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The criminals were Swiss

The list of Swiss collaboration actions committing big crimes in the world is long, and Switzerland is partly a Fascist country until today

Criminal Switzerland in winter
                has up to 90-100% foggy days.  Criminal Swiss National Bank gave the Third Reich
              credit without limit  Book of Beat Balzli "Trustees of the
                Reich" (Treuhänder des Reichs). Swiss banks were
                acting like German Nazi banks 1933-1945.  The Rhine meadow
                  camps with Eisenhower's mass murder against German
                  soldiers were CONCEALED by the Swiss pig press after

by Michael Palomino (2012 / 2015); version with photos (2013)

Go here to the version without photos, pure text version.



The Swiss
                        national story about William Tell is a big lie

The Swiss national story about William Tell is a big lie [1]
William Tell has never existed: Fascist Switzerland presents until today a William Tell as a "national hero" whereas this Mr. Tell and his shoot with an apple have never existed. With this lie the complete Swiss population, all foreign countries and above all all tourists are consequently hoaxed. But Swiss government like it in this way. But one has to consider that the name "William" principally is a German one and not a typical Swiss one at all...

William Tell never existed:

Criminal Switzerland in winter has up to 90-100% foggy days [2].

                      Switzerland in winter has up to 90-100% foggy

Faked Swiss weather statistics not indicating foggy days: Official Swiss weather statistics indicates sunny days, when the day is foggy. In the midlands of Switzerland e.g. there is fog and cold from October until March for at least 5 months. So foreign people coming to Switzerland have a wrong impression about Swiss weather and are systematically hoaxed. But Fascist Swiss government likes this, to hoax the people by faked statistics, and Swiss people do not protest!!!

Faked weather statistics concerning Swiss weather:

The sea
                        of fog of Shitzerland with Zug Mountain

The sea of fog of Shitzerland with Zug Mountain. Criminal Swiss weather statistics are concealing this sea of fog indicating sunny days... [3]
Swiss fog holes are for example in German speaking Switzerland: <90-100% foggy days during winter half year ("fog holes"): Murten / Morat, Lyss, Biel / Bienne (dense fog), Grenchen (dense fog), Solothurn (dense fog), Olten (dense fog), Zofingen (dense fog), Aarau (dense fog), Lenzburg (dense fog), Wohlen, Hochdorf, Cham, Kloten (high fog), Winterthur, (high fog), Frauenfeld (high fog), Weinfelden (partially dense fog), Amriswil, Dotzwil, Romanshorn, Arbon.> 

(from: http://www.monsieurfischer.ch/2011/11/grusse-aus-dem-nebelloch.html)
Swiss racists were active before 1945 already:

Prohibition of marriage 1907-1968: It were Swiss criminal racists introducing the law principle in 1907 that men who were not capable for military service would be not allowed for marriage, and in racist canton of Zurich this violation of human rights was maintained until 1968 so many people had to live in other cantons for marriage there.

see here: http://www.med-etc.com/soz/buch-hoelle/03_psychiatrie-holocaust.htm

Criminal Nazi Zurich was
              prohibiting marriages because of genetical reasons until
Criminal Nazi Zurich was prohibiting marriages because of genetical reasons until 1968 [4]

Asylum for Lenin in Geneva and authorized emigration in 1917: It were Swiss criminals permitting to live in Geneva without limits and then permitting the emigration to Russia in 1917 converting the whole world into a Communist World War.

Criminal Switzerland let leave
              Lenin traveling from Geneva to Russia for installing Gulag
              communism in the world
Criminal Switzerland let leave Lenin traveling from Geneva to Russia for installing Gulag communism in the world [5]

Credit for the Third Reich without limits: It were Swiss criminals giving credit without limits to the Third Reich ("foreign currency without limits", orig. German: "unbeschränkte Devisenspitze")

see in the book of Markus Heiniger: Dreizehn Gründe. Warum die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht erobert wurde, presented here:

Criminal Swiss National Bank
              gave the Third Reich credit without limit
Criminal Swiss National Bank gave the Third Reich credit without limit [6]

                        Swiss racist Ernst Rüdin installed racial law in
                        the Third Reich - just copying Zurich law which
                        already existed...

Swiss criminals were projecting Hitler's racism laws: It were Swiss criminals projecting Hitler's racism laws against Jews, and the criminal Swiss (Rüdin) was even rewarded for his "work" in Hitler's Germany!!!

see here:

from: Thomas Huonker: "Anstaltseinweisungen, Kindswegnahmen, Eheverbote, Sterilisationen, Kastrationen. Fürsorge, Zwangsmassnahmen, "Eugenik" und Psychiatrie in Zürich zwischen 1890 und 1970." Sozialdepartement der Stadt Zürich, Departementssekretariat, Postfach, 8026 Zürich; Edition Sozialpolitik Nr. 7, Sozialberichterstattung 2002


<From 18 to 21 July 1934 "Eugenic Movement" had it's 11th session in Zurich in Hotel Dolder. Pupil of Forel, Ernst Rüdin, and August Ploetz, could show their new racism law projected for the Third Reich. Critical questions came from American, from English and from French delegations (Huonker, p.88). US scientist Morris Steggerda was against a classification of races claiming that for Blacks or for natives should count other criteria than for whites. German delegation was not impressed and reinforced their aim to create a "hereditarily healthy German folk" (Huonker, p.89).>

(orig. in German:
<Vom 18. bis zum 21.7.1934 hielt die "Eugenische Bewegung" in Zürich im Hotel Waldhaus Dolder ihre 11.Versammlung ab. Die Forel-Schüler Ernst Rüdin und August Ploetz konnten ihr neues Rassegesetz im 3.Reich vorzeigen. Kritische Fragen kamen von amerikanischen, englischen und französischen Delegationen (Huonker, S.88). Der US-Wissenschaftler Morris Steggerda setzte sich gegen eine Klassifizierung der Rassen ein, indem er forderte, auf Schwarze und Indios andere Kriterien als bei Weissen anzusetzen. Die deutsche Delegation liess sich nicht beeindrucken und bekräftigte das Ziel des "erbgesunden deutschen Volkes" (Huonker, S.89).>

And in 1939 this Swiss racist even got a special reward from the NS side: 

<In 1939 NS state praised the racist hygienist Ernst Rüdin from St. Gallen. In former times he had been the boss of Friedmatt psychiatry in Basel. Now he had made his "career" for being an advisor for population and race policy in the interior ministry of the Third Reich in Munich. Reaching his 65th birthday German side was appreciating him:

"Mr. Professor Rüdin put into action [...] for the state's leadership of the Third Reich a closed front of scientific and practically working workers for the realization of the program of population policy of National Socialism [...] By his work German psychiatry has worked forward with his vision and his working force when this psychiatry is rated that high in the new Reich, is rated well high for the realization of the aims corresponding to our leader's aims of Adolf Hitler.">

(orig. in German:
<Der NS-Staat lobte 1939 den St.Galler Rassehygieniker Ernst Rüdin, ehemals Friedmatt-Leiter in Basel, u.a. "aufgestiegen" zum Beirat für Bevölkerungs- und Rassenpolitik beim Reichsministerium des Innern des 3.Reichs in München. Zu seinem 65. Geburtstag äusserte die deutsche Seite:

"Herr Professor Rüdin hat [...] der Staatsführung des Dritten Reiches eine geschlossene Front wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Facharbeiter zur Verwirklichung des bevölkerungspolitischen Programms des Nationalsozialismus zur Verfügung gestellt. [...] So hat die deutsche Psychiatrie es seinem Weitblick und seiner Tatkraft zu verdanken, wenn sie im neuen Reich heute den Platz einnimmt, der ihrer hohen Bedeutung für die Verwirklichung der Ziele unseres Führers Adolf Hitler entspricht.">)

-- Huonker, p.64;
-- Roemer, H.: Vorwort zur Festschrift zum 65.Geburtstag von Ernst Rüdin. In: Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie und ihre Grenzgebiete, Berlin 1939 (unpaginiert).>

                        flag was made of Swiss color of Ciba Pharma

Swastika flag of the Third Reich was made of Swiss color from Ciba Pharma - [8]

and for the Third Reich Ciba kicked all Jews out for being "free of Jews".

1930s until 1945: Swiss color for the Nazi flag since 1930s: Nazi flag's polar red (for the flag with the swastika) was produced in Fascist Switzerland by Ciba Geigy in Basel, and for the treaty for eternal delivery of the polar red color Ciba Geigy in Basel kicked all Jews from the enterprise for being "free of Jews" ("judenfrei"). This was "liberty" in enterprise policy in Fascist Switzerland.

1933: Nazi party "National Front" in racist Zurich has to be founded even two times: When at the end of January of 1933 Hitler got the power in Germany, there was a development in Switzerland for a Fascist Democracy. Swiss Nazi party "National Front" had to be founded even two times in racist Zurich because Merchant hall (Kaufläuten hall) was too small. Later was a people's vote about the introduction of "Fascist Democracy" and the majority of the population rejected it. But against Nazi friendly censorship of Fascist Swiss government the population could not do anything.


Merchant's Hall in Zurich was
              the festival hall of Swiss Nazis (Frontists) in 1933
Merchant's Hall in Zurich was the festival hall of Swiss Nazis (Frontists) in 1933 [9]

Book of
                        Beat Balzli "Trustees of the Reich"
                        (Treuhänder des Reichs). Swiss banks were acting
                        like German Nazi banks 1933-1945.

Book of Beat Balzli "Trustees of the Reich" (Treuhänder des Reichs). Swiss banks were acting  like German Nazi banks 1933-1945 [10].
1933-1945: Swiss were making business with robbed Jewish stocks: It were Swiss selling well Jewish stocks at Zurich stock exchange for the Nazis (see the book of Beat Balzli: Trustees of the Reich (orig. German: Treuhänder des Reiches)

                            of Markus Heiniger "13 Reasons. Whi
                            Switzerland was not occupied during

Swiss were organizing black market for the Nazis
: It were Swiss organizing the black market for the Nazis where Jewish robbed jewels were sold with a good profit, these objects were in gold and silver from concentration camps (see the book from Markus Heiniger: 13 reasons. Why Switzerland was not occupied during Second World War (orig. German: Dreizehn Gründe. Warum die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht erobert wurde)

1933-1945: Swiss were organizing auctions for "decadent art": It were Swiss organizing auctions for the Nazis selling "decadent art" with a big profit (see the book from Markus Heiniger: 13 reasons. Why Switzerland was not occupied during Second World War (orig. German: Dreizehn Gründe. Warum die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht erobert wurde)

                      "The Nation" was always censored by Nazi
                      Swiss government member Von Steiger

Newspaper "The Nation" was always censored by Nazi Swiss government member Von Steiger [12]
1933-1945: Swiss Fascist government censoring in a Nazi friendly way: Since 1933 Swiss Fascist government was censoring in a Nazi friendly way, and the population could hardly do anything about it. Alternative journalists like Surava were persecuted and after 1945 he was almost killed by Fascist Swiss government member Von Steiger and Surava had to write more books under another name.

Surava: http://www.chdata123.com/eu/ch/Surava-gegen-nazi-bundesrat.htm

1938-1945: Swiss inventing with NS authorities the "J" stamp: When after the Nazi occupation of Austria ("Ostmark") a wave of Jewish refugees was entering Switzerland, the boss of foreign police Rothmund was inventing the Jewish stamp together with the NS authorities, and racist Fascist Swiss policy was NOT doing anything against it. So, Jews rejected at the Swiss border could not show their passport in a neutral way any more and were sent directly to concentration camps.

Jewish stamp by Rothmund: J-stempel-mit-D.htm

And you know what? Rich Jews in Switzerland did not want either Jewish refugees!!! http://www.chdata123.com/eu/ch/juden-gegen-juden.htm

The Jewish stamp was invented by
              Nazi Switzerland and Third Reich together
The Jewish stamp was invented by Nazi Switzerland and Third Reich together [13]

                          Nazi concentration camp at Bühren at Aare

Swiss Nazi concentration camp at Bühren at Aare River [14].

Barracks, watch towers, barbed wire fence, just like a German concentration camp of the Third Reich. There were many of them in Nazi Switzerland... [14]

                                      factory of Langenthal was well
                                      "prepared" with it's big
Porcelain factory of Langenthal was well "prepared" with it's big ovens [15]
1939-1945: Swiss concentration camps for prisoners of war: Switzerland copied the concentration camp system of Germany building up many concentrations camps for war refugees, with fences and with shooting mechanisms. These inmates were partly working hard for Swiss infrastructure building up roads in the mountains but the memorial shields for them were removed after 1945. And Russian refugees were delivered all to Communist Stalin Soviet Union where the affected were brought into Gulag camps for at least another 10 years because of "contact with the enemy". This was the policy of Fascist Switzerland.

Example: Here are articles about Swiss Nazi concentration camp in Fascist Switzerland in Büren on Aare River, in Wauwilermoos etc.:

1939-1945: Fascist Shitzerland was "prepared" with ovens of porcelain factory: Fascist Shitzerland with it's concentration camp system was always prepared to be a helping factor for the extermination of the Jews, and the big ovens of porcelain factory in Langenthal were also prepared (according to many indications of the local population there in the 1990s). And also in racist canton of Zurich more concentrations camps were prepared (according to indication of Zurich police in the 1990s).

1939-1945: Dark nights (obscuration) in favor of Nazi Germany so the allied airplanes had no orientation: From 1939 to 1945 the Fascist Swiss government ordered dark nights (obscuration). These dark nights were in favor of Nazi Germany so the allied airplanes had no orientation. Considering that Shitzerland was a "neutral" state, these dark nights with obscuration were absolutely illegal and against any law, because a neutral state is obliged to "mark it's border lines" (see the book from Markus Heiniger: 13 reasons. Why Switzerland was not occupied during Second World War (orig. German: Dreizehn Gründe. Warum die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht erobert wurde, p.174-176)

Obscuration practice for Swiss population
                      only used the Third Reich hindering orientation
                      for the allied air planes
Obscuration practice for Swiss population only used the Third Reich hindering orientation for the allied air planes [16]

                          guideline for the Studying Commission for
                          Atomic Questions in Switzerland - the final
                          goal should be a Swiss atomic bomb
Secret guideline for the Studying Commission for Atomic Questions in Switzerland - the final goal should be a Swiss atomic bomb [17].

1940-1988: Fascist Swiss government with atomic bombs projects: Fascist Swiss government let work out projects for own atomic bombs from 1940 until 1988 (!!!). So the end of Second World War was not at all the end of the Fascist Swiss government...

Swiss projects for atomic bombs 1940-1988:

V2 Nazi
                        rockets were working with Swiss precision parts
                        of ABB

1943-1945: Criminal Swiss men were working for V1 and V2: It were Swiss enterprises (ABB) working out the most important parts for the rockets of V1 and V2 bombing England second time after the destruction of towns in 1940.

1945: Nazi Switzerland was NEVER denazified but Nazi structures are GOING ON in Switzerland partly until today (2013) for example with the bank secret tactic. a clear Nazi tactic.

1945-1946: Criminal Fascist Swiss government concealing mass murder in Rhine Meadow camps in the "American" zone: The culprits were Swiss, probably in Swiss Nazi government not lifting censorship for "neutral" Swiss press forbidding any report about the Rhine Meadow camps in Germany under mass murder Eisenhower where under "American" administration with the Zionists Baruch and Morgenthau in the background about 705,000 German soldiers were killed, and under the French administration since July 1945 - separated from the "American" zone - another about 250,000 German soldiers died. Zionist Eisenhower also rejected all relief parcels sent among others by Swiss Red Cross. Instead to report this mass murder in the Rhine Meadow camps in the "American" zone and later also in the French zone Swiss press only reported "American" soldiers making holidays in Switzerland during summer 1945 and many Swiss people offered the "Americans" Swiss watches in the streets for too high prices. But Swiss Red Cross knew much about the Eisenhower horror in the Rhine Meadow camps. But Fascist Swiss government (which was rated as "neutral"!) did not want to know...

The Rhine meadow camps with Eisenhower's mass
                  murder against German soldiers were CONCEALED by the
                  Swiss pig press after 1945
The Rhine meadow camps with Eisenhower's mass murder against German soldiers were CONCEALED by the Swiss pig press after 1945 [19]

                          about the forged Hitchcock films stating a
                          murder of millions of Jews by Germany was
                          concealed by Swiss pig press.
Also manipulated Hitchcock films about German concentration camps were concealed: But Swiss censorship of criminal Swiss Fascist government was going even more far: Swiss media concealed the manipulations in the Hitchcock films about German concentration camps. Eisenhower and Hitchcock transported with lorries masses of German bodies from the Rhine Meadow camps to the "liberated" concentration camps claiming there had be an epidemic and these would be the Jewish bodies. In the "liberated" German concentration camps mass graves were digged out and German men from former SS were ordered to put the bodies into the mass graves. Why were these bodies not Jewish captives? They had no German captive uniform and had no tattooed captive number. And at Nuremberg Trial these manipulated and lied Hitchcock films were shown. This was the kind of "American" and British "reeducation". Swiss press did not mention ANYTHING of this big fraud although Swiss Red Cross clearly reported that there had NEVER be any murder of millions in German concentration camps. Censorship of Swiss Fascist government was working well, now against "the Germans". When Swiss press had reported the truth about the Rhine Meadow camps and had reported the Hitchcock fraud then the Nuremberg Trial had come to another end...

                        Rothmund permitted the big Nazis their flight
                        passing Switzerland for South
                        "America", big Nazi fortunes

1945-1946: Criminal Fascist Swiss government helped the big Nazis for their flight to South "America": It were Swiss criminals helping the big Nazis after the conference of Strasbourg (in 1944) for their big flight to Argentina passing Switzerland (in 1945) (see the book from Markus Heiniger: 13 reasons. Why Switzerland was not occupied during Second World War (orig. German: Dreizehn Gründe. Warum die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht erobert wurde)

see here:


The boss organizing this flight for the big Nazis passing Switzerland was again called Rothmund, and Fascist Swiss government was not doing anything against it. "Friends" were helping "friends".

1945-1946: Criminal Swiss helped the big Nazis bringing them their money: It were Swiss criminals bringing the money of the big Nazis to Argentina in diplomat briefcases (see the book from Markus Heiniger: 13 reasons. Why Switzerland was not occupied during Second World War (orig. German: Dreizehn Gründe. Warum die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht erobert wurde)

                        banksters and lawyers were robbing Jewish bank
                        accounts systematically since 1945

since 1945: Criminal Swiss also robbed systematically Jewish bank accounts: It were criminal Swiss lawyers simply robbing Jewish accounts when the owner did not "come any more"  (see the book of Beat Balzli: Trustees of the Reich (orig. German: Treuhänder des Reiches)

1945-1960: Swiss people who had helped the Jews are convicted by Swiss Nazi justice: After 1945 good Swiss people like Mr. Lutz giving visas in Hungary for Jews or like Mr. Grüninger in St. Gallen organizing help for Jews fleeing from nazified Austria since 1938 were convicted to heavy sentences because they had helped the Jews. Swiss justice was Nazi justice until 1968, as also medicine professors at the universities were more or less Nazis with racism theories until 1968.

About Carl Lutz:

Paul Grüninger in 1938
              approximately, helped Jewish refugees in 1938 after the NS
              occupation of Austria - and was punished for this by Swiss
              Nazi justice
Paul Grüninger in 1938 approximately, helped Jewish refugees in 1938 after the NS occupation of Austria - and was punished for this by Swiss Nazi justice [23]

1945-1970s: Swiss made racist propaganda against homosexuals until 1968: It were criminal Swiss who systematically and again and again made propaganda against homosexuals until 1968 (these Swiss criminals were Swiss police and their criminal commanders) executing raids and persecuting humans because of their sexuality (above all in racist canton of Zurich). Only in the 1970s homosexuality was legalized in Fascist Switzerland.

Zurich Nazi police with gas
              masks and converted flame thrower in 1968
Zurich Nazi police with gas masks and converted flame thrower in 1968 was also authorized to perform raids against homosexuals until the first years of the 1970s... [24]

                        Leuch, one of the preventors of enlightenment
                        about Swiss Nazi history

Georg Leuch, one of the preventors of enlightenment about Swiss Nazi history [25].
1945-1990s: Criminal Swiss did hinder the workup of Nazi times: It were Swiss criminals BLOCKING the workup of Nazi times in Switzerland up to the 1990s systematically, and one of the main culprits with this concealment of Swiss Nazi past was the former boss of Zurich stock exchange who later was working at Swiss Supreme Court in Lausanne: the Swiss Nazi Georg Leuch (see the book of Beat Balzli: Trustees of the Reich (orig. German: Treuhänder des Reiches)

                        biker with an assault weapon on his back also
                        during peace times
Swiss biker with an assault weapon on his back also during peace times [26]

1945-1990s: Swiss also maintained the philosophy having a military service after 1945: It were Swiss going on with Nazi Swiss military service after 1945 whereas Germany was on the ground and European Community was founded (Swiss military rituals were among others 30 km marches with heavy injuries on the feet, or to be passed by a Swiss tank, see the article about "Swiss Slavery Camps":


                        "Bell Field" (Schällemätteli) in
                        Basel. Prisons in Switzerland were overcrowded
                        by military objectors because Swiss Nazi voters
                        never permitted any civil service until 1992...

1945-1990s: Swiss blocked the introduction of a civil service until the 1990s: It were criminal Swiss politicians blocking the introduction of a civil service up to the 1990s whereas European Economic Community was founded, and it were criminal Swiss politicians putting objectors of military service into jail blocking them any career, and civil service was introduced during the 1990s only when the jails were too full by objectors of military service

                        with an assault weapon is one of the Swiss

1945 until today: Criminal Swiss politics with military machine guns in every flat and home: During Second World War every Swiss has to guard a military machine gun in this flat, and since the end of Second World War there has not changed much with this bad habit having a military machine gun in every private house. And a majority of Swiss men want to have a military machine gun in their houses also when the war is finished since 1945 and when a European Community is founded. Criminal Swiss men are killing women and children with this machine gun or are also committing suicide with it, or Swiss children are playing with the machine gun killing each other. The cases of threats or extortions against women or neighbors committed with this military machine gun are hardly or not registered. And criminal Swiss men do NOT change and still want this Swiss terrorism having the military military machine gun in every flat and home...

300 lethal victims per year by Swiss military machine gun in Swiss houses:

                        Ferdinand Marcos, a good bank client for Nazi
                        Shitzerland, only one of many ones, and poor
                        stay poor

Dictator Ferdinand Marcos, a good bank client for Nazi Shitzerland, only one of many ones, and poor stay poor [29].
1945 until today: Swiss bank secret is serving for any dictator in the world leaving the populations in poverty...

Swiss bank secret for dictators:

                        Blocher with a bike in his Ems Chemical
                        production plant[30]

1950s - 1990s: Fascist Swiss government supporting racist regime in South Africa: As the unique country in Europe Fascist Switzerland was supporting the racist regime in South Africa up to the end where Mandela had to be in jail for decades. Not only that: In 2006 Fascist orientated government members of Switzerland rejected revising the racist actions in South Africa and they took the resolution that the documents will stay closed, with them racist Minister of Justice Blocher, the head of the gang for racist South Africa (ASA). And racists in Berne can continue...

Fascist Switzerland with racist South Africa:

                        ammunition was thrown into Swiss lakes until the

1920s until 1960s: Criminal Swiss dumping ammunition in Swiss lakes and leaving it there: After 1945 criminal Swiss politics were dumping Swiss ammunition in Swiss lakes in masses - as a "disarmament measure". The consequences with corrosion and intoxication with chemical substances and with explosives in the lakes are not determined. Then, after protests, Swiss policy decided in the year 2010 that it would be "better" to leave this Swiss ammunition in the lakes because a recovery of this ammunition in the lakes would "pollute" the lakes. Therefore this time bomb is going on working in Swiss lakes, against any common sense pulling out the explosives and poisons from there. This manner of acting corresponds to the general political cowardice leaving dangerous waste to the following generations. In this manner also France was acting for example dumping atomic waste in the sea until the 1970s, and this atomic waste is contaminating the sea now. But this negative model of France is NOT a reason for criminal Swiss politicians for pulling out the Swiss ammunition as fast as possible from the Swiss lakes...

Swiss ammunition in Swiss lakes:

UBS of
                        Switzerland with it's big net of branches all
                        over the world has become one of the biggest
                        money launderer of the world - the same counts
                        for CS and Bankverein (since 1998=UBS AG

UBS of Switzerland with it's big net of branches all over the world has become one of the biggest money launderer of the world - the same counts for CS and Bankverein (since 1998=UBS AG) [32]
1960s until today: Criminal Swiss are organizing the Organized Crime in criminal high street bank UBS: There are criminal Swiss people organizing world wide money laundering for Organized Crime:
-- arms trade, money laundering for corrupt governments of "non developed countries
-- child trafficking,
-- drug money washing
-- there is also a criminal pedophile circle "Animal Circle" (orig. German: "Tierkreis") in the Basel branch of high street bank UBS with "high ranked members" and with trips also to Thailand with sacrifices of children etc.)

Money laundering is worked out passing criminal money
-- over blocked private bank accounts
-- over bank accounts of dead people
-- over bank accounts of youth people who are adult now
-- and all this world wide money laundering for Organized Crime is worked out with certain codes.

And all this is worked out in collaboration with the "national airline" (Swissair, today Swiss), and until today these events have not changed (and "neutral" Swiss government is tolerating that!!! and all is covered by Swiss secret service, because UBS high street bank is also Swiss secret service and has got it's spies all over the world)

Reports about criminal habits in criminal Swiss UBS high street bank: http://www.chdata123.com/eu/ch-UBS/UBS-geruechte-ENGL.html

                        bullets of Zurich Nazi police are destroying
                        eyes until today (2013)

Rubber bullets of Zurich Nazi police are destroying eyes until today (2013) [33]
1980s until today (2013): Swiss made propaganda against youths and young adults: It were criminal Swiss politicians always again and again making propaganda against youths in the 1980s (these were criminal Swiss police and their criminal commanders, in collaboration with criminal newspaper editors), only because some youths wanted their own youth center and wanted their own way to get into adult age (only in the 1990s youth centers were institutionalized). Criminal Swiss police (Nazis in blue) with their rubber bullets provoked that dozens of people lost an eye - and no policeman was ever punished. And rubber bullets are still killing eyes in Switzerland (2013 one case in Winterthur)!

Any political appeal to this Nazi police in Zurich for abrogating the rubber bullets was WITHOUT SUCCESS until today (2013)
. Nazis in Zurich are dominating Zurich until today steadily.

Two main
                        criminals of Switzerland, Ospel (boss of UBS)
                        and Villiger (Swiss Minister of Finance) were
                        committing the world wide housing bubble of

2001-2008: Criminal Swiss causing a big part of financial crises of 2008: It were criminal Swiss selling criminal banking products provoking the world wide financial crises of 2008 (the culprits are high street bank of UBS, with faked president Marcel Ospel, and his "friend", Minister of Finance and government member Villiger), and millions had to live in the misery because of them, and all this criminality is covered by Swiss government and by criminal Swiss secret service, and Swiss are only laughing (UBS high street bank is Swiss secret service itself; information by persons from justice in Basel Town).

Elite of Shitzerland ist absolutely egoistic and racist -
egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist - egoistic and racist.

General conclusion: many psychopaths and racists in Shitzerland

Swiss people are often psychopaths and racist, above all Swiss alcoholics, and Human Rights do NOT count then, but only counts "Swiss spirit" of Swiss military machine gun giving way to any criminality which is possible.

Swiss war mentality did not finish in 1945 and never finished until today. Denazification NEVER was performed in Shitzerland. And many Swiss - men and women - are mentally imprisoned with their war mentality against all other things: "The enemy is everywhere" (see: Swiss Soldier's Book, orig. German: Schweizer Soldatenbuch).

Swiss Soldier's Book, orig. German: Schweizer Soldatenbuch): "Enemy is everywhere":

Swiss soldier's guidebook claims
              "Enemy is everywhere", it's pure Nazism
Swiss soldier's guidebook claims "Enemy is everywhere", it's pure Nazism [35]

Photo sources
[1] faked William Tell: http://www.tell.ch/schweiz/telldenkmal.htm
[2] fog in criminal Switzerland up to 90-100% in winter and Swiss weather statistics are indicating sunny days:
[3] sea of fog from October until March in almost half of Switzerland, Swiss weather statistics are indicating sunny days: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebel
[4] criminal Nazi Zurich with Bible racism and racism against intellectuals prohibiting marriages by genetic reasons until 1968:
[5] Lenin with criminal Gulag communism fascinating masses: http://historysshadow.wordpress.com/tag/carlists/
[6] Swiss National Bank of Berne giving credit to the Third Reich without limit: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schweizerische_Nationalbank
[7] criminal Swiss racist Ernst Rüdin 1938: http://people.clarkson.edu/~sheilafw/rudin/
[8] Swastika flag with Swiss color from Ciba Pharma: http://www.amazon.de/N%C3%BCrnberg-Reichstag-geeinten-deutschen-Nation/dp/images/B001NASRME
[9] Merchant's Hall in Zurich, also for Swiss Nazi party (Front): http://www.youropi.com/de/zuerich/clubs/kaufleuten-7283
[10] book by Beat Balzli: Trustees of the Reich (Treuhänder des Reichs):

[11] book by Markus Heiniger: 13 reasons. Why Switzerland was not occupied during WWII (13 Gründe. Wieso die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht erobert wurde):
[12] newspaper "The Nation" ("Die Nation") always censored by Swiss Nazi government member Von Steiger:
http://www.ideesuisse.ch/11.0.html, film "Censored, blamed and ruined: Peter Surava" (Film "Zensiert, verfemt und ruiniert: Peter Surava")
[13] Jewish stamp, common invention by Nazi regimes of Switzerland and Germany: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Reisepass_Wilhelm_Frank_mit_J-Stempel.jpg
[14] Swiss concentration camp at Büren at Aare River, title of the film:
[15] porcelain production plant in Langenthal was "prepared" for the Third Reich with big ovens: http://www.hairenergy.ch/infos/salon/index.html
[16] obscuration exercise "For Swiss Population" 1936:
[17] secret guideline of the study commission for atomic questions (SKA) of Switzerland, goal is the production of an atomic bomb:
http://www.srf.ch/player/tv/srf-wissen/video/eine-schweizer-atombombe-fuer-den-frieden?id=28316e37-f937-4652-81de-e47d26d96ccd, 3min.32sek.
[18] V2 rocket with Swiss precision parts: http://www.raumfahrtmuseum.at/der_beginn_der_raumfahrt.html
[19] Rhine meadow camps and Eisenhower's mass murder were concealed by Swiss pig press: http://derhonigmannsagt.wordpress.com/tag/rheinwiesenlager/
[20] German bodies are torn on the way without tattooed numbers of captivity, without striped uniforms from German ccs, without remnants of earth, and mostly the bodies are absolutely white and thus they are victims of dysentery and not gassed: video: An Alfred Hitchcock Documentary On The Nazi Holocaust, 23min.14sek.

[21] since 1945 Heinrich Rothmund lets pass big Nazis by Switzerland on their flight for South "America", with high German funds inclusive:
[22] after 1945 Swiss banks are robbing Jewish bank accounts instead of leaving Jewish funds to Jewish communities:
[23] Paul Grüninger 1938 appr.: http://www.paul-grueninger.ch/
[24] Zurich Nazi police with gas masks and converted flame thrower for rubber bullets, also authorized for performing raids against homosexuals until the first years of the 1970s: http://www.ssi-media.com/pigbrother/Dokgas2.htm
[25] Georg Leuch, one of the preventors of enlightenment: Beat Balzli: Trustees of the Reich (Treuhänder des Reichs), p.218
[26] assault gun on the bike, 1950s appr.: http://www.license-plates.ch/Seite1.htm
[27] prison bell meadow (Schällemätteli) in Basel, until 1992 overcrowded with military objectors because Swiss voters did not allow a civil service:
[28] Swiss news report: My sister was murdered by a Swiss military assault gun (Meine Schwester wurde mit einem Sturmgewehr getötet):
[29] dictator Marcos, a good bank client for Switzerland, but poor remain poor: http://money.de.msn.com/aktien/bilder.aspx?cp-documentid=156230224&page=23
[30] Christoph Blocher on a bike in his Ems Chemicals production plant in 1996: http://www.zumkuckucksei.net/Politik/realpol/BlocherEbner.html

[31] Swiss ammunition production plants are throwing ammunition into Swiss lakes until the 1960s: video: toxic ammunition in Swiss lakes (Giftige Munition in schweizer Seen): http://www.srf.ch/player/tv/rundschau/video/giftige-munition-in-schweizer-seen?id=9ed18854-40c1-42a3-b1f6-7787153ff645, 2 Min. 56 Sek.
[32] UBS in London, Liverpool Street: http://www.ravishlondon.com/items/%2814%29.html
[33] rubber bullets, zoom and comparison with one eye: http://www.ssi-media.com/pigbrother/Gummi1.htm#5d
[34a] Marcel Ospel: http://saramont.blogspot.com/2011/09/ermotti-darf-nie-ubs-ceo-werden.html
[34b] Caspar Villiger: http://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/specials/finanzkrise/Ist_Kaspar_Villiger_der_richtige_Mann.html?cid=135190
[35] Swiss Soldier's Guide book:
