There is no advertising with criminals.

As long as this Nazi party SVP is existing Switzerland should be consequently excluded and boycotted because one cannot live in peace in this Nazi state of Switzerland.

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Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party) 11: corrupt newspapers, faked surveys, no sociology

Obstinates with a billionaire - a sect with lies, half truths, manipulations, bribes, propaganda against foreigners without end, propaganda against Germans without end, criminal damage, threats, megalomania - a criminal Nazi Swiss popular party - or better party of complete idiots

Part 11: corruption in Swiss newspapers - manipulated surveys - no sociology

Poster indicating a people's survey with an
              apologize  Poster
              indicating the people's survey against foreigners saying
              "We are ashamed and apologize. Swiss civilians with
              sense for modesty and respect"
Poster indicating a people's survey with an apologize [4], saying "We are ashamed and apologize. Swiss civilians with sense for modesty and respect" [5]
(orig. in German: "Wir schämen und entschuldigen uns. Schweizerbürger mit Sinn für Anstand und Respekt").

Switzerland was NOT denazified in 1945. SVP is not denazified until today.

Wise members of SVP can change to the party of BDP reducing this eternal SVP racism.


by Michael Palomino (2013)



Part 11: corruption in Swiss newspapers - manipulated surveys - no sociology

Activities of Nazi SVP: manipulating newspapers with advertisings, manipulating "surveys", and sociology is 0

Power of criminal Fascist SVP with Swiss newspapers

Anti Racism Law in Switzerland is shaped in a way thus one can make propaganda against foreigners in an easy way. But the problems are NEVER solved despite of all propaganda in the Nazi colors black, red, and white. And probably there is also an extortion of Mr. Blocher working: When this or that advertising is not printed, then also other advertisings will not come. Tin this way "Swiss economy" is working, and not only Swiss economy, but in this way economy is working EVERYWHERE.

The newspaper 20 minutes (20 minuten) for example accepts advertisings of this Fascist SVP and is rejecting advertisings from the Federation of Trade Unions which are critical against SVP maneuvers. In the here presented story there was a discussion about the right of foreigners with a rejected application for naturalization getting an information about the reason and getting the right for an appeal against the rejecting decision. Both was rejected by ShitVP resp. SVP never detecting the point of the problems has advanced that in Switzerland some Yugoslavs with an -ic ending in their name were systematically discriminated and rejected with their naturalization without any indication of reason.

The truth that SVP was destroying more and more the constitutional state with it's propaganda against foreigners was not allowed to be printed, and in this case SVP even wanted to forbid rights for the foreigners.

May 2008: Advertising of Swiss Federation
                      of Trade Unions about scary patriots of SVP
May 2008: Advertising of Swiss Federation of Trade Unions about scary patriots of SVP [1]

They want to destroy the state of law. As "scary patriots" are depicted: Toni Brunner, Christoph Blocher, Ulrich Maurer, Hans Fehr, and Mr. Schlüer.

After the deselection of Mr. racist Blocher in 2007 SVP wanted a revenge and let work it's black energy against foreigners again, and Swiss justice is NOT protecting foreigners from this general propaganda until today (2013)...

A Swiss blog is prescribing the behavior of the newspaper of 20 minutes in May 2008 like this: There are many SVP advertisings in this newspaper but others were forbidden:

<As the blogs "Lupe", "Tomate" and "Blog, dessen Namen man sich nicht merken kann" are informing, the free daily newspaper "20 minutes" ("20 minuten") was rejecting printing an advertising of Swiss Federation of Trade Unions in which dubious SVP politicians are characterized as "scary patriots". There is the question: Is 20 minutes completely under the control of SVP?

Already during the last elections there was the suspicion that this free daily newspaper 20 minutes would serve SVP or at least is permitting being instrumentalized. Online surveys on 20 minutes were manipulated by SVP fans regularly and during the elections whole 20 minutes web site was pasted with SVP banners. In general there is a connection because SVP partisan Natalie Rickli is working at Adlinkmedia and thus the corruption is working well.

But now 20 minutes is demasking definitively always printing lies of SVP but rejecting an advertising of the Federation of Trade Union. Obviously it's no problem when SVP fire starters are defaming our government with advertisings, and it's no problem printing propaganda campaigns against government members - as long as 20 minutes is making money with it.>

(orig. in German:

<Wie Lupe, Tomate und Blog dessen Namen man sich nicht merken kann informiert, hat sich das Gratis-Blatt 20 Minuten geweigert, ein Inserat des Gewerkschaftsbundes zu veröffentlichen, indem gewisse obskure SVP-Politiker als “unheimliche Patrioten” betitelt werden. Ist 20 Minuten komplett unter Kontrolle der SVP?

Bereits anlässlich der letzten Wahlen drängte sich der Verdacht auf, dass die Gratiszeitung 20 Minuten im Dienst der SVP steht oder zumindest zulässt, von diesen instrumentalisiert zu werden. Online-Umfragen auf 20 Minuten wurden mit penetranter Regelmässigkeit von SVP-Sympathisanten manipuliert und während der Wahlen war die gesamte 20 Minuten Website mit SVP Bannern zugekleistert. Soweit muss es einem nicht wundern, die SVP-Partisanin Natalie Rickli arbeitet bei Adlinkmedia, da kann man das Vetterli-Geschäft persönlich forcieren.

Doch nun demaskiert sich 20 Minuten definitiv. Während sie ohne Skrupel die verlogenen Inserate der SVP abdruckt, hat sich dasselbe Blatt geweigert, ein Inserat des Gewerkschaftsbundes zu veröffentlichen. Es ist offenbar kein Problem, wenn SVP-Brandstifter unsere Regierung mit Inseraten in den Dreck ziehen, es ist auch kein Problem, wenn Hetzkampagnen gegen Regierungsmitglieder geführt werden - solange 20 Minuten dabei verdient, scheint es ok zu sein.>

We read the advertising about the scary extremist right wing SVP patriots from May 2008:

<Sie wollen unseren Rechtsstaat zerstören!

nach aussen geben sie sich als Super-Patrioten und Demokraten. In Wirklichkeit wollen sie den Rechtsstaat zerstören: Im Ausland machen sie unsere vom Volk gewollten Gesetze schlecht, sie beschimpfen unsere Richter, sie erpressen eine demokratisch gewählte Bundesrätin [Schlumpf, die anstelle des Hetzers Blocher gewählt wurde], sie halten nichts von der Gewaltenteilung, sie führen in den eigenen Reihen die Sippenhaft ein, Angeschuldigten wird das Recht auf Verteidigung verweigert... Jetzt wollen sie ihr Willkürsystem gar in der Verfassung verankern. NEIN zur SVP-Willkür-Initiative. SGB USS> (Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund, französisch: Union Syndicale Suisse)

<They want to destroy our constitutional state!

They have a facade pretending being super patriots and democrats. But in reality they want to destroy our constitutional state: Abroad they are downgrading Swiss laws which are installed by Swiss voter's majorities, they are insulting our judges, they are extorting our government members who are elected in a democratic way [Schlumpf was elected and Blocher was kicked out], they do not respect the separation of powers, they are introducing kin liability in their own party [when the whole section of SVP of Grisons was kicked out of SVP], blamed people is rejected the right for a defense... Now they want even to implement their system of arbitrariness in the constitution. NO to SVP arbitrariness initiative. SGB USS.>
(Swiss Federation of Worker's Union)

November 2010: a forged "survey" of SVP concerning the topic of "foreigners"

Mentally ill propaganda party of SVP was creating a little bit of "literature":

Mr. Toni Brunner, a "scholar" of racist
            Blocher, a mentally ill and racist chairman of this Fascist
            propaganda party of SVP, without having studied any
            sociology or psychology, with a forged SVP survey about
            foreigners in his hands, November 2010
Mr. Toni Brunner, a "scholar" of racist Blocher, a mentally ill and racist chairman of this Fascist propaganda party of SVP, without having studied any sociology or psychology, with a forged SVP survey about foreigners in his hands, November 2010 [2]

Fascist SVP wanted to prove it's "competence" sending a questionary to every household in Switzerland and promoting this action with a huge poster campaign, of course again with the aggressive Nazi color combination black, red, and white (SVP can afford it, they have the complete idiot billionaire Blocher who has money like "hey", and Nazis in the propaganda groups of SVP love red and black, in this way Hitler was also doing it). And there is the question if there are other funds from other persons but this question is never answered by this SVP - and also Hitler was concealing his funds...

Giant posters in Nazi colors during the "survey" about foreigners

Posters in Nazi colors in black,
                                red, and white with the claim there
                                would be a "people's survey"
                                about foreigners, and there are
                                graffiti, 2010

Posters in Nazi colors in black, red, and white with the claim there would be a "people's survey" about foreigners, and there are graffiti, 2010 [3]

In this case the huge posers consist of 4 posters each. Thus SVP was wasting huge quantities of money. The population is "varying" the posters regularly with graffiti, in this case with the comments: "Foreigners are cooking well" ("Ausländer kochen gut!"), and "Not one foot to the Swiss Fascists" ("Keinen Fussbreit den ch-Faschisten").

These graffiti are indicating truths which are forbidden to say in the Swiss press. Fascism of SVP is clearly proved but not even Brussels is having the courage to say anything because criminal SVP is just dominating everything with it's Swiss secret service - with all connections to Swiss banks and bank accounts. That means, when somebody from Brussels would say something against SVP then Swiss bank accounts of persons of Brussels would be in danger in Switzerland - or the secret bank account would be in danger to leak out. Thus SVP with the leadership of Swiss secret service has a world wide power and is laughing about populations living  in poverty but is NEVER saying that the poverty is provoked by Switzerland and it's bank secret itself. Otherwise there would not be any propaganda against foreigners any more.

The resistance against Fascist party of SVP is always stronger shown here with a neutral comment on a white paper with an excuse to this "survey".

Poster for the
                          people's survey with the excuse  Plakat Ausländer Volksbefragung mit
                          Entschuldigung, Nahaufnahme der
Poster for the people's survey with the excuse [4], zoom of the excuse [5] saying: "We are ashamed and apologize. Swiss civilians with sense for modesty and respect" (orig. in German: "Wir schämen und entschuldigen uns. Schweizerbürger mit Sinn für Anstand und Respekt").

Swiss don't have the courage (yet) to prohibit this Fascist and propagandist party of SVP. But posters in this kind are terrorizing the country of criminal bank secret Switzerland during half of the year. We see that the Nazi swastika flag has just the same colors...

After the completion of the evaluation of the suggestive questions a magazine was printed and sent to all households in Switzerland (and again SVP had money like "hey"). All in all this Fascist SVP has spent several 100,000 Swiss Francs for sure instead of using it for a good purpose mitigating poverty abroad where they could have a good reputation with this reducing asylum waves. Well, the Green Party was investigating this survey well and found
-- 14 fakes
-- 19 lies
-- and 19 times there was omitted an important information presenting the situation "more dramatically".

Let's see how SVP is politically manipulating - the main occupation of this criminal and Fascist political party. But also Green Party can lie...

<SVP-Volksbefragung von den Grünen seziert «Die SVP lügt das Volk an»

BERN - Die SVP butterte hunderttausende Franken in ihre «Volksbefragung». Was dabei rauskomme, sei das Resultat bewusster Fälschungen, kritisieren die Grünen

Heute Nachmittag präsentiert die SVP die Ergebnisse ihrer sehr aufwendigen «Volksbefragung» zur Ausländerthematik. Der grüne Genfer Nationalrat Antonio Hodgers hat bereits vorher eine Website aufgeschaltet, auf der er die Kampagne der Rechtspartei ins Visier nimmt.

In der Broschüre, welche die SVP an Millionen Haushalte verschickt hat und die als Argumentarium für die Umfrage diente, wollen die Grünen 52 Manipulationen festgestellt haben: 14 Fälschungen, 19 Lügen und 19 Mal das bewusste Weglassen von Informationen.

Falsche Statistiken?

Besonders gerne flunkere die SVP bei Grafiken, so der Vorwurf der Grünen. So erschien in der Broschüre eine Zuwanderungskurve, die bis 2008 steil anstieg. Das Jahr 2009, in dem der Trend wieder nach unten zeigte, unterschlug die SVP jedoch. Bei der Grafik zum Ausländeranteil fehlen die Jahre vor 1950, wodurch der Anstieg dramatischer aussieht. Im Jahr 1910 betrug der Ausländeranteil bereits 15 Prozent, er ging danach jedoch bis Zweiten Weltkrieg auf nur noch 5 Prozent zurück.

«Zahlen zu Islam falsch»

Zahlreiche Lügen machen die Grünen beim Kapitel «Wie viel Islam wollen Sie?» aus. So behauptet die SVP, dass die muslimischen Zuwanderer grösstenteils aus Ländern stammten, in denen keine demokratische Rechtsordnung herrsche. Das sei jedoch nachweislich falsch – kommen doch 90 Prozent der hiesigen Muslime aus der Türkei und Balkanstaaten, die durchaus demokratisch sind.

[Nun, hier wird etwas verschwiegen: Die Türkei ist nur dem Schein nach demokratisch. Die türkische Regierung ist aber unberechenbar und setzt die Polizei willkürlich ein, um Leute mundtot zu machen. Ausserdem herrscht noch der Brauch der Zwangsheirat und der Ehrenmorde. Und auf dem Balkan herrscht zum Teil auch noch eine Mentalität der Zwangsheirat und der Ehrenmorde, ausserdem eine Partisanen-Mentalität. Hier lügen also die Grünen und sagen auch nicht die Wahrheit].

Wenn die SVP schreibt, dass sich viele Schweizer nachts nicht mehr auf die Strassen trauten, kontern die Grünen: Ausländer, die rund 20 Prozent der Bevölkerung ausmachen, sind bei 40 Prozent der Gewalttaten die Opfer.

[weil sich Ausländer zum Teil gegenseitig bekämpfen].

Bei den Straftaten habe die Rechtspartei nur solche Delikte genommen, bei denen es in den letzten zehn Jahren eine Zunahme gegeben hat. Insgesamt sei aber die Zahl der Gesetzesverstösse in der Schweiz rückgängig.

[Nun, die Anzahl Straftaten hat abgenommen, die Schwere hat aber zugenommen. Auch dies unterschlagen die Grünen].

Verzerrte Grafiken

Die Vorwürfe der Grünen decken sich mit jenen, die der Zürcher Soziologie-Professor bei der Lancierung der SVP-Kampagne im Juli im BLICK äusserte: «Die Artikel in der Broschüre sind tendenziös, die Grafiken sind in die Höhe verzerrt. Auch der Fragebogen ist rein suggestiv, alle Antworten sind ja schon in der Wahlzeitung vorgegeben.» (hhs)>

<SVP people's survey is analyzed by the Green Party: "SVP is lying at the population>

Berne - SVP was spending 100,000s of Swiss Francs for this "people's survey". Green Party is claiming that the result is a deliberate fake.

Today in the afternoon SVP was presenting the result of it's costly "people's survey" considering foreigners. Green national deputy from Geneva, Antonio Hodgers, was presenting a web site even before on which he is analyzing this extremist right wing party.

In the magazine which was sent to millions of households and which was the argumentarium for the survey the Greens stated 52 manipulations: 14 fakes, 19 lies, and 19 times important information was omitted deliberately.

Faked statistics?

Especially SVP is manipulating graphics, the chairman of the Green said. In this magazine there was a curve about immigration which was going up until 2008. In 2009 the trend was going down, and this was omitted by SVP. With another graphic concerning the share of foreigners the years of before of 1950 are missing thus the rise is presented more dramatically. In 1910 the share of foreigners was already 15 present and was going down until Second World War to 5%.

"Wrong figures according to Islam"

There are many lies in the chapter "How much Islam do you want?" For example SVP is stating that Muslim immigrants would come mostly from countries where is no democratic legal order. But this is wrong and can be proved - because 90% of the Muslims in Switzerland come from Turkey and from Balkans with democratic structures.

[Well, here is concealed that Turkey is only pretending to be a democratic country. But Turkish government is unpredictable launching police arbitrarily provoking that people are not speaking any more. Additionally there are traditions of forced marriage and honor murder. And on the Balkans there is partly the mentality of forced marriage, honor murder, and a partisan mentality. Thus the Green Party is not saying the truth either].
When SVP writes that many Swiss had not the courage to walk in the street in the night, then Green Party says that foreigners are good 20% of the population but are 40% of the victims of violent action.
[because foreigners are fighting each other].
Considering crimes the right wing party only considered crimes of which was a rise in the last 10 years, but all in all the number of violations of law is going back in Switzerland.
[Well, the number of criminal acts was going down, but the grade of the crimes was going up. This is concealed by the Green Party].
Deformed graphics

The reproaches of the Green Party are the same like sociology professor of Zurich was uttering to the newspaper "View" ("Blick") at the beginning of this SVP campaign in July: "The articles in the magazine are tendentious, the graphics are deformed in it's height. Also the survey would be pure suggestive, and all answers would be given in the election magazine." (hhs)>
Survey of SVP about foreigners with a lied
Survey of SVP about foreigners with a lied graphic [6]

All in all the magazine cost several 100,000 Swiss Francs and there is no progress at all with it. Foreigners are not taught Swiss law, not new behavior, they don't know where offices are, they don't get sex education with Bravo or with Girl in their natural language, there is no enlightenment concerning love and law in Switzerland etc. With propaganda against foreigners NOTHING is improving, NOTHING AT ALL.

But was also a resistance group against SVP: "What SVP is concealing" (orig. in German: "Was die SVP verheimlicht") presenting lies and fakes of this propaganda party also concerning this survey:

What SVP is concealing
                        (Was die SVP verheimlicht), 2010
What SVP is concealing (Was die SVP verheimlicht), 2010, (not working any more in 2013) [7]

Thus SVP is absolutely Fascist and should be forbidden immediately. But Switzerland is not so developed for this step.

<Was sie SVP verheimlicht

Worum geht es?

Am 27. Juli 2010 hat die Schweizerische Volkspartei (SVP) eine Volksbefragung zur Ausländerthematik gestartet. Ein Dokument mit vielen Daten und Grafiken über die Ausländerinnen und Ausländer in der Schweiz wurde an alle Haushalte in der Schweiz verteilt. Die Ausländer werden dann systematisch negativ dargestellt. Es besteht der Verdacht, dass die SVP die Zahlen manipuliert hat, damit die Bürgerinnen und Bürger SVP-Massnahmen befürworten. Die Internetseite

Die drei Manipulationstechniken, die von der SVP angewandt werden, sind die folgenden:

-- Die Fälschung einer Statistik besteht darin, dass die SVP ein Muster oder eine Zeitspanne wählt, welche die Realität nicht widerspiegelt, und daraus allgemeine Schlussfolgerungen zieht. So wird der Leserin oder dem Leser ein falscher oder zumindest verzerrter Eindruck vermittelt. Die SVP hat diese Technik grosszügig angewandt, um ihre Grafiken zu entwickeln; regelmässig hat sie es unterlassen, Kurven oder Werte anzugeben, welche ihre Thesen widerlegen würden.

-- Die Lüge ist die Behauptung einer umgekehrten Wahrheit, einer Sachlage, die falsch ist. Wir beschränken uns hier darauf, alle Lügen aufzudecken, bei denen wir mit Statistiken und Zahlen das Gegenteil beweisen können. Natürlich hat es auch viele Meinungen, die uns falsch erscheinen, die wir aber aus Mangel an Studien oder Statistiken nicht widerlegen können.

-- Das Weglassen von Informationen ist einen Technik, welche dann besteht, gewisse Informationen zu verheimlichen, welche eine differenziertere Interpretation oder gar Widerlegung einer Statistik erlauben würde. So werden beispielsweise in einem Bereich, wo Ausländer positive und negative Zahlen aufweisen, nur die negativen aufgeführt. Diese Zahlen sind faktisch nicht falsch, aber der Leser oder die Leserin erhält einen verzerrten Eindruck, weil er oder sie die positive Statistik nicht kennt.

Das Ziel der Internetseite "Was die SVP verheimlicht" ist zu zeigen, dass die SVP Zahlen und Statistiken massiv manipuliert, um ihre Ideen verbreiten zu können. [Haupttäter ist Herr "Historiker" Mörgeli]. Die Realität der Ausländerinnen und Ausländer in der Schweiz ist viel differenzierter, als es die SVP behauptet. Es ist wichtig, die Diskussion rational und auf der Basis von Tatsachen zu führen. Weil es manchmal gut ist, auch lachen zu können, haben wir unsere Informationen über die manipulativen Techniken der SVP mit humoristischen Filmen angereichert.

Was die SVP verheimlicht>

<What SVP is concealing

What's about?

On July 27, 2010, Swiss Popular party started a people's survey about foreigners. A document with many data and graphics about foreigners was sent to all households in Switzerland. The foreigners are systematically presented in a negative way. There is the suspicion that this SVP has manipulated the figures so the voters are supporting SVP-measures. The web site:

There are three manipulation techniques SVP is applying regularly:

-- Fakes of statistics presenting a certain range of time not showing the reality drawing wrong general conclusions. IN this way there is a wrong impression of the situation. This technique was applied in a wide way developing the graphics and SVP omitted curves or figures which would refute their thesis.

-- There are lies with claims of a faked truth straining the truth. Here we limit to detect lies to which we can prove the contrary with statistics and figures. Of course there are also many meanings which seam to be a fake to us, but we cannot refute them because of lack of studies and statistics.

-- Information is omitted. This is a technique concealing certain information which would be important for getting a differentiated interpretation or even for refuting  a statistic. Thus when foreigners have positive and negative figures, only negative figures are presented. These figures are not wrong, but when all positive figures are omitted then the voter gets a completely wrong picture about the real facts and connections.

The goal of this web site "What SVP is concealing" is to show that SVP is massively manipulating the population with figures and statistics spreading it's ideas [main culprit is "historian" Mörgeli]. The reality of the foreigners in Switzerland is much more differentiated than SVP is claiming. It's important to have a rational discussion on the base of the real facts. Sometimes it's also good to laugh a little bit and we are adding some humorist films to the web site.

What SVP is concealing.>

In 2013 this website could not be found any more. Probably one telephone call of criminal SVP was enough...

SVP is a 0 in sociology - and is managing criminal Swiss "secret service": SVP beer heads are peeping and spying foreigners for decades

Sociology: 0 - but huntings of human beings are organized - proper Nazi-SVP

It seems to be that this political party SVP does not place value on an education in sociology.

That means: This ShitVP is NOT interested to know the truth, but they simply like to pursue and hunt people. The best for them would be pursuing and hunting the foreigners of whole Switzerland, because these complete idiots of SVP simply are "enjoying" this hunting game.

This ShitVP
-- is not interested in investigations finding out details
-- is not interested in becoming more intelligent in sociology or humanity
-- is not interested in developing a combined thinking combining the different scientific sectors
-- is not interested in building up an intellectual wisdom which is useful for mankind.

But this ShitVP, Swiss Complete Idiot Party (in German: Schweizerische Vollidioten-Partei, SVP) which is called Swiss Popular Party is only interested in organizing "hare huntings" against foreigners and is correspondingly organizing the "hunters", the complete idiots who are following all nonsense proceeding huntings of human beings in the country or also abroad, and above all against Germans. Billionaire Blocher does not like Germans at all because they speak better German than he speaks German. Additionally Germans could "eliminate" the Swiss dialect, and Germans could find out where and how much Jewish money was robbed in Switzerland since 1945. All this has to be concealed! And German newcomers would remind Mr. Blocher of his own origin of his family: Germany. This must not be, Blocher and his Nazi propagandist Segert are switching to "defense". Segert is also a German...

Hunting of human beings is an absolute Nazi-tactic. And with these huntings of human beings SVP is outing itself as a proper Nazi party, a Nazi SVP. Only read what is written about SVP gangs hunting German newcomers in Switzerland between 2008 and 2013.

SVP with money: very good

Concerning money and capitalism SVP is top, but in sociology it's wisdom is 0.0000000.

Money, money, money. This is the sense of SVP. For being rich there is not much intelligence necessary, but an idiot can also get rich. One only has to be a good poker player not loosing much money at the bourse leaving the investment at the right time before the crash is coming.

In these sectors SVP is top because idiots are egoists and top in money. But what they do with the money is not to top:
-- since 1945 lawyers and managers of SVP are storing millions of Jewish funds not having given back, together with FDP - for this there was the bank agreement in 1997 with Jewish World Congress
-- since 1945 bank secret is applied for any government and mafia in the world next to UNO in Geneva destroying any moral and washing funds in the world keeping the masses in poverty

This is a destructive system and Switzerland is getting always RICHER and the whole world is always POORER. And this is pleasing to SVP that the world remains poor and Switzerland is always richer. This is the life of Swiss Complete Idiots Party. Free Democrats are similar in this matter.

SVP is making a huge mistake with this because also Muslim Saudi countries are storing billions in Switzerland keeping their populations in poverty, and Saudis can build up their own palace in Switzerland. That means: SVP tolerating bank accounts for Saudi anti-women dictators is supporting extremist Islam in the world. Ubs! Did I say anything wrong? SVP with it's bank secret for everybody is supporting Islam. That's it! And how long western countries will purchase oil with Saudis?

These are complete idiots, in German Schweizerische Vollidioten-Partei, just SVP.

SVP does not want to read - that's the last they want because then they would become intelligent

As we have seen Swiss secret service is working in a very inefficient way:
-- faked entries
-- faked convictions
-- faked rumors
-- faked gut feeling
-- and the real culprits, for example Swiss banksters with their world wide money laundering are NEVER catched.

And it also seems that SVP is not capable to read otherwise they would not pursue so many people who are convicted by a fake of justice, and they had better knowledge in sociology and they had no fear to speak with people.

In short words: SVP does not only have a legasthenia but in this big parts of SVP is dominating a real illiteracy also concerning billionaire Blocher. For getting rich one does not have to be intelligent. But for solving a social problem intelligence is needed. Billionaire Blocher simply is taking some money switching advertisings with some lies or half truths or is ordering posters. Mostly the titles are with hatred and the advertisings and posters are in aggressive colors spreading fear in the population against certain groups of humans "firing" some discussions and then SVP leadership mean that this action had "some effect" - of course with the defamation and calumny of the affected group of humans without mentioning details or positive actions of the affected group. Without defamation and calumny SVP policy is not working

Defamation and calumny are just a Nazi tactic. With these advertisings and posters against foreigners this SVP is outing - as a Nazi SVP...

When the members of Swiss Complete Idiot Party would read
-- then the party members would become more intelligent
-- then it would not be so simple to organize a propaganda against certain groups of persons because the members would be against it
-- then it can be that billionaire with his much money would be put in question.

Example Africa: social values and poverty are not rated at the stock exchange

Criminal foreigners are criminal because they were treated in a criminal way in their country, when for example EU is making a horror policy in Africa selling European vegetable in Africa eliminating the trade of local farmers on the markets, or because Europeans and "Americans" are occupying African mines and let work Africans as slaves with famine wages in the mines. This situation of capitalist extremism is not changing. But for Blocher only counts the "market value" of a company, and social working conditions are NOT rated at any stock exchange, but only the profit counts. Blocher does not think in another way, and then it's no wonder when draggers are teaching to the slaves and unemployed in Africa how one can reach the richest country of the world, how Switzerland is "functioning" and how one can steal there easily.

Thus the problem of criminal foreigners is also a problem of European and "American" policy and of stock exchange policy as a whole. And therefore it would be better - instead of financing 100,000s monitoring actions - one should go to Africa to see with the own eyes how poverty is working there, and one can found foundations taking some measures there so people there is feeling some value again - against the absolute capitalist companies from Europe and "America". Uff, Mr. Blocher is more an absolute capitalist. He will never invest his money in a social foundation. The fact is that the poor are donating most...

And revenge is always coming with criminal newcomers from Africa...

As long as this Nazi party SVP is existing Switzerland should be consequently excluded and boycotted because one cannot live in peace in this Nazi state of Switzerland.

There is no advertising with criminals.

<<     >>

Photo sources

[1] advertising of the Federation of Trade Unions: SVP wants to destroy the state of law:
[2] Nazi Toni Brunner with the "survey" magazine about foreigners, November 2011:
[3 poster of SVP for the "survey" about foreigners 2010 with graffiti:
[4] poster of SVP for the "survey" about foreigners 2010 with an apologize:
[5] poster of SVP for the "survey" about foreigners 2010 with an apologize, zoom:
[6] faked graphic in the "survey" about foreigners:
[7] What SVP is concealing, 2010:
