Part 7: criminality of foreigners - black sheep
bad seed - billy goat "Dag" ("Zottel") - "dag" computer
game - Blocher as a black sheep kicked out
2007: more people's rights - polemic against Mrs.
Calmy-Rey and against UNO
As a reaction against the billion donation of Switzerland to
mafia EU and against the manipulations with the law
prescribing aid for eastern Europe without a fix sum SVP was
developing a hatred against Europeans. AUNS was preparing an
initiative strengthening the people's rights. The AUNS
chronology says:
<2007: 22th assembly of AUNS members on April 28, 2007,
decides the initiation of a people's initiative
"strengthening the people's rights". Blocking a secret
access to the EU and blocking the integration of Switzerland
in other bigger state monsters and saving sovereignty of
Switzerland this initiative wants to extend the obligatory
referendum: state's treaties and international commitments
in important sectors and above a certain expansion limit
have to be presented to the parliament and to the people's
vote on an obligatory base and have to reach a doubled
majority. There were two guest speakers at the assembly, EU
ambassador Dr. Michael Reiterer and chief editor of World
Week (Weltwoche) Roger Köppel. Both had very contradictory
points of view concerning the relations between Switzerland
and the EU.>
(orig. in German:
<2007: Die 22. Mitgliederversammlung der AUNS
vom 28. April 2007 beschliesst die Lancierung einer
Volksinitiative "für die Stärkung der Volksrechte". Um
einen schleichenden EU-Beitritt und die fortschreitende
Einbindung der Schweiz in andere Grossgebilde zu stoppen
und die Souveränität der Schweiz zu wahren, will die
Initiative das obligatorische Referendum ausweiten:
Staatsverträge und internationale Vereinbarungen in
wichtigen Bereichen und oberhalb einer bestimmten
Ausgabenlimite sollen künftig zwingend Volk und Ständen
zur Abstimmung unterbreitet werden und eine doppelte
Mehrheit erreichen müssen. Die beiden Gastreferenten,
EU-Botschafter Dr. Michael Reiterer und
Weltwoche-Chefredaktor Roger Köppel, vertraten ihre
gegensätzlichen Positionen in Bezug auf die Beziehungen
Schweiz–EU. >
On August 1, 2007, Nazi SVP was making propaganda
against Foreign Minister Calmy-Rey when she was detected on
the Rütli Meadow. She wanted to "push Switzerland to the
On September 7, 2007 AUNS published a "Black Book" about
Swiss activities in the UNO allegedly violating neutrality
in several cases. AUNS chronology says:
<2007: On the occasion of the little jubilee of 5 years
UNO membership of our country AUNS published on September 7,
2007, a comprehensive "Black Book Concerning Swiss
Neutrality" (orig. German: "Schwarzbuch zur schweizerischen
Neutralität"). In this Black Book are shown many examples
how Swiss neutrality was violated concluding that since the
Swiss access to the UNO neutrality of Switzerland is
systematically undermined and substantially destroyed by
international activism.>
(orig. in German:
<2007: Aus Anlass der 5-jährigen
UNO-Mitgliedschaft unseres Landes hat die AUNS am 7.
September 2007 ein umfangreiches "Schwarzbuch zur
schweizerischen Neutralität" erarbeitet. Das mit vielen
Beispielen von Neutralitätsverstössen dokumentierte
Schwarzbuch kommt zum Schluss, dass die Neutralität seit
dem UNO-Beitritt durch internationalen Aktivismus
systematisch ausgehöhlt und ihrer Substanz beraubt
2007: See this advertising of SVP against
"criminality of foreigners" - without solving the
We see here one of 100,000s of advertisings of SVP in Swiss
newspapers published for much money printed by the stupid
chief redactors because Swiss press likes to make money with
SVP. Billionaire and stupid idiot Blocher is spending his
funds in masses for such unilateral advertisings instead of
doing good things with his money in the world. Unfortunately
he did not study sociology. We analyze what is missing here:
<Title: Youth Violence has got a name: criminality of
-- Rhäzuns, canton of Grisons: Two boys from Kosovo (10 and
13) are violating a 5 years old girl.
-- Steffisburg, canton of Berne: Seven youth boys from
abroad (15 to 18) commit a mass rape
-- Zurich Seebach District: 12 foreign and nationalized
youth boys (15-18) are raping a girl
-- Muttenz, canton of Basel Country: Muslim youth boys from
the Balkans are smearing Catholic church in Muttenz with
feces and urine.
Since 1954 the number of convictions of youths because of
violent delicts has multiplied by 10. Swiss youths hardly
are causing this, but foreign youths and nationalized youths
are causing this rise. Since years left politicians and
their followers are denying asylum and foreigner problems.
Who has the courage to utter critic is morally condemned at
Now the furuncle of multiculti society is opening. But what
the red green concealers are doing? They are downgrading all
converting the culprits to be victims of our society. They
are convicting anything applying the anti racism law against
Swiss population insulting SVP as "hostile to foreigners"
because SVP is presenting facts. They want to deselect
Christoph Blocher from Federal Government because he is
speaking the truth and is fighting the grievances. But the
left parties are converting the mess also into a business.
Instead of hard penalties they are creating new jobs with
red green corruption ("felt"): social workers, culture
mediator, youth psychologists, special pedagogs, violence
preventionists, "street worker"...
We stay for another policy. We want that criminals and
integration deniers will feel the consequences of their
acting. Just also protecting the good foreigners who are
working and adapting. Thus SVP is claiming:
-- limitation of immigration and family reunion
-- nationalization should not be an administration act but
there should be democratic people's votes
-- criminal foreigners have to be deported
-- nationalized foreigners will loose the Swiss passport
committing heavy crimes
-- pointing at grievances should not have the consequence of
fear from a judge.>

Advertising of SVP against "criminality of foreigners"
from 2007 [1]
And the final sentence is like this:
<In these days we are on the way to loose what we call
homeland. People with resistance against this development
will support policy of SVP. SVP of canton of Zurich, the
party of middle class. Swiss Quality. Become member of our
party now and fight for a safe canton of Zurich!>
Well, this advertising is pretending in the title that youth
violence is only coming from foreign children. But this just
is NOT the case, because as a German child I have the
experience how Swiss children are acting violently against
foreign children, psychologically with psychological
terrorism, with mobbing or with faked allegations, or also
causing bodily harm with tripping etc. And my experience as
a child until 11 was just in the canton of Zurich. Thus just
the title is a big, big lie, and invisible violence with
mobbing and discrimination against foreign children and
against foreigners is huge in Switzerland, just where this
Nazi SVP is a dominating force.
Then this propaganda advertising of SVP is listing three
cases of sexual crimes and one criminal damage, but there is
NO date. According to an easy investigation
-- the case in Rhäzüns with two boys (10 and 13) and one
girl (5) was in summer of 2006
-- the case in Steffisburg with 7 boys (15 to 18) years and
one girl (14) was in summer and autumn 2006
-- and the case of Zurich in Seebach District with 12 boys
(15 to 18) and one girl (13) was in November 2006.
What had happened? Before and after these cases there were
no mass attacks any more. How did this work? In general it
seems really strange that 1 girl is going into the same room
with 7 or 12 boys who are also older than the girl. When the
boys have no sex education, when they don't know about
humans in general or about women especially, when they read
no Bravo and never have seen any sexuality atlas before,
then the boys cannot control certain energies any more.
Insofar it seems that there is mission information in
general. Information about sexuality and about sexual
energies has to be communicated BEFORE the defloration, and
the sex partner should be a confident person and not just a
boy group. When pornos were copied here then this should
happen only after reaching majority and pornos have to be a
topic in youth - what just was happening after these two
cases in Switzerland. Therefore such cases were not repeated
in Switzerland after 2006. But all this is not written in
the advertising but only foreigners are insulted...
In Quran there is NOT written for sure that mass rapes would
be allowed but there is - as in the Bible - indicated that
men have to appreciate and to love their wives.
There was a manipulation going on - sex education missing
with Muslims
In the meantime we know that in India there is the same
problem with mass rapes which happened in 2012 and 2013, and
in other countries groups of Yugoslavs exist organizing mass
rapes against women even forcing them to be quiet at the end
or even killing them at the end. And we should know that sex
education by reviews like Bravo or Girl only happens in
Europe and in North "America", but Yugoslavs and Turks DON'T
HAVE this sex education. At the same time Muslim youths in
Europe are educated by their parents often in a very "Muslim
way" keeping a "Muslim identity" so their education is
against Swiss local population, or they are making jokes
against Swiss, in Germany against Germans, in France against
Frenchmen etc., and Swiss, Germans or Frenchmen don't
understand the language then and Muslims are simply feeling
superior at least with their own language when school was
not a success. At the same time nobody was speaking about
the phenomenon of mass rape in Switzerland before as
they are "normal" in other regions in the world as it seems.
The women respectively the victim is often simply murdered
or forced to be quiet because in those cultures it is normal
to be quiet about sexuality in general not having any
control about sexual energy. They mean this would be
But in Switzerland it was not like this and the culprits had
to make the experience. The cases were analyzed in the press
and penalties were distributed. Since this moment mass rapes
have not happened any more in Switzerland because Muslims
knew that in Switzerland sexuality is a public topic. One
cannot extort a women to be quiet in Switzerland. Muslims in
Switzerland had to learn that sexuality is even a topic in
normal newspapers in Switzerland, and also the judge can
decide about sexuality.
SVP and the left political parties do not see what is
But SVP does not understand the situation because nobody
knows the other culture, and therefore SVP is making
propaganda without limit against Muslims as all Muslims
would be violators. At the same time the medium and left
political parties are not understanding the situation either
because the focus, the real point in this cases is sex
education which is missing with Muslim families and with
Bravo and with Girl in Turkish, Serb and Albanian language.
This is never mentioned, and there were no corresponding
measures either. Muslims for sure will not speak about this
with a "street worker" in the street: about love and sex,
and how this can go on and how not for sure. Muslims
watching only Turkish TV at home find it normal that only
Turkish TV is running and are not aware that they will miss
much when they only see propaganda TV from Turkey. Strategy
of the left political parties is just no solution either and
does not hit the problem.
"Improvement proposals" of SVP bring NO results
The "improvement proposals" of SVP in it's advertising are
completely for nothing not solving any problem:
-- limiting family reunion is only a half way solution
because the problem of sex education will not be solved
-- nationalization by people's vote had very bad
consequences where this was realized thus every person with
a Yugoslav sounding name got no civil rights
-- deporting criminal foreigners has no effect because other
foreigners will follow and "organize" themselves in the
country of the deported person
-- take Swiss passports away when a former foreigner is
committing a big crime is not a solution either because it
seems that the passport is not so important for him at all
-- and claiming grievances is only claiming, but Bravo and
Girl in Turkish, Serb language or Albanian language is not
translated yet.
The paragraph for an SVP membership as the final step of the
advertising is only propaganda. Young Swiss are going into
this trap but they will not know what they make wrong when
they are a member of SVP but there is not changing much with
this, but the immigration wave to Switzerland is remaining
and the foreigners are organizing it's criminality because
they are forbidden to work and Swiss justice is doing as if
there could nothing be done...
Nazi SVP: take them the Swiss passport away
One could find another solution: People from SVP only
watching foreigners by watching the police computer never
considering the complete human beings never speaking with
them but only making propaganda, such Swiss from SVP should
loose their Swiss passport thus Switzerland is not flooded
with constant disinformation from Nazi SVP any more.
2007: Propaganda of Nazi SVP with Swiss passports
- collection of signatures for the initiative of

A classic Nazi poster of Nazi SVP against
nationalizations showing Swiss passports and
anonymous hands provoking even more fear in the
Swiss population [2]
With this collection of signatures for this initiative Nazi
SVP was making propaganda simply against two letters: -ic,
the standard ending of family names of former Yugoslavia.
Nazi SVP was collecting signatures with the claim that
nationalizations should be permitted by a people's vote.
This should have the effect that SVP could make the
propaganda especially against certain people which should
not be nationalized getting a Swiss passport. The poster
accompanying the collection of signatures was absolutely
discriminating because only Swiss passports and some
anonymous hands were shown. Therefore Nazi SVP was
suggesting that all foreigners would be "scary" and
anonymous and unknown who should be nationalized. Concretely
the initiative was indicating that too many criminal
Yugoslav partisans got the Swiss passport covering Europe
back and forth with their criminality, with car races with
lethal victims, with burglaries, with copper theft etc. No
copper ornament in the garden was safe any more, not either
with Swiss railway lines. Some Yugoslav groups were just
living out their partisan mentality which Tito had educated
to them. But this mentality was NEVER mentioned, and
correspondingly there was never any reeducation or therapy.
And thus the problem with the criminal Yugoslavs was never
Again all good action and work for Switzerland of foreigners
were NEVER mentioned. Also good working former Yugoslav
families were NEVER mentioned. Nazi party of SVP stayed at
it's "classical" tactic of brainwashing of the people NEVER
mentioning good action of the foreigners - and Swiss
population was permitting being brainwashed, and coward
Swiss justice never took any action.
Nobody was sharpening the anti racism law protecting groups
of humans in general and foreigners from general hostilities
in the public. Swiss justice let arbitrary go everything and
Switzerland converted more and more to a brown Nazi country.
Just see the next poster!!!
2007: Propaganda of Nazi SVP against foreigners in
Nazi colors with a "black sheep" (bad seed)
Nazi SVP was collecting signatures for it's "deportation
initiative". This collecting action was accompanied by a
racist poster, the "sheep poster". "Bad seed" had to be
deported in a simple way, SVP meant.
Poster of
criminal Nazi party SVP with a black sheep
kicked out of the territory by white sheep,
poster of 2007 during the collection of
signatures for the deportation initiative -
people's vote will be in 2010 [3]
The claim that there would be "safety created"
is a big lie of course because a law of a little
country cannot stop a big global development.
But it was just going about manipulation of the
mood before the national elections 2 months
SVP is the master of racism in Switzerland with it's
racist and Nazi activities - and Swiss justice did not
doing anything because Swiss justice is just also often in
the hands of this criminal SVP. Thus big parts of
Switzerland are not only an SVP state, but a real Nazi
state. Sorry, but the facts are proving this. There is
propaganda and propaganda and NO goal is reached, and
justice is NOT protecting the victims but is protecting
the propaganda. In this way was also working the Third
The poster with the black sheep is a drawing of Nazi
propagandist Alexander Segert and was posted already during
the collection of signatures.
Of course also this poster of Nazi Alexander Segert is made
in the well known Nazi manner with the colors black, red,
and white, and the "bad" is one more time represented in
black - as if there would never be any criminal Swiss
people, for example just this criminal Nazi party SVP. White
sheep are placed on a Swiss flag as a symbol for Switzerland
kicking a black sheep from the red territory, thus from the
country. The big writing states that this action would be
"for more safety" (in German: "Sicherheit schaffen"). Well,
this propaganda of SVP cost like always millions of Swiss
Francs coming from billionaire Blocher or also coming from
other unknown sources which Blocher never indicates until
today (2013). But of course this poster is only a poster and
millions are spent for nothing with this SVP propaganda
because the foreigners will organize more resistance.
Criminal foreigners should be deported by a deportation law.
Will this provoke better living conditions in the country?
Let's see. Why are there so many foreigners becoming
criminal in Switzerland and in other European countries?
Because these foreigners come from poverty and are
instructed by criminal agents. And in an asylum process they
have no work. And where it the general mistake? Here it is:
Reasons for the asylum wave: Swiss bank secret provoking
world wide poverty - masses of poor in the world neglected
- poor foreigners organizing themselves coming to Europe
for taking a revenge
Criminal SVP together with Free Democrats FDP are performing
the policy of bank secret: All governments on the world come
together regularly with their deputies at UNO in Geneva and
then they go to their Swiss banks storing their funds under
the protection of the bank secret leaving their populations
in poverty - and at the same time Switzerland is becoming
always richer and richer. This policy is going on like this
since 1945. This is a "policy" of egoist richness by the
bank secret, and in the times of "globalization" there is
much information but poverty is not reduced thus draggers
are organizing the willing foreigners coming to Switzerland
committing any crime filling up the Swiss jails, or they are
part of drug dealing and justice is tolerating or is partly
even organizing it. "Criminal foreigners" are instructed
already in their homeland by agents about the legal
possibilities, how the prisons are, where the gaps of Swiss
law are etc. Often they know Swiss law better than Swiss
people. Who is reaching Europe as an African is a hero.
Sending fortune home then he is a king when he is coming
Missing financial adjustment on a global level - Nazi SVP
only laughing at the poor
When the bank secret would be connected with a development
policy eliminating poverty and balancing poverty and rich
people then there never would be any wave of criminal
foreigners in Switzerland. But a financial adjustment on a
global level balancing poor and rich is the last what SVP
wants because they want that Switzerland will always be rich
and foreign countries poor. SVP just wants to laugh at the
poor and wants to feel always as a "winner". More SVP does
not want. They only want to win. Therefore this policy is
not constructive but is absolutely destructive. They want to
call groups of humans as "marginal groups" having new
victims making propaganda against them. And thus this
criminal SVP becomes a black sheep itself, because world
wide this party is the only Nazi party in Europe making
propaganda with Nazi methods in Nazi colors black, red, and
white against minorities and groups of the population. And
Swiss justice? Is not doing anything.
Additionally the poster with the black sheep pretends that
"more safety" would be created by the deportation law. But
also this is a lie of course, because SVP only wants to tie
Swiss population more to SVP and wants to win voters. But
asylum seekers will not be impressed by a sharpened law
because the difference between rich and poor in this world
is just too big, and with every new war new asylum seekers
are coming - and criminal "U.S.A." will provide new wars for
sure. Thus the main problem is also "U.S.A." and not
The sheep of SVP are stolen from England
Of course this is not all yet about this criminal and racist
acting SVP. The sheep on the poster are just stolen from an
English graphic artist (see the news from 20 minutes from
September 24, 2007: "SVP has stolen the black sheep", orig.
German: "SVP hat schwarzes Schaf geklaut"):

There is a sheep comic of English graphic artist "D.B."
presenting a black sheep as an "outsider", and criminal
SVP kicked out the black sheep
Graphic artist "D.B." who did not want that his name was
mentioned assured in the article of 20 minutes that his
comic is representing only an outsider and NEVER was
foreseen to transmit racist content.
Such sheep comics can be found also on
other web sites. Only the name of the graphic artist could
nowhere be found.

Sheep comic without indication of the graphic
artist [5]
Copy and modifications of the SVP sheep posters
But this is not all of course with this criminal and racist
acting SVP: German National Party of Germany (NPD) in Hesse
was copying this criminal drawing kicking out a black sheep
for their election campaign with the allegory that "asocial
black sheep" should be kicked out...
Left forces without money were giving their answer in their
manner detecting the problem in the right way that this Nazi
SVP and coward Swiss justice were converting Switzerland
into a Fascist propaganda state.
Sheep comic 04, NPD from
Hesse in Germany copying the drawing with the
black sheep from criminal SVP in their election
campaign in 2008. NPD was using orange not
copying the Nazi colors of NSDAP black, red, and
white [3].

Counter graffiti "Creating Fascist state"
("Faschostaat schaffen") [7]
Well, problem of global poverty is a global problem, and
will NEVER be solved with some deportations of criminal
foreigner from a little country.
Criminal SVP having stolen the sheep from an English graphic
artist was threatening NPD now with a complaint. The robber
was filing a suite against a theft? More schizophrenia does
not exist. And also right wing Lega Nord of Italy was
copying the black sheep poster:

Poster with a black sheep of Lega Nord of Italy [x002]
Extremist right wing party "Vlaams"
converted the black sheep into a red sheep stating
clearly that Turks should leave Belgium:

Poster of Vlaams political party in Belgium with a red
sheep with a Turkish moon on it, 2010 [x003]
The black star on the red sheep is not clear.
Protest of UNO against the "black sheep" poster - protest
against racist Justice Minister Blocher without effect
UNO was protesting at Swiss government against this poster
with the black sheep. Quotation:

Doudou Diène,
portrait [8]
Also his protest against the racist poster with
the black sheep could not change the mood of
racist Justice Minister Blocher...
<UNO reporter concerning racism, Doudou Diène, claimed
the withdrawal of the poster but Federal Government of
Switzerland indicated that the poster was an expression of
freedom of speech.>
(orig. in German:
<Der UNO-Berichterstatter zu Rassismus, Doudou Diène, hat
den Rückzug des Plakats verlangt, wurde vom Bundesrat aber
auf die Meinungsäusserungsfreiheit verwiesen.>)
Swiss government (Federal Council) was protecting this
criminal and racist poster of SVP with it's black sheep with
the indication of "free speech". And who was Justice
Minister? Racist propagandist Mr. Christoph Blocher. Black
Africans are also equipped with mobile phones and have their
relations in the Internet and can report what is going on in
racist Switzerland. Is it a wonder thus that they want a
revenge coming to Switzerland committing only illegalities
when Nazis from SVP are insulting blacks as a whole in this
way? Asylum seekers from Africa are instructed in
Switzerland for being walking shopping centers for white
powders. They want to make money fast for getting a wife in
Criminal Swiss justice means: black sheep poster of SVP
is "not racist"
Now one can imagine what criminal Swiss justice meant. There
was filed a suit against this sheep poster but promptly
Swiss justice came to the conclusion that this sheep poster
would "not be racist" because Nazi demagogy and propaganda
of SVP would not affect a special religion or race on the
poster. Thus this general propaganda without control was
In any other country of the world such a racist propaganda
had been stopped at once. Switzerland turned out as the most
racist country of the world.
since September 2007: Blocher TV
Mr. Christoph Blocher felt himself that important that he
was installing an own TV broadcast one time per week:
photo 51

Blocher's TV "Teleblocher" was working since September
2007 [9]. Blocher is mentally ill searching always for
more presence, but with foreigners he does not speak...
His egotism having a fortune of 2 to 3 billion Swiss Francs
at the same time, his disloyalty to Swiss government habits
and now the foundation of an own TV channel AT THE SAME TIME
indicate a dramatic personality disorder. He wants to be
that present in the public so nobody else has any chance any
more to speak. In some way he is a totalistic racist.
Election campaign for national elections of 2007
with racist "dag" ("Zottel") computer game of Nazi SVP
Nazi SVP was showing what is it's "real culture", and it was
only dreadful:
Billy goat "dag" ("Zottel") from children's fairy tale
"Dag, hook and gnome" ("Zottel, Zick und Zwerg")
Billy goat "Dag" ("Zottel"),
the mascot of Nazi SVP for the national
elections of 2007 [10] "Dag" was on the farm of
Ernst Schibli in Otelfingen, canton of Zurich
Alois Carigiet, book "Zottel,
Zick und Zwerg" from 1998 [12]
ISBN: 978-3-280-01441-7
For the national elections of 2007 Nazi SVP was manipulating
the people with one more propaganda trick defining a billy
goat as a mascot of SVP, "dag" (German: Zottel).
With this mascot "Dag" ("Zottel") Nazi SVP was stealing a
main character from a children's book presenting herself as
a political party making a human policy. SVP was boasting:
<Election year of 2007: Dag is our star. His name is
known by almost any Swiss child from the known children's
book "Dag, Hook and Gnome" ("Zottel, Zick und Zwerg") from
Alois Carigiet.>
(orig. in German:
<Wahljahr 2007. Zottel ist ein Star. Seinen
Namen kennt fast jedes Schweizer Kind aus dem
bekannten Kinderbuch "Zottel, Zick und Zwerg" von Alois
The Nazi pack of SVP had abused a children's motive from
Engadin Valley. This book was in the same stile like "Urs
with the bell" ("Schellenursli"). With a serious policy this
abuse of children's fairy tail had NOTHING to do any more
and it was almost a pedophile procedure how SVP was
performing it's election campaign with children's figures.
<The history describes three goats Zottel, Zick, and
Zwerg with a goat herder loosing the goats and looking for
the goats and finding the goats at the end with many
(orig. in German:
<Die Geschichte beschreibt lebendig das Leben des
Ziegenhirten Maurus, der mit seinem Hund die 3 Geissen,
Zick und Zwerg hütet. Er holt sie des Morgens im
Stall der buckligen Stina ab und Maurus treibt sie auf die
Bergweide. Dort angekommen ruht er sich aus und verzehrt
sein Brot. Als er nach Zottel, Zick und Zwerg schaut, sind
die 3 Ziegen verschwunden. Es beginnt eine abenteuerliche
Suche, die zum Sennhirten und zum Wildbach führt. Allerlei
Abenteuer hat der Geissenhirt zu bestehen, bis er Zottel,
Zick und Zwerg wieder gefunden hat. >
Well, the practice was a little bit similar: Some weeks
before the elections the mascot goat was stolen from his
farm by an "Anti Fascist Action" and was found again thus
SVP also got even a mercy bonus. Quotation from "View"
("Blick") from the news "SVP mascot Dag kidnapped" ("SVP
Maskottchen Zottel entführt"):
<Eine Woche vor
den eidgenössischen Wahlen
ist der SVP
ihr Maskottchen, der Geissbock Zottel, abhanden
gekommen. Das Tier wurde in der Nacht auf Samstag
mit einem Artgenossen im Kanton Zürich
entführt. Im Internet existiert ein
Die beiden Zwergziegen leben auf dem Hof von
SVP-Nationalrat Ernst Schibli in Otelfingen ZH.
Von dort verschwanden sie in der Nacht auf
Samstag. Schibli bestätigte auf Anfrage eine
entsprechende Meldung des Privatsenders Tele
Züri. Er habe die Polizei verständigt und
Anzeige erstattet, sagte er.
Im Internet existiert ein von der
«Antifaschistischen Aktion» unterzeichnetes
Bekennerschreiben zu der Entführung. «Jetzt haben
wir auch einen Sündenbock», heisst es da. Und:
«Wir haben letzte Nacht Zottel besucht und
mitgenommen...». Konkrete Forderungen werden nicht
Schibli hat keine Hinweise auf die Täterschaft. Er
wollte am frühen Morgen die Ziegen füttern und
stellte fest, dass die Tiere fehlten, wie er
berichtete. Er hofft, dass Zottel und sein
Artgenosse Mimo die Entführung unversehrt
überstehen und heil in ihren Stall
zurückkommen.> |
<One week before
the national elections SVP lost their mascot billy
goat "Dag" ("Zottel"). The animal was kidnapped in
the night from Friday to Saturday, together with a
second goat, in the canton of Zurich. In the
Internet there exists a claim of responsibility.
Both goats are living on the farm of SVP national
deputy Ernst Schibli in Otelfingen in the canton
of Zurich. From there the two goats disappeared in
the night from Friday to Saturday. Schibli
confirmed this to local Zurich television
"TeleZüri". He had informed the police and had
filed a charge, he said.
In the Internet there exists a claim of
responsibility signed by the "Anti Fascist Action"
for this kidnapping. "Now we also have a
scapegoat" is written there. And: "We visited
Zottel the last night and we took him with us..."
There was no special claim for it.
Schibli has no indications concerning the
culprits. In the morning he wanted to give food to
the goats and saw that the animals had gone as he
reports. He hopes that Zottel and his fellow
member Mimo will not suffer any damage during this
kidnapping and will turn back safe to their
stable.> |
Nazi SVP complained theft and domestic disturbance but NEVER
wrote about the own faults. Quotation:
<Feige Tat. Die
fordert per Communiqué die Entführer auf, die
beiden Tieren unversehrt zurückzubringen. «Es ist
absolut verwerflich, wenn für offenbar politisch
motivierte Aktionen in Kauf genommen wird, dass
Tiere zu Schaden kommen und dafür sogar vor
Straftaten wie Diebstahl und Hausfriedensbruch
nicht zurückgeschreckt wird», schreibt die Partei.
Die Tat sei «feige» und löse Betroffenheit aus.
<Coward deed.
SVP claims in a communique that the two kidnapper
will bring back the two animals without harm.
"This is absolutely condemnable when there is
obviously political motivated action endangering
animals in combination with illegal action like
theft and domestic disturbance", the party writes.
This deed would be "coward" and is provoking
consternation. (num)>
But it's even more criminal what Nazi SVP was doing with
this goat. This Nazi SVP is so brown that it can really be
called ShitVP:
Discriminating racist Dag computer game with a
crossbow - the complete abuse of the children's feelings
"Dag" ("Zottel") of Nazi SVP was not only a mascot, but was
also a computer game. It seems that this Nazi SVP has
computer technicians in their rows who can develop such
computer games devoting themselves with all their heart to
such racist discriminating activity. I admit that these were
people of Young SVP from the junior guard around Blocher
fellow Toni Brunner or circles from racist Young SVP from
Zurich around Mr. Nazi Erich Hess.And now the abuse of the
children's figure was obvious. "Dag" ("Zottel") had a
crossbow and could "shoot" everything what was bad for Nazi
-- black sheep
-- EU commissioners
-- radar speed traps
-- speed limits indications.
Additionally only negative reports about foreigners and EU
were presented in this "Dag" computer game as it is normal
for SVP and all positive what foreigners were doing and
working in and for Switzerland was CONCEALED.
from racist discriminating "Dag" ("Zottel")
computer game of Nazi SVP in 2007

Computer game "Dag saving Switzerland" ("Zottel
rettet die Schweiz", start [13]

"Growing Switzerland" only will exist with SVP,
claims Dag ("Zottel") computer game [14]
This is the picture of Switzerland of the 1950s
and 1960s. The world is "in order" yet and SVP
only had about 12%. Billy goat Dag ("Zottel") has
got an edelweiss in his mouth, a great symbol for
health in the Alps of the 1960s.

Over 47,000 Swiss passports [15]

Foreign hands in white, yellow, brown and black
want Swiss passports [16]
There is a tactic of
Socialist Party of Switzerland (SPS) luring
foreigners into the country meaning that the
foreigners will become new voters for
Socialists. But this speculation is not working
because many foreigners will not vote for the
Socialists then. Additionally this Socialist
manipulation is not needed because dragger gangs
are "working" in Africa and criminal "U.S.A."
are always provoking more wars in Muslim
countries provoking even more refugees getting a
Swiss passport at the end. Nazi SVP is always
forgetting that Muslim refugees always have the
finance of Saudi Arabia as their support where
western countries are partly purchasing their
oil. Switzerland is also giving bank accounts
with the bank secret to just these woman-hating
Saudis. But to this Nazi SVP the wars of
"U.S.A." are pleasing, only the refugees are not
pleasing. And such a behavior is called mentally
retarded, mentally ill and schizophrenic.

The share of foreigners with (reported) violations
is 85.5% in Switzerland [17]

When there would be EU law in Switzerland, holding
tax would be 7 billion Swiss Francs [18]
And all positive deeds of
foreigners in Switzerland are NOT reported in
this game!
In this way this Nazi game
of Nazi SVP is going on manipulating
systematically Swiss children and Swiss youths
breeding a brown junior generation for Nazi
party of SVP.

Dag (Zottel) has to defend black sheep at the
Swiss border line [19]

Dag (Zottel) and white sheep are fighting black
sheep [20]
Measures why the immigrants
are coming are NOT mentioned.
Draggers, poverty and Swiss bank secret serving
to all rich people of the world, wars initiated
by "friendly" governments and financed by banks
etc. are NOT mentioned. Thus this game is as if
Switzerland would stay in an ivory tower...

Crossbow (ballister) in the hands of Dag (Zottel)
shooting at EU hats of EU commissioners [21] |

Dag (Zottel) can walk on a Swiss ma shooting radar
traps and speed limits [22]
The last
element is referring to always returning news how
community authorities are enriching themselves by
installing radar traps catching racists on
Racists just do not know that a car is not only
racing in the street, but is also provoking noise
and bothering neighbors. The more they race the
more is the noise disturbance.
As this wisdom is not transmitted Nazi SVP means
that speed limits would not be necessary claiming
that the communities would have a hustler's
On this Swiss map Lake of Constance and Lago
Maggiore in the south are missing. This is just
not a little agonizing mistake, but there is shown
really the political incapacity and illiteracy of
this SVP.
Abuse of a children's book for a racist Nazi computer
game hostile to foreigners
All this is the normal Blocher Nazi tactic only mentioning
what is useful for his victory degrading the enemy. Nazis of
SVP not only abused a children's motive with this unilateral
Nazi propaganda, but they also created a racist Nazi
computer game with it. The feelings of the children were
absolutely abused and Nazi SVP showed whit this maneuver
where this SVP was standing: near the pedophile child abuse.
Reality was this: SVP was abusing the population for their
purposes forming the brains of the junior generation
directly with racist and discriminating games without saying
one good thing about foreigners and without solving only one

Ueberwasser, EVP, portrait [23]
Also he is not aware of the focus that groups of
humans have to be generally protected from
humiliating propaganda in this criminal
Heinrich Ueberwasser from EVP said about Nazi SVP and
propagandist Blocher as a Justice Minister clearly:
<This game is adoring violence and is having effect on
the readiness to use violence. With this game one is
adapting to violence ludically. Additionally black sheep are
hostile to foreigners and racist. [...] I think it is more
irresponsible. This party of Justice Minister Blocher should
be a model for all. Instead of this they are introducing
violence as a means of policy. This is absolutely not
typical for Switzerland.>
(orig. in German:
<Das Game verherrlicht Gewalt und beeinflusst die
Gewaltbereitschaft. Damit gewöhnt man sich spielerisch an
Gewalt. Zudem sind die schwarzen Schafe ausländerfeindlich
und rassistisch. [...] Ich finde es eher
verantwortungslos. Die Partei des obersten Justizministers
sollte vorbildlich sein. Stattdessen führt sie Gewalt als
Mittel der Politik ein. Das ist absolut
That means: With such a computer game by Swiss persons with
violence against foreigners and with violence against speed
regulations Switzerland is coming down to the level of
Yugoslav partisans. Switzerland is more or less anarchic
with this game.
Against this racist and discriminating Dag computer game
only presenting negative news about foreigners a lawsuit was
filed, and also police chiefs had their doubts that this
"game" could provoke the public to criminal action. But in
the year of 2008 Swiss justice was coming to the conclusion
that this computer game would "not be racist" because Nazi
demagogy and propaganda of SVP had not blamed a religion or
race especially, see the news of Swiss TV.
Swiss policy is not capable until today (2013) to complement
Swiss Anti Racism Law protecting all groups of humans - also
foreigners in general - from general and criminal
In Germany such a "game" had been eliminated at once and the
culprits had been brought to prison by the justification of
hate speech.
And: mafia of EU is NEVER mentioned in this Dag game
In this Dag game the playing person is constantly
manipulated against foreigners. Undermining of EU by the
three mafia groups (Italian mafia, East European mafia, and
Russian mafia) is NOT mentioned. Together concealing all
positive reports about foreigners the hearts of the Swiss
youths were absolutely manipulated. New and racist brain
architecture was created. Nazi SVP was breeding new Nazi
junior troops.
Well, Nazi SVP could not confess that also Swiss government
members are members of mafia.
October 2, 2007: Nazi SVP is converting Switzerland into
a "brown spot" in Europe - journalist Michael Soukup

Michael Soukup, journalist, portrait [x001]
On October 2, 2007, journalist Michael Soukup from Daily
News (Tagesanzeiger) presented in the German magazine
"Mirror" ("Spiegel") the following conclusions with the
title "Black sheep - brown manner of thinking" ("Schwarze
Schafe - braunes Gedankengut"):
-- many Swiss wanted not to be criticized for
their racism against foreigners when UNO was criticizing
this, and Nazis in SVP were making jokes about Doudou
Diène from Senegal that he did not like Switzerland any
more (joke from Mr. Schlüer)
-- <rough open tone of SVP hostile to foreigners can
normally only found with extremist right wing parties like
Republicans or NPD in Germany>
(orig. in German: <Den rüden, offen fremdenfeindlichen
Ton der SVP findet man für gewöhnlich aber nur bei
rechtsextremen Parteien wie den Republikanern oder der
NPD> -
[and thus SVP really had turned into a Nazi SVP]
-- Nazi SVP sucked the voters from extremist right wing
parties converting Switzerland into a Nazi state: <In
Switzerland SVP sucked all parties at the right border and
their ideologies. British newspaper "The Independent" is
stating in a shock a short time ago asking on it's title
page: "Switzerland. Europe's Heart of Darkness?">
And therefore the saying "Switzerland is something brown" or
simply "Switzerland is a piece of shit" is absolutely true.
"Heart of Darkness" is also a computer game where shadow
beings are stealing a dog and the dog's owner has to look
for the dog in the underworld.
Just in this underworld Switzerland has landed for the next
100 years because the source of funds with which this Nazi
SVP is financing and terrorizing Switzerland seems to be
without limits working without knowing who it is. Blocher
alone cannot be this alone...
Switzerland has converted into the "Fascist country of
Europe" - Nazi SVP=criminal association
development of SVP being Nazi SVP and NSVP

Logo of SVP of 1992 with a gree meadow, sun and
flag [24]

Logo of SVP with a gray meadow, brown sun and
brown and white Swiss flag [25]

Logo of NSVP with Hitler as it's sun and a
swastika Swiss flag [26]
Blocher is Hitler.
The nation wide unilateral propaganda against foreigners and
against criminality without presenting the real cause and
the real solution converted Switzerland into a Nazi country
within 15 years (since 1992). Hitler also never had more
than 37%...
Polit blogs in the Internet say it clearly what Switzerland
has become with this Nazi SVP: a "Fascist State":
<Since SVP is celebrating it's campaigns without any
behavior and violating any human dignity Switzerland is
converting more and more into a "Fascist Rogue State".
European media are considering Switzerland thanks to SVP
election campaigns already as the top Fascist country of
Europe. UNO Human Rights Commission has to handle former
humanitarian Switzerland and Swiss population is just in
the process to murder each other because everybody thinks
that all are against anything.
Yes, THIS we have thanks to SVP.
In Germany there is a law rating an organization like SVP
as a criminal association and could be forbidden then. How
long we want to accept this ethic moralist terrorism from
SVP yet?
Therefore remind:
Only a stupid is electing a Dag.>
(orig. in German:
<Seit die SVP ihren Wahlkampf zelebriert und jeglichen
Anstand und jegliche Menschenwürde in den Eimer schmeisst,
wird die Schweiz immer mehr zu einem “faschistoiden
Schurkenstaat”. Die europäischen Medien betrachten die
Schweiz dank der SVP-Wahlkampagnen bereits als das Fascho-Land
von Europa, die UNO-Menschenrechtskommission
muss sich plötzlich mit der ehemals humanitären Schweiz
befassen und das Schweizer Volk ist drauf und dran, sich
gegenseitig die Kehle durchzubeissen weil bald jeder
glaubt, dass alle gegen einem sind.
Ja, DAS haben wir der SVP zu verdanken.
In Deutschland gibt es ein Gesetz, mit dem man eine
Organisation wie die SVP als kriminelle
Vereinigung einstufen und verbieten könnte.
Wie lange wollen wir diesen ethisch-moralischen
Terrorismus der SVP noch erdulden?
The fact that Switzerland did not sharpen the anti racism
law protecting groups of humans and minorities against this
political propaganda in public is never mentioned in the
political discussion. The fact that Swiss justice never took
any measure to protect the majorities in the country from
this humiliating propaganda of SVP is the proof that also
Swiss justice WANTS to have a Swiss Nazi state, from the
little judge up to the Federal Court in Lausanne.
October 20, 2007: Balance of the election campaign for
the national elections of autumn 2007 - Nazi SVP had been
"cleverer and bolder"

Nazi SVP was performing it's election campaign
also with it's party's newspaper "Clear text"
("Klartext") [27]
Nazi SVP tried also in
written an own newspaper presenting the
arguments to the population with claims that
this would be the only "popular party"
representing the claims. But the intelligence
is mostly not more than a beer glass... In
this "clear text"
-- was NEVER mentioned any good deed of
-- mafia in the EU was NEVER mentioned - and
-- the big reason for the asylum waves was
NEVER mentioned: the lie of September 11,
2001, and the criminal wars of criminal
-- and Saudi Arabia as an enforcing factor for
Muslims in the whole world was also NEVER
mentioned either.
Thus Blocher's world was this one:

Election campaign posters of SVP in the French
part of Switzerland "support Blocher, vote for
SVP" ("soutenez Blocher, votez UDC") [28]
The real text would be
like this:
<Support Swiss Nazism with our
Chief Nazi billionaire Blocher, elect this
brown SVP for a brown Switzerland. We will
make much propaganda having no effect at
all. We love to be in groups under white men
and who are called Swiss men, and all other
material is of minor quality. With
foreigners we don't speak.>
Nazi SVP really thinks that such a manner of
action and propaganda against foreigners would
have success. But foreigners will simply
organize themselves better against this SVP!
Resistance against this Nazi SVP in Switzerland
Above all the French part of Switzerland was showing
resistance now. Here are photos:
resistance against Nazi SVP: demonstration in

Demonstration in Lausanne against Nazi SVP
in 2007 with a banner against sheep
(French: moutons) [29]
Demonstration in
Lausanne in 2007, a poster depicting
sheep in form of a swastika indicating
"SwiSS Quality" [30]
"SwiSS Quality -
this is the original name of SVP" (orig.
in French: "La 'qualité SuiSSe' -
appellation d'origine UDC")
Hooligans with black scarves and hoods made their
own theater against this Nazi propagandist
Demonstration in
Lausanne in 2007 against Nazi SVP, a
Blocher poster is destroyed [31]
Demonstration in
Lausanne City in 2007, some
demonstrators have a part of a Blocher
poster in their hands and are attacked
by the police. Racist Blocher has got
his "A" already [32] rated as an

Demonstration in Lausanne against Nazi SVP in
2007, a fire and Swiss bully police [33]
And where comes all the money from for all these racist
SVP posters in the country of Switzerland?
Journalist Michael Soukup from Daily News (Tagesanzeiger) is
writing in an article in "Mirror" ("Spiegel") on October 20,
<Hans Hirter, political scientist at Berne University,
estimates that the budget [of SVP for the national elections
of 2007] is as big as the budgets of CVP, FDP and SP
together. [...] 40% of all posters posted in Switzerland
came from SVP. Every person in Switzerland was confronted
with posters like "Support Blocher" or black sheep. Where
the many million Swiss Francs are coming from SVP makes no
(orig. in German:
"Hans Hirter, Politikwissenschaftler an der Universität
Bern, schätzt das Budget [der SVP für die
Nationalratswahlen] so groß ein wie diejenigen der CVP,
FDP und SP zusammen. [...] 40 Prozent aller in der Schweiz
geklebten Plakate sollen von der SVP stammen. Vor "Blocher
stärken! SVP wählen!" und den schwarzen Schafen gab es
kein Entrinnen. Wo die vielen Millionen Franken herkommen,
darüber schweigt sich die SVP aus."
That means that dubious and criminal financial sources are
working with Nazi SVP. I estimate that lodges from "U.S.A."
are playing with this game. Also Hitler had financial
support from the "U.S.A.", oil magnates, royalists,
tsarists, and so on, all secret...
Provocation and the stage are the principles for Nazi SVP
- also Swiss journalism has become brown now
Tactician Ueli Maurer of SVP meant in the same article, as
long as he would provoke against foreigners and would
provoke with the word "nigger" he would stand in the
spotlight of the media and this would be good like this.
This shows an article of "Mirror" ("Spiegel"):
<The party's president Ueli Maurer is the second strong
man of SVP after government member Christoph Blocher. The 56
years old manager of Zurich Farmer Association was decoding
his victory formula already four years ago to "World Week"
("Weltwoche"): "When I am speaking of rising criminality the
journalists are yawning. But when I speak of 'enforced
criminality of foreigners' they suddenly are listening." And
with a good feeling of victory he was going one better: "As
long as I say nigger the camera is staying with me.">
(orig. in German:
<Parteipräsident Ueli Maurer ist neben Bundesrat
Christoph Blocher der zweite starke Mann der SVP. Der
56-jährige Geschäftsführer des Zürcher Bauernverbandes hat
bereits vor vier Jahren der "Weltwoche" das Erfolgsrezept
verraten: "Wenn ich von steigender Kriminalität rede,
gähnen die Journalisten. Red ich dagegen von 'verstärkter
Ausländerkriminalität', hören sie plötzlich zu."
Siegesgewiss und offenherzig doppelte er nach: "Solange
ich Neger sage, bleibt die Kamera bei mir." >
That means that also Ueli Maurer is a tactic racist, making
propaganda without end, winning votes and elections, but
solutions for the people he had NOT. Journalist Michael
Soukup is not aware of this racist Nazi game of SVP but
means that SVP would be a "healthy" party when other parties
behaving with general decency and correctness are described
as "suffering center parties" or "division of crybabies".
<Because an enemy is a heap of crybabies not pushing
through their topics only claiming the bad style of SVP.
They have no heads, no strategic thinking and no money
getting equality with SVP.>
(orig. in German:
<Weil ihre Gegner ein Haufen Heulsusen sind, die ihre
eigenen Themen nicht durchsetzen konnten und stattdessen
nur über den schlechten Stil der SVP klagten. Ihnen fehlen
die Köpfe, das strategische Denken und das Geld, um der
SVP das Wasser zu reichen.>
Therefore one can see that also Swiss journalism is already
contaminated with Nazism. Swiss journalist Michael Soukup
also reports that Socialists had threatened with the
deselection of Blocher as a government member. The Swiss
journalist is mocking about this threat:
<Urging Blocher's deselection was a shot backwards. This
threat was only enforcing SVP.>
(orig. in German:
<Blochers Abwahl zu fordern, hat sich hingegen als
Schuss nach hinten herausgestellt. Es hat die SVP nur
Well, it should be the other way round.
October 21, 2007: Nazi SVP reaching 29% at the national
At October 21, 2007, SVP is the winner of the national
elections manipulating 29% for them. Yes, when SVP with a
black sheep is claiming that this SVP would "create safety"
then many believed in this as it seems, above all juniors
from the younger generation who never had lived without
these Nazi methods before but they find propaganda methods
in Nazi colors black, red, and white just "funny".

Result of the national elections of Switzerland in
October 2007, scheme [34]
And then came the big bang for Switzerland. The big majority
of the deputies was organizing the kickoff of Nazi racist
Justice Minister Blocher:
December 12, 2007: deselection of racist Christoph
Blocher as a government member - foundation of BDP
Before this election of government members there were many
rumors that Mr. Nazi Blocher who represented all the
extremist right wing sector of political parties would not
be reelected. There were enough reasons to reject Blocher as
a government member:
-- Mr. racist Blocher did not fulfill the collegial
-- Mr. racist Blocher did not fulfill the principle of
-- Mr. racist Blocher was making propaganda with simple data
from the police computer against foreigners without
informing himself what the facts around these entries in the
police computer were
-- Mr. racist Blocher was not a person who could interfere
and arbitrate but he was mainly fostering his own racist
circle of friends (and as rumors tell he also has fighting
-- Mr. racist Blocher is financing an absolute racist
propaganda together with a Nazi propagandist Alexander
Segert and was never open to say positive things about
foreigners or visiting the countries from where the
foreigners came
-- and he rejected until this day to declare where the big
funds came from for all this propaganda with endless amounts
of advertisings and posters in the case when the money was
not from himself.
Nazi SVP did not want to believe it that Mr. Blocher could
really be deselected. In the French part of Switzerland
there were demonstrations against him with clear claims that
racists, billy goats and sheep should disappear from Swiss
policy. The enemy of democracy should leave Switzerland...

Demonstration in Lausanne on December 8, 2007, against
Blocher's reelection [35]
On December 12, 2007, Blocher was deselected and he was
asking why. Well, when a person is that stupid than it is
really an a... I don't know what. This Zurich Nazi group of
SVP was rebelling and not accepting the democratic vote that
Blocher was not reelected. This Nazi Zurich SVP did not
accept any democratic rule now.
Other mentally ill Nazi leaders of SVP, Schlüer, Maurer,
Fehr, Brunner, Rickli and all others only watching the
police computer and NEVER mentioning good deeds of
foreigners were furious and wanted to exclude the new
government member Schlumpf from the SVP party (like a black
sheep) but this was not possible. Thus the complete SVP
group of the canton of Grisons was excluded and a new
moderate right wing political party BDP (Bourgeois
Democratic Party) was found in Switzerland (;
E-Mail: Other cantons were also
doing this model and it only can be hoped that this
propaganda SVP with it's chaos of unilateral propaganda and
inefficiency will go where such racist and humiliating liar
propagandist have to be: prison because of systematic
misleading of the country.
Nazis and racists of SVP mean until today that they would be
"the best" with their sheep posters. Here is a quotation:
<The poster with the white and the black sheep was one of
the most successful posters in SVP's history.>
(orig. in German:
<Das Plakat mit den weissen und dem schwarzen Schaf
wird in die Geschichte der SVP als eines der
erfolgreichsten Plakate eingehen.>
It seems strange that this racism with the black sheep was
performed in the period when the complete idiot and
billionaire Blocher was Justice Minister himself.
Swiss policy until today (2013) is NOT capable to protect
groups of humans from public humiliating propaganda. That
what is the quality of a free life, a life without
propaganda, is NOT given in Switzerland. Switzerland is a
Nazi state and is going on with it's SVP propaganda from
every second billboard. Thus as a foreigner one cannot live
in peace in Switzerland.
Counter posters answering the black sheep and
further counter posters
A prohibition of this Nazi party SVP is due since a long
time already, is overdue. Left groups have the courage to
claim this. Also the abolition of the destructive bank
secret is claimed which is undermining moral of the
governments and supporting poverty world wide.
posters against Fascist SVP posters or political
SVP tactics

Counter poster with white
sheep deporting Blocher as the black sheep [39]

Counter poster with the
warning from snappy sheep of Nazi SVP: SVP is
excluding the section of Mrs. Schlumpf from the
party. In the upper line can be seen Mr. Maurer
and Mr. Mörgeli, in the line below Mr. Toni
Brunner and Mrs. Schlumpf [40].
Counter poster deporting SVP
deporting the white sheep of SVP [41]

Comic claiming the abrogation of criminal
bank secret not living on the costs of
other people [42]
<In those times,
Richard, Switzerland was abrogating the
bank secret!!! Therefore the enrichment
on the costs of others is history
(orig. in German:
<Damals, Ruedi, schaffte die Schweiz
das Bankgeheimnis ab!!! Die Bereicherung
auf Kosten anderer ist somit

Counter poster of blogger Kyriacou:
gunrunners elect SVP [43]
One can ask: Is there a sense with this? Is this Switzerland
with it's SVP terrorism the life worth when policy is
consisting almost only in colors of black and red coming
from criminal SVP? In some kind there is a childish effect
with it, but the play is about millions and at the end this
SVP wants a dictatorship over Switzerland. SVP means that
they could govern Switzerland alone at the end.
Nazi SVP was going to convert whole Switzerland into a Nazi
state with it's nation wide unilateral propaganda with
Fascist posters, advertisings and leaflets without limits.
The silly persons with much money were breeding more silly
As long as this Nazi party SVP is
existing Switzerland should be consequently excluded
and boycotted because one cannot live in peace in this
Nazi state of Switzerland.
is no advertising with criminals.
Photo sources
[1] advertising of SVP against criminality of foreigners
[2] poster of SVP against mass nationalization with
Swiss passports and anonymous hands:
[3] poster with the black sheep:
[4] robbed sheep:
[5] sheep comic:
[6] sheep comic, copy of German NPD in Hesse:
[7] counter Graffiti "abrogate Fascist State of
[8] Doudou:
[9] Blocher's TV:,
Foto 51
[10] billy goat "Dag" on a lead:
[11] billy goat "Dag" on the farm of Ernst Schibli in
Otelfingen, canton of Zurich:
[12] book "Dag, Hook, and Gnome" ("Zottel, Zwick und
[13-19] Dag computer game:
[20] Dag computer game, black sheep are refected by
white sheep at the Swiss border line:
[21,22] Dag computer game:
[23] Heinrich Ueberwasser, EVP, portrait:
[24] Logo of Nazi SVP with green meadow, yellow sun and
red and white Swiss flag:
[25] real logo of Nazi SVP with a gray meadow, brown sun
and a brown and white Swiss flag: changements by Michael
Palomno 2013
[26] Logo of NSVP with Hitler as the sun and with a
swastika flag:
[27] SVP party leaflet "clear text" ("Klartext") 2007:
[28] election campaign posters of SVP 2007 in French,
"support Blocher" ("soutenez Blocher"):
[29] demonstration in Lausanne against Nazi SVP 2007,
banner against sheep (moutons):
[30] SVP with black shep with swastika, poster of
demonstration in Lausanne 2007:
[31] demonstration in Lausanne 2007, a Blocher poster is
[32] demonstration in Lausanne 2007, demonstrants with a
part of the Blocher poster against police:
[33] demonstration in Lausanne against Nazi SVP 2007, a
fire and bully police:
[34] election result of national elections in 2007:
[35] demonstration in Lausanne on December 8, 2007,
against Blocher's reelection:
[36] poster, the black sheep Christoph Blocher is kicked
[37] poster with the government building in the back
ground, Blocher is kicked out of the governmetn as a
black sheep:
[38] identity card fake of deselected Christoph Blocher:
[39] counter poster "Dag away" SVP with sheeps kicking
out billy goat Blocher:
[40] counter poster with snappy sheep of SVP:
[41] counter poster with a white sheep of SVP which is
kicked out:
[42] comic abrogating the bank secret not living on the
cost of others any more:
[43] counter poster of blogger Kyriacou: gunrunner vote
for SVP:
[x001] Michael Soukup, journalist, portrait:
[x002] poster with a black sheep of Lega Nord of Italy:
[x003] poster with a red sheep of Vlaams party in
Belgium 2010, Turks go out: