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Trustees of the Reich

Chapter 6. Brilliant business (shining looted gold)

Part 2: German looted gold for currency - exchanged in Switzerland at Swiss National Bank (SNB) -- Washington agreement of 1946 -- investigations about looted gold in 1996 -- allies remelting golden objects found in Turingia after 1945 -- gold transactions by Swiss business banks, above all Credit Suisse

Translation by Michael Palomino (2013)

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from: Peter Balzli: Treuhänder des Reichs. Eine Spurensuche. Werd-Verlag, Zürich 1997

* Names with a * are changed by the author protecting the personality (p.15)

Book suggestion: Werner Rings "Looted gold from Germany" ("Raubgold aus Deutschland")

[German looted gold for currency - exchange in Switzerland at Swiss National Bank (SNB)]

[German weekly "The Reich" describing "gold land" of Switzerland, the unique place for currency exchange]

Thus most of the dealers in stolen jewelry and diamonds of the Third Reich remained undetected for decades. But the gold business with Swiss National Bank could not be concealed so long. Tons of gold bars were delivered to Switzerland and purchased by Swiss National Bank. There were two banks for the gold deal: Bank for International Settlements (BIS) [in Basel] and Swiss National Bank - purchasing German looted goods - this could not be overseen. Swiss National Bank was the most important currency deliverer for the Third Reich - when gold was coming. Without this gold exchange Hitler had been forced to stop his military machinery already years before, and therefore any occupation of Switzerland would have been a real mistake, and this was also shown by the confident file notes of German Reichsbank on June 25, 1943:

Original in German:

"In der deutschen Wochenzeitschrift 'Das Reich', Nr. 25 vom 20. Juni 1943, ist auf Seite e ein Artikel erschienen mit der Überschrift 'Das Goldland'. Dieser Artikel mokiert sich über die grossen Goldaufnahmen und Goldbestände der Schweiz. Von Seiten der Reichsbank ist dazu folgendes zu sagen:

Die Schweiz ist praktisch das einzige Land, durch dessen Vermittlung wir heute Devisen durch Gold beschaffen, d.h. noch Gold verkaufen könne. Die [S.148]
Schweiz hat sich in dieser Richtung bisher uns gegenüber stets in der entgegenkommendsten Weise verhalten und alles getan, um uns gegen Gold die nötigen Devisen für den Import [von Kriegsgütern] zur Verfügung zu stellen. Es geht deshalb nicht an, dass man sich in Zeitungsartikeln, besonders im Reich, über den Goldbestand der Schweiz, der grösstenteils von uns herrührt, mokiert. Es könnte dies dazu führen, dass die Schweiz zu unserem eigenen grössten Schaden sich in Zukunft gegen unsere dringend notwendige Goldausfuhr sperrt."


"In edition Nº 25 of the German weekly 'The Reich' ('Das Reich') from June 20, 1943 presents on page 4 an article with the title 'The gold land' ('Das Goldland'). This article is making jokes about the big amounts of gold being shifted to Switzerland where much gold is stored. It seems that a comment of German Reichsbank is needed:

Switzerland is practically the unique country by which we can provide currency today by exchanging gold, that means by selling gold yet [p.148]. Switzerland did behave always in a cooperative way concerning this matter and did everything for providing for gold the necessary currency for our importations [of war material]. Therefore the behavior of making jokes about the high gold stocks in Switzerland in our newspapers is absolutely inappropriate, above all in the Reich. This could provoke that the relation with Switzerland could be damaged later and our very necessary gold exportation would be blocked in our future."

This received gold from Nazi Germany was mainly looted gold from other central banks from occupied territories. This is a fact which was well known in the directorate of Swiss National Bank (SNB). [At the same time the bosses of Swiss National Bank were probably bribed by aryanization gifts].

[Hypocritical criminal Zionist allies are warning Switzerland from further gold trade with the Third Reich - gold trade going down since 1944]

During the war the [hypocritical criminal Zionist] allies were regularly warning Switzerland and the neutral states from a business with looted goods. They knew that the Germans were plundering the occupied countries and that they could sell this gold only in Switzerland yet because Spain and Portugal were hardly purchasing anything directly from the Germans any more. These facts were well known in the directorate of Swiss National Bank.

[At the same time "American" armament industry was supporting the Reich with essential armament products until April 1945, grandfather Prescott Bush let work his bank "UBC" for the Third Reich undermining the boykott, Jehova racist Mr. Eisenhower was prolonging the war for two more years with a tour in Africa for destroying all Geman towns in the meantime which was a coordinated action of the Zionist clique with Morgenthau and Roosevelt etc., and the same criminal Zionist clique of the "USA" was waiting for the atomic bomb against Germany which came "too late". And Stalin's Gulag communism received from the same criminal and Zionist contaminated "U.S.A." massively support with delivery of tanks and winning territories...]

In October 1942 the Director of Swiss National Bank Mr. Victor Gautier was coming back from a trip from Madrid and Lisbon where he had had talks with the corresponding bankers of the national banks. His confident report for the other directors of the Swiss directorate were giving profound information. Among others he was reporting that Portugal "was rejecting German gold from German Reichsbank partly by political reason and without any doubt also by juridical precaution". Mr. Gautier was adding:

"Such objections will not made any more when the gold is passing our hands. We should think about this."

"Solche Einwände fallen weg, wenn das Gold durch unsere Hände geht. Darüber sollten wir nachdenken."

But the bankers of the national banks received the truth also directly by saying it. In August 1943 Mr. Yves de Boisanger, a governor of French National Bank (Banque de France) had a stay in Switzerland for some days. He was informing the President of Swiss National Bank Mr. Ernst Weber about the confiscation of the gold of Belgium by the Nazis and tried to convince him not to accept gold from Germany any more. For Mr. Weber this was not important. The only thing Mr. Weber was doing was a question one time to Vice President of German Reichsbank, Mr. Emil Puhl: "You are not sending looted gold, aren't you?" ("Sie schicken uns doch kein gestohlenes Gold?")

Also the worried requests of Swiss Federal Ministry of Finance and Customs, and also requests of Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs were blocked by Swiss National Bank again and again: According to Mr. Werner Rings who [p.149] has investigated the gold question in his book "Looted gold from Germany" ("Raubgold aus Deutschland") the first time, Swiss National Bank was explaining to the officials that there never had been any notification to the directorate of the bank that German gold had been "stolen". Additionally it would not be possible to identify the origin of the gold bars. And Rings describes further on:

Original in German:

"Ferner ist von der höheren Gewalt des grossen Krieges die Rede, von der die Schweiz in die Rolle des ersten Finanzplatzes Europas ohne ihr Zutun hineingezwungen worden sei, indes nun die anderen genötigt würden, diesen einzigen, freien Gold- und Devisenmarkt Europas zu benutzen. Auch das Deutsche Reich habe sich schliesslich daran gewöhnt, hier für Gold Schweizer Franken einzukaufen."


"Additionally the topic is also act of nature by the war, and Switzerland was forced to play this role to be the first financial center in Europe, and others are forced now to use this unique free gold and currency market of Europe. Also the German Reich had accustomed to purchase here Swiss Francs for gold."

This position of the Swiss was changing only in autumn 1943. Gold transactions should be restricted step by step. At the same time the words were harsher when the German were loosing more and more. In June 1944 Swiss National Bank (SNB) was declaring the business with the German Reichsbank as "not very desirable", and in October already as "undesirable". These declarations were the result of a report in the juridical department of Swiss National Bank about gold trade with the Axis Powers. Under the allied pressure the juridical representatives of Swiss National Bank had suggested in 1944 to reduce the transaction considerably, claiming for written declarations of property from the Germans, and only accepting gold bars with a German stamp on it. But in the beginning of 1945 yet there were German gold diliveries to Switzerland [because the business partners were just "friends" with gifts from aryanizations without end...].

[Washington Agreement of 1946]

[Washington Agreement of 1946 - now Swiss representatives are stating that they had been "neutral" - German debts and "honesty" - the banks which received gold]

After the war there were negotiacions for the Washington agreement and the topic was among other topics the payment of a compensation for the German looted gold. Now the representatives of Swiss National Bank were justificating the relation to the German Reichsbank with it's gold again and again. According to the thesis of Swiss historian and today's [1997] official of Swiss Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Linus von Castelmur, he was investigating Swiss allied financial relationahips in the time between 1945 and 1950 from the end of the war up to the beginning of Cold War in Europe. The investigation says that Mr. General Director of Swiss National Bank, Mr. Alfred Hirs, was trying to whitewash Swiss National Bank in a preparing session of the gold department. Now neutrality of Switzerland was used as a protection again and again as a fig leaf. Mr. Hirs was arguing that Switzerland had received the double of the quantity of Germany by the allies. Additionally the gold deliveries from [p.150] Germany have to be considered also with the clearing credit [unlimited credit for Nazi Germany was given by the Swiss Nazi government], and considering the deficit with clearing affairs Switzerland could hardly reject German gold deliveries. [Germany was given free credit by Switzerland and could pay only half of it and payed the other half after the war in the 1950s. Switzerland was never rich enough - and Germany in ruins was shifting the money to Switzerland in the ass because Switzerland would be important in the future yet...].

Mr. Alfred Hirs was not aware of any guilt. Swiss National Bank had always been cautious with the gold deliveries. After the warnings of allied [Zionist] gold warning [Minister of Finance of the "U.S.A." was criminal Zionist Mr. Morgenthau with his Zionist staff] Swiss National Bank was requiring special declarations abou the origin of the gold delivered to Switzerland. This had also been always confirmed by different directors of German Reichsbank. One had believed in these declarations because there was no readon for not believing in honesty of the representatives of German Reichsbank. But the warnings from the governor of French National Bank (Banque de France) with the indication that the German Reichsbank would sell gold of Belgium had considered as not plausible. Mr. De Boisanger had been a notorious collaborator and had not been credible, Hirs said.

With these negotiations in Washington the allies had mainly the goal to state definitively how much gold and above all how much looted gold the Swiss monetary authorities had got from the Germans during the war. Only with a fixed number they could make their requirements. The estimations of the "American" authorities were coming from confiscated books from German Reichsbank. There was stated that between June 30, 1940, until May 1945 a total of 320 tons of gold had been sold to Switzerland with a complete value of 391 million dollars or about 1.7 billion Swiss Francs. And this amount of gold was taken by different banks:

-- Swiss Corporation of Banks (Schweizerischer Bankverein) a value of about 32 million Swiss Francs
-- Bank Leu & Co. about 25 million
-- Credit Suisse (CS) about 7 million
-- Basel Merchant's Bank (Basler Handelsbank) about 4.4 million
-- and other banks about 12 million
-- and all the rest, thus over 300 tons, had gone to Swiss National Bank.

According to the balance of the allies they [Swiss National Bank] had taken over 1.2 billion themselves. Gold of about 800 million Swiss Francs was sold to other national banks then, above all to Portugal. The rest of 400 million was remaining in the deposits of Berne of other states.

The proof of the amount of gold was not easy to furnish. The "Americans" were only showing indications for a trial of circumstantial evidence. Three numbers were compared:

First the question was about the stolen amount of gold of [p.151] the national banks of the occupied countries. "American" [criminal Zionists of the Morgenthau clique] were indicating a value for this of 579 million dollars respectively 2.32 billion Swiss Francs; secondly there was the number of the legal purchased German gold level before the western campaign, this level was 206 million dollars or about 824 million Swiss Francs; and thirdly there was the confiscated level at the end of the war with 169 million dollars respectively 676 million Swiss Francs. With this basic information came out that - in the best case - Swiss National Bank had received all this gold legally and had received additionally "only" looted gold of a value of 740 million Swiss Francs. In the worst case all gold had been looted gold, thus for 1.5 billion. The "Americans" were deciding for the middle and came to the conclusion that Switzerland had taken looted gold with a value of 1.1 billion.

[Who knew about looted gold from Belgium? - Mr. Puhl: The second man after Mr. Weber knew]

For destroying the Swiss tactic the [criminal Zionist] "Americans" were troubling the Swiss delegation a little bit stating exploding claims searching the confrontation again and again. When the Swiss delegation was remaining hard to the question of the gold from Belgium stating that this had to be decided by a Swiss court's decision, the counter part was playing a big poker game. They were presenting excerpts of an interrogation with Vice President of German Reichsbank, Mr. Emil Puhl, which had taken place on August 10, 1945. To the question who had known about looted gold from Belgium, Puhl's answer had been the following one:

"The second man after Weber. I will give the name later to you." Whereas Mr. Paul Rossy was the Vice President, Mr. Alfred Hirs was stammering now: "That's me". That means that for the Swiss position Mr. Hirs had failed completely in this situation, because during the following procedure Mr. Hirs was taken aback and was giving more information. He was asking the counter part if the other side wanted to ruin his bank with a requirement of "these 500 million Swiss Franks in gold". This was a big mistake because at this time the [criminal Zionist] allies had not made any precise demand yet. A short time later Mr. Hirs had to accept heavy reproaches from Berne because of his expensive failure. Also his own collegues were blaiming him badly. In a session of the bank's committee of Swiss National Bank with Swiss government member Mr. Ernst Nobs Mr. Hirs meant that it had just been Mr. Rossy who had purchased the gold. Then Mr. Rossy claimed for an investigation.

In this connection Swiss National Bank was defending again and again itself with the argument that the Germans had faked delivery certificates for the gold they had delivered. Additionally above looted gold from Belgium [p.152] had been remelt by the Germans and had been stamped with data of before the war.

[And there was also Dutch gold, Czech gold, Austrian gold, Luxembourg gold, Norwegian gold, French gold, and Polish gold, and gold from Bielorussia and from Ukraine. Here are some indications about Dutch gold]:

[Payment of 250 million Swiss Francs - that's it - and in 1947 Dutch gold is coming up]

Despite of the failure of Mr. Hirs Switzerland could reach just a comfortable result with the Washington Agreement finally. For the price of 250 million Swiss Francs the [criminal Zionist] allies were committing themselves to resign to any other demand concerning gold. With this payment the topic was done officially, but inofficially the topic did continue without end. Already one year after the signatures had been made under the agreement the gold question was coming up again. There were documents of the Russian occupation zone and now [criminal Zionist] Washington declared in 1947 that the Germans had sent Dutch gold with a value of almost 280 million Swiss Francs to Switzerland. Some of the gold bars had not even been remelt and had it's Dutch stamp yet. Despite of these new data it was clear for the "Americans" that they had given away any right of demand with the Washington Agreement concerning the gold question. For that reason there was the consideration to head a morally appeal [!!!] to Switzerland together with [Zionist dominated] France and [criminal Empire] Great Britain.

But the alpine country of Switzerland did not have any idea of the demansions. In February 1947 the directorate of Swiss National Bank (SNB) was stating

Original in German:

"dass sich unter den von der Reichsbank gelieferten Barren auch solche mit holländischem Stempel befanden. Die Nationalbank hat insgesamt 350 solcher Barren im Werte von 20.715.000 Franken ins Depot genommen. Hiervon hat sie (auf eigene Rechnung, d.Verf.) für 17.637.000 Franken Gold angekauft, und über den Rest hat die Reichsbank anders verfügt."


"that there were gold bars delivered from Germany which had Dutch stamps yet. Swiss National Bank had 350 such gold bars all in all in their deposits, and their vale was 20.715,000 Swiss Francs. Swiss National Bank was purchasing from this quantity a value of 17.637,000 Swiss Franks, and the rest was sold to other places by the orders of German Reichsbank."

Now Swiss representatived did not want to know anything about a gesture. It was clear for them

"dass die Alliierten das Abkommen von Washington auch im Namen der holländischen Regierung abgeschlossen haben. Infolgedessen könnten keinerlei weitere Ansprüche im Zusammenhang mit dem deutschen Gold anerkannt werden."

"that the allies had signed the Washington Agreement also in the name of the Dutch government. As a consequence no further demands in the connection with German gold could be acknowleged."

[At the same time Dutch racist government was abusing Marshall Plan funds for the war in Indonesia against independence of Indonesia...]

[Investigations about looted gold in 1996]

[Looted gold with original stamps of the robbed country - the banksters of Swiss National Bank knew exactly about the origin of the looted gold]

The bankers of Swiss National Bank were going on stating a hard position. But the Dutch were not giving up. In December 1996 they were claiming again that the location of the Dutch gold in Switzerland should be investigated. And there was a prompt reaction. According to Swiss National Bank (SNB) 265 gold bars had been purchased for about 16 million Swiss Francs. 50 years before it had been 17.64 million Swiss Francs yet. Thus gold of a value of about 1.64 million [p.153] Swiss Francs had suddenly disappeared. Also the place of the other Dutch gold bars which were ordered to further locations "by German Reichsbank" is not clear until today [1997]. It can be admitted that they were sold to third places.

Heavy contradictions and unclear points can be found not only in the Dutch gold affair. But also in other sectors new speculations were developing about the time and of the level of involved people, and about the real volume of the purchased gold, and all these rumors and speculations provoked an endless story. Until today [1997] always more points about ruthless behavior of the Swiss bankers of Swiss National Bank are coming up - one scandal is following the other. In summer 1996 for example English secret documents were published provoking for headlines world wide. Jewish circles were stating - with the support of British Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that Switzerland had purchased much more gold than it was known before. The allies had been deceived deliberately after the war. Then the claim of [Jewish Zionist] "U.S.". senator Alfonse D'Amato followed claiming new negotiations for the Washington Agreement. [Well, "U.S.A." was arming the Third Reich since 1933 and had supported it with the antiknock agent and other war materials until April 1945].

The English had been one fault presenting the statement of Mr. Alfred Hirs about the Belgium gold with 500 million dollars instead of 500 million Swiss Francs, but the general line of the new data coming up was right. The bosses of Swiss National Bank had really deceived everybody, not only the [criminal Zionist] allies.

Directorate minutes from 1941
Nº 450 and Nº 914 of Swiss National Ban were delivering the overwhelming evidence: now the documents were saying that all general directors knew since early times already about the German methods. Mr. Weber, Mr. Hirs, and Mr. Rossy were not at all naive persons, but they took deliberately enormous quantities of looted gold, partially - as in the case of Holland - not even remelt but with original stamps of the occupied countries. Warnings during the war were rejected deliberately, and the required warranties were only alibis. Additionally the German claims had indicated that the origin of the gold could not be identified, and this statement turned out as a big lie. The directorate knew exactly where the gold bars were coming from.

On June 18, 1942 the Second Department of Swiss National Bank was informing about the composition of the gold bars delivered from German Reichs Bank's Directorate about teh composition of gold bars being delivered to Portugal. It was about [p.154] a delivery of eight tons. One part of this delivery was with "American" gold bars, another part with Czech gold bars, and another part with French gold bars,

Original in German:

"die den Stempel des Ursprungslandes wie auch den Stempel der deutschen Kontrollämter tragen. Rein deutsche Barren wurden nur sehr wenig geliefert."


"with the stamp of their origin country as also with the stamp of German control offices. ure German gold wars were delivered only seldom."

A first part of the delivery was shifted to Portugal already. The local National Bank had taken the gold without problems as always before.

[Remelting of looted gold concealing the origin]

But the Swiss did not trust to the actions. They were afraid that their methods with the German looted gold could provoke problems with other clients. The probability was high because the directorate was calculating that not only Switzerland but also other countries were registering the gold activities precisely noticing every number of every gold bar. Origin and location of registration of the gold bars could be controlled at any time.

Thus it could be possible "that the National Banks having shifted their domicile after the occupation had published lists indicating blocked gold bars with the result that these gold bars would not be rated as good gold delivery any more". Just copying the Nazis the bosses of Swiss National Bank were discussing a diabolic plan which had been prepared since months already. The decisive tracks should be omitted.

Original in German:

"Obschon die Gefahr, dass die Nationalbank hier zu Schaden käme nicht gross ist, so würde selbstredend eine Umschmelzung der Barren diese Gefahr vollständig beseitigen. Die Kosten der Umschmelzung betragen 1 Franken pro Barren. Die Umschmelzung der in Betracht kommenden Barren würde daher der Bank eine Auslage in der Höhe von ungefähr Fr. 60.000.- verursachen. Daneben geht durch den Schmelzprozess etwas Gold verloren, doch dürfte dieser Verlust kompensiert werden durch einen besseren Feingehalt der Barren."


"Whereas the danger that Swiss National Bank could be harmed is not big, a remelting of the gold bars would eliminate this danger completely. The cost for remelting are 1 Swiss Franc for one gold bar. Remelting of these gold bars would cost a total of about 60,000 Swiss Francs. And some little quantities of gold will be lost by the melting process, but this loss will be compensated by a better assay of the gold bars."

In plain terms: Swiss National Bank had the concealment of the biggest raid in it's history in project.

With this remelting action of the gold bars being delivered from Third Reich the bankers wanted to destroy the decisive evidence for not fulfilling possible future requirements of the occupied countries. And this remelting affair is proving that the directors of Swiss National Bank did not trust blindly to Vice President of German Reichsbank Mr. Puhl as they were always stating. Because on August 10, 1945, in the interrogation with the [criminal Zionist] "Americans" Mr. Puhl did not only indicate that Mr. Alfred Hirs was one of the confidants [p.155] but he had also indicated that he had promised to the Swiss side that he would account for compensation requirements of states like France or Belgium. As the remelting project shows the alpine bankers disapproved this promise. They wanted to have a total security and they wanted to destroy the blaming truth with their melting pots.

But this project of concealing the gold's origin of the directors of Swiss National Bank is delivering one more spectacular indication. A simple calculation shows that in summer 1942 in the bunker of Swiss National Bank there could have been stored much more gold than was delivered officially during the whole war period. Considering the costs of remelting of the gold bars "which could be considered" of one Swiss Franc and a total cost of 60,000 Swiss Francs the remelting action had affected 60,000 gold bars of the Third Reich being converted into harmless gold bars of neutral Switzerland. The weight of a gold bar used between the national banks was 12.5 kg and this would correspond to a complete weight of all gold bars of 750 tons - the allies only were assuming 320 tons.

For experts like Mr. Werner Rings these facts are absolutely new.

"Die einzig mögliche und plausible Erklärung ist, dass es sich dabei um die bisher unbekannte Goldmenge handeln könnte, die die SNB an die Grossbanken weitergegeben hat",

"The only possible and plausible explanation is that this is a gold quantity which was unknown before which was resold to the high street banks",

Mr. Rings means. But according to the view of today [1997] such theories and dimensions are totally absurd. According to the registration in the deposits there were just 87 tons of gold in the cellars in 1942 being delivered from the Germans. This meant that the price of remelting of one Swiss Franc per gold bar was simply a misprint. According to Swiss National Bank (SNB) the indication should have been ten Swiss Francs for each gold bar. But also with this indication there is remaining a big quantity of 75 tons of looted gold where Swiss National Bank wanted to conceal it's origin.

The remelting action was realized only step by step then. According to the directorate's minutes Nr. 450 of June 18, 1942 there had to be considered that such an actino had many confidants.

Original in German:

"Der grösste Teil der von Deutschland erhaltenen Barren liegt in fremden Depots der fremden Notenbanken, denen die Nummern der ins Depot gelegten Stücke angegeben wurden. Eine Ersetzung durch andere Barren könnte wohl nicht ohne Zustimmung der betreffenden Notenbanken vorgenommen werden."


"The biggest part of the gold bars from Germany is deposed in foreign deposits of foreign national banks. The numbers of the gold bars were added to the delivery in the deposit. It can be admitted that a replacement by other gold bars could not be proceeded without approval of the affected national bank."

Despite of all the Third Department of Swiss SNB under the leadership of Mr. Fritz Schnorf was appealing for the proceeding of this [p.156] project being proposed by the Second Department. But the First Department was against it.

Original in German:

"Es wird schliesslich beschlossen, von einer Umschmelzung der Barren vorderhand, d.h. für so lange, als keine Beanstandungen sich ergeben, abzusehen",


"Finally the decision is taken  not to realize any remelting action of gold bars, that means, as long as there are no complaints",

states the minutes.

Seven months later the directorate was again speaking about German gold bars. In the middle of December 1942 the Nazis tried to change the identity of looted gold directly in Switzerland.

Original in German:

"Von der deutschen Reichsbank sind wir durch einen ihrer Beamten angefragt worden, ob die Schweizerische Nationalbank allenfalls bereit wäre, in ihrer Münzstätte deutsche Goldbarren umzuschmelzen und mit dem Stempel der schweizerischen Münzstätte zu versehen", heisst es im Protokoll Nr. 914. "Wir haben geantwortet, dass unsere Münzstätte für längere Zeit voll beschäftigt sei und dass im übrigen die portugiesische Notenbank, an die wir die deutschen Barren hauptsächlich weitersenden, in letzter Zeit keinerlei Anstände mehr gemacht habe."


"An official of German Reichsbank was asking if Swiss National Bank would be ready to remelt German gold bars in the Swiss mint and providing the new gold bars with a stamp of Swiss mint", says the minutes Nº 914. "We answered that our mint is totally busy for the next time and that the Portuguese National Bank was not making any claim during the last time where the German Reichsbank is mainly sending their gold bars."

This answer shows that even the Portuguese were partly not trusting to the deliveries of the Swiss side. Additionally this document is proving how tight the contact between Germans and Swiss must have been. Even an obviously criminal project of the Nazis was just normal for Swiss National Bank and was not proceeded immediately because of a provisional bottleneck.

[SNB has destroyed any document about this remelting action - but Swiss Federal Mint stored the documents]

According to the directorate minutes of Swiss National Bank neither the concealing maneuver nor the orders of the Germans were proceeded. There is missing any document about remelting action in the documents of Swiss SNB. This is an ustonishing fact after all because in the registers of Gederal Mint the reality is really another one. The balance control for foreign orders is showing that Swiss National Bank was giving several orders during the war. And tehre were the bills Nº 19 from May 4, 1943 balancing the "remelting of gold bars" for Swiss SNB with a total of 1,522.90 Swiss Francs. This order comprised 184 gold bars. 9 of them were coming from the possession of the National Bank and were for dentists. The other 175 gold bars were gold from Hungary which was in the deposit of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) since 1940. One year later Swiss National Bank was remelting another eight gold bars for the same BIS.

The last interesting remelting actions were performed only some years after [p.157] the war. In spring 1951 Swiss SNB gave the order of remelting several tons of gold bars of "good delivery". No wonder that today Swiss National Bank is stating that there would not be any gold bar from the period of WWII. Gold bars from Germany not being resold were landing partly in the melting pots of the Federal Mint in 1951.

[And the formerly occupied European states were getting new gold from "America"].

[The share of dental gold remains controversial - because Holocaust data are partly a fake - one camp with dental gold in Germany]

But this whole gold affair remains a mystery. Because until today [1997] there is an incertainty about the detailed share of dental gold from the concentration camps which was within the German deliveries. From time to time there were always some kilos of German dental gold to Switzerland - from unknown origin. According to the statistics of Swiss National Bank such a delivery was going in December 1944 to [the mint of] "Cendres et Métaux" in the town of Biel [in Swiss canton of Berne]. But this cannot be the explanation. According to the statement of German Reich's Minister for Economy Mr. Walther Funk at the Nuremberg Process there were taken 4.4 tons of gold crowns from the dead people in Auschwitz every year [but this is probably a faked indication following the criminal Zionist allies for whitewashing Stalin who has taken Jews by secret deportations coming from Auschwitz]. Additionally there is an enormous quantity of the other concentration camps [which is also a Zionist lie hosing Germany morally - the Zionist war after the war]. So where remained this gold?

[The truth is this one: the numbers of victims of German concentration camps are much more little than propagated by the criminal Zionist media and the numbers of the Red Cross are right and correspondingly there was hardly any delivery of dental gold from German concentration camps. The films of Mr. HItchcock about German concentration camps are a big fake showing the "American" Rhine meadow camps with emaciated and dead Germans - being called "Jews" by the film faker Mr. Hitchcock - see an analysis of one of the faked Hitchcock films here].

After the war several dozen tons could be safed in tunnel system of Turingia by the [criminal Zionist] "U.S." army. For the rest there are more theories - next to Swiss importations of "unworked gold". One of them states that the dental gold was melt and gold bars were formed of it thus it was in the delivery of German Reichsbank to Swiss National Bank. According to Swiss SNB there is no evidence for this until today [1997].

[There is this general indication: German concentration camps were mostly of strategic value, had a good leadership, and in many cases the detainees got even more food as the civil population. Auschwitz was a traditional weapon production plant and was of strategic value. German concentrations camps with Jews were controlled by the Red Cross AND by the Zionists. The numbers of victims in the documents of the Red Cross are right, and these numbers are about 100 times lower than claimed (in the case of Auschwitz were stated 4 million, but the reality is about 50,000). Correspongingly the delivery of dental gold of died captives cannot be so high as it was stated. The Zionist lies and extortions with granulate of cyclon B passing little holes of shower heads, a mass murder of millions with little crematories, and the faked Hitchcock films showing German victims in the "American" Rhine meadow camps in gray uniforms and coats of the German Wehrmacht, all these Zionist lies are NOT WORKING. But a big part of the deported was not deported to Auschwitz but even further to the east to Stalin's Gulag where Stalin was shutting the Iron Curtani in 1946 and then all Jews were russificated when Israel in 1948 was going with criminal Zionist CIA against all Muslims - and Russia was protecting the Muslims].

[Golden coins minted with faked dates - indications of Mr. Léon Nicole]

There is a second theory - without being noticed in the broad public - one year after the capitulation of Germany coming up in a little community in the French part of Switzerland. The reason was a public meeting on May 19, 1946, in the location of Château-d'Oex. Mr. Léon Nicole, former boss of [communist oriented] Swiss Working Party (Partei der Arbeit, PdA) was presenting the population that the Federal Mint had minted gold pieces in 1942 with the year 1935 for concealing looted gold from German concentration camps being shifted to Switzerland.

The president of Château-d'Oex was denouncing then the feared communist and bank critic Nicole at once at the Federal Mint, and the Mint was transmitting the message to the Swiss National Bank [p.158]. Swiss National Bank was thanking to the local community's president for the report communicating

Original in German:

"dass die Eidg. Münzstätte im Jahre 1942 keine Goldmünzen geprägt hat. Für die seit 1945 geprägten Goldmünzen wurden ausschliesslich Barren verwendet, die nachgewiesenermassen bereits vor Kriegsausbruch im Besitze der Nationalbank waren."


"that the Federal Mint did not mint any gold coins in 1942. For the gold coins since 1945 were used gold bars which were in possession of Swiss National Bank before the outbreak of the war already".

But the bankers of Switzerland had manipulated truth one more time.

And Federal Control of Finance was officially stating in July 1946 that Swiss National Bank had minted several million coins since the beginning of 1945 only using gold bars which were in the possession of Swiss National Bank of before the outbreak of the war. Additionally Swiss SNB did not mint any coin during the war times according to the companies registries. But the focus of the statements of Mr. Léon Nicole was not refuted with this. According to his charge there were coins being minted with faked data - and he was right. Swiss National Bank was minting coins with faked years in a great style.

The confirmation was delivering a meeting of the directorate of June 6, 1946. In the beginning the topic of the discussion was that the government member Mr. Eduard von Steiger was requiring the revision of the gold which was used for coins after the war. In the course of the talks also the President of the Bank's Council, Mr. Gottlieb Bachmann, was uttering that he did not feel well about this topic. According to the minutes Nr. 630 he was reminding

"dass er sich mit der Ausprägung von Goldmünzen nie recht befreunden konnte, namentlich auch deshalb nicht, weil Münzen mit einem unrichtigen Datum geprägt worden sind und noch geprägt werden."

"that he never could really be a friend of minting of golden coins, above all also because coins were minted with a faked data and are also being minted yet with faked data."

The remark of Mr. Bachmann remained without contradiction. The reason for this procedure which was authorized by the Swiss government was Swiss coin rule which was installed in 1931 which could not be fulfilled any more because of the changing gold coverage of Swiss Franc currency.

Thus the theory of Mr. Nicole could probably be a fake. In Swiss gold mints is probably no gold of concentration camps. Dubious remelting actions in the coin sector were only performed on the order of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). The books of Federal Mint show two entries of orders of Swiss National Bank during the time of WWII. On November 6, 1940, the Federal Mint was settling for remelting gold coins in bars 739.75 Swiss Francs. These were 954 kilos - highly probable robbed - French Napoleon gold coins from the depot of German Reichsbank [p.159] of BIS which were delivered from Swiss Corporation of Banks (Bankverein) in the town of Le Locle [in the canton of Neuchâtel, French part of Switzerland]. In April 1943 Swiss National Bank let melt down again 100 kilos of golden coins, again an order of BIS.

From the own depot Swiss National Bank was performing remelting actions only two years after the war. At the end of January of 1947 the directorate decided

Original in German:

"die im Besitze der Nationalbank befindlichen Goldmünzen deutschen Gepräges sukzessive durch die Eidg. Münzstätte einschmelzen zu lassen und das Gold für die Prägung von 20-Fr.-Goldstücken zu verwenden."


"to melt down the golden coins with German minting in possession of Swiss National Bank step by step. Federal mint was performing the action and the gold was used for minting gold pieces of 20 Swiss Francs."

[After 1945 the allies are remelting the golden objects found in Turingia]

Swiss National Bank having made a profit with golden war business with the German side of at least 20 million Swiss Francs was fulfilling many wishes to the Nazis. But despite of all collaboration of Swiss NSB and of the other Swiss dealers the Germans could not reach to valorize all their pray. The fortune of the war pray fonds of German Wehrmacht reached 280.000,000 German Reichsmarks at the end, but the allies, but after the German capitulation the allies could detect - as already mentioned - not only gold bars but also duzens of tons of Jewish gold in form of teeth, watches and jewelries. This treasury of Reichsbank was stored in Frankfort and in a mine in Thuringia and was partly remelt by the [criminal Zionist] allies.

An indication [for the total profit] is a message of European Office of United Nations which was handed out to the press on September 9, 1947. In this communiqué was published that the commander of the [criminal Zionist] troops in Europe [criminal Zionist Eisenhower] had handed over gold not in form of money of a value of one milliion dollar to the preparing commission of the international refugee organisation. This was the first official transfer of this kind, and some more would follow. The United Nations were publishing more details yet. This not monetary gold was consisting in teeth, watches and jewelry which had been robbed by the Nazis of their victims. All these objects could not be identified any more. The profit of it would used for the reintegration of Nazi victims which had no chance of going home. The preparing commission was arranging conditions at the moment for selling the objects on the markt for the best possible price for helping to as many persons as possible [p.160].

In this connection with the humanitarian valorization action also Swiss National Bank was playing it's role again. The allied wanted to engage just the Swiss side for remelting the remnant dental gold. But Swiss National Bank was reacting badly to an oral question for an importation permission. "The "American" office was given the advice they will address themselves to the French Mint in Paris because in Switzerland there is no need to deal anything with this kind of gold directly nor indirectly", says the directorate's minutes Nº 1206 from September 17, 1947. Swiss had become cautious.

[Gold transactions by Swiss business banks, above all Credit Suisse (CS)]

In the gold and jewelry connection between the Third Reich and Switzerland not only Swiss National Bankd and Swiss merchants had an important role. Ausl business banks were making a great business with it. There were two purchases with an official height of totally about 80 million Swiss Francs which can be much more higher according to Mr. Werner Rings, and there is the question of corse how high the robbed share was. On a first glance it seems that Swiss Bank Corporation (Schweizerischer Bankverein) had been the biggest dealer with a doubtful role. Always again and again Berlin was delivering hot stuff to the mint of Swiss Bank Corporation in Neuchâtel. But analyzing the gold importations since the end of 1942 it comes out that also another high street bank is involved heavily into the methods of the Germans.

During the first three years of teh war there was a total liberal sysstem on the Swiss gold market. Everybody could purchase and sell, everybody could import and export. There were hardly any rules. Only at the end of 1942 Swiss government (Bundesrat) was installing limits for having a better control of the border traffic. In the meeting of December 7 [of 1942] watching of the gold trade and of it's importation and exportation were decided. As a consequence the merchants needed a license and they had to apply for approvals of their projected businesses when there was gold passing the border. And the last decision came from Swiss National Bank.

Whereas it was very clear from the beginning that the control had great loop holes because diplomats were also shifting gold in their suit cases the lists of applies are good indications concerning the privileged deals of Swiss banks and merchants.

[Many gold deliveries for Credit Suisse (CS)]

During most of [p.161] the applicants were dealing with the exportation of little quantities of fine gold, high street bank of Credit Swiss (CS) regularly imported big quantities, and this was striking. Swiss Bank Corporation and Union Bank of Switzerland [UBS, today UBS AG] were applying hardly never any approval during this dificult times [perhaps they didn't need any!].

The transactions of CS high street bank were mostly big quatities of gold bars and golden coins from Germany. National Bank which was hardly asking anything with the business with the Nazis was presenting an ustonishing position now with the business banks. There was fast a suspicion with Credit Suisse Bank. After having approved two importations of 50 kilos of fine gold each, the third application was conditioned with certain restrictions. The importation was applied on March 25, 1943, the quantity was 49 kilos of fine gold, and it was blocked first. "The directorate is deciding commenting this application only when there are further indications about the sense of this business", says the corresponsing minutes. Some days later Credit Suisse Bank was applying again. But now the sender of the gold was not Germany any more, but it was Vienna. Swiss National Bank was also rejecting this application "because further indications are missing".

In May 1943 there was the next case. Credit Suisse was applying the importation of 4,000 coins "Napoléon" and of 5,000 pieces in gold from the German Reich. This application was approved, but Swiss National Bank had the meaning

Original in German:

"dass das eingeführte Gold, das bei der Schweizerischen Kreditanstalt ins Depot gelegt werden soll, etwas überwacht werden soll."


"that this imported gold which is projected for being deposed in the depot of Credit Suisse should be watched."

But the importations from Germany and from the occupied countries were continuing:
-- 50 kilos in gold bars from Germany on May 20, 1943, for Credit Suisse in Zurich;
-- several kilos of golden coins from Germany on May 20, 1943, for Credit Suisse in Saint Gallen;
-- 21.6 kilos in gold bars from France on June 2, 1943, for Credit Suisse in Zurich;
-- Dutch gold coins with a value of 33,000 florins from Germany on July 15, 1943, for Credit Suisse in Zurich;
-- 6,000 Dutch gold coins from Germany on July 22, 1943, for Credit Suisse in Zurich and so on without end.

[German gold and gold coins for Credit Suisse Bank - agent Mr. Weidtmann from Istanbul must not enter Switzerland - CS is silent - investigation only after 1945 by "American" side: German Bank Istanbul was with CS]

At the latest on August 5, 1943, SNB leadership was presuming truth more and more about the backers of these deals. The cause for this was the importaiton of 6,640 further Dutch gold coins.

Original in German:

"Was das Einfuhrgesuch No. 24 anbelangt, so ist die Schweizerische Kreditanstalt um Auskunft über [S.162] Zweck und Charakter dieser Importe holländischer Münzen für Rechnung der Deutschen Bank zu ersuchen. Es soll damit auch die Frage verbunden werden, ob die Kreditanstalt gegen diese sich wiederholenden Importe für deutsche Rechnung keine Bedenken habe."


"Concerning the application of importation Nº24 there is more information needed by Credit Suisse [p.162] about the purpose and the character of these importations of Dutch coins billing German Bank (Deutsche Bank). There should also be connected the question with it if Credit Suisse had any objections against these importations for German bills coming in again and again."

Credit Suisse high street bank had no objections. On the list of applications Nº 35 of September 23, 1943, it was only one importation listet - the one of Credit Suisse. The business was showing even more clearly who were the real persons in the background. For the deposit of Credit Suisse of the branch of German Bank in Istanbul 13,000 florins and French gold pieces with a value of 27,000 Swiss Francs should be imported. Swiss National Bank was urging then that Credit Suisse would give "any further justification". This second reply was not a coincidence. Because the director of the branch in Istanbul was the notorious Mr. Hans Weidtmann. During the first years of the war he was regularly lodging in the Zurich hotel "Baur au Lac" for arranging secret gold transactions. Swiss authorities were forbidding him the entry. And also on April 16, 1943 it was like this.

"Die eidgenössische Fremdenpolizei teilt mit, dass Herr Hans Weidtmann, Direktor der Deutschen Bank in Istanbul, wiederum ein Einreisegesuch gestellt hat. Da es sich hier um eine Persönlichkeit handelt, die sich früher schon wegen unerwünschten Goldgeschäften bemerkbar gemacht hat, beschliesst das Direktorium, der Fremdenpolizei Ablehnung des Gesuches zu empfehlen",

"Federal Migration Police is communicating that Mr. Hans Weidtmann, Director of German Bank (Deutsche Bank) in Istanbul, has applied for one more entry to our country. As this is a personality which was attrackting attention with undesirable gold business actions the directorate is deciding to suggest to the Migration Police the rejection of the apply",

this was the meaning of Swiss National Bank (SNB).

The real dimensions of the gold businesses between Credit Suisse and German Bank were only shown by the [criminal Zionist] "Americans" after the war. During their investigations against German Bank the Finance Department of military government in Germany (OMGUS) was coming to the conclusion that the branch in Istanbul had concentrated almost all foreign activities with Credit Suisse. For the current gold businesses there was a current account with an average fortune of 500,000 Swiss Francs. Additionally there is a rumor that a special account existed with about 250,000 Swiss Francs. According to statements of the former responsible of Turkish branch German Bank had a special deposit account in the bank of Credit Suisse for gold which was administrated as the property of the headquarter in Berlin. The balance waas according to OMGUS up to 1.15 million Swiss Francs in 1944. Additionally there should have been 311 kilos of gold at Credit Suisse of Zurich and 310 kilos of gold at Credit Suisse of Interlaken [p.163].

This example of Credit Suisse is not leaving many doubts that next to Swiss National Bank also Swiss business banks were purchasing looted gold from the Nazis. Above all the corresponding coins were presumably one part of the pray of German currency protection commandos. For direct deliveries of gold from concentration camps any proofs are missing. But it's a fact that they played a decisive role - together with Swiss National Bank - a big role in another sector of marketing of Holocaust. Because there was not only coming jewelry, watches and dental gold from the occupied countries and from the hells behind barbed wire. But there were also commercial papers being valorized, and Swiss bankers got the profits selling stolen papers of the persecuted. Swiss bankers were willing sellers of looted commercial papers [p.164].
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