Speech of racist Blocher from March1, 1997: lies
in a "clarification"
March 1, 1997: Blocher presenting a lecture with a
"clarification" with more lies than truths about Swiss
Blocher at his speech "A Clarification" on March 1, 1997
Propagandist and xenophobe Blocher is not at all educated
in history, but on March 1, 1997 he hold a lecture
"Switzerland and Second World War. A Clarification". It
can be admitted that this speech was a propaganda product
of SVP Nazi historian Mörgeli. There was content
communicated which is liked by the "normal" Swiss soldier
presenting Switzerland in a "good view" all in all. That
means: this lecture was an element of the election
campaign already and was not at all containing truths. The
lecture can be read completely with this link below:
Now the analysis of this lecture is very surprising how
many lies this lecture contains:
<Switzerland and Second World War. A clarification
(orig. German: Die Schweiz und der Zweite Weltkrieg.
Eine Klarstellung)
(There were lots of spelling errors which were corrected).
Chapter 1: Nothing new under the sun (orig. German: I.
Nichts Neues unter der Sonne)
Blocher stated
-- principally there was not said anything new and much
had been known since 1945 (concealing that the school
books in Switzerland concealed just everything!)
-- concerning the attacks from abroad Swiss government had
a behavior like "chickens in a chicken yard"
-- the performance of Swiss people of these times of WWII
had nowhere been appreciated
-- and Nazism had nothing to do with Swiss population
because there was only one member of a Nazi party
(Frontisten, Mr. Tobler) elected as a national deputy
<Point 1: Between 1933 and 1945 Swiss population was
resistant to Nazi ideas. In national votes practically
100% of Swiss voted democratic, Swiss political parties!
There was only one national representative [Tobler] of the
Swiss Nazi party "Frontisten" being a national deputy in
the national parliament. Swiss were no Nazis; they were
mentally defending themselves with their press and
with the authorities against Fascist behavior which was
performed around them. Switzerland remained a democratic
state in those years.>
(orig. in German:
1. Das
Schweizervolk erwies sich zwischen 1933 und 1945 als
resistent gegenüber dem nazistischen Gedankengut.
Praktisch 100 % der Schweizer wählten auf Bundesebene
demokratische, schweizerisch gebliebene Parteien!
Einen einzigen Vertreter [Tobler] brachten die
Fröntler 1935 für vier Jahre in den Nationalrat. Die
Schweizer waren keine Nazis; sie standen mit ihrer
Presse und ihren Behörden dem faschistischen Treiben
ablehnend, ja hasserfüllt gegenüber. Die Schweiz ist
in jenen Jahren ein demokratischer Rechtsstaat
But Blocher is concealing any collaboration and friendly
turns of Swiss government for Nazi governments from 1933
to 1946. We will see later what this means.
-- nobody in Switzerland had been abused, tortured or
<Point 2: Nobody in our country was abused by the
state's approval, tortured or murdered. Government Member
Obrecht announced to Hitler without any doubt that we
Swiss will not go abroad honoring him. Any attacker will
expect war.>
(orig. in German:
2. Niemand wurde
in unserem Land mit staatlicher Billigung misshandelt,
gefoltert, ermordet. Bundesrat Obrecht verkündete 1938
an die Adresse Hitlers unmissverständlich, dass wir
Schweizer nicht ins
wallfahrten würden. Jeden Angreifer, wer es auch sei,
erwarte der Krieg.
But Blocher is concealing for example the absolutely
superfluous death sentences by General Guisan which were
enforced in 1944 yet.
-- and Swiss army had warded Switzerland at any time and
no industrial company had fallen into the hand of the
enemy at any time.
<Point 3: All in all 800,000 men (in a country of 4
million this is 20% of the population) were warding our
state's territory from 1939 to 1945 and were stressing the
armed neutrality [of Switzerland]. They were ready to give
their lives for the country. No important transport axis,
no important industrial company had fallen into the hands
of the enemy.
(orig. in German:
3. Insgesamt
800'000 Mann (im 4-Millionen-Land 20 % der
Bevölkerung) bewachten von 1939 bis 1945 unser
Staatsgebiet und verschafften der bewaffneten
Neutralität Nachdruck. Sie waren bereit, ihr
Leben für unser
Land hinzugeben. Keine wichtige Verkehrsachse, kein
nennenswerter Industriebetrieb wäre dem Feind
unversehrt in die Hände gefallen.
This is a complete lie of propagandist Christoph Blocher,
because he is concealing that Swiss army had retired to
the Alps in 1940 leaving all industry in the Central
Plateau without any military protection since August 1940.
Such a lie can be only from the liar "historian"
-- and Swiss population had sacrificed themselves for any
<Point 4: Switzerland showed a will for resistance with
many sacrifices which was unique in the world: There can
be mentioned a battle for cultivation under the latter
government member Mr. Wahlen from SVP, there was a
limitation of food, there was a prevention for war
conditions, there was a war loan, there were additional
(orig. in German:
4. Die Schweiz
zeigte unter gewaltigen Opfern einen
Widerstandswillen, der seinesgleichen sucht: Erwähnt
seien die sogenannte Anbauschlacht unter Leitung des
späteren SVP-Bundesrates Wahlen,
die Rationierung
der Lebensmittel, die Kriegsvorsorge, die Wehranleihe,
zusätzliche Steuerabgaben).
Well here Mr. propagandist Christoph Blocher (and I
suppose the liar historian Mörgeli wrote this propaganda
text) they both are concealing all collaboration of Swiss
industry for the Third Reich
-- not only delivering barracks for concentration camps to
the Reich, but also
-- parts for tanks and rockets (ABB)
-- Swiss Railway was giving any service to Hitler for the
transit through the Alps
-- Swiss banks were handing out Jewish bank accounts to
German SS men
-- Swiss bourse in Zurich was selling robbed Jewish stocks
-- obscuration during the night was introduced in favor of
the Third Reich and had NOT been for the protection of
-- the whole collaboration of Swiss banks with the German
Nazi SS handing out Jewish bank accounts on neutral soil
was concealed
-- the neutral Swiss territory was made available for
selling actions of Jewish belongings from concentration
-- there were auctions of "degenerated art" and of robbed
Jewish jewelry in Switzerland
-- Swiss migration police under Rothmund was inventing
Jewish stamp in collaboration with the Third Reich in 1938
provoking that 1,000s of Jews came directly to
concentration camps after the rejection at the Swiss
-- the same Swiss migration police under Rothmund was
acting after the conference of Strasbourg after 1944
organizing the big flight of big Nazis to South "America",
and the big fortunes of these big Nazis often also were
saved passing Switzerland
-- and also the fact was concealed that the railway
transit through the Alps (Gotthard, Simplon) was under
military protection evading attacks and interruptions of
transports between Germany and Italy
-- additionally masses of Swiss people were working as
messengers for the Nazis, as spies, or as money hideout.
Speaking from "resistance" is an absolute lie because real
resistance against this Nazi collaboration was punished
with death penalty and there was for example NEVER ANY
attack against the railway lines...
-- Blocher claimed that Swiss had been made a "coalition"
against Nazism, one could ask the witnesses of that time
<Point 5: Speaking with civilians who lived during
those times will feel: Switzerland made a coalition,
families and employees, industrial workers, farmers - they
all had a strong feeling of shared identity in those heavy
times, a solidarity as it had never before and never after
those times.
(orig. in German:
5. Wer mit
Bürgerinnen und Bürgern spricht, die diese Zeit
bewusst durchlebt haben, spürt: Die Schweizer standen
zusammen, Familien von Angestellten,
Industriearbeitern, Bauern - sie alle ver-
band in dieser
schweren Zeit ein Gefühl der Zusammengehörigkeit, der
Solidarität, wie vorher und später nie wieder).
Well, here propagandist Christoph Blocher is for example
concealing that Swiss banksters executed any action for
the Third Reich, and also the government gave "free
credit" ("Freie Devisenspitze") for the Third Reich. The
Third Reich could even have any credit at the end of the
war in 1944 and in 1945 yet.
-- Blocher means that Switzerland had been encircled in
<Point 6: Military threat was - this are proving also
latest investigations - a reality. In summer 1940 German
general staff received Hitler's order to work out detailed
plans of attack against Switzerland. Mussolini wanted to
shift the Italian border to the northern mountain ranges
of the Alps. Hitler spoke to Mussolini in 1942 calling
Switzerland a "wicked bad miserable folk and country" and
Swiss would be the "deadly enemy of Germany". Stalin was
offending Switzerland as "pigs". We should not take too
easy such words from two mass murderers, but at the same
time one can consider such words as a complement!>
(orig. in German:
6. Die
militärische Bedrohung war - das beweisen auch neueste
Untersuchungen - Realität. Im Sommer 1940 arbeitete
der deutsche Generalstab auf Geheiss Hitlers
detaillierte Angriffspläne gegen die
Schweiz aus,
Mussolini wollte die italienische Grenze gleichzeitig
bis zur nördlichen Hochalpenkette verlegen. Hitler
nannte die Schweiz 1942 vor Mussolini das
"niederträchtigste und erbärmlichste Volk und
Staatsgebilde" und die Schweizer "Todfeinde des neuen
Deutschland". Stalin beschimpfte die Schweizer als
"Schweine". Wir dürfen solche Worte aus dem Munde
zweier Massenmörder nicht allzu leicht nehmen, aber
gleichzeitig auch als Kompliment auffassen!)
Germany and Mussolini in fact wanted to part Switzerland
in 1940. This is right. But the reality was another one
because Switzerland remained the only island for espionage
and never was attacked just for this - and for the
technical quality of it's armament parts - and for more.
-- the defense preparedness of Swiss army had been high
<Point 7: Fact is that an "Action Switzerland" by
Hitler against Switzerland with it's civilian army had
provoked much losses for the attackers and had bound many
forces [of the Wehrmacht].>
(orig. in German:
7. Tatsache ist,
dass eine Aktion Schweiz durch Hitler wegen der
Verteidigungsbereitschaft der schweizerischen
Milizarmee für den Angreifer unverhältnismässig viele
Kräfte gekostet und gebunden
Well, this is only right until August 1940, and then Swiss
army retired to the Alps to the "réduit" (cubbyhole)" and
left all the Plains with all industrial companies and with
the main part of the Swiss population to it's fate. A
bigger lie of Swiss defense cannot be by Blocher and liar
-- Blocher stated, only since 1942 Hitler did not want to
attack Switzerland any more:
<Point 8: Only at the end of 1942 after the occupation
of South of France the Third Reich had more advantages
with an intact Switzerland. When the allies were
penetrating from southern and western Europe in 1943 and
in 1944 the danger of a German invasion saving the supply
lines was rising again.
(orig. in German:
8. Erst Ende 1942, nach der Besetzung Südfrankreichs,
überwogen für das Dritte Reich die Vorteile einer
intakten Schweiz. Als die Alliierten 1943/44 in Süd- und
Westeuropa vorrückten, stieg die Gefahr eines deutschen
Einmarsches zur Sicherung der Nachschublinien noch
Also this statement of Blocher is an absolute lie: Since
1940 Holland and Belgium were eliminated as spying centers
and Switzerland left alone as spying center for the allies
and for the Third Reich in Europe. That's why Hitler could
NEVER afford any attack of Switzerland, also when his army
"Wehrmacht" had some attacks in their cupboards called
"operation fir tree" ("Operation Tannenbaum").
-- Switzerland was the shelter for many refugees,
registered and not registered refugees, and was working as
a protecting power and as a diplomatic representation for
43 countries in the world, all in all for 1.6 billion
<Point 9: Also humanitarian help was a contribution for
a positive balance of neutrality. During war times 295,381
registered refugees and internees were living in
Switzerland on protecting Swiss soil. Additionally there
were many immigrants - with many Jews - never enrolling
with Swiss police, but they were sheltered by private
Aside to this help for refugees the International
Committee of the Red Cross was giving good services
without limits in the war countries. Neutral Switzerland
took diplomatic protection mandates for 43 countries and
for their civilians concerning their enemies, also for the
"United States of America" concerning 12 enemy states -
also this seems having been forgotten!
The population of those 43 states which had their
diplomacy working over Switzerland during WWII was all in
all 1.6 billion or one fifth of the world's population.
Switzerland was representing "USA" to Bulgaria, China,
Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Indo China, Italy,
Japan, Romania, Thailand, and Hungary. At the other way
round war leading states were represented in the "USA" by
Switzerland, these were Germany, France, Italy, Bulgaria,
and Japan. Compare the book of Werner Rings: Advocates of
the enemy (Advokaten des Feindes 1966, p.9,11,19-20;
compare also the big history collection of historian
Bonjour volume 5 (1970), p. 361)
(orig. in German:
9. Auch die
humanitäre Hilfe trug zu einer positiven Bilanz der
Neutralität bei. Während der Kriegszeit lebten für
kürzere oder längere Zeit 295'381 registrierte
Flüchtlinge und Internierte auf dem schützen-
Schweizerboden. Dazu kamen zahlreiche Emigranten,
darunter viele Juden, die sich nicht bei der Polizei
anmeldeten und von Privaten beherbergt wurden.
Neben dieser Flüchtlingshilfe leistete das
Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz in den
kriegsführenden Ländern unzählige gute Dienste. Die
neutrale Schweiz übernahm die diplomatischen
Schutzmachtmandate für 43 Länder und ihre Bürger
gegenüber den jeweiligen Gegnern, nicht zuletzt auch
für die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika gegenüber 12
Feindstaaten - auch das scheint man vergessen zu
Die Bevölkerung der 43 Staaten, die dem Kleinstaat
Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg ihre diplomatische
Vertretung anvertrauten, umfasste 1,6 Milliarden oder
vier Fünftel der Weltbevölkerung. Die Schweiz vertrat
die USA als Schutzmacht gegenüber Bulgarien, China,
Dänemark, Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Indochina,
Italien, Japan, Rumänien, Thailand, Ungarn. Umgekehrt
liessen sich kriegsführende Staaten durch die Schweiz in
den USA vertreten, nämlich Deutschland, Frankreich,
Italien, Bulgarien und Japan. Vgl. Rings, Werner:
Advokaten des Feindes, das Abenteuer der politischen
Neutralität, Wien/Düsseldorf 1966, S. 9, 11, 19 f. Vgl.
auch Bonjour, Bd. 5 (1970), S. 361 (S.3)
Thus when Switzerland was working for 43 states in the
world and also for "U.S.A.", China and Germany,
Switzerland was working as a diplomatic straw, and thus
Switzerland never could have been attacked at all.
-- since June 1940 Switzerland had been "embraced
completely" by the axis
<Point 10: Since June 1940 Switzerland had been
completely encircled. Any access to the world was lost.
Surviving was very difficult to organize. Of course in
such a situation - and above all after 1940 - there was
trade with the Axis Powers. With whom else? Life important
importation and exportation had to be saved - both was
also working with the allies as far as it was possible.
Commerce with the allies was only possible when the Axis
Powers let pass the merchandise. Survival of a little
state was depending - aside of the resistance in the
population and in the army - from skillful negociations of
the statal delegates for foreign commerce and from private
managers. It was not working without compromises and
without concessions. In all parts of the population there
was a big fear to be unemployed, there was a fear from
hunger and the hardship was big and was justified;
political and social unrest were omitted because they had
broken the mental resistance. All parties - also the
Social Democrats - knew precisely that for an enclosed
little state the economical relations with the Third Reich
were inevitable. The circles who are apologizing for this
economical policy of those times are putting the guilt to
the responsibles of those times (otherwise there would not
be an apologize!) and with this they are offending the
responsibles of those times in a heavy way. Can you
apologize that a population was bewared from hunger?!
(orig. in German:
10. Ab Juni 1940 war die Schweiz von den
Achsenmächten vollständig umklammert. Dadurch verlor
sie ihren freien Zugang zur Welt. Der für das
Überleben nötige Handelsspielraum wurde eng.
Selbstverständlich hat man in dieser Situation auch -
und nach 1940 vor allem - mit den Achsenmächten Handel
getrieben. Mit wem denn sonst? Es galt, den
lebensnotwendigen Import und Export sicherzustellen -
beides versuchte man soweit möglich auch mit den
Alliierten. Handel mit den Alliierten wiederum war nur
möglich, wenn die umklammernden Achsenmächte die Waren
durchliessen. Das Überleben des Kleinstaates hing -
neben dem Widerstand des Volkes und der Armee - vom
geschickten Verhandeln staatlicher
Aussenhandelsdelegierter und Privatunternehmer ab. Es
ging nicht ohne Kompromisse und Zugeständnisse. In
allen Bevölkerungskreisen war die Furcht vor
Arbeitslosigkeit, Hunger und Not gross und berechtigt;
politische und soziale Unruhen hätten den
Widerstandsgeist gebrochen. Alle Parteien - auch die
Sozialdemokraten - wussten genau, dass für einen
eingeschlossenen Kleinstaat Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit
dem Dritten Reich unumgänglich waren. Die Kreise, die
sich heute für die seinerzeitige Handelspolitik
entschuldigen, weisen den Verantwortlichen von damals
eine Schuld zu (sonst könnte man sich ja nicht
entschuldigen!) und beleidigen die damals
verantwortungsvoll Handelnden in schwerster Weise.
Soll man sich etwa dafür entschuldigen, dass man ein
Volk vor dem Hunger bewahrt?!)
Well, but Blocher is lying! Switzerland was not completely
encircled in 1940, but there was one railway line left
free to the Mediterranean Sea between Geneva and
Marseilles. Concessions of Swiss commercial
representatives to the Third Reich were far reaching.
Additionally there was the eternal transit passing the
Alps with coal for Italy and with war material for Africa.
Germany received free credit for almost everything what
they wanted up to precision parts for tanks and rockets,
and this was granted up to the end of the war. Switzerland
gave also an essential contribution so the big Nazis could
take their flight to South "America" between 1944 and 1946
after the conference of Strasbourg in 1944, and these big
Nazis could even save their fortunes. This collaboration
of after 1944 cannot be justified with an "encirclement",
but the Swiss responsibles of industries, of migration
police and of Swiss government were absolute full Nazis
and they remained like this also when news about mass
death of Jews in concentration camps were coming in.
Auschwitz was not the focus, but there was mass death in
camps in underground tunnel systems in whole Germany, in
ghettos, mass shootings in eastern Europe, and
deportations to Stalin's Gulag. Also Jewish mass death in
the Red Army has to be considered. Additionally since
autumn 1943 since the foundation of the Republic of Saló
in Upper Italy the Nazis were robbing there all industries
with the Italian workers inclusive transferring all to
Germany passing the Swiss Alps, without interruption,
instead there was no encirclement in 1944 any more. To the
contrary Swiss military was ordered to the borders to
prevent that Allies would pass through Switzerland to
reach the German border faster...
-- Mr. Blocher claims that from 1939 to 1945 the
neutrality of the country "was hold up in essential
points" and not one single of the warmongers had received
any advantage of it. Above all Switzerland has never taken
part in war actions, and did not give any
marching-through, and before the end of the war no
interned soldiers were given to anybody, and Switzerland
had never given "statal weapons to a warmonger state.
<Point 11: There are claims that Switzerland was not
neutral during WWII. This is wrong. Switzerland has
holding up it's neutrality in essential points and was
deliberately interpreting it's neutrality in a stronger
way than the international law was prescribing it. Our
right of neutrality does not permit any military privilege
directly taking part at wars, no privilege for
marching-through of troops, no handover of interned
soldiers before the end of the war, no statal delivery of
weapons to warmonger states. Switzerland did fulfill all
these points.
(orig. in German:
11. Die Schweiz hat das Neutralitätsrecht
entgegen anders lautenden Behauptungen während des
Krieges im wesentlichen hochgehalten, hat es sogar
freiwillig enger ausgelegt, als es das
Völkerrechtverlangte. Unser Neutralitätsrecht
gestattet keine militärische Begünstigung von
Kriegsführenden durch direkte Beteiligung an
Kriegszügen, keine Gewährung von Truppendurchmärschen,
keine Freigabe internierter Soldaten vor Kriegsende,
keine staatlichen Waffenlieferungen an Kriegsführende.
Daran hat sich die Schweiz vollumfänglich gehalten).
Well, the transit passing the Alps, what is this? This is
just a "marching-through" or not? German troops passed
Brenner Pass in Austria. And army cars and tanks and coal
for Italy was passing Switzerland during all the 6 years
of the war. This transit passing the Alps was working
impeccably, also for the mass robbery in Upper Italy after
autumn 1493. And Swiss Railway (Schweizerische
Bundesbahnen, SBB) were making money with these transports
like a fool. Weapon production in Switzerland was in
private hands. That's why there is no "statal delivery of
arms". But these private arms industries in Switzerland
were producing EVERYTHING up to parts for tanks and
rockets, up to 1945. Neutrality was just not existing...
-- Swiss General was speaking with French representatives
in April 1940 for the case if German troops were passing
Switzerland for attacking France. Blocher was saying this
fact in a general allusion that the General was talking
with allies in the case of an attack, and Blocher also
stated that weapon deliveries of private industry and
commerce would not violate the neutrality.
<Point 12: Policy of neutrality allows an elastic
position. It's distinctly not forbidden to contact a
future ally when an attack can be expected (General Guisan
did this with the French representatives). And weapon
deliveries of private industries and all private commerce
are not forbidden either.
(orig. in German:
12. Die
Neutralitätspolitik erlaubt demgegenüber eine
elastischere Haltung. Ausdrücklich nicht verboten sind
etwa die vorsorgliche Kontaktnahme mit allfälligen
Verbündeten vor dem Angriff (General
Guisan tat dies
mit den Franzosen), die Waffenlieferung der
Privatindustrie und überhaupt der private
Rocket parts from ABB for rockets against England and
intercontinental rockets against "U.S.A." were not
violating Swiss neutrality... And the Third Reich had
credit without limits in Switzerland up to the end of the
war in 1945, and this credit without limits did not
violate neutrality... This was racist logic of Mr. Blocher
and Mr. Mörgeli.
-- mental neutrality had not been possible in the
<Point 13: A mental neutrality could not be pushed
through in the Swiss population, even if the government
members had loved to see this during WWII by the fear from
the threatening neighbor.
(orig. in German:
13. Eine
Gesinnungsneutralität liess sich damals beim
Schweizervolk ohnehin nicht durchsetzen, selbst wenn
dies einzelne Bundesräte im Zweiten Weltkrieg aus
Angst vor den drohenden Nachbarn
nicht ungern
gesehen hätten).
-- Blocher mentions Churchill now giving a praise about
Swiss neutrality because Switzerland as a democratic state
"had defended it's freedom from the mountains downwards"
<Point 14: Already during the war the practice of
neutrality was a very discussed subject. English War Prime
Minister Winston S. Churchill said on December 14, 1944 -
thus before the end of the war - about the role of
Switzerland during WWII: "From all neutral states
Switzerland has the biggest claim for a privileged
treatment. They were the only international factor being a
connection point within this horror world in Europe. What
it means if they were capable to give us privileges of
commerce, or that they gave too much to the Germans for
being saved from war? Switzerland was a democratic state
which defended it's freedom from their mountains
downwards, and despite of their ethnic affiliation [to the
Germans] they were mentally mostly on our side."
(orig. in German:
14. Schon während des Krieges war die Handhabung
der Neutralität Gegenstand heftigster Kontroversen.
Der englische Kriegspremier Winston S. Churchill sagte
am 13. Dezember 1944- also noch vor Kriegsende - zur
Rolle der Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg: "Von allen
Neutralen hat die Schweiz das grösste Anrecht auf
bevorzugte Behandlung. Sie war der einzige
internationale Faktor, der uns mit den uns schrecklich
Entfremdeten noch verband. Was bedeutet es schon, ob
sie in der Lage war, uns die gewünschten
Handelsvorteile zu gewähren, oder dass sie, um sich am
Leben zu erhalten, den Deutschen zu viel gewährt hat?
Sie war ein demokratischer Staat, der von seinen
Bergen aus seine Freiheit verteidigt hat, und trotz
ihrer ethnischen Zugehörigkeit hat die Schweiz
gesinnungsmässig grösstenteils unsere Partei
Well, Blocher concealing all the censorship of the Swiss
Nazi government, and is concealing all death penalties in
Switzerland during the war time. Big parts of Switzerland
were "prepared" for an invasion of Hitler's troops and one
knew who would be the Gauleiter in Switzerland. Churchill
seems to conceal all the collaboration of Switzerland with
the Third Reich and did not understand anything, for
example the fact that the rockets V1 and V2 were flying
with Swiss precision parts against London. And the right
for a marching-through passing Switzerland was the transit
through the Alps and was only for the Axis Powers. But the
Allies coming from South of France had no right passing
Switzerland but hat do make a big detour passing French
Jura Mountains. That means that this praise of Switzerland
for it's "neutrality" was only a tactic maneuver of
foreign policy.
-- also "U.S.A." had praised Swiss neutrality
<And even "America" had praised fortitude of
Switzerland. The well reputed "New York Herald Tribune"
wrote in 1943: "Swiss are faithful to themselves, and also
in the darkest hour of the year 1940, when nothing else
remained than boldness of Great Britain and the blind
belief of free man of the rest of the world remained
between Hitler and Europe.">
(orig. in German:
Und sogar in
Amerika wurde die standhafte Schweiz gelobt. Die
angesehene "New York Herald Tribune" schrieb 1943:
"Die Schweizer sind sich treu geblieben, und zwar auch
in dunkelsten Stunden des
Jahres 1940, als
nichts ausser die Tapferkeit Grossbritanniens und der
blinde Glaube der freien Männer der übrigen Welt
zwischen Hitler und Europa stand." (S.4)
Well, "U.S.A." helped themselves to reconstruct the Third
Reich with it's war industry and they were collaborating
until 1945, and it seems that they did not want to present
Switzerland as a culprit because otherwise the center of
espionage would have been in danger.
-- Mr. Blocher is claiming that the left political parties
would pollute "armed neutrality" now, but this neutrality
also has protected many Jews:
<Point 15: Today there is no occasion left out to
degrade this guideline of neutrality and to downgrade the
former defense preparedness. It seems interesting that
just political circles are doing this who have fought and
thwarted the military defense of the country in the 1930s
already. And also today they are acting against the army
and the armed neutrality - and one more time - they are
dreaming from peace which would be to hard for them to
defend. Adolf Muschg [left Swiss writer] called neutrality
in the Berne Newspaper [Berner Zeitung] as "an indecent
fart". Well, he is a professor of literature and he has
his own kind of language. Also National Socialist Germany
did call Swiss neutrality in 1940 an "old fashioned event
and not acceptable with the new order of Europe" (this
sentence is also actual in the times of today). Just
because Switzerland had declared it's neutrality as a
perpetual one, because it's foreign policy was not
adapting to the changing conditions around Switzerland,
this Switzerland was protected after WWII from reproaches
having had a policy which had gone with the wind and
mainstream in Europe - thus there is the question to the
smart-aleck enemies of neutrality - what had been with
Switzerland when it had not been neutral during WWII? What
had been when we had made war at the side of Germany
having our "place at the sun" (how some Swiss wanted it)?
What had happened when we - surrounded by Nazi territories
- had proclaimed that we would enter the war on the side
of the allies? What hat been with Swiss population, with
the refugees, with the local Jews and with the Jewish
refugees? Asking for alternatives there is only the
conclusion that there was no other solution than the armed
neutrality! Edgar Bonjour [Swiss historian with a big but
censored history work about Switzerland] having presented
this neutrality in an excellent and objective way was
confessing after his studies for years that he is an
"absolute fan of this guideline in Swiss foreign policy".
Compared with Sweden, Portugal or Spain is coming out that
Switzerland had the most consequent and strongest way of
(orig. in German:
15. Heute wird keine Gelegenheit ausgelassen, um
die Staatsmaxime Neutralität mit Füssen zu treten und
die damalige Verteidigungsbereitschaft der Armee zu
bespötteln. Interessanterweise tun dies gerade
diejenigen politischen Kreise, welche schon in den
30er Jahren die militärische Landesverteidigung
bekämpft und hintertrieben haben und die auch heute
gegen die Armee und die bewaffnete Neutralität agieren
und - einmal mehr - für den Frieden schwärmen, den zu
verteidigen ihnen zu mühsam wäre. Adolf Muschg
bezeichnete in der Berner Zeitung die Neutralität als
"einen unanständigen Furz". Nun, der Herr
Literaturprofessor hat seine eigene, zu ihm passende
Sprache. Auch das nationalsozialistische Deutschland
hat 1940 die bewaffnete schweizerische Neutralität
"als durch die Ereignisse völlig überholt und mit der
Neuordnung Europas unvereinbar" bezeichnet (dieser
Satz ist Ihnen aus der heutigen Zeit nicht unbekannt).
Gerade weil die Schweiz ihre Neutralität zu einer
immerwährenden erklärt hat, weil sie ihre
Aussenpolitik nicht ständig den veränderlichen
Verhältnissen anpasste, war sie nach dem Zweiten
Weltkrieg vor dem Vorwurf geschützt, ihren Mantel um
des momentanen Vorteils willen nach dem Winde gehängt
zu haben. Was - so möchte man die neunmalklugen
Neutralitätsgegner fragen - wäre aus der Schweiz
geworden, wenn sie im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht neutral
geblieben wäre? Was wäre geschehen, wenn wir uns an
der Seite der Deutschen in den Krieg gestürzt hätten,
um auch einen "Platz an der Sonne" zu ergattern (wie
es einige Schweizer wollten)? Was wäre geschehen, wenn
wir, umschlossen von Nazideutschland, verkündet
hätten, wir träten auf der Seite der Alliierten in den
Krieg ein? Was wäre geschehen mit dem Schweizervolk,
mit den Flüchtlingen, den hier ansässigen und den
vorübergehend aufgenommenen Juden? Wer die
Alternativen untersucht, muss zum Schluss kommen, dass
es ausser der bewaffneten Neutralität keine Lösung
gab! Edgar Bonjour, der sich mit der Geschichte
unserer Neutralität in fachlich hervorragender und
objektiver Weise verdient gemacht hat, bekannte sich
nach seinen jahrelangen Studien als "unbedingten
Anhänger unserer aussenpolitischen Maxime". Ein
Vergleich mit Schweden, Portugal oder Spanien zeige,
dass die Schweiz die konsequenteste und strengste
Neutralitätsauffassung vertreten habe).
Well, this "neutrality" also protected the big Nazis, when
they passed Switzerland for South "America", and Swiss
lawyers brought them their funds in diplomatic suit cases,
and Swiss banksters and lawyers were robbing Jewish bank
accounts under the protection of the bank secret when Jews
did not come back. And Swiss government knew about all
this. This is Swiss "neutrality"...
-- at last "the tough and the resistant people did push
through in our country":
<Point 16: Also in those times not everybody had the
force to withstand the pressure which came from outside.
There were weak persons, there were adapters and creepers
who always came up, who will exist today and also in the
future. There were some measures taken by the authorities
- instigated by employees remote from everyday life - like
the Jewish stamp rejecting Jews with a stamp in their
passport at the frontier, rejecting Jews at the hermetic
border after 1942, refugees were expelled, and there was a
rigorous censorship of the authorities - all this is not
understandable looking backward and can be criticized.
Here and there also was an adaptive behavior to
threatening Germany. All this is proved in historic
investigations already. But the decisive point is that the
Swiss population was resistant at the end and had a will
of resistance. Looking backwards all states have to
complain such singular cases and faults. But the main
point is the view as a whole, and here Switzerland did not
fail, but did reward itself. Who had the idea to reproach
to England the policy of Chamberlain, to reproach to the
"U.S.A." their late entry into the war, the Soviet Union
the non-aggression pact with Hitler? All this cannot
diminish their contribution to the liberation of Europe.
(orig. in German:
16. Auch damals hatten in unserem Lande nicht
alle die Kraft, der Gefahr und dem Druck von aussen
standzuhalten. Es gab Schwache, es gab Anpasser und
Leisetreter, die es immer gab, heute gibt und auch in
Zukunft geben wird. Einzelne behördliche Massnahmen -
angeregt durch lebensfremde, eigenmächtige Bürokraten
- wie der Judenstempel, die Bestimmungen, wonach Juden
für jüdische Flüchtlinge selbst aufzukommen hatten,
die hermetisch abgeriegelte Grenze nach 1942, die
Ausweisung von Flüchtlingen, aber auch die zu
rigorosen Zensurbestimmungen der Behörden sind im
Rückblick unverständlich und zu kritisieren. Da und
dort war auch ein allzu willfähriges Verhalten dem
bedrohlichen Deutschland gegenüber festzustellen. All
dies ist in historischen Untersuchungen längst belegt
worden. Entscheidend ist aber, dass sich letztlich die
Widerstandsfähigen und Widerstandswilligen in unserem
Lande durchgesetzt haben. Alle Staaten haben
rückblickend in Einzelfällen solche Fehler zu
beklagen. Es kommt aber auf das Ganze an, und hier hat
die Schweiz nicht versagt, sondern sich ausgezeichnet.
Wem käme es in den Sinn, den Engländern in erster
Linie die Politik Chamberlains, den Amerikanern das zu
späte Eingreifen in den Krieg, der Sowjetunion in
erster Linie den Nichtangriffspakt mit Hitler
vorzuwerfen? All dies kann doch das grosse Verdienst
dieser Staaten bei der Befreiung Europas nicht
But resistance in Switzerland stopped where the profit
with the Third Reich began, and was even going on and on
after 1945 yet. Furthermore Switzerland was NEVER
denazified after 1945 which can be seen in this political
party of SVP of Mr. Blocher, because they know precisely
which fact has to be omitted to present oneself in a "good
-- after June 1940 after the occupation of France by the
German Wehrmacht Swiss government got week in the knees
when German tanks were placed in the Jura Mountains, and
General Guisan was not looking for support in the Swiss
government but in the Swiss population, and Switzerland
did "stick out" the situation:
<In 1940 - during the culmination point of danger [when
France was occupied in June 1940] - Swiss government
member [Foreign Minister] Pilet-Golaz hold a speech for an
adaption to the Reich. He had meetings with Swiss Nazis in
the Federal Building. German fighters violated Swiss
airspace and this was tolerated. General Guisan had to
rely on the population now because after 1940 he could not
count on the resistance of the Swiss government any more.
According to the meaning of Hermann Böschenstein our
country had a weak period after 1940 when the firm
government members Minger and Obrecht were going. We had
the weakest Federal Council [Swiss Government] since the
foundation of this Council (What history will say in 50
years about the today's Swiss Government Federal Council
has to be left open!) But there is something wonderful:
Switzerland did stick it out despite of some inconstancy
from time to time on the highest level.
(orig. in German:
1940 - auf dem Höhepunkt der Gefährdung -
verunsicherte Bundesrat Pilet-Golaz das Schweizervolk
mit einer anpasserischen Rede. Er gab den Fröntlern
die Ehre eines Empfanges im Bundeshaus. Man duldete
Luftraumverletzungen. General Guisan musste sich immer
wieder direkt auf das Volk stützen, weil er dem
Widerstandswillen des Bundesrates nach 1940 nicht mehr
recht traute. Nach Meinung von Hermann Böschenstein
hatte unser Land 1940, nach dem Rücktritt der
standfesten Bundesräte Minger und Obrecht, den
schwächsten Bundesrat nach Gründung des Bundesstaates
(Was die Geschichte in fünfzig Jahren über den
heutigen Bundesrat sagen wird, muss offen bleiben!)
Aber dies war das Wunderbare: Die Schweiz hielt durch,
trotz zeitweiligem Wankelmut auf höchster Ebene. (S.5)
This is another big lie when one considers all the
collaboration from obscuration up to rocket parts and the
flood of high Nazi members passing Switzerland also in
1946 yet. Switzerland with it's censorship was a Nazi
Switzerland and the managers of the industries made their
profits of their life. Bührle for example was a German
producing weapons for the Third Reich in Zurich in
Oerlikon District, and all was allowed, and after 1945 he
could keep all the profit. There were some resident
complexes built then ...
-- many people of "leading circles" collaborated, but "the
population" was resisting for ever despite of censorship
and full powers for the government and despite of the
adapting Swiss Foreign Minister Pilet-Golaz:
<Point 17: When here is the question about adaption and
resistance, so there also the question has to be put who
was an adaptive person from 1933 to 1945: the population
or some of the so called leading upper class of policy,
economy and society? The answer is very clear: The
population was far more willing for resistance and
defended it's sovereignty in a very decisive way than many
people of the leading circles. Much was concealed from the
population: Swiss popular rights were limited in those
years, there was a censorship, the government acted with
additional full powers. Federal Council was partly copying
the language of the totalitarian political culture of the
Fascist enemy. Thus Foreign Minister Pilet-Golaz was
saying in his adaptive speech of 1940: "Time of the inner
rebirth has come". He called Swiss people "to follow the
government as a sure and devoted leader who cannot explain
every decision and who will not have to explain and to
justify every decision". Pilet thought in an absolute
elitist way. He saw the population only as a shadow of
mass without any will, and he compared the democracy with
an old, falling leave.
This tendency of the governing class to eliminate the
people's voice concerning their "higher conclusions"
evading people's votes we know also today! Also here we
can learn from history: Isn't it like this that there are
also leading circles who want to adapt and to hand over
essential democratic rights to a centralist bureaucracy in
But it can be hoped that such tendencies will wreck today
like they failed in former times; they will fail at the
drive for independence, at the spirit of contradiction, at
a certain independent line of Swiss people, will fail at
the many different political cultures of our country, will
fail at federalism and at the sovereignty of our
population which should never been handed over.
(orig. in German:
17. Wenn hier die Frage von Anpassung und
Widerstand aufgeworfen wird, so ist die Frage zu
stellen, wer denn 1933 bis 1945 allenfalls zu
anpasserisch war: das Volk oder einige der sogenannt
führenden Leute in der Politik, der Wirtschaft und der
Gesellschaft? Die Antwort ist eindeutig: Das Volk war
weit widerstandswilliger und verteidigte die
Souveränität weit entschlossener als viele Leute in
führenden Kreisen. Vieles blieb dem Volk verborgen:
Die Schweizer Volksrechte waren in jenen Jahren
eingeschränkt, es herrschte die Pressezensur, die
Regierung regierte mit zusätzlichen Vollmachten. Der
Bundesrat übernahm zuweilen die Sprache und die
totalitäre politische Kultur des faschistischen
Gegners. So sagte Aussenminister Pilet-Golaz in seiner
anpasserischen Rede von 1940: "Der Zeitpunkt der
inneren Wiedergeburt ist gekommen." Er rief das
Schweizervolk auf, "der Regierung als sicherem und
hingebendem Führer, der seine Entscheidungen nicht
immer wird erklären, erläutern und begründen müssen",
zu folgen. Pilet dachte durch und durch elitär, sah im
Volke nur eine dumpfe, willenlose Masse und verglich
die Demokratie mit einem welken, fallenden Blatt.
Die Tendenz der Regierenden, sich bei ihrer "höheren
Einsicht" vom Volke höchst ungern dreinschwatzen zu
lassen, Volksentscheide möglichst zu umgehen, kennen
wir auch heute! Auch hier können wir aus der
Geschichte lernen: Wollen nicht auch heute führende
Kreise auf anpasserische Weise wesentliche
demokratische Rechte an eine zentralistische
Bürokratie in Brüssel abtreten?
Es ist aber zu hoffen, dass solche Tendenzen heute
ebenso scheitern wie damals; scheitern am
Selbständigkeitsdrang, am Widerspruchsgeist, an einer
gewissen Eigenbrötlerei des Schweizers, scheitern an
der vielfältigen politischen Kultur unseres Landes, am
Föderalismus und an der Volkssouveränität, die wir
nicht preisgeben dürfen).
Well, in this "population" also many were working for
those who were on the way with their swastika. They were
blowing Swiss installations, were working as spies, have
shifted documents, sold stolen stocks at the bourse in
Switzerland, have organized auctions for robbed goods from
concentrations camps in Switzerland, have always given the
Nazis foreign currency, were always willing to print
reviews like "Signal" (Das Signal) in the sense for a
final victory etc., there were Swiss people denouncing
other people, or there were Swiss people taking their
flight in May 1940 with their cars into the Alps, or there
were Swiss people collaborating with secret action for the
transaction of Nazi funds by manipulated orders in the
Swiss industries etc. Swiss banksters concealed everything
what they had done for the Nazis, Swiss Railway was making
profits without end with the transit passing the alps (a
marching-through) for the Third Reich passing Gotthard
Tunnel or Simplon Tunnel etc. etc. Mr. Blocher and Mr.
Mörgeli know this exactly and they know what they have to
omit to stay in a "good light", but thanks for God there
are also other historians in Switzerland...
But above all there is not one single attack known
committed by Swiss resistance against the railway lines
blocking this transit for the Axis Powers passing the
Alps!. That means, this "resistance" against the ideology
of the Third Reich seems having been very weak or not at
all present. Since the victory against France in 1940
whole Switzerland was heading for Berlin with the
exception of the Communists - waiting for a victory
against Moscow. According to indications from German
contemporary witnesses there were German radio broadcasts
describing the mood in Switzerland with the fact that 90%
were for Hitler and his Nazism. Thus after the German
victory against France Nazism was penetrating all
Switzerland without changing any name of any political
-- since May 1940 the Third Reich propagated a "New
Europe", also when the final victory against Communism was
not scored yet at all, [and also when the most important
ally against Russia - Japan - was lost!]. Goebbels's
propaganda with a "New Europe" was going on and on but
nobody believed it. Goebbels meant that it would be a
disadvantage not to be member of "New Europe". Also the
voices of the managers in Switzerland who claimed for an
adaption remained blocked by the resistance.
<Point 18: But also a part of the leading circles of
the economy was urging for an adaption to the surrounding
big power. They wanted a sudden and strong guideline to
"New Europe" (well, this is only a repeated story - and
also today - we have persons making propaganda with a "New
Europe"). Many economy leaders believed in propaganda
minister Goebbels who proclaimed on March 25, 1941 that
Germany's goal was a new order in Europe which would be an
advantage for every state (also these songs are not
unknown for us). When Switzerland had not the wish
participating - Goebbels said - then this would be up to
them, but there will be only economic disadvantages for
them (well, these tones we know also from our days!).
Goebbels said that with the time also Swiss population
would understand the new beginning time (also this
prophecy we know from our present days). Reading the
protocols from the general meetings from leading Swiss
industrial companies, and reading the claims of the
associations of economy, and reading the claims of the
representatives of the labor unions of those times, there
is an astonishing adaptive tone and the words are
remembering to the new and to the latest times of today.
But decisive is - and this is the wonderful fact - that
not one of these "decisive" voices could push itself
through. The will for resistance in the Swiss population
was too strong.
(orig. in German:
18. Aber auch ein Teil der führenden Kreise der
Wirtschaft forderte damals die Anpassung an die uns
umgebende Grossmacht, eine sofortige und stramme
Ausrichtung an das sogenannte "neue Europa" (wie oft
wurde doch in der Geschichte und - auch heute wieder -
mit einem "neuen Europa" hantiert). Viele
Wirtschaftsführer glaubten Propagandaminister
Goebbels, der am 25. März 1941 verkündet hatte, die
von Deutschland angestrebte Neuordnung Europas biete
jedem Staat nur Vorteile (auch diese Schalmeien kommen
uns nicht unbekannt vor). Wünsche die Schweiz nicht
mitzumachen - so Goebbels - sei das ihre Sache, werde
aber zu ihrem wirtschaftlichen Nachteil ausschlagen
(wer kennt denn diese Töne nicht aus heutigen Tagen!).
Allmählich werde auch das Schweizervolk die
anbrechende Zeit verstehen (auch heute kennt man
solche Prophezeiungen). Liest man die damaligen
Protokolle von Generalversammlungen führender
Schweizer Industriegesellschaften, liest man die
Forderungen der Wirtschaftsverbände, aber auch der
Vertreter der Gewerkschaften aus dieser Zeit, erstaunt
der anpasserische Ton und erinnert in der Wortwahl an
neue und neueste Zeiten. Ent- (S.6)
scheidend aber ist wieder - und das ist das Wunderbare
- keine dieser "massgebenden" Stimmen konnte sich
damals durchsetzen. Der Widerstandswille blieb
There was an "appeal of 200", the appeal of Swiss
industrials for an adaption of Switzerland. But they could
not posh themselves through. There was also a first
outline of the speech of General Guisan on the location of
Rütli with the project of an adaption of Switzerland - but
could not be realized either. But there were realized many
other actions for the Third Reich:
-- there were sanitary missions of the Red Cross for the
Wehrmacht during the Russian Campaign
-- there were gold transactions
-- there were auctions
-- there were sellings of robbed stocks at the bourse in
-- there was the obscuration in favor of the Third Reich
(violating any neutrality: Neutral country has to mark
it's border lines!)
-- free credit for the Third Reich
etc. etc.
And certain Swiss military members like Bircher even
wanted Swiss Army as a part in the Russian Campaign. All
this is concealed in the speech of Mr. Blocher - which is
probably written by lying "historian" Mörgeli. And
Swiss saying in the population was: During the day we work
for Hitler, and during the night we pray for the allies...
-- also "U.S.A." were stone-hearted and often antisemitic
against Jews - and Swiss population was stronger than
Swiss government Federal Council who was closing the
borders at the end of 1942 completely:
<Point 19: It is hardly understandable why the states
of the world of those times were so stone-hearted and
cruel to the Jews. Only few have a reason to point on the
others: In the book about Jew savior from Saint Gallen,
Paul Grueninger from 1993 can be read: "Heinrich Rothmund
from Federal Migration Department was collaborating with
Swiss Israelite Community Federation and with many Social
Democrat police chiefs 'in a very loyal way' as it can be
read in speeches and in letters from those years."
There was a refugee's conference in 1938 in Evian [in
France near Geneva] under the presidency of the "U.S.A.",
and there was no concrete result because no state wanted
the Jewish refugees. There was a ship "Saint Louis" with
over 900 mainly Jewish refugees coming to Florida in May
1939 and the coastal police of the "U.S.A." was rejecting
the ship so the captain had to go back to Europe and the
passengers were mostly murdered later by the Nazis. In
1940 Swiss consul from the "U.S.A." in Berne was reporting
that in open "America" almost the half of the "Americans"
were sympathizing with the anti-Semits. In 1942 the
"American" senate was rejecting a project admitting 20,000
Jewish children saving them from the gas chambers [tunnel
systems, mass shootings, epidemics, secret deportations to
the Gulag]. Switzerland in those times had 29,500 Jewish
Sweden was geopolitically in a really better situation and
had only 12,000 Jewish refugees. Switzerland had accepted
more than the typical emigration countries Canada,
Australia, New Zealand and South Africa had together. But
Switzerland also had rejected about 30,000 Jewish
refugees. Refugee policy of Switzerland which is analyzed
and reported in different publications is no glorious
chapter of it's history. Switzerland unfortunately was no
special case in this question! (It's just not so good when
one does not want to be a special case). Switzerland
unfortunately was in good company.
Here all other states have their bad history. But there
was something astonishing: In the population - which was
taking notice only late from these measures [that the
borders were shut at the end of 1942] - in the churches,
in the political parties (from the right to the left)
there was a resistance coming up against this refugee
policy of the authorities. The outrage from the side of
the population was so powerful that the Swiss government
was forced to loosen the closing of the borders.>
(orig. in German:
19. Es ist schwer verständlich, weshalb sich
damals alle Staaten der Welt den Juden gegenüber
hartherzig und grausam zeigten. Wenige haben hier
Grund, mit dem Finger auf die andern zu zeigen: Im
Buch über den St. Galler Judenretter Paul Grüninger
von 1993 steht: "Heinrich Rothmund und die
Eidgenössische Fremdenpolizei arbeiteten mit dem
Schweizerischen Israelitischen Gemeindebund und mit
vielen sozialdemokratischen Polizeidirektoren 'aufs
Loyalste' zusammen, wie in Reden und Briefen aus jenen
Jahren immer mal wieder geschrieben steht."
Die Flüchtlingskonferenz von 1938 in Evian unter
amerikanischem Präsidium verlief ohne konkrete
Ergebnisse, da kein Staat die Flüchtlinge aufnehmen
wollte. Dem Schiff "Saint Louis" mit über 900
hauptsächlich jüdischen Flüchtlingen wurde im Mai 1939
das Anlegen in Florida durch Küstenwachboote der USA
verwehrt; der Kapitän musste nach Europa zurückkehren,
die meisten Passagiere wurden später durch die Nazis
umgebracht. 1940 berichtete der Schweizer Konsul aus
den USA nach Bern, sogar im offenen Amerika
sympathisiere fast die Hälfte der Amerikaner mit den
Antisemiten. 1942 verwarf der amerikanische Senat eine
Vorlage, welche 20'000 jüdischen Kindern die Rettung
vor den Gaskammern ermöglicht hätte. Die Schweiz hat
damals 29'500 jüdische Flüchtlinge aufgenommen.
Schweden, in einer unvergleichlich besseren
geopolitischen Situation, nur deren 12'000. Die
Schweiz hat mehr aufgenommen als die typischen
Auswanderungsländer Kanada, Australien, Neuseeland und
Südafrika zusammen. Aber die Schweiz hat auch ca.
30'000 jüdische Flüchtlinge zurückgewiesen. Die
Flüchtlingspolitik der Schweiz, die ja in
verschiedenen Publikationen ausführlich geschildert
ist, ist kein Ruhmesblatt in ihrer Geschichte. Die
Schweiz war leider in dieser Frage kein Sonderfall!
(Es ist halt nie gut, wenn man kein Sonderfall sein
will.) Sie fand sich leider in "guter Gesellschaft".
Hier haben alle Staaten ihre unrühmliche Geschichte.
Aber es geschah Erstaunliches: Im Volk - das erst
später von diesen Massnahmen erfuhr -, in den Kirchen,
in den Parteien (von rechts bis links) erhob sich
augenblicklich Widerstand gegen die Flüchtlingspolitik
der Behörden. Die Empörung von Seiten des Volkes war
so mächtig, dass der Bundesrat gezwungen war, die
Grenzschliessung wieder zu lockern).
All is right with it but there are again things left out.
For example there were many denunciations: Nazi Swiss were
denouncing Swiss who sheltered Jewish refugees etc. And
the denouncers were rewarded. Switzerland was a Nazi
country. There was not one single attack against the
railway lines against the eternal marching-through with
railway transit passing the alps. There was not one single
attack to a Nazi German institution in Switzerland. And
there was also hardly any manipulation of armament parts
as it was normal in Germany by the forced workers from
eastern Europe etc. There was hardly any resistance in
Switzerland. Mental resistance - what is this? In fact it
is nothing!
-- there was a time with hard work, austerities,
persistence and constancy:
<Point 20: There is nothing to lie: Also when some
decisions were wrong, also when the behavior of some
persons was very dubious and adaptive - as a whole
Switzerland of these times earns it's respect, esteem and
admiration for it's policy [with free credit for the
Reich?]. There is nothing to excuse [!!!] - to the
contrary: Swiss population was fighting so Switzerland was
not in any war or occupied by foreign troops, was bewared
from death, hunger and misery, working hard, with
deprivations, with perseverance and with constancy. The
state's government did the following important things:
-- going back to the guideline to an integral, this means
complete neutrality
-- keeping the democratic order [when all were heading to
Berlin in 1940?]
-- decisive defense preparedness [when the army retired to
the Alps from August 1940 to 1944?]
-- installing a war economy which had it's main character
with the short words: "prevention, welfare, work and
-- with a controlled commercial system according to the
principles "relations in foreign business to all sides" by
reasons of neutrality and by reasons of supply and also by
reasons of exportation policy [to all sides when there
were only Nazi territories around Switzerland 1940 to
-- the entrenchment of these guidelines in the population
resulting with an absolute will of persistence and
To claim that the decisive policy of defense was a
failure, considering the bad situation of these days, can
only say somebody who is self-righteous, hypocritical and
is believing in a moralist way not having committed any
fault himself, and who never had to take heavy decisions.
This has - together with the extraordinary performance of
our ancestors - to counter the loud attacks when one wants
to defend the historical facts and values of the Swiss
(original in German:
20. Es gibt nichts daran zu rütteln: Auch wenn
einzelne Entscheide falsch, das Verhalten einzelner
Personen damals fragwürdig und anpasserisch war - im
gesamten verdient die damalige Schweiz Respekt,
Hochachtung und Bewunderung für ihre Politik. Hier
gibt es nichts zu entschuldigen - im Gegenteil: Das
Schweizervolk hat die Verschonung vor Krieg und
fremder Besetzung, vor Tod, Hunger und Elend errungen
in harter Arbeit, mit Entbehrungen, Durchhaltewillen
und Standhaftigkeit. Von Seiten des Staates waren
-- die Rückkehr zur integralen, d.h. vollständigen
-- das unbedingte Festhalten an der demokratischen
-- die entschlossene Verteidigungsbereitschaft der
-- eine Kriegswirtschaft, die geprägt war von der
knappen Formel: "Vorsorge, Fürsorge, Arbeit und
-- ein kontrolliertes Handelssystem nach den
Grundsätzen "Aussenhandelsbeziehungen nach allen
Seiten", sowohl aus Neutralitäts- und
Versorgungsgründen wie auch aus exportpolitischen
-- die Verankerung dieser Maximen im Volk und der
daraus resultierende Durchhalte- und
Die entschlossene Verteidigungspolitik generell als
Versagen anprangern, kann angesichts der damaligen
schwierigen Situation nur, wer selbstgerecht,
heuchlerisch und moralistisch glaubt, selber keine
Fehler zu machen und wer nie schwierige Entscheidungen
zu treffen hat. Dies ist - zusammen mit der
ausserordentlichen Leistung unserer Vorfahren - den
lautstarken Angriffen entgegenzusetzen, falls einem an
den geschichtlichen Tatsachen und dem Wert eines
schweizerischen Staates gelegen ist. (S.8)
But let's see also this:
-- for the internees there were real concentration camps
in Switzerland with fence and with ward towers
-- the internees had to perform bonded labor, were
building new mountain streets in the Alps, for example in
central Switzerland, and memorial plates were fixed for
them, but then the memorial plates were taken off and so
on, and
-- there were penalties without end because of little
faults of Swiss people who partly really were suffering
In a certain way all the praise does not match. Nazi SVP
has just no sociology in their policy. Critics are NO
self-righteous hypocritics. And when Mr. Blocher is
speaking about the "performance of our ancestors" then
this seems really a little bit self-righteous because his
grandfathers were Germans and his family was on the
Germans side during WWII and had nothing to do with the
foundation of Switzerland at all. But from his family
nobody is NEVER telling anything. In some way there is
concealed much in this case...
There is one lie and one more and one more - uttered by
this propagandist Christoph Blocher.
Chapter 2: About so called "reprocessing" of history
(orig. German: II. Zur sogenannten "Aufarbeitung" der
Here Mr. Blocher is doubting the independence of the
commission of historians in Switzerland in the meaning
that for example historian Tanner had been a secret
communist because he had written something about Marxism
in one of his works (p.9).
But when we see the huge number of lies in the speech of
Blocher which was probably written by liar Mörgeli one can
see where the truth is to have - for sure not with Mr.
Chapter 3: about self-righteous, hypocrites and other
moralists (orig. in German: III. Von Selbstgerechten,
Heuchlern und anderen Moralisten)
Jewish organizations with their leaders Singer and
Bronfman etc. were claiming for the compensation for the
robbed Jewish bank accounts. And now Blocher said: This is
only a claim for money, not for moral, but for bucks.
There would dominate a "hypocratic self-righteousness",
and the situation of the former times is never considered.
And then Blocher is making it's propaganda against the
All in all Switzerland had the mission to
<keep the democratic form of the state of Switzerland
without any change, and this was fulfilled. This is a high
moral. This counts! This earns respect and adoration. When
Switzerland had gone the way of the today's "moralists',
then Switzerland had - with perhaps 100,000s dead people -
been eliminated, but the moralists had kept their clean
slate. And this is immoral!> (p.10)
(orig. in German:
"demokratische Schweiz unversehrt zu erhalten, erfüllt.
Das ist moralisch hochstehend. Das zählt! Das verdient
Respekt und Bewunderung. Wäre die Schweiz den Weg der
heutigen 'Moralisten' gegangen, wäre sie damals - mit
vielleicht Hunderttausenden von Toten - untergegangen,
aber diese Moralisten hätten ihre reine Weste gewahrt.
Und das ist unmoralisch!" (S.10)
Propagandist Mr. Blocher wants to determine what "counts"
and what does "not count"? Well, in this way one cannot
make history. And with this statement he definitely has
made his coming out as a betrayer in the case of
presentation of history. Well, what did the Swiss Nazi
government (Federal Council) since 1944? After the
conference of Strasbourg in 1944 he was organizing for all
big Nazis their flight to South "America", also in 1946
yet, and at the same time they kept their "clean slate".
Did anybody tell anything about "moral"?
Then Mr. Blocher means that it had not been possible for
Switzerland to keep a clean record from the time of WWII
from 1939 until 1945. This would not have been possible
with the barbaric regimes around Switzerland.
Well, alone the military protection of the railway lines
for the transit passing the Alps is help enough for such a
barbaric regime which had the goal occupying Middle East
and Palestine coming from Africa catching all Jews living
there. Propagandist did simply not mention this...
-- Mr. Blocher does not want to hear any apologize:
<It also corresponds to the moralists that they are
apologizing for all possible things; the lightest form of
apologize is going on apologizing for things one had no
responsibility nor competence. Thus one can really show
one's clean slate. For the deeds of our fathers and
grandfathers, and the war generation can easily
apologized. But there is nothing more with this than
humiliating and hurting those who had a big responsibility
in those time, and this is indifferent to the moralists.
(orig. in German:
Es entspricht den Moralisten auch, dass sie sich
für alles mögliche entschuldigen; am leichtesten geht
dies, wenn man sich für Dinge entschuldigen kann, für
die man weder verantwortlich noch zuständig war. So
kann man seine blütenweisse Weste noch besser zur
Schau stellen. Für die Taten unserer Väter und
Grossväter, für die Kriegsgeneration lässt es sich
leicht entschuldigen. Dass damit aber nichts anderes
getan wird, als diejenigen, die damals schwere
Verantwortung trugen, zu erniedrigen und zu verletzen,
ist den Moralisten gleichgültig. (S.11)
Well, Mr. Blocher should apologize for his sins of
omission in this speech, but it can be supposed that this
text was written by the big liar and "historian" Mörgeli
and Blocher did only read it. All in all this
"clarification" is not coming far respectively the word
"clarification" in the title is already a big lie, as
almost all in the Nazi-SVP is a big lie...
Chapter 4: There is a new disc (orig. German: IV. Die
neue Schallplatte)
Now the speech claims that the different sides of 1997
would only "make their profits" with the new "accounting
for the past". Some groups wanted just to give up the
sovereignty and the neutrality of Switzerland, reduce
people's rights, give more power to the leading upper
class, and government member Cotti claimed that this
attack from the "USA" would be a punishment for the solo
run of Switzerland and it's rejection of EU and of EEA.
Blocher means, when the argument of the "big economic
advantages" would not be attractive any more for an
accession to the EU, then the political propagandists have
to find new arguments, and this is Cotti.
The lecture also claims that any other collaboration of
any other neutral state is never mentioned. Swiss
Government (Federal Council) even means that he would not
be capable to defend Switzerland from the attacks of JWC
from the "U.S.A." and from the attacks of the Jewish
Agency from Israel, because Switzerland would be alone and
would not be a member of the EU (p.12).
Chapter 5: What's to do? (orig. German: V. Was ist zu
According to Mr. Blocher it's not clear yet what about are
the claims of JWC from "U.S.A.".
There are excessive claims from "U.S.A." and they have to
be rejected. When left propagandists call this rejection
as "antisemitic" then one should not be impressed by these
leftest and their propaganda. One has to counter the
claims, because only then will be respect. The discussion
about the behavior of Switzerland in Second World War is
old and not new. But in the 1990s there are not living
many contemporary witnesses any more and that's why the
high claims by the Jewish organizations would come only
now because the defense would be always weaker (p.13).
Good logic of Mr. Blocher - all Swiss banksters and
lawyers should keep the robbed Jewish bank accounts. When
there are new documents then there are new documents, and
when documents were blocked 50 years then they come out 50
years after 1945. This has nothing to do with contemporary
witnesses. This is one more lie of Mr. Blocher and big
liar Mr. Mörgeli as it seems...
Chapter 6: How Switzerland was managing such situations
in former times? (orig. German: VI. Wie ist denn die
Schweiz früher in solchen Situationen aufgetreten?)
Switzerland has to make propaganda for more understanding
for it's neutrality. Foreign countries have to be taught
again and again when the situation is for Switzerland to
be neutral rejecting any conflict. This had been in the
past and will also be in the future like this (p.14).
Chapter 7: Where can be found these decisive statements
today? (orig. German: VII. Wo sind diese entschiedenen
Stellungnahmen heute zu finden?)
The decisive presence of Swiss government with neutrality
cannot be seen in these days:
-- neutrality is not taken earnest at all
-- in every corner there is a claim for adaption
-- direct democracy and the voter's will are always
disregarded more and more
-- Swiss government Federal Council is apologizing abroad
for people's votes
-- Swiss government Federal Council wants to "relativize"
democracy and neutrality or wants even to make it
impossible integrating Switzerland into the EU
-- Swiss government Federal Council has even doubts about
the sovereignty of the country.
Therefore the present Swiss government can hardly defend
the attacks of the Jewish organizations.
Point 2: Threats of boycott should be absolutely rejected.
Who is conceding one time will be subject to blackmail for
Point 3: Funds without owners are not only Jewish
accounts. A new agreement can be presented to the
Point 4: The foundation for humanitarian purposes is
private and without any collaboration of the statal
authorities and without any tax money of Swiss tax payers.
Point 5: A compensation because of "allegedly wrong Swiss
politics in commerce and economy" from 1939 until 1945 has
to be rejected. Mr. Blocher does not want to know anything
of any collaboration because all this would only be
"economy". Mr. Blocher really becomes mad now defining all
had been for "surviving"!
<Point 5: A compensation - under what title whatever -
for a wrong Swiss policy in commerce and economy during
WWII - is out of question. The commercial policy of
Switzerland during WWII with the occupied territories of
Germany was absolutely legal, and for Switzerland - aside
of an armed defense - this was essential for survival. No
company of Switzerland which had commerce with those
countries has to accept any reproach because of this. All,
also worker's unions, Social Democrats, the whole
population, were aware that these measures were necessary
for the survival of the country. When economy, banks,
federal boards or anybody else would have to pay a
compensation for this economic policy or had to apologize
for it, then this would allow an unjustified critic to the
policy of these former times of our country. This would
mean that one had to apologize for an economic policy
which bewared the population from death by hunger. As
there was no other possibility in those times to save the
country such a critic or such a compensation would be a
treason of our population!
(orig. in German:
5. Eine Entschädigung - unter welchem Titel auch
immer - für eine angeblich verfehlte schweizerische
Handels- und Wirtschaftspolitik während des Zweiten
Weltkrieges kommt nicht in Frage. Die Handelspolitik
der Schweiz während des Krieges mit von Deutschland
besetzten Gebieten, war nicht nur rechtmässig, sondern
für die Schweiz – neben der bewaffneten Verteidigung -
überlebenswichtig. Kein Unternehmen der Schweiz,
welches damals mit diesen Ländern Handel betrieben
hat, muss sich deswegen einen Vorwurf gefallen lassen.
Alle, auch Gewerkschaften, Sozialdemokraten, die
gesamte Bevölkerung, waren sich bewusst, dass diese
Massnahmen für das Überleben des Landes notwendig
waren. Würden nun die Wirtschaft, die Banken, der Bund
oder wer auch immer für diese Wirtschaftspolitik Geld
bezahlen oder sich gar dafür entschuldigen, so käme
dies einer unberechtigten Kritik an der damaligen
Politik unseres Landes gleich. Dies würde heissen,
sich für eine Wirtschaftspolitik entschuldigen, die
das Volk vor dem Verhungern bewahrte. Da es damals
aber keine andere Möglichkeit gab, unser Land zu
retten, wäre eine solche Kritik oder eine dafür
geleistete Geldzahlung Verrat an unserem Volke! (S.15)
Well, now Mrs. propagandist Blocher is really mad:
-- transit passing the Alps for the Axis Powers was
granted up to April 1945 called essential for survival
-- rocket parts of ABB are defined essential for survival
for Switzerland
-- the flight of the big Nazis from 1944 to 1946 passing
Switzerland to South "America" is defined essential for
-- selling stolen Jewish stocks at the bourse of Zurich is
defined essential for survival
-- selling robbed Jewish jewels from concentration camps
is defined essential for survival etc.
At this place Mr. Blocher - respectively Mr. Mörgeli who
probably wrote this text - are failing completely and are
presenting a complete shit to the Swiss population. Vichy
government in France was even not so "cooperative" like
Nazi Switzerland where 90% of the population turned their
heads to Berlin in June 1940.
Point 6. External trade was a precondition for the
surviving of Switzerland and was essential for survival,
was the "precondition for the survival of our Switzerland"
with parts for rockets and tanks, with credit without
limit for the Third Reich until April 1945, with a transit
passing the Alps until April 1945, with an obscuration
endangering Switzerland, with auctions of robbed Jewish
jewels, with auctions for "degenerated art", with commerce
with looted gold until April 1945, with selling of robbed
Jewish stocks - "for the survival of Switzerland"???
Blocher and Mörgeli are not more than fools.
7. Enrichments have to be clarified:
<Point 7: When after detailed investigations we should
come to the conclusion that Swiss National Bank, other
Swiss banks or companies have enriched themselves or did
not give back funds to the legitimate owner, then the
funds have to be given back to the legitimate owner
respectively to their successors. When these owners or
successors cannot be found and when there is the
conclusion to use such funds in the sense of the victims,
so it shall be done. But also this use has to be in proper
legal forms of the law and all legal claims have to be
clarified. And also such a use has to be with a concluded
(orig. in German:
7. Wenn wir nach sorgfältiger Untersuchung zum
Schluss kommen sollten, dass sich die Nationalbank,
andere Schweizer Banken oder Unternehmungen
unrechtmässig bereichert oder Gelder nicht an die
rechtmässigen Eigentümer zurückerstattet haben, muss
das Geld den rechtmässigen Eigentümern bzw. deren
Erben ausgehändigt werden. Sind diese nicht mehr
eruierbar und kommt man zum Schluss, es sei rechtlich
möglich und richtig, dass man solche Zahlungen im
Sinne der Opfer verwendet, soll dies getan werden.Auch
dies hat aber alles in einwandfreier Form des Rechtes
und von Rechtsansprüchen zu geschehen. Und auch solche
Verwendungen haben unter Abschluss eines Vertrages zu
Point 8: When there is a foundation for Holocaust victims
installed by the order from outside then this foundation
has got an element "beyond belief". The Jewish side will
always speak of a "guilt" against Switzerland.
Additionally Switzerland principally has given money
already: In 1946 Switzerland gave 200 million Swiss
Francs. In those times this amount corresponded to "8.5%
of the federal expenses (!)".
Point 9: When money is spread, then this would be money
from "Swiss population":
<Point 9: Whatever the state will do, the government
has to consider this: The responsibles are spreading funds
of the Swiss population and not their own ones.>
(orig. in German:
9. Was auch
immer der Staat tun will, hat er sich vor Augen zu
halten: Die Verantwortlichen verteilen Geld des
Schweizervolkes und nicht ihr eigenes).
Point 10: Switzerland should not concede because this
would only provoke more claims. This had said Mr. Stucki
already [during negotiations of Switzerland with the "USA"
in 1946 because "USA" blocked Swiss bank accounts in "USA"
because of Swiss collaboration with the Third Reich]. And
such a hard position is essential for a little state.
Mr. propagandist Blocher explaining his version of Swiss
history with a map of 1943, March 18, 1997 [2]
But in 1944 this landscape had completely changed and
Switzerland did NOT give up it's collaboration with the
Third Reich!
There is no advertising with
As long as
this Nazi party SVP is existing Switzerland should
be consequently excluded and boycotted because one
cannot live in peace in this Nazi state of
Photo sources
[1] Mr. racist Blocher at his speech "clarification"
from March 1, 1997:
[2] Mr. propagandist Blocher explaining his version of
Swiss history with a map of 1943, March 18, 1997:
[3] Nazi historian and Baron of the Lies, Mr.
Christoph Mörgeli, Portrait: