Criminal Fascist Nazi SVP (Swiss Popular Party)
12: criminal secret service, criminal police - forbid
this party
Obstinates with a billionaire - a
sect with lies, half truths, manipulations, bribes,
propaganda against foreigners without end, propaganda
against Germans without end, criminal damage, threats,
megalomania - a criminal Nazi Swiss popular party - or
better party of complete idiots
Part 12: SVP is not reading
but leading criminal Swiss secret service and
criminal Swiss police accepting any banking
criminality with money laundering for International
Crime and mafia - forbid this party of SVP
High street bank of UBS AG in Basel
This bank is former Basel
high street bank of "Swiss Bank Corporation"
(Schweizerischer Bankverein, SBV). This is the
most criminal bank of Switzerland. Here a major
part of world wide money laundering for
International crime and for mafia groups is
proceeded under the protection of Swiss bank
secret - and SVP knows everything but is not
doing anything.
Switzerland was NOT denazified in 1945. SVP is
denazified until today.
Wise members of SVP can change to the party of BDP reducing
this eternal SVP racism.
by Michael Palomino (2013 / 2015)
SVP cannot read but is leading the Swiss secret
SVP members are not reading but it is just this party
leading the criminal Swiss Secret Service (Schweizerischer
Nachrichtendienst, SND). What does this mean when people in
a secret service CANNOT read or have NO sociological
education? Such a secret service is only working "on spec"
and is working with an inefficiency of 95%, and 95% the the
funds are thrown down the drain. But Swiss tax payer does
not get aware of this because all is "secret".
Let's have a look to some details how this criminal Swiss
secret service is acting. I could watch it with my own eyes
since 2008 when I left Switzerland and went abroad being
pursued also abroad (!), and there are more victims of this
SVP. The illiterates of SVP in Swiss secret service are just
committing an incredible damage and at the same time they
are spending millions for nothing. It's absolutely
Inefficiency in criminal Swiss secret service - under the
leadership of SVP...
One can imagine what is going on in this criminal Swiss
secret service when it's lead by SVP. SVP members are
spreading rumors without limits with suggestions how to
pursue foreigners. They are aggressive against foreigners,
but they never speak with them. At the same time these SVP
members in Swiss secret service hardly speak foreign
languages and they DON'T KNOW ANYTHING about sociology. The
only thing what an SVP human being knows is how to make
money - and there is not much intelligence needed for that.
Solving social conflicts SVP human beings don't know but the
propaganda against foreigners is also going on in this
criminal Swiss secret service. That means: In this Swiss
secret service JUST THE WRONG PEOPLE is working - and
Swiss population does not get aware of it because all is
kept "secret". The balance is not public. The waste of money
with this criminal Swiss secret service is NEVER published,
because all is "secret".
In this Swiss secret service SVP human beings are converting
just into real Fascists. They are forming their meanings "by
their own persuasion", but the NEVER speak with the affected
they are pursuing. They are just spying people during day
and night, they are peeping the life of 1,000s of persons,
they are putting down when someone is going to the toilet or
have sex, and then they draw their conclusions because of
these data - mostly wrong conclusions, because the Swiss
spies only know the dimensions of their life of their own
house in Switzerland and NEVER have seen other countries or
other cultures. Secret service members principally NEVER go
abroad because they hardly speak foreign languages. And when
there are language talents in the secret service performing
orders abroad then it is only for reaching a certain goal.
It's NEVER foreseen to confess that there was a spying
action for nothing or unjustly. To the contrary: Swiss
secret service is selling the faked data to other secret
services manipulating all foreign secret services against
the affected person who is spied for nothing!
Persecution of humans on the base of faked entries -
comfortable peeper job in the Swiss secret service lead
by SVP
Wrong evaluation of persons only considering police
computers and juridical documents with faked entries and
faked convictions
Traditional waste of money in this criminal Swiss secret
service is working when persons are evaluated only
considering the data of the police computer or only
considering juridical documents without having spoken with
the affected person at all putting the police documents and
the juridical documents into question. Because reality is
like this: About 50% of policemen and judges developed a
sarcasm abusing cases "turning" them against the accused
person, and there are judges who have a "good" feeling and a
feeling of satisfaction with it, also when the truth is
completely another one. That means that court clerks and
judges are developing an absolute arrogance by the time and
then they need this "kick" committing frauds developing a
faked euphoria by this. The victims can only go to the next
court what costs much money. But often there is no other
court possible and the victim is punished or in jail for
nothing. This is like this in Germany, in Switzerland, in
the "USA" and so on without limits.
Criminal clerks and judges "turning" cases against
innocent persons - no punishment for the criminal clerks
and judges!
Many frauds of judges have been discovered in the justice
system in Germany already. There are many cases about
Germany history when stupid German justice system defamed
facts of Germany history as a "demagoguery"
("Volksverhetzung"), but facts cannot be a demagoguery.
1,000s of Germans and other people were condemned in Germany
only for presenting facts history! What a corrupt nonsense!
And this "working method" was even a principle in Germany
for 50 years always stating that facts of Germany history
would be "anti-Semitic" or "against Israel". What a corrupt
nonsense! There is no rehabilitation, and criminal court
clerks nor criminal judges are NEVER punished for their
criminal "work" in Germany! This system of defamation and
calumny in Germany about facts of history is absolutely
cruel and is blocking scientific science - and there is no
compensation until today. The monkeys in German justice
(sorry, they are not more lying deliberately with high
salary!) these monkeys are going on making their profits
with lies against historical facts defaming Germany to the
whole world concerning some important facts...
Since the 1990s criminal Swiss justice was copying this
system defaming facts of history of Germany. In this case
Swiss system adapted a German system! And the criminal court
clerks and criminal Swiss judges made much money with it
with defamations and calumny. Crazy Germany justice system
had born a little "brother" in Switzerland not being
"neutral" and not being "Swiss" at all but this was a part
of EU dictatorship which was adapted in this case. Criminal
court clerks and judges are never punished in Switzerland,
as in the whole world! This justice dictatorship does not
stop! SVP did not do anything about it because they do not
read. They simply did not have the detailed knowledge about
German history but at the end they were pursuing German
newcomers and Germans who had left Switzerland since 2008.
SVP beer glasses cannot think...
In the "U.S.A." many blacks have suffered in jail for
decades whereas a genetic test is possible since 20 years
proving an evidence when there are for example hairs of the
culprit comparing them with the hair of the alleged person.
But justice in the "U.S.A." are just lazy and don't want to
control their justice system, but blacks are only in jail in
the "U.S.A." because they are black - pure racism. There is
the question why these "U.S.A." are not eliminated from all
international organizations and why NATO is not dissolved
because of this racism which is NEVER stopping in the
Peeping on the base of a "suspicion" and on the base of
faked data
According to my experience with the criminal Swiss secret
service in Peru (4 years) and in Thailand (10 months) there
must be many affected people being pursued on the base of
faked entries and faked convictions, and by rumors and
prejudices. These affected and innocent people are monitored
and spied and this criminal Swiss secret service is spending
millions and billions of Swiss Francs for this "work" for
NOTHING - and this espionage is NEVER ending because the SVP
people want to reach a confirmation of their suspicion. They
want to have a "success", want to "win" against their
victim. And wages are there without limits from Swiss tax
payers. Detectives get a salary of up to 1,000 Swiss Francs
per day. This is just "good for Switzerland". SVP human
beings just like peeping jobs when the victim is a porno for
them - with a high salary of up to 1,000 Swiss Francs per
Not only this: Criminal Swiss secret service which is lead
by this Swiss Complete Idiot Party (Schweizerische
-- is spreading the faked entries in the whole world
-- is selling the faked data in the whole world
-- is pursuing foreigners in the whole world giving faked
"warnings" manipulating other secret services and neighbors,
hotel owners, bus drivers etc.
-- and these low intelligent SVP human beings even mean that
this distribution of faked data would be a "good work"!
Criminal SVP NEVER gets the idea that entries in
police documents or convictions by Swiss courts or from
Turkish or German or "American" or even Peruvian courts
could be WRONG.
Even when a victim of justice was "confessing" - also in
these cases there are doubts when the victim was
systematically intimidated or was manipulated with wrong
deals manipulating the victim to wrong "confessions" as in
the case of Joran van der Sloot in Lima. Police and court
clerks just want to have easy points for their career and
truth is not important! In this way it's working normally
- also against history facts in Germany and Switzerland,
and in the "U.S.A." against the black!
But criminal SVP is simply spreading: this person has got
an "entry", this person is "convicted", and therefore the
person has to be pursued and is rated "dangerous" and the
whole world has to be warned from him. In this way the
criminal Swiss secret service is making many new
"friends". Compensations for the victims are not
Criminal secret service of SVP protecting the bank
secret also for criminal Saudis and protecting any money
laundering for International Crime and mafia activities
Until today (2013) Swiss secret service is protecting any
criminal justice activity, and is also covering any
criminality in Swiss banks considering money laundering.
Criminal SVP knows about it but is not doing anything. SVP
is acting on and on in the sense that Switzerland should
be the richest country in the world. Banking criminality
in Switzerland with it's money laundering for the
International Crime and mafia organizations is NOT pursued
- under leadership of criminal and Fascist SVP with it's
propaganda in red and black against foreigners. 100s of
billions of Swiss Francs are washed in Swiss banks passing
the criminal funds over blocked private bank accounts, in
the Basel part of UBS AG which was Bankverein before.
Private bank accounts in former Bankverein are blocked for
example by private intrigues. The Directorate-General is
waiting for this moment and then 100s of sub accounts are
installed and the criminal funds are passed over these
private accounts. Also "old" bank accounts of dead people
are used for money laundering, or also "old" bank accounts
of former youths are used. Worse criminality than the
acceptance of this money laundering is not possible
principally. Secret service under the leadership of
Fascist SVP is NOT DOING ANYTHING. And the big part of the
world remains poor, only Switzerland not...


UBS AG in Zurich at Station
Street (Bahnhofstrasse) [1] was colonized by Basel
Bankverein in 1998 which is also called UBS AG today
This former Bankverein in Basel is the most criminal
bank in the world performing any money laundering for
International Crime and mafia activities passing funds
over blocked private bank accounts...
and criminal Swiss secret service is not doing anything
about it. Former cadres of UBS are having their seats in
the Swiss secret service protecting their bank...
Criminal Nazi SVP also leading police forces -
examples of criminal behavior
Not being capable of reading but being a police commander
- and pursuing Germans - the purpose in life of SVP
SVP is the political party where many bully policemen
(Martians) are members, and many police commanders are also
with SVP. What does this mean?
These people often cannot or DON'T WANT TO READ. They are
not capable to write a text in proper German and they are
envious when a German can better German then they can.
Therefore most members of this Swiss Complete Idiot Party
(SVP) are hating Germans as much as they can. And SVP
members NEVER learn German history because they don't want
to be taught by Germans. What they want is winning
elections. That's why it's not important if a policeman or
an SVP police commander can read or not, but the complete
idiots are simply acting according to the numbers of
"entries" or "convictions", also when they are partly a fake
or even completely a fake. But this is not important,
because with SVP is only counting the wages - the money - in
this they are strong, and correspondingly it's not important
for them if 1,000 or 10,000 or 100,000 foreigners are
pursued. The main point is that there are peeping spy jobs
where is not much to do because this is making money easily
only peeping - and peeping SVP members like because they
never confess that they also like porno movies...
Example of criminal SVP from 2004: 30 people should be
detained, but 427 people were detained, 400 were innocent
and some were even children yet
It's not important for SVP people if when 30 people are
prepared to use violence 427 people are detained with 400
innocents within. Such an action was performed when Mr. racist
Blocher was a Justice Minister in Swiss government on December
5, 2004 in criminal bank secret Switzerland in the right
extreme town of Zurich. 30 soccer fans prepared to use
violence should be detained as a prevention measure. Instead
of this order 427 soccer fans were detained and kidnapped and
had partly to wait over 80 hours with temperatures of 0 grades
Celsius outdoors until they were interrogated. But there is
more with it: The detainees were chained in cable ties with
their hands on their back partly provoking big pains. Toilet
was forbidden and the detainees had to urinate into the
trousers or were opening the trousers mutually with their
hands on their back. Tear gas was applied during the detention
operation and some had blooding noses and there was NO medical
help. Any mobile phone and any food was put into a plastic bag
which was fixed around the neck of the detainees, ans also
asthma sprays was put into the bag. When the affected person
had an asthma attack then he had died because he had no access
to his asthma spray. There was NO medical help at the location
and the affected were hardly in danger for life and limb. This
happened at Zurich police center "Barracks" ("Kaserne") in
Zurich on December 5, 2004 on a cold December day. The police
center converted into a concentration camp. Also children were
kidnapped with only 14 years.
As long as this
Nazi party SVP is existing Switzerland should be
consequently excluded and boycotted because one cannot
live in peace in this Nazi state of Switzerland.
is no advertising with criminals.