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):, see the part 1h 28min. 15sec. bis 26sec.
-- eye is shot out by rubber bullet of Zurich bully police: Sep. 4, 1980 after a visit in a cinema (noninvolved person)
-- eye is shot out by rubber bullet of Zurich bully police: Dec. 3, 1980 at Congress Center (Kongresshaus) during a concert of Kinks group
-- eye is shot out by rubber bullet of Zurich bully police: Jan. 31, 1981 during the pocket near the National Museum (Landesmuseum)
-- burning tear gas petard is pressed on a head of a demonstrating woman: Jan. 31, 1981 during the pocket near the National Museum (Landesmuseum)
-- self-immolation: December 12, 1980 (Silvia Z.)
There are alternative newspapers with all the details and with the truth about Nazi bully police of Zurich and with the truth about Nazi justice system of Zurich:
-- Icebreaker (Eisbrecher)
-- Crowbar (Brächise)
-- At Once (Subito)
-- Concrete (Konkret
1950-1980: 30 years waiting time for an alternative youth center - growing solidarity against middle class cultural racists - "Globus police riots" in Zurich in 1968
Since 1950 the young generation is waiting for an alternative culture temple in Zurich, but the bourgeois NEVER are permitting it. Riots of 1968 just were claiming for this: for forms of live, for fleeing terrorist parents blocking festivities or where daughters and women were raped, for acknowledgment of homosexuality, or as a resistance against Vietnam War etc.
At the end in 1968 a 2 days event in an empty Globus shopping center building was approved but this was ending with an ultimatum stating that an alternative youth center should be installed until July 1, 1968, and when this would not be than the empty Globus building would be occupied.
(Chronology of events June 1968 to May 1980:
Protest wave against this Nazi government of Sigmund Widmer and against Nazi police of police executive Hans Frick is huge and solidarity in the poorer population in the town of Zurich is big because this government was systematically kicking people out from their cheap flats and houses constructing business houses there.
(Video: Alone they will catch you, part 2:, 1min. to 30min.)
Nazi government under Sigmund Widmer was answering with bully police (Nazis in blue):
-- to days long police was organizing riots and hunting people who wanted to use the empty Globus building (June 29-30, 1968)
-- then also a "Zurich Declaration" ("Zürcher Manifest") was signed with harsh criticism against the urban youth policy (July 1968)
-- and a committee for an "autonomous youth center" ("Autonomes Jugendzentrum" AJZ) was founded.
(Chronology of events June 1968 to May 1980:
National solidarity against atomic power in the 1970s
Big parts of Swiss population are also solidarizing against atomic power with its radiant atomic waste.
Bourgeois political parties of Switzerland ("Christians" CVP, "Free Democrats" FDP, "Independents" LDU, and "People's Party" SVP with under 10% yet) were bribed by Atomic lobby and were inventing new police practices. Government Member of Swiss Police and Justice Department from CVP (!) from Saint Gallen was giving new ammunition to the police with
-- sticks
-- biting tear gas
-- biting tear gas water from water cannons
-- rubber bullets shot from old flame thrower rifles
-- wooden bullets shot from old flame thrower rifles.
With all this Switzerland of Mr. Furgler was converted into a clear Nazi state with the goal being radiated by atomic waste - all destruction of alternative civilians inclusive. The anti-nuclear activists were occupying building sites of the atomic plants of Gösgen and Kaiseraugst and police was answering with rubber bullets.
(Dossier 2: rubber bullets (Gummischrot):
Atomic plant of Gösgen was going on-stream in November 1979.
(Wikipedia: atomic plant of Gösgen (Kernkraftwerk Gösgen):ösgen)
Demonstration against atomic plant of Gösgen in 1977 [2]
In 1979 Swiss voters are rejecting the initiative for "nuclear safety". The bourgeois political parties had manipulated Swiss population well and were systematically hiding the risks of atomic waste.
(article: Mirror (Media mirror (Medienspiegel)), February 5, 2011;
Rubber bullets of Swiss bully police are that dangerous that heavy eye injuries are possible up to the complete loss of eyes.
1977: Vote for the use of Red Factory ("Rote Fabrik") as a cultural leisure center
In 1972 the town of Zurich purchased the factory hall "Red Factory". Bourgeois political parties wanted to destroy the factory enlarging the motorway. Socialist Party of Zurich (SP) wanted to use the factory as an alternative concert and artist's center organizing a people's vote for this. Zurich voters supported the idea voting for the alternative culture and leisure center in 1977.
(Wikipedia: Red Factory (Rote Fabrik);
Red Factory in the district of Zurich-Wollishofen [3]
Nazi mayor Sigmund Widmer kicking 1,000s of Zurich people out of their old homes
The fact was that under this Nazi and cultural racist Sigmund Widmer speculation with flats and houses was better protected than the population of Zurich itself.
(Video: Alone they will catch you (Allein machen sie dich ein), part 2:, 50min. 26sec.)
Nazi mayor Widmer kicked out 1,000s of Zurich people of their old flats and houses destroying the old houses hunting the protesting dwellers by police forces. And this provoked more and more resistance and contacts within Zurich population against this criminal and probably corrupt Zurich government with their "friends" who probably came from the "Goldcoast" (right sunny board of Lake of Zurich where the "rich" are living).
(Video: Alone they will catch you (Allein machen sie dich ein), part 3:, 12min. 35sec.)
Names for Zurich bully police
Two Nazis were governing racist Zurich with bully police 1970-1982: Sigmund Widmer and Hans Frick
Nazi mayor Sigmund Widmer of Zurich, portrait of a corrupt Swiss Nazi blocking everything concerning youth center and tolerance [4]
Nazi police executive of Zurich, Hans Frick, portrait, fighting anything for making his career and giving chances for his bully policement making careers [5]
This Swiss Nazi was treating the alternative cultural movement with it's Youth center as a military enemy. It seems that "alternative" culture was an opportunity making military "career". Otherwise it cannot be explained that millions of Swiss Francs were spent for police riots hurting thousands of Swiss people with police ammunition. The "alternatives" in Zurich with their Alternative Youth Center (AJZ) are a military target for this man.
-- grenadiers
-- local costume group Urania (because Urania police station of Zurich was their center)
-- bully police
-- fuzz, piggy fuzz
-- Nazis in blue
-- blue troublemakers
-- blue shit
-- Martians.
1970-1980: a "bunker" - drug addicted people - Schindler territory (Schindlergut) - 60 million Swiss Francs for the opera house
Mid of 1970 a group of young adults was founding their "youth center" in a bunker in Zurich in the hill of the today's "Urania" parking garage. On December 31, 1970 they even called this center "Republic Bunker". There were many drug addicted people there and help was needed from the town government but help was rejected. Instead the town government had another strategy and on January 6, 1971 they opened a night shelter for the homeless. Then they were fighting the "Bunker" center because people also were staying overnight there. This was too much liberty for Nazi mayor Sigmund Widmer. Thus the "Bunker" was closing after about 60 days of siege by Zurich bully police.
(Chronology of events June 1968 to May 1980:
On November 12, 1977 after the people's vote concerning Red Factory (Rote Fabrik) with the project converting it into a music and leisure center the youth center "Schindler territory" was opened but was also only working until the question came up if it would be possible to stay overnight there. This youth center is cleared on June 6, 1978 already.
In 1979 racist orientated bourgeois political parties of CVP, FDP, LDU and FDP were preparing a project for the opera of Zurich. A renovation should cost 61 million Swiss Francs. And the Red Factory should be the deposit for requisites and should be a rehearsal stage - against any treaty and violating the people's vote of 1977.
As a reaction new organizations were founded:
-- the group "Rock and Revolt" ("Rock und Revolte", RAR)
<This group Rock and Revolt (RAR) was forming with the claim to supplement the music scene in Zurich being an alternative to the highly commercialized concerts, and giving rooms for music, festivities and discussions.> - this meant above all: low prices for concerts!
(orig. in German:
<Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rock als Revolte (RAR) formiert sich. Ihr Anliegen ist es, die Musikszene in Zürich zu verbessern, das heisst, eine Alternative zu hochkommerzialisierten Konzerten zu schaffen sowie Räumlichkeiten fürs Musikmachen, Festen und Diskutieren zu erwirken.>
-- the alternative people win new people with youth from Zurich also protesting against this unilateral balance of spending funds
-- on January 23, 1980 an "Interest Group Red Factory" ("Interessengemeinschaft Rote Fabrik", IGRF) is found
-- and in February of 1980 an "Action Group Red Factory" (Aktionsgruppe Rote Fabrik ARF) is found
-- a claim for a big hall in Zurich from March 12, 1980 are answered negatively by Nazi Sigmund Widmer on March 26, 1980 meaning that there would not be any big hall in Zurich
-- and also more claims of the Action Group Red Factory in March 1980 for more rooms remain without success
-- in the night from May 8-9, 1980, during an illegal festivity in the "Red Factory" more illegalities by the Nazi government are detected: rooms of Red Factory are used for commercial companies as clothe stores, and a part of it is "cleared" then...
-- during a protest festivity in the "Red Factory" during May 17/18, 1980 a counter demonstration is projected against the opera festival where the bourgeois racist people are making propaganda for the 60 million credit for the opera house
(Chronology of events June 1968 to May 1980:
Advertising poster for the renovation of the opera house of Zurich for 62 million Swiss Francs [6]
Well, Nazi police in Zurich was always well "prepared" by the many "actions" against Zurich tenants and house squatters and for example was also troubling the counter festival of the group "Air and Noise" ("Luft und Lärm") in the underpass of Long Street (Langstrasse) on April 21, 1980.
(Video: Alone they will catch you;, 33min.)
<During Sechseläuten festivity the group "Air & Noise" is occupying the subway of Long Street.>
(orig. German: <Während des Sechseläutens besetzt die Gruppe «Luft & Lärm» die Unterführung an der Langstrasse.>
(Chronology of events June 1968 to May 1980:
April 21, 1980: Festivity in the subway of Long Street in Zurich
Group "Air and Noise", subway festivity of Long Street (Langstrasse) in Zurich [7]
Group "Air and Noise", subway festivity of Long Street, music with saxophone and accordion [8]
Bully police (Nazis in blue) are destroying the festivity in the subway of Long Street and the people call the police "Nazis Nazis" [9] - and they are just this: Nazis in blue steered by Nazis in the Zurich government with Nazi police executive Hans Frick.
Nazi police of Zurich under mayor Sigmund Widmer had made one more action. Again a festivity was destroyed instead of make also festivity.
May 30, 1980: Demonstration at the door of Zurich opera house
There was no permission for this demonstration at the opera house and thus it was clear for the alternative people that there would be a fight with Zurich Nazi police.
(Rosza: The cultural deads probing the upheaval (Die Kulturleichen proben den Aufstand);
Demonstration "We are the cultural deads of this town" ("Wir sind die Kulturleichen der Stadt"), May 30, 1980 [10]
Then the project was to block the entrance of the opera house for 30 minutes distributing flyers with the claims on it that other cultures also had a right for being supported by the town.
<"Thirty years we are waiting for a youth center, and now the visitors of the opera should listen for 30 minutes until they can go to their opera", describes a speaker of the "Working groups Red Factory" "Arbeitsgruppe Rote Fabrik" ARF) the aim of the little evening demonstration.>
(orig. in German:
<"Dreissig Jahre warten wir nun auf ein Jugendzentrum, jetzt sollen die Opernhausbesucher mal dreissig Minuten zuhören, bis sie in ihr Haus reinkönnen", beschreibt ein Sprecher der "Arbeitsgruppe Rote Fabrik" (ARF) das Ziel der abendlichen Kleindemonstration.>
(Rubber bullets as a police repression weapon (Gummigeschosse als polizeiliches Repressionsmittel):
But the action group did not want to stop after 30 minutes but they wanted an immediate solution. And this was answered by the Nazis Sigmund Widmer and Hans Frick with police again - this time police was preparing in the opera house itself.
Demonstration for the Red Factory at Bellevue Square with the slogan: "We want free rooms for our culture" (Freiräume für uns und unsere Kultur), May 30, 1980 [11]
Nazis of Zurich government - Widmer and Frick - were acting with their bully police. Police was waiting in the entrance hall of the opera coming from behind pushing the demonstrators from the opera stairs.
Zurich bully police preparing in Zurich opera house waiting for the riot order, March 30, 1980 [12]
Demonstration of opera house in Zurich. The police occupied the stairs of the opera house [13].
During playing the opera in the opera house there is another "opera" in the streets with criminal bully police of Zurich (Nazis in blue) fighting young adults in the streets of Zurich downtown with sticks, biting tear gas, biting tear gas water, rubber bullets and wooden projectiles. Alternatives are taking stones from building sites.
Demonstration at the opera house, Zurich bully police taking gas masks [14]
Demonstration in Zurich, night action of criminal Zurich bully police [15]
New Nazi methods of Zurich police and Zurich justice: arbitrary detentions and confusion of culprits and victims
From June 1, 1980, on the alternatives are in a fury because there were arbitrary detentions and they want to free their friends from Zurich prisons of criminal Zurich justice. Therefore the aim of demonstrations is also the district prison of Zurich, the police center "Barracks" ("Kaserne") and the building of district prosecution service.
(Chronology of events from May 30 to June 28, 1980;
At the same time Nazi mayor Widmer and his friend in the town's government, Lieberherr, are claiming "no more riots" whereas it's regularly the criminal Zurich police initiating the riots and escalations and heavy injuries.
(Chronology Zurich:
Well, the confusion of culprits and victims is one more Nazi tactic and therefore the word "Nazi" is absolutely right for this Mr. mayor Widmer. He simply fought everybody who had not his taste of music. And Nazi police executive Hans Frick was doing the same thing, and also government member Kurt Furgler was approving this police civil war against Swiss people who were waiting for an alternative cultural center during the last 30 years and who were in Zurich alone 5 to 10,000 people...
After a to-ing and fro-ing the Autonomous Youth Center (Autonomes Jugendzentrum, AJZ) was opened on June 28, 1980 at Limmat Street (Limmatstrasse) 18-20, a former factory which had to be renovated. This is the summary of the official media. But what means "to-ing and fro-ing" when Nazi Sigmund Widmer is governing Zurich? His Nazi tactics were going on!
General Assembly in People's Center (Volkshaus) on June 4, 1980, the crowd [16]
General Assembly in People's Center (Volkshaus) on June 4, 1980, the bourgeois eternal blockers Widmer and Lieberherr [17]
General Assembly in People's Center (Volkshaus) on June 4, 1980, young woman waiting for the youth center since 12 years [18]
-- a video about the opera riot made by Ethnological Seminar of University of Zurich was confiscated by Zurich Education Minister Gilgen at June 6, 1980 - in this way also Nazis were acting against the truth
(Chronology of events from May 30 to June 28, 1980;
-- on June 9, 1980, the alternatives claim the demission of Gilgen
(Chronology Zurich:
-- and there is a trial to block the distribution of New Zurich News (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, NZZ) thus the people will begin to think BY THEIR OWN for only one day what is inhibited by police of course
(Chronology of events from May 30 to June 28, 1980;
-- and then there is the discussion again and again if there should be negotiations directly with the government by the assembly or by a delegation
(Chronology of events from May 30 to June 28, 1980;
-- at June 12, 1980 there was a protest day at Zurich University with 2,000 students
(Chronology Zurich:
-- on June 14, 1980 there was a bicycle demonstration
(Video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):, 45min. 30sec. until 47min. 20sec.)
followed by a nudism demonstration in the night of June 14/15, 1980 with the slogan "better naked than dead" ("Lieber blutt als kaputt").
(Video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):, 47min. 00sec. until 47min. 58sec.)
Members of the AJZ movement for an Autonomous Youth Center at a nudist demonstration during one night in Zurich, June 15, 1980 [19]
<The photos about the famous nudism demonstration were going around the world.>
(orig. in German: <Bilder der berühmten Nackt-Demo gehen um die Welt.>)
(Media mirror (Medienspiegel);
-- on June 17, 1980 a demonstration was following with the final point of Zurich Education Department
-- on June 18, 1980 a demonstration was following to the town hall because 6 points of youth policy were eliminated from the agenda, and this demonstration was answered again with a Nazi police action and Nazi police riot
(Chronology of events from May 30 to June 28, 1980;
Why Swiss police is applying toxic tear gas against UNARMED Swiss people only because of a youth center? Because the mayor likes his Nazi policy. Switzerland was just NEVER denazified after 1945, and many Swiss mean until today (2013) such an extortion by police and government would be "normal" against minorities...
Demonstration of June 18, 1980 before the town hall against the drop of 6 items about youth policy of the political agenda
Demonstration in front of Zurich town hall claiming the elimination of 6 agenda items concerning youth policy, Zurich, June 18, 1980 [20]
Nazi mayor Sigmund Widmer lets come hundreds of bully police against this demonstration at Zurich town hall, Zurich, June 18, 1980 [21]
Zurich bully police with tear gas pistols and gas masks between the columns of Limmat Quay Police Station next to the town hall, Zurich, June 18, 1980 [22]
Zurich bully police (Nazis in blue) coming in masses to the town hall shooting tear gas and rubber bullets beginning their riot [23]
People near the town hall taking their flight from the bully police (Nazis in blue) from tear gas and rubber bullets fleeing to Market Lane (Marktgasse), June 18, 1980 [24]
Butcher Lane (Metzgergasse) in Zurich is gassed with biting tear gas by Zurich bully police (Nazis in blue), June 18, 1980 [25
Zurich, June 18, 1980: new Nazi tactics: preventive detentions - aftermath hunting - prohibition of demonstrations
-- well, Zurich bully police is also using it's "fantasy" applying "preventive detentions" now (again a Nazi tactic from Third Reich)
-- then Nazi government members came out of the town hall ordering the journalists: "And you go away fast now" ("Und ihr verreised, aber rasch").
(Video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):; 53min. 30sec. until 53min. 50sec.)
-- that order had it's reason because now Zurich bully police began with an aftermath hunting against little groups of humans of the AJZ movement
(Video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):; 54min. 30sec. until 55min. 00sec.)
and the claim "piggy fuzz" was created by this aftermath hunting action on June 18, 1980
(Video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):; 55min. 00sec.)
Nazi mayor Widmer does not seem to be willing to accept democratic decisions. The alternatives are getting in one more pocket by Zurich bully police and the alternatives are building barricades again with material they find on building sites.
(Video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):; 55min. 20sec.)
-- on June 19, 1980 the "Association of concerned parents" ("Verein betroffener Eltern") was calling for a great demonstration for June 21
(Alone they will catch you;, 51min. 13sec.)
but this call was answered by Nazi mayor Sigmund Widmer by a prohibition of any demonstration ("absolutes Demonstrationsverbot") - one more time another Nazi tactic
(Alone they will catch you;, 51min. 15sec.)
-- then one more Nazi tactic was invented by Nazi Sigmund Widmer and his Nazi friend Hans Frick with preventive detentions against "6 so called ringleaders" ("6 sogenannte Rädelsführer") simply finding them because of their signatures and addresses on documents for projects - one more Nazi tactic
(Alone they will catch you;, 51min. 21sec.)
<Then the town government has to give in to the public pressure and all have to be released until Saturday afternoon.>
(orig. in German:
<Der Stadtrat muss dem öffentlichen Druck nachgeben und alle bis zum Samstagnachmittag freilassen.>
(Alone they will catch you;, 51min. 25sec.)
-- on June 21, 19890 there is big festivity of Progressive Parties of Switzerland (POCH) first celebrating the released people
(Alone they will catch you;, 51min. 25sec.)
Festivity of POCH at Helvetia Square (Helvetiaplatz) on June 21, 1980 with the slogan "Live instead of Profit" [26]
Festivity of POCH at Helvetia Square (Helvetiaplatz) on June 21, 1980 with the slogan "Live instead of Profit" [27]
-- then a mediation of Socialist Party is accepted
General Assembly on June 21, 1980, a Socialist representative from Basel is announcing a mediation [28]
and then Nazi Sigmund Widmer is again preparing one more police riot with his Nazi friend Hans Frick.
A staff member of the district public prosecution service is warning the demonstrators that the Nazi mayor is again preparing his bully police.
General Assembly on June 21, 1980, warning from a "highly charged" bully police by a staff member of district prosecution service [29]
This man is warning that from 4 pm on 12 district attorneys would be ready for getting detained people confining them in a "fast procedure".
(Video: Alone they will catch you;; 54min. 25sec. until 55min. 04sec.)
Thus at the end people is more intelligent than the Nazi government of Widmer holding a demonstration against the demonstration prohibition.
Zurich, June 18, 1980: demonstration against the prohibition of demonstration together with Socialist SP and POCH: "without police no riot"
Demonstration with the banner "Without police no riot" ("Ohne Polizei kein Krawall"), June 21, 1980 [30]
Demonstration with the banner "Without police no riot" ("Ohne Polizei kein Krawall") with 3 people in wheel chairs [31]
It remains unclear why there are young people in wheel chairs there. It seems that this "Association of affected parents" (Verein betroffener Eltern) had much to tell yet...
This demonstration is passing Zurich center and Station Street (Bahnhofstrasse). The big Quay Bridge (Quaibrücke) is blocked by bully police forces. After negotiations at the place the demonstration is ending in peace and the pigs of Nazi police under Nazi pig Hans Frick have to go meaning that there would be too many demonstrators...
and Zurich police is the force wanting the riots in the street blaming the alternatives systematically in a wrong way.
Demonstration with the banner "Without police no riot" ("Ohne Polizei kein Krawall"), June 21, 1980, bully police blocking Lake Bridge (Seebrücke) [32]
Demonstration with the banner "Without police no riot" ("Ohne Polizei kein Krawall"), June 21, 1980, bully police blocking Lake Bridge (Seebrücke), zoom [33]
Demonstration with the banner "Without police no riot" ("Ohne Polizei kein Krawall"), June 21, 1980, the pigs of bully police are leaving Lake Bridge (Seebrücke) [34]
The blue shit is leaving.
Thus there is the proof: Nazi government of Sigmund Widmer with police executive Hans Frick are absolute Nazi racists
By some reason this bully police of Zurich is also watering the future Youth Center one week before the opening (in the week between June 21 and 28, 1980) thus the attic is beginning to rotten which has to be renovated later. This criminal damage is never punished.
(from Video: Alone they will catch you (Allein machen sie dich ein) part 2:, 2min. 00sec.)
After June 25, 1980 the General Assembly is accepting the mediation proposal of Socialist SP but only when the Autonomous Youth Center really can be managed in an autonomous way
(Chronology Zurich:
(Chronology of events from May 30 to June 28, 1980;
On June 27, 1980 the treaty between the town and the operation group is signed. The house can be managed with "highest possible autonomous administration) ("mit möglichst grosser Selbstverwaltung") with a cancellation period of 4 days, and on April 1, 1981 the town needs the house for own purposes, and the house has to be renovated, and the management should control "law and order" ("ordnungsgemässer Betrieb").
(Chronology of events from May 30 to June 28, 1980;
June 18, 1980: inauguration of Autonomous Youth Center AJZ in Zurich - first closure on Sep. 4, 1980
Autonomous Youth Center (AJZ) in Zurich, 1980 until 1982
AJZ Youth Center in Zurich, second house at Limmat Street [35]
AJZ Youth Center in Zurich, first house at Limmat Street [36]
AJZ in Zurich is gassed by criminal bully police [37] about 200 times in 2 years -
and bully police gets high wages for this "work" and makes careers...
This autonomous youth center (AJZ) was the first peak for the alternatives, with General Assemblies, with work groups, with concerts, with free life without fix plan "from above". This was the first official flexibilization of "Christian" and bourgeois dictation in Zurich.
Destruction of the house Limmat Street Nº25
In the first time there was an empty house at the other side of Limmat Street Nº 25 which was a good sleeping opportunity for people who had to go to work in the morning. But this house at Limmat Street Nº 25 was destroyed soon and this good sleeping opportunity for regularly working AJZ members was destroyed.
(Video "Züri brännt", 1h 24 min. 40sec. bis 1h 25min. 50sec.)
It's only logic that this Nazi government with mayor Sigmund Widmer was destroying everything what was constructive work, for example the destruction of the house at Limmat Street 25 for regularly working AJZ people. Something more destructive does not exist.
Because from the beginning this AJZ was abused by alcoholics and drug addicted and by homeless persons as a therapy station. Why? In these times there was just no therapy yet for alcoholism and drug addiction, governments did not know that therapy could be for them - and science did also not want to know about this either!
The main thing are concerts with low prices without discrimination of public, and there is a simple bar.
Autonomous Youth Center AJZ with craft work 01 with a piece of wood, June 28, 1980 [38]
Autonomous Youth Center AJZ with craft work 02 with a ladder and cable systems, June 28, 1980 [39]
Bar of the AJZ will be filled [40]
Autonomous Youth Center (AJZ) of Zurich with flag and public arriving, probably on June 28, 1980 [41]
Criminal Zurich bully police (Nazis in blue) with tear gas and rubber bullets - heavy injuries up to losses of eyes
As it seems the following Nazi tactics are that what the Nazis Sigmund Widmer and Hans Frick are understanding by "Swiss democracy":
Martians coming again and again to the Youth Center AJZ with tear gas and heavy rubber bullets
Zurich bully police was fighting this Youth Center again and again with all possibilities of violence with tear gas and with hexagonal rubber bullets. Martians (bully police) of Zurich from "Free Democrats" (FDP), "Christians" (CVP), "Independents" (LDU) and "People's Party" (SVP) just liked to contaminate people in the Youth Center with tear gas and they liked to destroy the eyes of Swiss people with their rubber bullets. Riot actions of Zurich bully police was absolutely destructive provoking remaining damages with some people from the youth center, loosing eyes, getting permanent lung problems etc. Why bully police could go on like this? Because University Hospital was never reporting anything but there was a news embargo "from above", and the "normal media" were just blaming the AJZ members as "anarchists" not reporting anything of the truth either.
Rubber bullets of criminal Swiss bully police had more weight now. Before they were 10 grams (during the atomic plant building sites occupations), but now in Zurich against the Autonomous Youth Center their weight was 18 grams, with the same volume. We read:
Rubber bullet, zoom and comparison of the size with an eye [42]
From 1980 to 1982 there were 7 official cases of lost eyes by these rubber bullets. Dark figure is high because many were afraid of criminal police blaming the youths!
<About 18 grams, probably rubber with powder ads and hardly pressed (the bullets can be partly rubbed to powder). Introduced probably in summer 1980 as a reaction to the "Youth Riots". The augmentation of the weight was concealed by the town government, compare the report of the Control Committees. >> PigBrother can present bullets of 17.8 to 18 grams. Special "safety rules" are not known.>
(orig. in German:
<Ca. 18 g, vermutlich Gummi mit pulverigen Beigaben hart gepresst (die Geschosse lassen sich z.T. zerkrümeln). Eingeführt höchstwahrscheinlich Sommer '80 als Reaktion auf die "Jugendunruhen". Wurde dem Gemeinderat verheimlicht, vgl. Bericht Geschäftsprüfungskommission. >> PigBrother liegen bisher Geschosse von 17.8 - 18 g vor. Spezielle "Sicherheitsbestimmungen" sind keine bekannt.>
(File 2: rubber bullets (Dossier 2: Gummischrot):
Thus there had to be a manipulation of the material:
<The precise composition of this "heavy rubber bullets" is a secret of Zurich police until today how they could double the weight with the same volume without addition of metals. Radio LoRa was reporting on April 29, 2001, analyses of the bullets found sodium sulfate in it.>
(orig. in German:
<Die genaue Zusammensetzung des "schweren Gummischrots" bleibt bis auf den heutigen Tag ein gut gehütetes Geheimnis der Stadtpolizei, ebenso, wie sie die Gewichtsverdoppelung bei gleichem Volumen ohne Beigabe von Metall bewerkstelligt haben will. Radio LoRa berichtete am 29.4.01, in analysierten Geschossen sei Natriumsulfat festgestellt worden.>
(Dossier 2: Gummischrot;
With these heavy rubber bullets criminal bully police of Zurich was calculating just more losses of eyes because heavier bullets are giving more energy with their impact.
(Protocol of Zurich town government from November 28, 2001;, point 6)
Rubber bullets were fired in packages of 35 peaces with an initial speed of about 200 km per hour. When Zurich bully police was not keeping the distance and were shooting their rubber bullets "just for fun" from short distances then heaviest injuries could be the consequences up to losses of eyes or broken fingers. We read:
<Members of the "Federation of independent medical doctors of the region of Zurich" (VUÄ) were reporting the injuries treated in their doctor's offices: contused wounds, big hematomas, broken fingers, lacerations and heavy eye injuries. Two documentations of the Zurich "Association of affected parents" are listing that all in all seven persons had lost one eye partially or completely: This is a horror statistic expressing that with about 8,000 shots of packages with rubber bullets every 1,000 shots one eye is destructed...>
(orig. in German:
<Mitglieder der "Vereinigung unabhängiger Ärzte der Region Zürich" (VUÄ) stellen die in ihren Praxen behandelten Verletzungen zusammen: Rissquetschwunden, grossflächige Blutergüsse, Fingerbrüche, Platzwunden und schwere Augenverletzungen. Zwei Dokumentationen des Zürcher "Vereins betroffener Eltern" listen auf, dass bei insgesamt sieben Menschen der teilweise oder totale Verlust der Sehfähigkeit auf einem Auge zu beklagen ist: Eine Horrorstatistik, die ausdrückt, dass bei rund 8000 insgesamt abgefeuerten Gummigeschosspaketen jeder tausendste Schuss ein Augenlicht kostet... (1)>
(Rubber bullets as a police repression weapon (Gummigeschosse als polizeiliches Repressionsmittel):
And what says criminal Mr. Hans Frick, police executive of Zurich:
<Rubber bullets - and this said police executive Hans Frick several times - would be without any danger, less dangerous than sticks and would be a pure defensive weapon against violent demonstrators. His officials had the order to use these bullets not under a distance of 20 meters, but of course the bullets would be appropriate to cause injuries in the face. But his policemen had also the right for bodily integrity. But he is not able to present a precise list of hurt policemen.>
(orig. in German:
<Gummigeschosse, so bringt es Polizeivorstand Hans Frick mehrmals zum Ausdruck, seien ungefährlicher als Gummiknüppel und ein reines Defensivmittel gegen gewalttätige Demonstranten. Seine Beamten hätten die Anweisung, die Geschosse nicht unterhalb einer Distanz von 20 m einzusetzen, aber natürlich seien die Geschosse geeignet, Gesichtsverletzungen zu bewirken, doch seine Polizisten hätten schliesslich auch ein Recht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit. Genaue Angaben über die Anzahl verletzter Polizisten kann er allerdings nicht vorlegen.(3) >
(Rubber bullets as a police repression weapon (Gummigeschosse als polizeiliches Repressionsmittel):
Now we know why this Mr. Hans Frick is a Nazi - he means that a rubber bullet destroying an eye would be a "defensive weapon". The demonstrators were never provoking violence against the ones who provoked violence, but it was almost always the police provoking the violence.
"Just for fun" the bully policemen from Zurich are shooting their rubber bullets also from distances of only 3 meters, also against noninvolved persons. Without number and without name badge these bully policemen are anonymous and their victims have no chance for a charge. Zurich prosecution service is even not investigating against this criminal police but is just saying that a claim could not be worked out when one would not know who had shot. And when this was known the policemen were always acquitted by criminal Zurich justice.
(Rubber bullets as a police repression weapon (Gummigeschosse als polizeiliches Repressionsmittel):>
In this way Nazi town of Zurich was working since the 1970s and in this way it is also working until today (2013). It is not known that rubber bullets were eliminated in Urania police station, but new rubber bullet action is known also in 2013, for example against Binz people.
(Occupation in Binz District in Zurich:
Biting tear gas and tear gas water burning the skin
<Since the end of 1990s Zurich town police is not using tear gas any more but only pepper spray - they indicate themselves.>
(orig. in German:
<Auswirkungen der Tränengase
Physiologisch wirken Tränengase auf sensible Nervenendigungen. Man nimmt an, dass sie biochemisch mit SH-Gruppen von Proteinen eine Reaktion eingehen, die zur Hemmung von verschiedenen Enzymen führt. Tränengase sind Moleküle mit chemischen Doppelbindungen und angelagerten Halogenen (Chlor, Brom, Iod, Fluor, in der Regel Chlor). Je mehr Halogenatome ein Tränengasmolekül trägt, desto mehr verringert sich die tränenerzeugende Wirkung zugunsten von anderen giftigen Wirkungen.
Die Körpereintrittstellen für Tränengas sind:
-- Augenbindehaut
-- Atemwege
-- Haut
-- Magen-Darmtrakt
Kontakt mit Tränengas führt zu: (6)
-- Augenbrennen und Stechen, Tränenfluss, Fremdkörpergefühl und krampfhartem Lidschluss, gefolgt von einer mehrstündigen, vorüber-gehenden Bindehautreizung.
-- Niess- und Hustenreiz, Nasenlaufen, verstärkter Speichelfluss, Mund und Zungenbrennen, Beklemmungsgefühl und Atemnot.
-- Übelkeit, Kopfschmerzen.
-- Hautbrennen, Hautrötung, mit möglicher Blasenbildung.
-- Angstgefühl, Unsicherheit, Lethargie, Müdigkeit, panische Reaktionen.
-- Durchfall, Schmerzen beim Wasserlösen.
-- Bei Testpersonen massive Blutdruckerhöhungen.
In Deutschland starb ein Bundeswehrsoldat nach häufigem Kontakt mit "Tränengas" an Lymphknotenkrebs (--> 1195)).>
<Effects of tear gases
In a physiological way tear gases are affecting sensitive nerve endings. Medicine is admitting that biochemical SH groups of proteins are having a reaction inhibiting some enzymes. Tear gases are molecules with chemical double bindings and attached halogens (chlorine, bromine, iodine, fluorine, normally chlorine). The more halogen atoms a tear gas molecule has the less the tear causing effect is and the more other toxic effects are working.
Tear gas come sin
-- by the eyes
-- by the respiration ways
-- by the skin
-- by the gastro intestine tract.
Contact with tear gas is provoking:
-- burning and biting eyes, tears, a feeling having a foreign body in the eye, cramps closing the eyes, followed by a conjunctivitis for some hours
-- irritation for coughing, running nose, more saliva, burning mouth and tongue, feeling of closed lung and shortness of breath.
-- vomiting, headaches
-- burning skin, read skin, bloating and blistering on the skin
-- feeling of fear, instability, lethargy, tiredness, panic reactions
-- diarrhea, aches urinating
-- test persons had massively risen blood pressure.
In Germany a soldier of Bundeswehr was killed by often contact with "tear gas" which had caused a lymph node cancer (--> 1195)).>
(orig. in German:
<Seit Ende der 90er-Jahre verwendet zumindest die Stadtpolizei Zürich laut eigenen Angaben jedoch nur noch Pfeffer-Sprays.>
(Dossier 1: Tränengas;
Tear gas water
Burs of second grade by tear gas water of criminal Zurich bully police [43]
Burns by tear gas water could provoke also transplants when clothes were not changed rapidly.
Tear gas water from water cannons is chemically burning the skin. When the clothes are not changes rapidly and the wet and with tear gas water contaminated clothes are worn for hours then the risk of a heavy chemically burnt skin is very high up to skin transplantations.
Criminal Zurich bully police (Nazis in blue) and also other criminal bully polices from other towns of criminal bank secret Switzerland simply don't know that tear gas water from a water cannon is provoking chemically burnings of the skin. In the case of criminal Zurich bully police the situation in 2001 is the following one:
<As a consequence town's police [of Zurich] was also claiming 5 years later [5 years after the tear gas showering of the May-1-festivity of 1996, thus in 2001] against any better judgment that they had "never heard yet" anything about the fact that "tear gas" could cause chemically burnt skin.>
(orig. in German:With a low concentration there is not much damage. But with a water cannon the concentration is changing much and can also be very high, and thus the damages by water cannons with tear gas water can be very high during demonstrations. Something more cruel does not exist. Nazi Sigmund Widmer is acting in 1980 like Erdogan in 2013 in Gezi park.
<Konsequenterweise behauptete die Stadtpolizei [Zürich] auch noch 5 Jahre später [5 Jahre nach dem Beschuss des 1.-Mai-Festes von 1996, also im Jahre 2001] wider besseren Wissens, von Verätzungen durch "Tränengas" «noch nie gehört» zu haben.>
(File 1: tear gas (Dossier 1: Tränengas):
The Autonomous Youth Center (AJZ) was "fogged" with tear gas water many many times.
(File 1: tear gas (Dossier 1: Tränengas):
Considering this record it's absolutely clear: Bourgeois political parties NEVER wanted any AJZ, but they simply wanted to eliminate it as fast as possible. Also this is a Nazi tactic: simply to want to eliminate people. In Third Reich the same was going on...
During demonstrations the youths and young adults were acting against bully police with "overturned containers and burning cars".
(1980-1982: AJZ of Zurich (1980-1982: Das Zürcher AJZ);
Official media, the big newspapers and radio and TV NEVER reported anything about injuries by police riots. But the reality is this one: Zurich bully police was leading a civil war against unarmed and against discriminated people and was discriminating them even more...
A "traditional" manner of fight of criminal bully police of Zurich: AJZ Zurich is fogged with tear gas and is "showered" with tear gas water with CN in it [44].
Bully police with chemically burning tear gas water against the Autonomous Youth Center AJZ of Zurich, 1980 appr. [45]
March 1981: ammunition waste of criminal Zurich bully police (Nazis in blue) only from one month, from March 1981 [46]:
a: burnt tear gas petards
b: empty three fold petards
c: tear gas bodies for throwing them
d: rubber bullets
e: cartridges for firing petards or rubber bullets.
Nazi and cultural racist Hans Frick, police executive of the town of Zurich 1980, portrait, considering alternative Swiss people as a constant target [47]
New Nazi tactics of criminal Zurich justice: solitary confinement - invented reasons for arrest - police riot on August 30, 1980 etc.
Nazis of Zurich town government and of Zurich justice are always inventing more new Nazi methods:
-- solitary confinement treating Swiss people of AJZ like "terrorists"
-- detentions with invented reasons for arrest (July 12, 1980)
-- a demonstration against violence of police is authorized on Deer Square (Hirschenplatz) on July 19, 1980
-- on August 1, 1980 a big demonstration follows with the claim of stopping all cases
(Chronology of the events from June 28 to Sep.4 1980;
And there are more events in August 1980:
-- a nudist demonstration in Limmat River on August 1, 1980
(Chronology Zurich;
-- a demonstration of media staff against censorship by politicians and economy circles on August 9, 1980 ("Day of Freedom of the Press", German: "Tag für die Pressefreiheit")
(Chronology Zurich;
-- on August 23, 1980, sympathizers are founding an "Association Pro AJZ" ("Verein pro AJZ")
-- on August 29, 1980 a house at Vineyard hill is occupied which is cleared the same day by police forces
(Chronology of the events from June 28 to Sep.4 1980;
-- and on August 30, 1980 a not authorized demonstration of AJZ activists follows claiming cheap housing. Bully police of Nazi police executive Hans Frick is just organizing the normal riot against AJZ alternative people and is detaining people again,
(Moved times, moved pictures (Bewegte Zeiten, bewegende Bilder):,_bewegende_Bilder.html?cid=8997852)
-- which is answered with pillages, damages and one fire near Bellevue Square following a "not authorized demonstration of about 1,000 youths" - also when 85% of these alternative people are absolutely adults...
(Chronology of the events from June 28 to Sep.4 1980;
Now it seems that this Nazi town government of Zurich was not accepting this demonstration for cheap housing and therefore is deciding a first raid for having reasons for a closure of this Autonomous Youth Center (AJZ).
Demonstration for cheap housing, police convoy is following the demonstration, August 30, 1980, 137 persons were detained, photo by Olivia Heussler [48]
Police riot with tear gas against the demonstration for cheap housing, bully police wants to end a demonstration, August 30, 1980, photo by Olivia Heussler [49]
After 137 detentions during the housing demonstration from August 30, 1980 the rage is without control and shop window are destroyed, here of a liqueur shop, photo by Olivia Heussler [50]
Photos of peaceful Autonomous Youth Center (AJZ) from September 1980 appr.
AJZ Youth Center in September 1980 appr., people speaking on the ground [51]
AJZ Youth Center in September 1980 appr., concert [52]
AJZ Youth Center in September 1980 appr., cook [53]
September 4, 1980: raid - 137 detentions - stolen goods, drugs, weapons - kin liability and closure of AJZ Youth Center - police squatting and digging oneself in the AJZ - police raids in the evening after the closure of AJZ Youth Center
Cartoon, Nazi town government of Zurich wants to butcher the AJZ youth center [54]
<At 5:15 am Zurich canton's and town's police is raiding the youth center (AJZ) with a search order of district public prosecution service at Limmat Street 18/20. 137 persons are brought to the building of the criminal police, 66 of them are foreigners. Police detects stolen goods, drugs and weapons. The result of the raid is the reason for the sudden closure of the AJZ youth center.>
(orig. in German:
<Um 5.15 Uhr nimmt die Kantons- und Stadtpolizei aufgrund eines Hausdurchsuchungsbefehls der Bezirksanwaltschaft Zürich eine gemeinsame Razzia im Jugendhaus (AJZ) an der Limmatstrasse 18-20 vor. 137 Personen, davon 66 AusländerInnen, werden ins Kripo-Gebäude gebracht. Die Polizei stellt Diebesgut, Betäubungsmittel und Waffen sicher. Die Ergebnisse der Razzia werden als Grund für die sofortige Schliessung des AJZ genannt>
(Chronology of the events from June 28 to Sep.4 1980;
Well, Zurich bully police is digging oneself in the AJZ now and is squattering it.
Zurich bully police in AJZ youth center, September 4, 1980 [55] - blue shit occupying the AJZ.
And there was some reaction with passive resistance and with a block of roads of the huge mass of people who wanted to go to the youth center AJZ. Now Zurich bully police is provoking it's normal riot and media are blaming always the alternative people. In this way the Nazi state of Switzerland of Mr. Furgler, Widmer and Frick is working.
Zurich bully police is playing on the game with sticks respectively "cops and robbers". The worker's unions are partly showing their solidarity with the young people because there are also persons in the AJZ Youth Center being good craftsmen.
Zurich bully police on the bus parking station near Sihl Quay (Sihlquai) throwing tear gas petards into the peaceful crowd in Konrad Street (Konradstrasse), evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [56]
Two Zurich bully policemen (Nazis in blue) are turning the arms of an unarmed woman at the crossing of Custom Street / Wheel Lane (Zollstrasse / Radgasse), evening of Sep. 4, 1980. The woman screams for help [57].
Museum Street (Museumsstrasse) is blocked with wood, and a many people is blocking Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [58]
100s of bully policemen (Nazis in blue) are looking for more victims with their sticks in their hands in Museum Street aside of Zurich Main Station, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [59]
Demonstration on Deer Square (Hirschenplatz) on the evening of Sep. 4, 1980 with a banner "money for the youth center not for the police" (German: "Geld fürs Jugendhaus, nicht für die Polizei") [60]
In the evening after the closure of the AJZ Youth Center on Sep. 4, 1980 the normal police riot follows organized by Nazi Hans Frick. All is hunted and shot and showered where are men with longer hairs. And systematically women are beaten, with sticks on their back part of the head, or with rubber bullets - just "for fun".
The aims are not only detentions but also reception orders into psychiatry.
Limmat Quay (Limmatquai) in Zurich, criminal bully police is targeting two film makers, distance about 5 meters, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [61]
Limmat Quay (Limmatquai) in Zurich, the woman film maker was "shot" with rubber bullets with a very short distance lying with her camera on the ground, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [62]
Tear gas water cannon vehicle of criminal bully police of Zurich is targeting people at the tram station of Central Square, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [63]
(Video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):, 1h 37min. 35sec.).
But Swiss Nazis Widmer and Frick did not respect th heart of the young alternative people because in these two months of AJZ Youth Center the alternatives made their new contact net in the town of Zurich and on a European level up to Amsterdam, Bremen, and Berlin.
(Video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):, 1h 37min. 50sec. to 1h 38min. 23sec.)
Tear gas water cannon heading it's burning water against customers of a shopping center in Zurich, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [64]
This "work" with a water cannon can also be called urinating - with a high salary of course, paid by stupid Zurich tax payer of course, who was never informed about the burning effect of this tear gas water mixture.
The following photos show the violence of Zurich bully police against women in the evening of September 9, 1980. Such violence against women was "normal" and daily. The bully policemen had no numbers nor name tags and they could afford any fight, any injury and any torture. There were rubber bullets against legs of women with a distance of only 1 or 2 m, there were hits with the sticks on the heads of women, there was strangling, and there were beating against breasts - this is the Nazi rite of this Nazi town of Zurich since the 1980s - all without any punishment of any policeman:
Criminal bully policeman from Zurich hitting a woman with his stick on her head 01, Station Quay (Bahnhofquai) in Zurich, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [65]
Criminal bully policeman from Zurich after the stroke against a woman with his stick in his hand, Station Quay (Bahnhofquai) in Zurich, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [66]
The woman who is hit by the criminal bully policeman of Zurich is protecting her face with both hands on the railing, Station Quay in Zurich, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [67]
The criminal bully policeman is turning away from his victim and the hit woman is holding the location of pain on her back of her head provoked by the stroke of the bully policeman, Station Quay (Bahnhofquai) in Zurich, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [68]
On the next two photos another policeman is "hopping" along and turning himself by 180 degrees he hits the blond woman on her back of her head with his stick.
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), hit turning himself by 180 degrees, the target is the blond woman, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [69]
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), hit turning himself by 180 degrees on the blond back of the head of the blond woman, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [70]
Swiss violator bully police from Zurich are attacking the next woman, just from two sides at the same time, she is in a pocket, and then she is hit by rubber bullets with a distance of about 1 or 2 m, she is hurt on her legs and then the police violator is beating her without end.
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), attack position of a Zurich bully policeman against a woman in a pocket, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [71]
In the background one more criminal Zurich bully policeman is hitting an unarmed woman!
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the trapped woman is hit by rubber bullets and is screaming [72]
Now the woman in the foreground is screaming from pain, and the policeman in the background is stopping his hitting action and is watching the other violator policeman, but is continuing his threat with his stick constantly.
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the trapped woman is hit by rubber bullets, she is screaming and sinking down, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [73]
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich bully policeman is threatening the woman who was already hit by rubber bullets, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [74]
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), criminal Zurich bully policeman is hitting the helpless woman on her breast who was already hit by rubber bullets, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [75]
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), criminal Zurich bully policeman is hitting the helpless woman from behind who was already hit by rubber bullets, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [76]
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), criminal Zurich bully police is hitting the helpless woman from behind who was already hit by rubber bullets, and the woman is moving forward with violence, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [77]
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the helpless women is evading the criminal violator Zurich policeman but this Swiss Nazi beast in blue is coming along with her, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [78]
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich violator bully policeman is attacking the helpless woman one more time, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [79]
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich violator bully policeman is strangling the helpless woman, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [80]
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich violator bully policeman is taking the woman at her neck hitting her face at the railing, she can protect her face with her arms with pain and misery, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [81]
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich violator bully policeman is taking the woman at her neck hitting her face a second time at the railing, she can protect her face a second time with her arms with pain and misery, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [82]
It seems as if the policeman behind is helping in this procedure. For sure he is not letting the helpless woman out of the trap but is blocking the exit! And there are more bully policemen watching interestingly not stopping this heavy abuse.
Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich violator bully policeman is taking the woman at her neck hitting her face a third time at the railing, she can protect her face a third time with her arms with pain and misery, evening of Sep. 4, 1980 [83]
All in all this criminal Zurich bully policeman tried three times to smash the face of this helpless woman on the railing. She could safe her face with her forearms. It seems that this Zurich bully policeman meant that he was without observation.
The goal of this action of this criminal bully policeman was clearly to provoke a broken nose bone or a damage of her teeth or eyes in the face of this woman.
Insofar one can admit that between 1980 and 1982 there is a high dark figure of crimes in respect of attacks and injuries by bully policemen in Zurich because hardly anybody had the courage to tell something. Also this is typical for a Nazi state...
Nazi state of Switzerland was making it's celebration in 1980 already - not only with 1992 when SVP was coming out.
Vomit. This is reality in "democratic" Switzerland. Vomit.
This brutalities against women were the kind of celebration of the Nazis Sigmund Widmer and Hans Frick celebrating the closure of the AJZ Youth Center.
Thus we know clearly: criminal Zurich bully police is the rioter and has to go to prison. But the Zurich Nazi government put the alternative people to the prison and let the police rioters go. Therefore some people think that policemen are only shit - and mostly they really are. Instead of being part of developments of the society they simply destroy EVERYTHING.
September 12, 1980: Consumption of "weapons" by Zurich bully police from May 30 to Sep. 12 1980 - the proof for the police civil war
We read:
Nazi tactic: invented reasons for arrest - blue shit (criminal police) and white shit (criminal justice clerks) are collaborating
Zürich, 30. Mai bis 12. September 1980
<57.750 Gummigeschosse - 3 bekannte Augenverluste.
«2263 Tränengasgranaten,
-- 1699 Tränengas-Handwurfkörper,
-- 94 Füllungen für Tränengaswerfer,
-- 60 Liter Tränengaslösung für Wasserwerfer [Mischverhältnis theoretisch 1:100],
-- 189 Dosen Tränengas-Spray und
-- 1650 Gummischrot-Ladungen
hat die Polizei während der [meist von der Polizei selbst verursachten] Unruhen vom 30. Mai bis 12. September 1980 eingesetzt. […] Die Gefährlichkeit der eingesetzten Mittel wurde als gering bezeichnet.» >
(Dossier 2: Gummischrot:
Augenverluste durch Gummischrot
1. Frau, 20 Jahre, Augenverlust 4.7.1980
2. Mann, 22 Jahre, Netzhautriss, 4.7.1980
3. Jugendliche Frau, 16 Jahre, Augenlinse zertrümmert, Dezember 1980
(Dossier 2: Gummischrot:
Zurich May 30 to Sep. 12 1980
<57,570 rubber bullets - 3 published losses of eyes.
"Police in Zurich was using during the riots [which were mostly provoked by the police itself] from May 30 to September 12 1980:
-- 2,263 tear gas grenades,
-- 1,699 tear gas throwing bodies,
-- 94 fillings for tear gas cannons,
-- 60 liters of tear gas solution for water cannon vehicles [mixture ratio theoretically 1:100],
-- 189 cans of tear gas spray, and
-- 1,650 portions of rubber bullets. [...] Danger of the agents was explained as being low.">
(File 2: rubber bullets (Dossier 2: Gummischrot):
Losses of eyes by rubber bullets
1: woman, 20 years old, loss of eye, July 4, 1980
2: man, 22 years old, retinal tear, July 4, 1980
3: youth woman, 16 years old, eye lens crashed, December 1980
(File 2: rubber bullets (Dossier 2: Gummischrot):
Zurich district public prosecution service was inventing reasons for arrest now up to "tried killing action" - again a new Nazi method. Blue shit (police) was collaborating with white shit (district attorney). Here is an example:
Report about a hunger strike in a district prison, article from October 15, 1980 [84]
from: Ice breaker (Eisbrecher); Social Archive, Zurich
<Fluflu und Didi sitzen seit Dienstag 14. Okt. im Gefängnis. Sie sollen bei der Spitzel-Bade-Aktion an der Vivi ["Riviera", Park am Zürichsee] dabeigewesen sein. Vorhalt der Bezirksanwaltschaft: Versuchte Tötung. Didi ist aus dem BGZ [Bezirksgefängnis Zürich] abgehauen und Fluflu schickte uns diesen Brief.
ich bin in der Kiste. Sie haben's geschafft, sie haben die Unlogik vollbracht, mich dafür zu bestrafen, dass ich freiwillig kam.
Mich widert das Ganze an, ich werde wohl recht anders sein, wenn ich überhaupt einigermassen heil hier herauskomme.
Ich weiss nicht, ob ich die Stärke habe, mich hier nicht zerbrechen zu lassen. Als ich dies vor dem Oberaufseher äusserte, bekam ich (sozusagen als weitere der hier üblichen Irrealismen) Haftverschärfung.
Ich sehen kein Licht mehr. Es ist, wie wenn bei mir jemand den Rollladen runtergelassen hätte.
Die "heile Welt" ist zerplatzt wie eine Seifenblase. Ich sitze auf dem Trümmerhaufen meiner Existenz. Die tun so, als wollten sie mich wochenlang hierbehalten.
Wenn ich mir vorstelle, jeden Tag diesen fratzigen Anblick geniessen zu können, wird mir hundsübel. Ich friere dauernd und habe Bauchschmerzen. Es sind immer noch die gleichen, nur stärker. Seit gestern 14.00 bin ich im Hungerstreik. Teils aus Solidarität mit Didi, der auch Hungerstreik macht, teils aus Protest gegen meine Gefangenschaft. Ich mag nicht mehr schreiben..
<Since Tuesday October 14 [1980] Fluflu and Didi are sitting in the district prison. Somebody reports they were members of the bathing spy action at Vivi ["Riviera", park at Lake of Zurich]. District prosecution service is making the reproach of "tried killing action". Didi has escaped from BGZ [District prison] and Fluflu was giving him this letter.
District prison:
I am in prison now. They succeeded, they were committing the illogical thing punishing me for being present voluntarily.
The whole is only to vomit. I will have a changed personality when I come out from here.
I don't know if I am strong enough not being crashed here. When I uttered this to a supreme ward I got an increase in detention (this was one more unreal thing in this system).
I don't see any light any more. Here it is as if a shutter had put down.
"Good world" has burst like a bubble. I am sitting on the ruins of my existence. They do as if they want to keep me for weeks here.
When I am imaging to see these faces every day I have to vomit. I am freezing with pains in the stomach. They are the same and now stronger. Since yesterday since 2 pm I am in a hunger strike, partly by solidarity with Didi who also was making a hunger strike, partly as a protest against my captivity. I don't want to write any more.
October 25, 1980: partly opening of "Red Factory" - AJZ Youth Center remains shut - always more fury and damages
At least Nazi town government with Nazi mayor Widmer in Zurich was keeping one promise opening "Red Factory" officially. But there are costumes and goods from commercial companies stored in this "Red Factory" occupying two halls yet. That's why the anger is not stopped as an article from December says:
Article of Ice Breaker (Eisbrecher) of December 6, 1980: big halls are occupied by Zurich Opera House yet [85]
6.12.1980: <Auferstehung der Kulturleichen>
aus: Eisbrecher, 6.12.1980; Sozialarchiv Zürich
<Mit einem Eröffnungsfest in der Roten Fabrik ist das ganze Kapitel städtischer Kulturpolitik noch lange nicht abgeschlossen. Während der Verein IGRF (Interessengemeinschaft Rote Fabrik) vom Stadtrat im Bürotrakt Räume für einen Teilbetrieb bekommen hat, geht das Seilziehen um entscheidende Punkte weiter.
Opernhaus contra Alternativ-Kultur - [Die Nazis vom Stadtrat wollen die grossen Säle für die Oper besetzen: Missbrauch von Sälen als Kulissenlager und Probebühne]
Um ein funktionierendes Kulturzentrum aufzubauen, sind auch grosse Hallen notwendig. Doch genau diese Räumlichkeiten (Shedhallen und Aktionshalle) werden laut Weisung des Stadtrates an den Gemeinderat dem Opernhaus als Kulissenlager und Probebühne zur Verfügung gestellt - bis zum Abschluss des Opernhaus-Umbaus 1984! Der IGRF wird die Aktionshalle, welche sich als einzige für grössere Fester eignet, bis zum 15. November überlassen. Da eine baldige Wiedereröffnung des AJZ immer unwahrscheinlicher wird, stehen wir also wieder einmal auf der Strasse.
Teilabbruch als bürokratischer Furz - [Der Nazi-Stadtrat erwägt den Teilabbruch bei der Roten Fabrik]
In seiner Weisung sieht der Stadtrat einen Teilabbruch von über 1000 m2 vor. Zwar stellt sich die IGRF vehement gegen dieses Vorhaben (Hunderte von Kulturschaffenden und Künstlern stehen in Zürich vor Raumproblemen). Wir Jungen brauchen dringend Freiräume, aber der Stadtrat hält stur an seinem Projekt fest, welches vom Garten- und Hochbauamt einmal entworfen wurde. Wieder einmal also soll dringend benötigter Raum den Plänen der Bürokraten geopfert werden.
Kulturleichen unerwünscht - [der Nazi-Stadtrat versucht, Vollversammlungen zu verhindern]
Schon anlässlich des Schröder-Konzertes vom 15. Oktober, wo eine Vollversammlung der Bewegung angesagt war, intervenierte Sigi mit seinen Mannen. Der Kulturbürokrat der Präsidialabteilung, U.P. Müller, kreuzte höchstpersönlich in der Fabrik auf, um die Organisatoren des Konzerts und die IGRF mit perfiden Drohungen unter Druck zu setzen. Diese liessen sich jedoch (noch) nicht unter Druck setzen. Auch Sigi, welcher per Telephon versuchte, die Durchführung einer VV zu verhindern, blitzte ab.
Diese Druckversuche zeigen jedoch, dass die Stadt unbedingt verhindern will, dass die Bewegung in der Roten Fabrik Fuss fassen kann. Begründet wird diese Repressionsmassnahme damit, dass die rote Fabrik allen Bevölkerungskreisen zur Verfügung stehen soll. Sigi befürchtet, dass die bürgerlichen Parteien im Gemeinderat die Rote Fabrik bachab schicken werden. Der Gemeinderat hat letzthin eine Kommission ernannt, welche sich am 1. November um ersten Mal trifft.
Jetzt erst recht!
Wir dürfen uns von diesen Argumenten auf keinen Fall einschüchtern lassen. Es ist klar, dass das Bürgertum die Rote Fabrik aus prinzipiellen Gründen bekämpft, sobald dort eine Kultur sichtbar wird, welche sich nicht den Institutionen und den Spielregeln des Staates anpasst, sondern sich emanzipatorisch auf unsere Seite stellt. Wir müssen uns offensiv gegen diese bürgerliche Kulturpolitik zur Wehr setzen. Der Einzug in die Rote Fabrik und das Eröffnungsfest sind erst der Beginn eines Kampfes. Die Arbeitsgruppe Rote Fabrik, welche sich aktiv für den Teilbetrieb einsetzte, hat einen Forderungskatalog aufgestellt, welcher von möglichst vielen Organisationen und Einzelpersonen unterstützt werden sollte (siehe Kasten). Wer sich für diese Ziele einsetzen will (besonders der Einzug des Opernhauses in die Aktionshalle muss verhindert werden), soll doch an einer Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe Rote Fabrik vorbeischauen (auch Spitzel sind erwünscht, wir haben für jeden eine passende Arbeit).
Die AGRF trifft sich jeden Montagabend um 20 Uhr im Restaurant Sihlpost (Saal), Lagerstrasse 25
PS: In einer der nächsten Nummern folgt ein Bericht über die Situation der nichtetablierten Kulturschaffenden.>
December 6, 1980: <Resurrection of culture deads>
from: Ice breaker (Eisbrecher); December 6, 1980; Social Archives, Zurich
<With the opening festivity in the Red Factory the whole chapter of urban culture policy is not at the end at all. IGRF (Red Factory Interest Group) got rooms in the office part for the management of one part of the building, but there are decisive points under discussion.
Opera house against alternative culture - [Nazis from town government want to occupy the big halls: abuse of halls as requisites deposits and as rehearsal stage]
Installing a working culture center also big halls are necessary. But just these big halls (Shed halls and action hall) are not given to us but there is an order of town government giving these halls to the opera house as requisite deposit and rehearsal stage - until the renovation of the opera house will be finished in 1984! IGRF will leave the action hall which is the only one appropriated for big festivities until November 15. As a reopening of AJZ Youth Center is more and more improbable we just are in the street again.
Partly destruction is a bureaucratic fart - [Nazi town government considering a partly destruction of the Red Factory]
Another order of the town government is projecting a partly destruction of over 1,000 m2. IGRF is fighting this project energetically (hundreds of cultural people and artists in Zurich are confronted with room problems). We young people urgently need free space, but the town government is going on stubbornly with his project which was projected in another time by Garden and Housing Department. One more time urgently needed space should be the victim for the projects of bureaucracy.
Cultural deads not wanted - [Nazi town government tries to hinder General Assemblies]
Even when we had the Schröder concerts on October 15 when we had announced a General Assembly Sigi was intervening with his men. Cultural bureaucrat of the president's department, U.P. Müller, was coming in person to the Factory threatening the managers of the concerts and threatening IGRF with perfidious threats. But we did resist (yet) to this pressure. Also Sigi who wanted to hinder the General Assembly by telephone could not stop it.
But these trials of pressure are showing that this town wants to hinder absolutely that this movement can feel well and form out it's roots in this Red Factory. This repression is taken with the justification that this Red Factory should be given to all parts of the population. Sigi fears that the bourgeois political parties in his town government will reject the Red Factory. A short time ago the town government named a commission which will have it's first meeting on November 1.
Now we go!
We should not be intimidated by any argument. It's clear that the bourgeois will fight Red Factory principally as soon as a culture will be visible which is not adapted to the institutions and to the rules of this state but which is like an emancipation at our side. We have to fight aggressively against this bourgeois culture policy. Taking this Red Factory and the opening festivity are only the beginning of this fight. Workgroup Red Factory which was fighting actively for this partly management was stating a list of claims which should be supported by many organizations and honorful persons (see aside). Who wants to fight for these goals (above all the occupation of the opera house into the action hall has to be hindered) should come to the meeting of the Workgroup Red Factory (also spies are welcome, we have appropriate work for everybody).
AGRF has meetings every Monday evening at 20 pm in the restaurant Sihl Post Office (hall) at Deposit Street (Lagerstrasse) Nº 25.
P.S.: In one of the next editions a report will come about the situation of the free cultural activists.>
1981-1982: AJZ Youth Center becomes a meeting point for alcoholics, drug addicted people and for people without home - shut in 1982
Partly opening of Red Factory is splitting the alternative movement into two parts and the AJZ Autonomous Youth Center mainly remains a meeting point for alcoholics, drug consumers and for people without homes. The government was not working out any special program for these humans who mostly had a Swiss passport.There were neither on a local nor on a national level any treatment program for alcoholics or drug addicted people. Racist research did not want to find any treatment either but the governments simply let die these people. Already in 1981 there were some trials to close the AJZ which was hindered by the mass of drug addicted. In 1982 came the end and the organizers of the AJZ did not want to be abused by the racist town of Zurich any more being a station for medical health without staff.
AJZ Youth Center in Zurich with it's yellow and light blue painting, in 1981 appr. [86]
AJZ Youth Center was closed on March 17, 1982 and the remaining 118 persons were detained by the police. Quotation:
<The management [church and Pro Juventute] is giving up. They are solving the contract with the town of Zurich instantly and are handing out the keys for the building at Limmat Street 18-20. The same day yet the town government lets clear the territory and 118 persons on the territory of the AJZ Youth Center are detained. At the same time there are the first processes at jury trials against charged from the movement. Justice was convicting the charged people from the movement harshly. To the contrary the policemen are holy persons and most of the 180 criminal procedures against police officials are fizzling out or are ending with an acquittal.>
(orig. in German:
<Die Trägerschaft [Kirchen und Pro Juventute] gibt auf. Sie löst den Vertrag mit der Stadt Zürich per sofort auf und gibt die Schlüssel für die Gebäude an der Limmatstrasse 18-20 zurück. Noch am selben Tag lässt der Stadtrat das Areal räumen, wobei 118 Personen, die sich noch im AJZ befinden, festgenommen werden. Zur selben Zeit finden in Winterthur die ersten Geschworenengerichtsprozesse gegen Angeklagte aus der Bewegung statt. Während die Justiz mit aller Härte gegen die Angeklagten aus der Bewegung vorgeht, verlaufen die meisten der rund 180 Strafverfahren gegen Polizeibeamte im Sande oder enden mit einem Freispruch.>
(Chronology of the events from October 12, 1981 to March 23, 1982 destruction of AJZ Autonomous Youth Center in Zurich is at March 23, 1982.
(Chronology Zurich; the indication of Zurich government that the building was needed from April 1, 1981 on as it was prescribed in the original treaty is one more big lie. Lies and racism are the normal business of this Nazi mayor of Zurich, Sigmund Widmer. This man had to be bribed in a tremendous way...
The AJZ Youth Center was destroyed in 1982 already because of the incapacity of the government solving the alcoholic and drug problem [87]
See the paintings of the rooms and the symbolism A in a circle and A in a heart. All this was destroyed. Youth center was not only a five pointed star and demonstrations as most of stupid bourgeois people meant only reading the official bourgeois newspapers!
With a color photo one could see more precisely how constructive the energy in this house had been.
(Chronology of events from May 30 to June 28, 1980;
On March 23, 1982 there are one more time police riots around the AJZ Youth Center, and 5 days later on March 28, 1982, a not authorized demonstration of about 1,000 alternatives was performed against the destruction of the AJZ Youth Center and was answered again with Nazi police, tear gas, sticks and rubber bullets.
(Chronology of the events from October 12, 1981 to March 23, 1982
This Nazi mayor Sigmund Widmer did not know any other language than sticks, tear gas, tear gas water and rubber bullets and wooden projectiles, and Nazi Hans Frick not either - and Kurt Furgler did not know another language either against anti-nuclear activists. All three had the same Nazi glasses in black. They are Nazis and nothing more - breaking any democracy and health for the country - with shoot eyes and atomic waste. More Nazi is not possible. One of the most nuclear persons is - racist Blocher...
Activists and visitors of AJZ Youth Center spreading in Zurich
They go
-- to the "Red Factory" in Zurich-Wollishofen District
-- at home healing their injuries NEVER getting any compensation from Zurich bully police
-- to the house of Badenerstrasse Nº2 and to other houses at Stauffacher Square
(Alone they will catch you:
-- and drug addicted people and alcoholics remain at Zurich Main Station occupying Platzspitz Park which is also called "Needle Park" since 1985.
Platzspitz Park in Zurich, open drug scene of 1985 about ("Needle Park") [88]
Until there were therapy programs for drug addicted people it should last 10 more years up to mid of the 1990s. Until then any drug addicted was simply treated as "subhuman" landing in the street or in central parks. In Switzerland this Platzspitz Park in Zurich was the central park for whole Switzerland and the government only wanted that they will die rapidly.
The project for a shopping center at Stauffacher Square in Zurich - destruction of housing - resistance and squatting - the axis from the AJZ to Stauffacher Square
The project of billionaire and property shark Viktor Kleinert from Berne was to destroy lots of houses near Stauffacher Square in Zurich winning the space for a new shopping center there. Kleinert was the boss of the insurance "Mobiliar" and he himself was the owner of an own property company "Kleinert Group". Kleinert was absolutely rich and his home was the castle of Bremgarten near Berne (as Wikipedia says).
(Viktor Kleinert:
All this provoked another time much resistance. Kleinert seemed to be a "friend" of racist Sigmund Widmer. The project for the shopping center was presented in 1980, just when AJZ Youth Center had opened. Thus between the people from AJZ and from Stauffacher Square an "axis" of resistance was formed.
Mr. Viktor Kleinert was so rich as a billionaire but he did not take any responsibility in Zurich and with his shopping center project he was even reinforcing solidarity against the upper class. Here is a summary about these events, the comment about the film "1 Lovesong" about squatting of Baden Street Nº 2:
The house of Baden Street (Badenerstrasse) Nº 2 in Zurich, old photo [89]
Castle of Bremgarten near Berne [90], residence of property shark Viktor Kleinert
Ueli Hofer, president of Bremgarten, with property shark Viktor Kleinert [91]
<Youth revolt [with AJZ Youth Center] in proper Zurich [from 1980] is history [already in 1982], history of a dream which was crashing at the reality [of Nazi government of Zurich under Nazi Sigmund Widmer]. [But Red Factory had opened]. In this video are described the following events, less spectacular and for a less wide public. Stauffacher Square in Zurich is one of many speculation objects. Bührle Holding and pension funds want to build a shopping center there - cheap housing should be destroyed. Five billion Swiss Francs should be invested by the bourgeois people - or ten million bottles of champagne, that's the calculation of the authors. Some AJZ fighters and women fighters have retired to the houses at Stauffacher Square defending themselves against the destruction and speculation. Melancholy and dark future.>
(orig. in German:
<Die Jugendrevolte [mit dem AJZ] im sauberen Zürich [von 1980] ist [im Jahre 1982] bereits Geschichte, die Geschichte eines Traumes, der an der Schweizer Realität [der kriminellen SVP und ihrer Polizei] scheiterte. [Dafür war für kulturelle Aktivitäten die Rote Fabrik eröffnet worden]. In diesem Video wird die Fortsetzung geschrieben, weniger spektakulär und auch weniger für ein breites Publikum. Der Stauffacher Platz in Zürich ist eines von vielen Spekulationsobjekten. Die Buehrle-Holding und verschiedene Schweizer Pensionskassen wollen dort ein Shopping-Center einrichten - der billige Wohnraum soll dem Abriß zum Opfer fallen. Fünf Milliarden Franken will die bürgerliche Bauwut investieren - oder zehn Millionen Flaschen Champagner, rechnen fix die Autoren um. Einige der AJZ-Kämpferinnen und Kämpfer haben sich in die alten Häuser beim Stauffacher zurückgezogen und wehren sich gegen Abriß und Spekulation. Melancholie und düstere Ahnung.>
("1 Lovesong"; was fed by three main forces:
-- fight for an alternative culture and music and cheap concerts
-- fight against atomic power with it's eternally radiating atomic waste
-- fight for cheap housing in the town of Zurich in old houses and not in lifeless concrete flats.
A splinter group was going on organizing fire attacks also after the closure of the AJZ Youth Center. The cause as it seems was a people's vote, "a project" in Zurich Aussersihl District which was rejected on June 6, 1982: "The population of Aussersihl is rejecting." More cannot be found out in the Internet but Zurich archives have to be searched.
(Video: "1 Lovesong":
Arson attacks never caused personal damage.
(Media mirror (Medienspiegel);
To the contrary Zurich bully police was causing much personal damage - which was hidden by the Zurich hospitals by pressure "from above".
The arson attacks of this splinter group were:
-- 10 days after the rejected people's vote in Aussersihl District there was a first arson attack against property shark Victor Kleinert on June 16, 1982 [there is no personal damage registered in the Internet]
-- again 10 days later there was one more arson attack against the same property shark Victor Kleinert on June 26, 1982 [again there is no personal damage registered in the Internet]
-- again 10 days later on July 6, 1982 there was an arson attack against a branch of McDonald in Zurich - this time with a big damage to property.
(Video: "1 Lovesong":,
Well, it seems clear why a McDonald had to be burnt: because of damaging food, of Vietnam War, and because of Zionist racism against Palestinians.
McDonald burnt down after an attack, no personal damage, Zurich in summer 1982 [92]
Elections: Mr. Sigmund Widmer is giving up and new mayor Mr. Wagner is following
Zurich government of Sigmund Widmer (LDU) was retiring and mayor was Mr. Wagner (CVP now. Police repression remained the same.
(Sigmund Widmer:
October 10, 1982: squatting of the empty house of Baden Street (Badenerstrasse) Nº 2 at Stauffacher Square
On October 10, 1982 the house at Baden Street (Badenerstrasse) Nº 2 near Stauffacher Square was "squatted quietly". "The squatters get right of living until to the moment of the destruction of the house."
(orig. German: "Den Besetzern wird Wohnrecht bis zum Zeitpunkt des Abbruchs gewährt.")
(Video: "1 Lovesong":,
The alternatives develop the wordplay "they are too rich to think", thus "too rich" in German is "zu reich" which is similar to "Zurich" therefore they call the town "Zureich". They are right. People of the lower classes are NOTHING worth for Nazi mayor Sigmund Widmer.
(Video: Zureich: vacation of Stauffacher Square (Räumung am Stauffacher);
This squatting of Baden Street Nº 2 was accompanied by many juridical steps which are described in an article of New Zurich News (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, NZZ) in the article "A Square and His Houses" ("Ein Platz und seine Häuser") from April 9, 2013:
Dieter Bührle, portrait of about 1980 [93]. He was the owner of famous Bührle weapon factory in Zurich and broadened this business by social work building new anonymous concrete flats, and he also had a vineyard in Toscana in Italy. He also sold weapons to Africa which were foreseen for the Third Reich yet. Violating Swiss embargo law he had to pay 20,000.- Swiss Francs in 1969 - nothing for a millionaire...
(from: Wikipedia:
<The beginning was when Bernese property manager Viktor Kleinert was presenting his project of a shopping center at Baden Street in 1980. In those times he was one of the richest men of Switzerland. Critics claimed that the "city will swallow" and all cheap housing and all small trade will be lost. As NZZ had written on April 29, 1991 the "... dwellers and the association "Pro Stauffacher" were fighting more than 10 years with all juridical and political means up to an initiative against this project." Demonstrations and squatting was normal, even bomb attacks had been. But all defense was for nothing. in 1990 the old houses between Baden Street (Badenerstrasse), Barrack Street (Kasernenstrasse) and Miller Street (Müllerstrasse) were destroyed.>
(orig. in German:
<Seinen Anfang nahm der Kampf um die Liegenschaften an der Badenerstrasse 1980, als der Berner Immobilienunternehmer Viktor Kleinert, damals Bauherr und einer der reichsten Männer der Schweiz, seine Überbauungspläne vorstellte. Kritiker fürchteten sich fortan vor einem «Aufquellen der City», vor dem Verlust günstiger Wohnungen und dem Verschwinden des Kleingewerbes. Wie die NZZ am 29. April 1991 schrieb, hatten sich «. . . Anwohner und der Verein ‹Pro Stauffacher› mehr als zehn Jahre lang mit vielfältigen juristischen und parlamentarischen Mitteln bis hin zur Initiative gegen das Vorhaben gewehrt». Immer wieder sei es zu Demonstrationen und Besetzungen gekommen, selbst Bombenanschläge seien verübt worden. Doch alles Wehren half nichts, die alten Häuser zwischen Badener-, Kasernen- und Müllerstrasse wurden im Januar 1990 abgerissen>
"Change of owners" at Stauffacher Square: 16 pension funds and weapon smuggler Bührle
At the end of 1982 German property shark and weapon smuggler Dieter Bührle was taking the project from Kleinert.
(Video: "1 Lovesong":
Now a German should kick out poor Swiss people from their housings in Switzerland. According to the politics of Nazi mayor Widmer and later Wagner this was right. More cruelty was not possible. The new management was composed of
-- 16 pension funds
-- Bührle.
(Video: Alone they will catch you (Allein machen sie dich ein) part 2:, 42min. 29sec. bis 42min. 48sec.)
Bird masks in the house of Baden Street Nº 2
Squatters at Baden Street Nº 2 in Zurich were fighting for attention with artistic bird masks making propaganda for human living space showing themselves in the windows or making dances in trams.
(Video: "1 Lovesong":
These bird masks could be seen in the whole year of 1983 in the town of Zurich, and all members and many many sympathizers were dreaming that the big pigs of billionaires and above all the bourgeois political parties of CVP, FDP and LDU would begin to think and would accept other kinds of living and would stop their atomic kind of life. SVP in those times was mostly under 10% yet.
Baden Street Nº 2: reading, little handicrafts, dancing, against atomic power, against imperialism - signs for nature
(from the video: "1 Lovesong":
Squatters with bird masks in the squatted house of Baden Street Nº 2 in Zurich, 1984 appr. [94]
Squatter of Baden Street Nº 2 with a bird mask in a Zurich tram in 1982 [95], also called "pointed head" ("Spitzkopf") (
Squatting at Baden Street Nº 2, a person with bird mask at a type writer [96]
Squatting at Baden Street Nº 2 with bird masks in the windows [97]
Squatting at Baden Street Nº 2 with bird masks in a window [98]
Squatting at Baden Street Nº 2, a person is reading "speech and power" [99]
Squatting at Baden Street Nº 2, a persons is reading a blue book [100]
Squatting at Baden Street Nº 2, a person with bird mask is calling with a telephone [101]
on July 28, 1982, there was one more bomb attack, now against Dieter Bührle.
(Video: "1 Lovesong":
without any personal damage.
(Media mirror (Medienspiegel);
In the Internet one cannot find any indication that Mr. Bührle had been hurt. But perhaps this bomb attack provoked that the dismissal was written so the squatters were kicked out on January 9, 1984! The fact that many other people had heavy injuries by criminal bully police of Zurich was hidden, and Bührle probably did not know anything about it!
Radio LoRa reporting about a visit of the squatters at the lawyer of the building management - the house of Baden Street Nº 2 would damage Zurich's reputation...
(Video: Alone they will catch you (Allein machen sie dich ein) part 2:, 43min. 00sec. to 43min. 42sec.)
The radio reporter says:
Mid of January 1984 the squatting of Baden Street Nº2 will end, "definitively and irrefutable". A visit in the office of layer Guterli who is in charge of cleaning the houses shows the arguments of the building management:
-- such a house with so many banners cannot stay in Zurich
-- such a house with so many banners is damaging the reputation of the town of Zurich
-- one could not connect housing and policy
-- the house would damage more the reputation of Zurich and will not damage any more when it will be empty for one more year
-- there would be a contradiction when there is a project but people defending themselves would accepted in the house.
The dismissal came without warning announcing the kick out action for January 9, 1984.
(Video: "1 Lovesong":
October 7, 1983: squatting of residence "Upper Baronata" - former residence of Michail Bakunin
Squatted houses at Stauffacher Square with the banner "Bührle makes the Stauffacher Square more little" ("Bührle verKleinert den Stauffacher") [102]
Squatting of Baden Street Nº 2, banners against "U.S." Fascism in Grenada and in Central "America", October 1983 [103]
Squatting of Baden Street Nº 2 with banners "It's no artistic work destroying a town. Bührle", October 1983 [104]
Squatting of Baden Street Nº 2, banner announcing a demonstration "Long March passing Aussersihl District", October 1983 [105]
And there was not only the big house, but in the background there was a complete territory with little houses empty and prepared for destruction - cheap housing for 100s of people should be destroyed:
Little houses are empty in Zurich Aussersihl District 01 [106]
Little houses are empty in Zurich Aussersihl District 02 [107]
Little house are empty in Zurich Aussersiehl District 03 [108]
(Video: Alone they will catch you (Allein machen sie dich ein) part 2:, 41min. 51sec. bis 42min. 29sec.)
Since decades the house of "Baronata" is empty. "Upper Baronata" is squatted pointing out in the whole country of Switzerland that the houses at Stauffacher Square are in danger and will be demolished in the next few years because of property speculation.
Then the dwellers of the house Baden Street Nº 2 were barricading themselves and were demonstrating their "independence" installing a pulley for the transport of big goods to the upper floors.
Squatting of residence "Baronata" at October 7, 1983, view from below [109]
Squatting of residence "Baronata" at October 7, 1983 [110]
Graffiti "Children from Stauffacher will be your neighbors also after January 9" ("Wir Kinder vom Stauffacher sind eure Nachbarn und bleiben * 9. Jan") [111]
They were barricading themselves in the house Baden Street Nº 2 and could get things into the house only by the pulley. And there is a Swiss flag with a black cross [112].
Squatters at the windows and balconies of Baden Street Nº 2 in Zurich with firecrackers, January 9, 1984 [113]
Sympathizers with fire crackers in front of the pulley at the house of Baden Street Nº 2 [114]
Squatting of the house of Baden Street Nº 2 at the end of 1993 [115]
Poster of the aftermath after the vacation action of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984: Dwellers will make a fire in the street with some chairs left and anonymous concrete houses are around them [116]
Vacation action of the house of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984
Bully police of Zurich - now under mayor Wagner - against the sympathizers of the squatters at Baden Street Nº 2 - nothing changed with this criminal bully police of Zurich spreading Nazism and violence
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984 01, Zurich bully police [117]
Dancing sympathizers and 1 policeman with a tear gas pistol [118]
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, police pushing sympathizers away [119]
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, a bully policeman (Martian) with tear gas weapon [120]
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, bully police of Zurich in black boots with gray wan (like German SS) [121]
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, bully police in march with black boots (like German SS) [122]
Now we know what changed with the new mayor Mr. Wagner from "Christian" CVP: bully police got rain uniforms in black, SS uniforms. Cruel cruel cruel.
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, bully police coming from the roof of the neighboring house 01 [123]
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, bully police coming from the roof of the neighboring house 02 [124]
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, Zurich bully police is on the roof [125]
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, again the Swiss flag with the black cross can be seen [126]
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, dwellers are cheering [127]
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, firecracker in the window [128]
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, sympathizers are cheering back [129]
A sympathizer is detained raising a fist against the property sharks [130]
Vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on January 9, 1984, bird sculpture on a balcony [131]
Baden Street in Zurich, the whole territory is destroyed in 1990 [132]
As a sarcasm billionaire Viktor Kleinert (English: Victory More Little) died in the same year of 1990:
1990: death of Kleinert - 1992: breakdown of Kleinert's property company
In September 1990 Viktor Kleinert died in Bremgarten, probably in his castle...
In the same year the houses of Stauffacher Square were destroyed.
(In the urban big balance (Im städtischen Grosshaushalt):
Then the property bubble was blasting which had been provoked by the "second column" of the Swiss pension funds since 1985 and many property companies went bankrupt, also the one of the Kleinert family. Quotation:
Kleinert: <Also the Kleinert Group was suffering low interests in the beginning of the 1990s. In 1989 Kleinert had been rated as one of the richest persons yet (with 300 to 400 million Swiss Francs private fortune). Victor Kleinert himself died before the crisis in 1990 giving the company to his wife two years before the bankruptcy [in 1992].
(orig. in German:Desaster with Bührle in 1990 - then more commitments in other sectors
<Ebenfalls ins Zinsloch zu Beginn der neunziger Jahre fiel die Viktor-Kleinert-Gruppe, die dem Namensgeber 1989 noch seinen Platz in der Reichstenliste gesichert hatte (300 bis 400 Millionen). Viktor Kleinert selber musste den Zusammenbruch nicht mehr erleben - er starb 1990, nachdem er das Unternehmen seiner Frau übertragen hatte und zwei Jahre bevor diese um Nachlassstundung ersuchen musste [Bankrott im Jahre 1992].>
(Artikel: People: Die 250 Reichsten; 31.12.1999;
Dieter Bührle was living much longer. But in 1990 he also had a big crisis, with his defense weapon system "Adats". He let others lead the weapon production and was busy mainly with his family holding, with hotels, agriculture and his vineyard in Italy. He had conceived what means life a little bit, better late than never, but the Stauffacher houses were destroyed anyway. Quotation:
<With the development of defense weapon system "Adats" the company was in financial trouble. In 1990 Bührle gave the lead of the company into other hands which was forming with the new name "Unaxis" then. Since then he was mainly busy with his family holding, with hotel "Storchen" in Zurich, with the hotel "Castello del Sole" in Ascona [in South of Switzerland], with the agricultural pilot plant in Maggia Delta and with a vineyard in Toscana [in Italy]. In the year 2010 he sold a 50% share of the management company of the airport of Altenrhein [in the east of Switzerland near the Austrian border] to Markus Kopf.> Bührle died with 90 years in 2012.
(orig. in German:1985: Project "Carthage" is coming
<Mit der Entwicklung des Lenkwaffen-Abwehrsystem Adats geriet das Unternehmen in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten. Bührle trat 1990 von der Leitung des Unternehmens, das später in Unaxis umformierte, zurück. Fortan widmete er sich schwerpunktmässig der Familienholding, den Hotels „Storchen“ in Zürich, „Castello del Sole“ in Ascona, dem landwirtschaftlichen Versuchsbetrieb auf dem Maggia-Delta und einem Weingut in der Toskana. Im Jahre 2010 verkaufte er seine 50-prozentige Beteiligung an der Betreibergesellschaft des Flughafens Altenrhein, an Markus Kopf.[2]> Bührle starb 2012 mit 90 Jahren.
There was AJZ Youth Center movement, and there was squatter's movement in the Stauffacher houses in Zurich. And now a group was forming in 1985 who wanted to live together in a new house
-- as a big community
-- with a big common kitchen.
Main initiative came from a writer "p.m." and his book "bolo’bolo" prescribing a community with production sectors and selling sectors calling the project "Carthage". The translation meant "new capital". Now the new government with mayor Wagner was cooperative giving a piece of land in Zurich-Altstetten District, and the people had the money for the new house and wanted to have a controlled autonomous life but being members of the normal society. In 1990 the Stauffacher houses were destroyed and other squatter groups were founding two more projects "power station" ("Kraftwerk") near Hard Tower Soccer Stadium (Hartturm), and "Triangle" ("Dreieck") in Aussersihl District with own economy for everything and with exchange economy. People from the Carthage project wanted to have their focus in social and cultural things concentrating on "solidarity in daily life making the house as a living space for culture".
(In the urban big balance (Im städtischen Grosshaushalt):
People's vote about "Carthage" project in 1994 - the Nazi poster of SVP - and a house in Wiedikon District
The project of "Carthage" was fought now by bourgeois political party of SVP with their Nazi manipulators (Blocher, graphic artist Abächerli, Maurer, Fehr etc.). Since 1992 - since the victory against EEA (with 50.3%) this political party of SVP was fighting and fighting in an old "fighting style" copying the Nazi style of the 1930s robbing votes from the other parties. The "Carthage" project was a good "target" for SVP. AJZ Youth Center had been destroyed in 1982, the house of Baden Street Nº2 also had been destroyed in 1990, and now "Carthage" should not be at all. But nobody told something about the 1,000s of people being kicked out from their houses and flats by the bourgeois political parties in collaboration with Zurich bully police, and nobody told anything about shot eyes and injuries by tear gas.
In general there was the mayor's tactic to neglect this project. The project was coming in in 1985, and the people's vote was only in 1994. Thus Mr. Mayor Wagner of "Christian" CVP did the maximum to delay the project admitting that the Carthage members would give up their project by themselves. This is another normal racism in Swiss policy. In the 1990s there was an initiative that people's votes must be executed within 3 years after giving in the project fighting this Swiss government's racism. After 9 years of waiting time the people's vote was coming.
1994: Nazi SVP claims that the "Carthage" dwelling project would be an "anarchy project"
Poster of SVP of 1994 claiming "anarchy support project Carthage No" ("Anarchie-Förderungsprojekt" "Karthago" Nein) [1], by Nazi graphic artist Hans-Ruedi Abächerli
Nazi SVP which principally had not much to do with the opera house but is more a farmer's and local music party, this SVP was only generalizing now - calling the squatters as "anarchists". SVP is principally only watching the police computer not speaking with the people stating that squatters would be like the data of the police computer, also when all juridical ways were legally followed. Nazi SVP with it's racists Blocher, Maurer, and with Baron of the Lies Mörgeli etc. are just on the side of the speculators and are spending 100,000s of Swiss Francs for propaganda advertisements and propaganda posters instead of doing good things with the money. The town government had granted a piece of land in Altstetten District, and SVP did not want to accept this, because
-- these people had been squatters before
-- that's why they were all "anarchists"
-- thus the "Carthage" project would be an "anarchy supporting project", and
-- therefore these humans should not be granted this project.
Analysis of the propaganda poster of SVP against the "Carthage" project: systematic defamation and calumny
Nazi graphic artist Hans-Rudolf Abächerli was painting his propaganda poster against the "Carthage" project in an absolute Nazi manner presenting the members of this "Carthage" project as mentally retarded first-grader dreamers - as all "bourgeois" were doing it.
Point 1: He wrote the word "anarchy" in big letters, the word "support" ("Förderung") in little letters and the word "project" again in big letters thus from distance the reader only read the words "anarchy project"
Point 2: Nazi graphic artist Abächerli wrote the word of "Carthage" in irregular big letters in the kind of a child of 7 or 8 years thus the public could get the impression that children there would hardly go to school or that the members of the project would be humans who hardly had gone to school
Point 3: Nazi graphic artist Abächerli was writing the letter "t" of the word "Carthage" in black in form of a cemetery cross † pretending that the "Carthage" project would not spread life but would spread death and would be condemned to failure as already the projects of AJZ and Baden Street Nº 2 had been "killed"
Point 4: Nazi graphic artist Abächerli was underlining the word "Carthage" by hand in two steps thus one part of the line was hardly connected with the second one and the public had the impression that the people there had no ruler in their household.
Well, with this depiction of intelligence on this propaganda poster the Nazi graphic artist Abächerli was representing just the intelligence of himself and of beer regulars table of SVP: not able to learn, proletarian, almost with legasthenia, but SVP is wasting millions above all satisfying it's envy complexes.
"Carthage" project in Altstetten District is rejected by 500 votes - a cheaper project is following in Wiedikon District
Well, it seems strange that the members of the "Carthage" project had a whole house in project. But Nazi graphic artist Abächerli from Nazi SVP was pretending to the Zurich voters that the members of the "Carthage" project could hardly read nor write or had no ruler in their home. This stupefying tactic of a Nazi graphic artist called Hans-Rudolf Abächerli was successful first. Zurich voters let manipulate by the SVP poster and the people's vote for the "Carthage" project was lost with the difference of only 500 votes. But then another possibility came: In Zurich-Wiedikon district the old house of the town's administration was free and could be taken and rebuilt.
A report of Daily News (Tagesanzeiger):
<Little time later another opportunity was offered: An office building in Wiedikon District was offered to be sold. Fischer and Co. were taking it. And with this house "Carthage" was created, a "community light". Since 1997 there are 9 residential communities with 50 people there sharing one kitchen.>
(orig. in German:
<Wenig später bot sich aber eine Gelegenheit: Ein Bürogebäude in Wiedikon stand zum Verkauf. Fischer und Co. griffen zu. Daraus wurde das Wohnhaus Karthago, eine «Kommune light». Seit 1997 wohnen dort in neun WGs 50 Leute, die sich eine Küche teilen.>
(Artikel: Der alternative Immobilienkönig;
And with all this Nazi Hans-Rudolf Abächerli with his horror poster against "Carthage" had helped the project getting it's victory:
-- the members could stay in central Wiedikon and had not to go to far Altstetten District
-- they had not to built a new house but
-- they could take an old house in Wiedikon rebuilding it, and
-- the whole "Carthage" project was realized with lower costs than projected and the position is more central as projected.
Residential community of "Carthage" in Zurich Wiedikon in 2013 [133]
SVP? I am not stupid.
<< >>
Christoph Schaub and Thomas Kremke: Video "1 Lovesong. Squatters in Zurich in 1982" ("1 Lovesong. Hausbesetzer in Zürich 1982"):
Mischa Brutschin: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein"), part 1, 2 and 3
part 1:
part 2:
part 3:
Video Shop Zurich: "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):
Concrete (Konkret)
Ice Breaker (Eisbrecher)
Crowbar (Brächise)
At Once (Subito)
Documents: Association of affected parents (Verein betroffener Eltern)
Bezirksanwalt = district attorney
Bezirksanwaltschaft = district public prosecution service
Isolationshaft = solitary confinement
Polizeivorsteher = police executive
Sippenhaft = kin liability
Staatsanwalt = public prosecutor
Photo sources
[1] poster of Nazi SVP of 1994 claiming "anarchy supporting project Carthage No":$00407131/0;jsessionid=174C9057563A3355B0085C45427065F6
[2] demonstration against atomic plant of Gösgen in 1977:, photo Nº 25
[3] Red Factory in Zurich-Wollishofen District:
[4] Widmer announcing projects for autumn 1980 during the General Assembly in People's House (Volkshaus) Zurich on June 4, 1980:, 46min. 00sec.
[5] Nazi police executive of Zurich Hans Frick portrait: Video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):, 1h 5min. 11sec.
[6] advertising for the reconstruction of Zurich Opera House with 62 million Swiss Francs:
Video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):, 27min. 28sec.
[7] group "Air and Noise" with festivity in the subway of Long Street in Zurich, April 21, 1980: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 33min.
[8] music at the festivity of the group "Air and Noise" in the subway of Long Street with saxophone and accordion, April 21, 1980.
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 33min. 30sec.
[9] bully police destroying the festivity in the subway of Long Street in Zurich, people screaming "Nazis Nazis" to the Zurich bully police, April 21, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 34min. 34sec.
[10] demonstration at Beautiful View Square (Bellevue Square) for Red Factory with the banner "We are the cultural deads of the town" ("Wir sind die Kulturleichen der Stadt", May 30, 1980: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1: 39min. 47sec.
[11] demonstration at Zurich Opera House, May 30, 1980, banner: We need more free living space for our culture (Wir brauchen Freiräume für unsere Kultur):
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 40min. 35sec.
[12] Zurich bully police in the opera house waiting for the riot order, May 30, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 40min. 41sec.
[13] demonstration at Zurich Opera House, banner "give us Red Factory":
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 41min. 3sec.
[14] demonstration at Zurich Opera House, bully police preparing gas masks:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 41min. 45sec.
[15] riot police in Zurich in the night: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 42min. 10sec.
[16] General Assembly in People's House (Volkshaus), June 4, 1980, the crowd:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 43min. 28sec.
[17] General Assembly in People's House (Volkshaus), June 4, 1980, the bourgeois eternal blockers Widmer and Lieberherr:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 44min 50sec.
[18] General Assembly in People's House (Volkshaus), young woman waiting for a big youth center since 12 years:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 44min 12sec.
[19] nudist demonstration of members of the AJZ Youth Center movement in Zurich, June 15, 1980:
[20] demonstration at the town hall in Zurich against the elimiation of 6 points of youth policy from the political agenda, June 18, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 47min. 43sec.
[21] Nazi mayor Widmer sending 100s of bully police against the demonstration at the town hall in Zurich, June 18, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1: 48min. 17sec.
[22] bully police with tear gas pistols at "Limmat Quay police station", June 18, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 49min. 10sec.
[23] bully police (Nazis in blue) at the townhall in Zurich coming in mass formation shooting tear gas and rubber bullets beginning their riot:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 50min. 15sec.
[24] arrival of two groups of bully police (Nazis in blue) at Limmat Quay at the town hall, June 18, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 50min. 27sec.
[25] Butcher's Lane (Metzgergasse) in Zurich is gassed by Zurich bully police (Nazis in blue), June 18, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 50min, 33sec.
[26] festivity of Progressive Parties of Switzerland (POCH) at Helvetia Square, June 21, 1980, with the banner of POCH: "Life instead of profits" ("Leben statt Profit":
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 51min. 29sec.
[27] festivity of Progressive Parties of Switzerland (POCH) at Helvetia Square, June 21, 1980, with the banner of POCH: "Life instead of profits" ("Leben statt Profit":
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 51min.32sec.
[28] General Assembly of June 21, 1980, a Socialist representative of Basel announcing mediation:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 53min. 25sec.
[29] general assembly of June 21, 1980, a member of local prosecution service is warning from 12 wild district attorneys "being disposable":
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 54min. 27sec.
[30] demonstration "Without Police No Riot" ("Ohne Polizei kein Krawall") of June 21, 1980, banner:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 55min. 57sec.
[31] demonstration "Without Police No Riot" ("Ohne Polizei kein Krawall") of June 21, 1980, 3 people in wheel chairs with banner:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 56min. 1sec.
[32] demonstration "Without Police No Riot" ("Ohne Polizei kein Krawall") of June 21, 1980, bull police blocking Lake Bridge (Seebrücke):
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 56min. 51sec.
[33] demonstration "Without Police No Riot" ("Ohne Polizei kein Krawall") of June 21, 1980, bully police blocking Lake Bridge, zoom:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 57min. 3sec.
[34] demonstration "Without Police No Riot" ("Ohne Polizei kein Krawall") of June 21, 1980, bully police leaving the site:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 1:, 57min. 17sec.
[35] AJZ Zurich, second house at Limmat Street:
[36] AJZ Zurich, first house at Limmat Street:
[37] AJZ gassed with tear gas:
[38] autonomous people of AJZ Youth Center after the opening of June 28, 1980, handicraft work with wood:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 28sec.
[39] autonomous people of AJZ Youth Center after the opening of June 28, 1980, handicraft work 02 with ladder and electric cables:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 44sec.
[40] the bar of the AJZ Youth Center is refilled:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 1min. 12sec.
[41] AJZ Youth Center with flag and visitors probably at the first day of June 28, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 1min. 21sec.
[42] rubber bullet, zoom and comparison of the size with an eye:
[43] burnt skin second grade by tear gas water of criminal bully police of Zurich:
[44] AJZ Youth Center of Zurich foged and "showered":
[45] bully police of Zurich with tear gas against AJZ Youth Center, 1980 appr.:
[46] ammunition waste of criminal bully police of Zurich (Nazis in blue) at AJZ only of March 1981: File 1: tear gas (Dossier 1: Tränengas):
[47] Nazi Hans Frick, police executive of the town of Zurich 1980, portrait: video "Zurich is burning" ("Züri brännt"):, 1h, 22min. 45sec.
[48] demonsration for affordable living space, police convoy following the demonstration, August 30, 1980, photo by Olivia Heussler:,_bewegende_Bilder.html?cid=8997852, Foto 2
[49] police riot with biting tear gas against the demonstration for affordable living space, August 30, 1980, photo by Olivia Heussler:,_bewegende_Bilder.html?cid=8997852, Foto 3
[50] after 137 detentions at the demonstration for affordable living space of August 30, 1980, the fury is without control and windows are destroyed, e.g. with Liqueur shop of Kurz: photo by Olivia Heussler:,_bewegende_Bilder.html?cid=8997852, Foto 9
[51] AJZ Youth Center in September 1980 appr., people in peace sitting on the floor:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 3min. 13sec.
[52] AJZ Youth Center in September 1980 appr., a concert: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 3min. 38sec.
[53] AJZ Youth Center in September 1980 appr., a cook:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 3min. 55sec.
[54] cartoon, town government of Zurich wants to butcher the AJZ Youth Center:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 4min. 12sec.
[55] Zurich bully police squatting the AJZ Youth Center:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 4min. 18sec.
[56] Zurich bully police on the bus parking near Sihl Quay throwing tear gas petard into the peaceful crowd at Konrad Street, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 4min. 42sec.
[57] two Zurich bully policemen (Nazis in blue) torturing an unarmed woman turning her arms at the crossing Customs Street / Wheel Lane (Zollstrasse / Radgasse), evening of Sep. 4, 1980: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 5min. 6sec.
[58] Museum Street is blocked with wood, a big crowd is blocking Station Quay, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 5min. 12sec.
[59] bully police of Zurich (Nazis in blue) with open stick are looking for new victims at Museum Street aside of Zurich Main Station, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 5min. 12sec.
[60] demonstration on Deer Square (Hirschenplatz) at the evening of Sep. 4, 1980, banner "Money for the youth center, not for the police":
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 5min. 28sec.
[61] Limmat Quay in Zurich, bully police heading his gun to 2 film makers, distance about 5 m, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 6min. 35sec.
[62] Limmat Quay in Zurich, woman film maker was hit by rubber bullets being with her camera on the floor 01, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 6min. 41sec.
[63] tear gas water cannon of bully police of Zurich targeting at people on a tram station "Central Square", evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 6min. 48sec.
[64] tear gas water cannon of bully police of Zurich targeting at customers of a shopping center, Zurich in the evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7min. 3sec.
[65] criminal bully police of Zurich beating a woman with a stick on her head, Station Quay (Bahnhofquai) in Zurich, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7min. 5sec.
[66] criminal bully policeman of Zurich hitting a woman with his stick on her head, Station Quay (Bahnhofquai) in Zurich, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7min. 5sec.
[67] the woman hit by the criminal Zurich bully policeman is protecting her face with both hands on the railing, Station Quay (Bahnhofquai) in Zurich, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7min. 5sec.
[68] the criminal bully policeman of Zurich is turning around and the hit woman is holding her back of the head because of the stroke of the policeman's stick, Station Quay in Zurich, evening of Sep. 4, 1980: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7min. 6sec.
[69] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), turning stroke by bully policeman against a woman with blond hair 01, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7min. 8sec.
[70] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), turning stroke by bully policeman against a woman with blond hair 02, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7min. 9sec.
[71] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), attack position of Zurich bully police against a woman in a pocket, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7min. 10sec.
[72] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai): the unarmed and helpless woman in the pockes is hit by rubber bullets on her legs and is screaming, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7min. 10sec.
[73] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the unarmed and helpless woman in the pocket is hit by rubber bullets sinking to the ground and screaming, evening of Sep. 4, 1980: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7min. 10sec.
[74] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), criminal Zurich bully police is threatening the helpless and unarmed woman, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7 min. 12sec.
[75] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), criminal Zurich bully police is hitting the unarmed and helpless woman on her breast, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7 min. 12sec.
[76] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich bully policeman is hitting the helpless and unarmed woman from behind, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7 min. 14sec.
[77] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich bully policeman is hitting the woman so strong that she is moring forward, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" Teil 2:, 7 min. 14sec.
[78] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the helpless woman is evading the policeman and teh criminal Zurich bully policeman is following her, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7 min. 15sec.
[79] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich bully policeman is attacking the helpless woman one more time, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7 min. 17sec.
[80] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich bully policeman is taking the helpless woman at her neck, evening of Sep. 4, 1980: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7 min. 17sec.
[81] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich bully policeman is taking the helpless woman at her neck smashing her face at the railing, evening of Sep. 4, 1980:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7 min. 17sec.
[82] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich bully policeman is taking the helpless woman at her neck smashing her face a second time at the railing, evening of Sep. 4, 1980: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7 min. 20sec.
[83] Zurich Station Quay (Bahnhofquai), the criminal Zurich bully policeman is taking the helpless woman at her neck smashing her face a third time at the railing, evening of Sep. 4, 1980: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 7 min. 20sec.
[84] report about a hunger strike in the district prison of Zurich, article from Oct. 15, 1980:
[85] article "resurrection of culture deads" ("Auferstehung der Kulturleichen": big halls of Red Factory are squatted by Zurich Opera House for requisites; from: Ice Breaker (Eisbrecher), Dec. 6, 1980; Social Archives Zurich
[86] AJZ Youth Center of Zurich with yellow and bright blue painting in 1981 appr.: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein"), part 2:, 2min. 18sec.
[87] destroyed AJZ Youth Center in Zurich 1982:
[88] Platzspitz Square in Zurich, open drug scene in 1985 appr.: View 6 (Einblick 6):
[89] house of Baden Street Nº 2 in Zurich, old photo: video "1 Lovesong":
[90] castle of Bremgarten near Berne:
[91] Ueli Hofer, president of Bremgarten, speaking with property shark Viktor Kleinert:
[92] McDonald after fire bomb, Zurich in summer 1982:
[93] Dieter Bührle, portrait of about 1980 appr.:
[94] squatters with bird masks in Baden Street Nº 2 in Zurich, 1983 appr.:
[95] squatter with bird mask in a tram in Zurich, 1983 appr.:
[96] bird mask at a typewriter: video "1 Lovesong":, 4min. 30sec
[97] bird masks looking from 2 windows of the squatted house of Baden Street Nº2: video "1 Lovesong":, 3:28min.
[98] bird masks looking from 1 window of the squatted house of Baden Street Nº2: video "1 Lovesong":, 3min. 34sec.
[99] bird mask reading "speeches of power": video "1 Lovesong":, 4min. 3sec.
[100] bird mask reading a blue book: video "1 Lovesong":, 4min. 9sec.
[101] bird mask calling: video "1 Lovesong":,4:21min.
[102] squatting at Stauffacher Square in Zurich, banners "Bührle is reducing Stauffacher" ("Bührle verKleinert den Stauffacher"), October 1983:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 50min.54sec.
[103] squatting of Baden Street Nº2, banners against "U.S.". Fascism in Grenada and in Central "America", October 1983:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 41min. 35sec.
[104] squatting of Stauffacher Square, banner "It's no art to destroy a town" ("Es ist keine Kunst, eine Stadt zu zerstören"), October 1983:, 41min. 4sec.
[105] squatting of Baden Street Nº2, banner "Long March in Aussersihl District" ("Der Lange Marsch durch Aussersihl"), October 1983:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 41min. 23sec.
[106] empty and little houses in Aussersihl District 01:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 43min. 22sec.
[107] empty and little houses in Aussersihl District 02:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 43min. 28sec.
[108] empty and little houses in Aussersihl District 03:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 43min. 35sec.
[109] squatting of residence "Baronata" on October 7, 1983, view from below:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 42min. 27sec.
[110] squatting of residence "Baronata" on October 7, 1983, big banner with Bakunin portrait:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 42min. 24sec.
[111] Graffiti "children from Stauffacher will be your neighbors also after January 9" ("Kinder vom Stauffacher werden auch nach dem 9. Januar die Nachbarn bleiben"): video "1 Lovesong":, 3:21min.
[112] pulley at barricaded house of Baden Street Nº2: video "1 Lovesong":, 2:58min.
[113] squatters at windows of Baden Street Nº 2 with a firecracker, Jan. 9, 1984:
[114] firecracker of sympathizers of squatters of Baden Street Nº 2: video "1 Lovesong":, 2.46min.
[115] squatting of Baden Street Nº 2, banners at the end of 1983: video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 44min. 47sec.
[116] poster of the vacation of Baden Street Nº 2 on Jan. 9, 1984, dewllers making a fire in the street with some chairs surrounded by anonymous concrete flat bunkers: Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 44min. 55sec.
[117] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984 01, bully police of Zurich:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 45min. 00sec.
[118] dancing sympathizers and 1 policeman with a tear gas gun:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 45min. 31sec.
[119] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984, bully police pushing dancers away:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 45min. 52sec.
[120] Zurich bully police (Martians in black) with tear gas pistol: video "1 Lovesong":, 8:21min.
[121] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984, bully police in black boots with a gray wan (like SS of Third Reich):
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 46min. 36sec.
[122] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984, bully police of Zurich coming in black boots (like SS in Third Reich):
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 46min. 37sec.
[123] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984, bully police coming on the roof from the neighboring house 01:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 46min. 31sec.
[124] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984, bully police comin gon the roof from the neighboring house 02
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 46min. 33sec.
[125] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984, bully police of Zurich on the roof:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 46min. 40sec.
[126] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984, Swiss flag with a black cross:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 46min. 43sec.
[127] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984, dwellers cheering:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 46min. 46sec.
[128] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984, firecracker in a window:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2: alt:,, 46min. 55sec.
[129] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984, sympathizers cheering back from the street:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 46min. 53sec.
[130] sympathizer of the squatters of Baden Street Nº 2 detained with risen fist: video "1 Lovesong":, 8:42min.
[131] vacation of Baden Street Nº2 on Jan. 9, 1984, bird sculpture on a balcony:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 47min. 07sec.
[132] Baden Street in Zurich, all the houses are destroyed:
Video "Alone they will catch you" ("Allein machen sie dich ein") part 2:, 50min. 35sec.
[133] communal residence "Carthage" in Zurich Wiedikon in 2013: